Minimal Cost Of Ownership
The PS-800 Soldering System employs replaceable heater tips rather than cartridges, making cost of
ownership extremely competitive. The unique two-piece design separates the heater coil from the tip. The
long-life heater coil remains in the handle,while replaceable tips are easily removed and replaced. Most
importantly,the cost of the heater tips is comparable to that of conventional tips.
Metcal has developed 33 soldering tip geometries for the PS-800 Soldering System, each available in a
variety of temperature ranges. Plus, enhancements to SmartHeat® technology have allowed us to increase
the plating thickness of the tips. The result is extended tip life without reducing thermal performance.
Perfect For Lead-Free Hand Soldering
The most important
technical challenge of
lead-free hand soldering is
being able to solder heat
sensitive components at
215-220 °C, without
causing damage. This
requires a soldering
system that can deliver
high levels of accuracy to
a traceable standard.
Metcal's PS-800 Soldering
System is perfect for lead-
free hand soldering. As
SmartHeat® maintains a
constant tip temperature it allows the higher temperature requirements of lead-free alloys to be met without
increasing the tip temperature. Thus, the risk of thermal damage is eliminated.
The PS-800 Soldering System allows operators to produce high quality product quickly, easily and safely. It
is a reliable, hassle-free production tool that can be used to solder lead-free PCBs immediately without
needing to be continually re-calibrated to meet the higher temperature requirements.