Philips Semiconductors 80C51 microcontroller family features guide Memory from 12K to 64K oT Bart Number Coun : 4 ' Pretix | ROMROMie 1 fo | Comments! I x Oe fe [PWM | PCA PCA j wo Pins interfaces | Speciat Features lp 83C145 ' On-Sereen Display, 9 PWM outputs. | bt ___ Ssoftware A/D inputs 1.BV-3.6V operation, tow voltage detection ' On-Screen Display, 9 PWM outputs i 3 software AD inputs | PO [ s8ctsere7cise7 BK aK PO. 83C055 | 16K POT 87s _ 1 PG 83C51AB+ Extended RAM (512 bytes), : . 2.7V-5.5 versions P ; ~@3CLaae/e7class =) 16K | 16K ~1.8V-3.6V operation. ft : . Jow voltage detection | P i 83C592/80C592/ , 16K i "CAN bus controller 8+ 10-bit AO, : i | 870592 : ! . 2 PWM outputs, CaptureCompare timer | iP 830280 24K ' 512 : : : DDC interface tor monitors, i | t : auto syne detection and sync processor | | Pp 83C380 32K | 512 i o \ I DDC interface for manitors, [ _ L _ _.. _. ,_auto_syne detection and sync processor _ ~ Bf wesnr bee ae | er Bl arose) - r Stimers+ PCA i P 83C528/80C528 Large memory for high level languages ' LP 870528 | i tarp memary for high fevel languages | LP op esesee _ UART 12C.bit | 8XC528 with Reduced EM Pp | 83C51RC+ Extended RAM (512 bytes), 1 | 2.7V-5.5V versions __ | | 2 1... Reduced EMI, Haw Watchdog timer | | UART, CAN "CAN bus controller, B 10-bit A/D. ee ee 2 PWM outputs, WD. T2. Reduced EMI | N 0 Y 48 UART.%C 5 "Low EMI. 8 Channel 10-bit AD. | ; 2 PWM outputs, Capture/Compare Timer | | ! 1 Open Collector outputs _ : | Extended Ral AAM {1K}, 2.7V-5.5 version LA BaC51RD+ ""1,8V-3.6V operation. ' lew voltage detection i 4 1 4 | | A yo. pe pep eee oe coc pecs ec p ne ed pT BiKAGSOIGI7IGSS "BRK [ sak F's12 | (3: n [Y 27V-5S.5V operation, 16-bit XA core, L i : A compatible with 80CSt pT SIXASS yo 16M byte address range. 1 | | ___2-7-5.5V operation, B-bitDAC Part cumber Drefixas are noted m the first column Ail combinations of part type. speea, temperature and package may 01 be availatie Parts in ftalics bold are Sipius microcontrollers, 1998 Jun 08 24 Philips Semiconductors 80C51 microcontroller family features guide Memory from 12K to 64K (continued) Part Number AD "vt | | Glock ROMROMiess/ ft External Program Freq. To TT oe OTP/Flash | Bits | Channels | Interrupt | Security? (MHz) Ot0+70 | 4010 485 | -85to +125 | | | . 830145 I o3 N 35te20 | xX ! | ; -aclaa7y y =251 : 87CLa87 a fe ee pee wee ee ee 83C592/60C592/ 1H: 16 @ 7, 6 Yet 16 x 870592 | | | . 830280 iT | | 146 25 to +85 | | , -25 to +85 B7C51FC ____Sscs2a/e0C528 876528 p. SRS 1.21016 1-40 to125 be __S9CES98 ee wo : | 83CE558/B0CE558 8 2 Y 1.2 to 16 40 to +125 ~ ~ Be t 89CE553 : : Except : | | 89CES58 i oes 87CL881 : 41010 : Lo ! ! i XAFamily i eee pe pee ne eee ee pee a cn 51XAG3ING37/G33 |S : [ 2 Y 3000 x yx | Aad Job ee oe ee ce 51KAS3 5 8 By 30 x x : | A68 BBG : - wee ce eee _ wb Bee cee ee ed ee ee ee te ee NOTES: 1 Oscillator options start from 3ekHz Production Centers are indicated m the second column 2 Also availadie in VSO40 package H = Hamburg; S = Sunnyvate, T = Taiwan, Z = Zurich 3 Also availabie in VSO56 package. All combinatiuons of part type, speed, temperature and package may not be avataole 4. Not recommended for new design. Parts in ftalics boid are 5tplus microcontroliers. 5. Package availabe up ta 16MHz ory 6. New and tmproved dev:ces operate from 2.7V-5.5V @ 16MHz Static Core. 33MHz operation, Duat Data Pointers, and more 1998 Jun 08 25