Rhopoint Components Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 870 608 1188 Fax: +44 (0) 870 241 2255
Germany: +49 (0) 692 199 8606 Fax: +49 (0) 692 199 8595
Email: sales@rhopointcomponents.com Website: www.rhopointcomponents.com
Input Clamp Voltage VIK -1.5 VIL= -18mA
Output Voltage VO0 6 VIO= 0
Differential Output Voltage |VOD1|1.5 6VIO= 0
Differential Output Voltage (6) |VOD2|1.5 2.5 5VRL= 54Ω
Differential Output Voltage VOD3 1.5 5V Vtest = -7 to 12V
Change in Magnitude of (7)
Differential Output Voltage ∆|VOD|±0.2 VRL= 54 or 100Ω
Common Mode Output Voltage VOC 3VRL= 54 or 100Ω
Change in Magnitude of (7)
Common Mode Output Voltage ∆|VOC|±0.2 VRL= 54 or 100Ω
Output Current (4) 1mA Output Disabled VO= 12
IO-0.8 mA VO= -7
High Level Input Current IIH 10 µA VI= 3.5V
Low Level Input Current IIL -10 µA VI= 0.4V
Short-Circuit Output Current -250 mA VO= -6
-150 mA VO= 0
IOS 250 mA VO= 8
Supply Current (VDD2 = +5V) IDD2 27 34 mA No Load (Outputs Enabled)
(VDD1 = +5V) IDD1 5 10 mA
Switching Characteristics
Maximum Data Rate 35 Mbd RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Differential Output Delay Time tD(OD) 16 25 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Pulse Skew (10) tSK (P) 1 6 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Differential Output Transition Time tT(OD) 8 10 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Output Enable Time to High Level tPZH 31 65 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Output Enable Time to Low Level tPZL 22 35 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Output Disable Time from High Level tPHZ 28 50 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Output Disable Time from Low Level tPLZ 16 32 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Skew Limit (3) tSK (LIM) 2 8 ns RL= 54Ω, CL= 50pF
Driver Section Specifications
All Specifications are Tmin to Tmax unless otherwise stated
1. All Voltage values are with respect to network ground except differential
I/O bus voltages.
2. Differential input/output voltage is measured at the noninverting
terminal A/Y with respect to the inverting terminal B/Z.
3. Skew limit is the maximum difference in any two channels in one
4. The power-off measurement in ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-422-B applies
to disabled outputs only and is not applied to combined inputs and outputs.
5. All typical values are at VDD1, VDD2 = 5V and TA= 25°C.
6. The minimum V
OD2 with a 100Ωload is either ½VOD1 or 2V,
whichever is greater.
7. ∆|VOD|and ∆|VOC|are the changes in magnitude of VOD and VOC,
respectively, that occur when the input is changed form one logic state to
the other.
8. This applies for both power on and power off, refer to ANSI standard
RS-485 for exact condition. The EIA/TIA-422-B limit does not apply for a
combined driver and receiver terminal.
9. Includes 8 ns read enable time. Maximum propagation delay is 25 ns
after read assertion.
10. Pulse skew is defined as the |tPLH -tPHL|of each channel.