Insulation and Safety Related Specifications
8-Pin DIP
(300 Mil) SO-8
Parameter Symbol Value Value Units Conditions
Minimum External Air L (101) 7.1 4.9 mm Measured from input terminals to output
Gap (External Clearance) terminals, shortest distance through air.
Minimum External Tracking L (102) 7.4 4.8 mm Measured from input terminals to output
(External Creepage) terminals, shortest distance path along body.
Minimum Internal Plastic 0.08 0.08 mm Through insulation distance, conductor to
Gap (Internal Clearance) conductor, usually the direct distance
between the photoemitter and photodetector
inside the optocoupler cavity.
Tracking Resistance CTI 200 200 Volts DIN IEC 112/VDE 0303 Part 1.
(Comparative Tracking
Isolation Group IIIa IIIa Material Group (DIN VDE 0110, 1/89, Table 1).
IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2 Insulation Related Characteristics
8-pin DIP
Description Symbol (300 mil) SO-8 Units
Installation classification per DIN VDE 0110/1.89, Table 1
for rated mains voltage ≤ 150 V rms I-IV
for rated mains voltage ≤ 300 V rms I-IV I-III
for rated mains voltage ≤ 600 V rms I-III I-II
Climatic Classification 55/100/21 55/100/21
Pollution Degree (DIN VDE 0110/1.89) 2 2
Maximum Working Insulation Voltage VIORM 630 566 Vpeak
Input to Output Test Voltage, Method b*
VPR = 1.875 x VIORM, 100% Production Test with tP = 1 sec, VPR 1181 1063 Vpeak
Partial Discharge < 5 pC
Input to Output Test Voltage, Method a*
VPR = 1.5 x VIORM, Type and Sample Test, VPR 945 849 Vpeak
tP = 60 sec, Partial Discharge < 5 pC
Highest Allowable Overvoltage* VIOTM 6000 4000 Vpeak
(Transient Overvoltage, tini = 10 sec)
Safety Limiting Values
(Maximum values allowed in the event of a failure,
also see Figure 11, Thermal Derating curve.)
Case Temperature TS175 150 ˚C
Current (Input Current IF, PS = 0) IS,INPUT 400 150 mA
Output Power PS,OUTPUT 600 600 mW
Insulation Resistance at TS, VIO = 500 V RS≥ 109≥ 109Ω
*Refer to the front of the optocoupler section of the current catalog, under Product Safety Regulations section, IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2, for a detailed
Note: Isolation characteristics are guaranteed only within the safety maximum ratings which must be ensured by protective circuits in application.