EOL Data Sheet
16 Mbit Concurrent SuperFlash + 2/4 Mbit SRAM ComboMemory
SST34HF1621C / SST34HF1641C
©2007 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71252-04-EOL 6/07
Flash Program Operation
These devices are programmed on a word-by-word or
byte-by-byte basis depending on the state of the CIOF pin.
Before programming, one must ensure that the sector
which is being programmed is fully erased.
The Program operation is accomplished in three steps:
1. Software Data Protection is initiated using the
three-byte load sequence.
2. Address and data are loaded.
During the Program operation, the addresses are
latched on the falling edge of either BEF# or WE#,
whichever occurs last. The data is latched on the
rising edge of either BEF# or WE#, whichever
occurs first.
3. The internal Program operation is initiated after
the rising edge of the fourth WE# or BEF#, which-
ever occurs first. The Program operation, once ini-
tiated, will be completed typically within 7 µs.
See Figures 10 and 11 for WE# and BEF# controlled Pro-
gram operation timing diagrams and Figure 24 for flow-
charts. During the Program operation, the only valid reads
are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit. During the internal Pro-
gram operation, the host is free to perform additional tasks.
Any commands issued during an internal Program opera-
tion are ignored.
Flash Sector- /Block-Erase Operation
These devices offer both Sector-Erase and Block-Erase
operations. These operations allow the system to erase the
devices on a sector-by-sector (or block-by-block) basis.
The sector architecture is based on a uniform sector size of
2 KWord. The Block-Erase mode is based on a uniform
block size of 32 KWord. The Sector-Erase operation is initi-
ated by executing a six-byte command sequence with a
Sector-Erase command (30H) and sector address (SA) in
the last bus cycle. The Block-Erase operation is initiated by
executing a six-byte command sequence with Block-Erase
command (50H) and block address (BA) in the last bus
cycle. The sector or block address is latched on the falling
edge of the sixth WE# pulse, while the command (30H or
50H) is latched on the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse.
The internal Erase operation begins after the sixth WE#
pulse. Any commands issued during the Block- or Sector-
Erase operation are ignored except Erase-Suspend and
Erase-Resume. See Figures 15 and 16 for timing wave-
Flash Chip-Erase Operation
The SST34HF16x1C provide a Chip-Erase operation,
which allows the user to erase all sectors/blocks to the “1”
state. This is useful when the device must be quickly
The Chip-Erase operation is initiated by executing a six-
byte command sequence with Chip-Erase command (10H)
at address 555H in the last byte sequence. The Erase
operation begins with the rising edge of the sixth WE# or
BEF#, whichever occurs first. During the Erase operation,
the only valid read is Toggle Bits or Data# Polling. See
Table 5 for the command sequence, Figure 14 for timing
diagram, and Figure 28 for the flowchart. Any commands
issued during the Chip-Erase operation are ignored. When
WP# is low, any attempt to Chip-Erase will be ignored.
Flash Erase-Suspend/-Resume Operations
The Erase-Suspend operation temporarily suspends a
Sector- or Block-Erase operation thus allowing data to be
read from any memory location, or program data into any
sector/block that is not suspended for an Erase operation.
The operation is executed by issuing a one-byte command
sequence with Erase-Suspend command (B0H). The
device automatically enters read mode no more than 10 µs
after the Erase-Suspend command had been issued. (TES
maximum latency equals 10 µs.) Valid data can be read
from any sector or block that is not suspended from an
Erase operation. Reading at address location within erase-
suspended sectors/blocks will output DQ2 toggling and
DQ6 at “1”. While in Erase-Suspend mode, a Program
operation is allowed except for the sector or block selected
for Erase-Suspend. To resume Sector-Erase or Block-
Erase operation which has been suspended, the system
must issue an Erase-Resume command. The operation is
executed by issuing a one-byte command sequence with
Erase Resume command (30H) at any address in the one-
byte sequence.
Flash Write Operation Status Detection
The SST34HF16x1C provide one hardware and two soft-
ware means to detect the completion of a Write (Program
or Erase) cycle, in order to optimize the system Write
cycle time. The hardware detection uses the Ready/
Busy# (RY/BY#) pin. The software detection includes two
status bits: Data# Polling (DQ7) and Toggle Bit (DQ6).
The End-of-Write detection mode is enabled after the ris-
ing edge of WE#, which initiates the internal Program or
Erase operation.