IRK.500.. Series
Bulletin I27401 rev. A 09/97
Voltage Ratings
Voltage VRRM/VDRM, maximum repetitive VRSM , maximum non- IRRM/IDRM max.
Type number Code peak reverse voltage repetitive peak rev. voltage @ TJ = TJ max.
08 800 900
12 1200 1300
14 1400 1500
16 1600 1700
IRK.500.. 100
IT(AV) Maximum average on-state current 500 A 180° conduction, half sine wave
IF(AV) @ Case temperature 82 °C
IT(RMS) Maximum RMS on-state current 78 5 A 180° conduction, half sine wave @ TC = 82°C
ITSM Maximum peak, one-cycle, 17.8 KA t = 10ms No voltage
IFSM non-repetitive surge current 18.7 t = 8.3ms reapplied
15.0 t = 10ms 100% VRRM
15.7 t = 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal half wave,
I2t Maximum I2t for fusing 1591 KA2s t = 10ms No voltage Initial TJ = TJ max.
1452 t = 8.3ms reapplied
1125 t = 10ms 100% VRRM
1027 t = 8.3ms reapplied
I2√t Maximum I2√t for fusing 15910 KA2√s t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
VT(TO)1 Low level value of threshold voltage 0.85 V (16.7% x π x IT(AV) < I < π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
VT(TO)2 High level value of threshold voltage 0.93 (I > π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
rt1 Low level value of on-state slope resistance 0.36 mΩ(16.7% x π x IT(AV) < I < π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
rt2 High level value of on-state slope resistance 0.32 (I > π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ max.
VTM Maximum on-state or forward 1.50 V Ipk = 1500A, TJ = 25°C, tp = 10ms sine pulse
VFM voltage drop
IHMaximum holding current 500 mA TJ = 25°C, anode supply 12V resistive load
ILTypical latching current 1000
Parameter IRK.500.. Units Conditions
On-state Conduction
di/dt Maximum rate of rise of turned-on 1000 A/µs TJ = TJ max., ITM = 400A, VDRM applied
tdTypical delay time 2.0 µ s Gate current 1A, dig/dt = 1A/µs
Vd = 0.67% VDRM , TJ = 25°C
tqTypical turn-off time 200 µs ITM = 750A, TJ = TJ max, di/dt = -60A/µs,
VR = 50V, dv/dt = 20V/µs, Gate 0 V 100Ω
Parameter IRK.500.. Units Conditions