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Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 4('NGEVTKECN5RGEKECVKQPU&%/*\6#/$u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ini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ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ini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 6[RKECN2GTHQTOCPEG%WTXGU ,16(57,21/266 5HI #&&& & & & G% G% $77(18$7,21 G% # & && & & & $77(18$7,21 G% # & && G% G% $77(18$7,21 G% # & && & & & & & & $77(18$7,21 G% # & && )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] $77(18$7,21 G% # & && G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] & & & & & & )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 6[RKECN2GTHQTOCPEG%WTXGU $77(18$7,21 G% # & && $77(18$7,21 G% # & && & & & & G% G% & & 5(7851 /266,1 6 5() # & && 5(7851 /266287 6 5() # & && & & & & & & G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] 5(7851/266,16 0DMRU$WWHQXDWLRQ6WHSV #& $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 5(7851/2662876 0DMRU$WWHQXDWLRQ6WHSV #& G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 6[RKECN2GTHQTOCPEG%WTXGU ,3,1387 0DMRU $WWHQXDWLRQ 6WHSV # & G%P $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G%P ,3,1387 0DMRU $WWHQXDWLRQ 6WHSV # & G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] ,3,1387 0DMRU $WWHQXDWLRQ 6WHSV #& &2035(66,21#,138732:(5 G%P & G%P $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] &2035(66,21#,138732:(5 G%P & &2035(66,21#,138732:(5 G%P & G% $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% G% )UHTXHQF\ 0+] )UHTXHQF\ 0+] (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 1WVNKPG&TCYKPI &) 2%$.CPF2CVVGTP 2#.6"#& -)*#830#+0)Q &GXKEG/CTMKPI 0) ')., 0&/ 4 1WVNKPG&KOGPUKQPU KPEJ (( / 7 A 1 ? P O 6 C G (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine 9 ? For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. H ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 5WIIGUVGF.C[QWVHQT2%$&GUKIP 2. +22#.6"#2+32)"#+#!-0)#-#+ &).#+*(!))#2*#.)-#+02- D0$ &HE1-#+*(!#6"#&2!+#).2*+(#0*.0-()! (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ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ini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. A ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 2QYGTWR%QPVTQN5GVVKPIU + 3"222(22!*0<8##)#0)2##0))!3-!&30)N)3)# #)#0)2###82#802+.8-)0)0#0!-*)#-3-.02!-=0.. 9+)#+##)#-!3-2!30#+6%&#+*)#-80#2-#(#0*"2##)-!2208= 2+2-=2-2*#.8"#+#3!3-!*)#-80#2&; ).;&22+3)0)8 $ D3-;!-#+8&-.E 6CDNG2QYGT7R6TWVJ6CDNG2CTCNNGN/QFG #VVGPWCVKQP5VCVG 272 272 .' -)* D./E D./E D./E <).8"77 D 8 -#+8E SD# E SD# E # $; ).;7))*#0)("8& &?>; &-)#*) )*#&30#+#*#)##)#0)2## 3-;!30#+6% !-=0.2)-(!-!-#0)30#+77 &).; ).;-)#*#0= (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 6$'XCNWCVKQP$QCTF5EJGOCVKE&KCITCO 2# 2# # $/#+1!-#2(2#8+.# 7- 78*N.30#+),#-)2-02*!*0#- $KNNQH/CVGTKCNU &H&A& : & & & 202#- O>+(M K :A 202#- H>+(M K H A 202#- >+( H 202#- O>+(M K & & & & & & >7!*0#- !1MK && : H& : )#(7!*0#- )1M K : ,')=-#-0- 6 *+(0##-0-/- 7H 6 6$ (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ᤔ &KIKVCN5VGR#VVGPWCVQT 7DSHDQG5HHO3DFNDJLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7DEOH7 5 75 1R 1RRI'HYLFHV 5HHO6L]H 6PDOOTXDQWLW\VWDQGDUGV LQFK ) 6WDQGDUG 7DSH :LGWK 3LWFK PP PP LQFK 8QLW 2ULHQWDWLRQ 7DSH &DYLW\ 'LUHFWLRQRI)HHG (R) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site (R) Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit's applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, "Standard Terms"); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits' website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp.