© by SEMIKRON 25-05-2007Driver Electronic – PCB Drivers 3
SKHI 61 and SKHI 71
General properties and functions
The SKHI 61 and SKHI 71 are 6- and 7-channel drivers for
IGBT- and MOSFET-modules and can be soldered
directly onto the PCB. The drivers are physically
Since all subassemblies necessary for operation have
been integrated, there is no need for external components
except for the gate resistors and the V
-thresholds and the blanking time are adjustable by
integrating additional resistors and capacitors according to
the customer's specifications.
Interlocking time can be adjusted by simple bridging of
connector pins. The driver is equipped with a separate
error input for immediate turn-off when receiving error
signals from external components (e.g.
The independent seventh driver channel of the SKHI 71
guarantees for simple realisation of brake chopper, boost
converter or PFC-circuit applications. By bridging of
connector pins the driver error signal is transmitted directly
to the SIXPACK-driver for turn-off.
Technical information
I. Primary side
The driver input signals may be transmitted directly to the
driver inputs by the controller. The input signal circuit was
designed to accept a wide voltage range (see table 1). The
typical voltage level is at HCMOS level of V
(0V=Off, +5V=On).
However, also 15V-signals may be applied with the same
turn-on/turn-off thresholds without additional
requirements. In this case the input resistance will be
different (see table 1).
Table 1: Input voltage level and input impedances
Error input signal
The error input signal can gather error signals of other
hardware components, such as temperature sensors, in a
"wired-or"-connection for direct turn-off of the driver. In this
case an external pull-up resistor must not be connected.
Note: It is not possible to connect the error output of the
SKHI 61/71 to an error input of the SKHI 61/71. But the
error output of the chopper driver (SKHI 71) can be
connected directly to the error input.
Status Level / V Input Impedance
min typ max Ch. 1-6 Ch7
ON 5V 4,0 5,0 5,5 60 kΩ2,4 kΩ
ON 15V 4,0 15,0 15,6 7 kΩ 1,6 kΩ
OFF 0V -0,7 0 1,5 60 kΩ2,4kΩ
Error output signals
i) 6pack - driver
The error signal of the 6-PACK driver is equipped with an
active push-pull output buffer which switches towards zero
Volt in case of an error and actively towards + 5 V under
operating conditions. The error memory may only be
reset, if no error is pending and all cycle signal inputs are
set to LOW for t > 9 µs at the same time. If any other
external signals are intended to be connected to the error
signal _ERR, the _ERR-signal must be uncoupled (see
Figure 2) .
Fig. 2 _ERR-Signal in an „open-collector“-circuit
Table 2: Error output signal ratings
ii) chopper driver (only SKHI 71)
The error output signal of the additional driver has been
designed as an open collector output. A pull-up resistor
against the controller's +V
has to be connected to the
controller input for error indication. In case of error, the
signal is turned towards earth (zero Volt/ active LOW),
otherwise the output will be highly resistive. The error
signal of the additional switch will only be active as long as
the input signal is on High-level. It is not logically
connected to the other six input signals. The error signal
of the additional switch may also be directly connected to
the error input of the SIXPACK-driver, without requiring an
external pull-up resistor. This may be advantageous, if the
SIXPACK-driver has to be turned off in case of e.g. a
brake chopper error or if only one error signal is evaluated
by the controller.
_ERROR Level / V I / mA Typical error memory
set back time
min max max 6-PACK seventh
Error 0 0.8 5 16µs 7µs
No error 4 5 5