Notice for the Cautious Handling VFD Modules
Handling and Usage Precautions:
Please carefully follow the appropriate product application notes for proper usage, safety handling, and operation standards for
maximum performance.
[VFD tubes are made of glass]
• Because the edges of the VFD glass-envelop are not smooth, it is necessary to handle carefully to avoid injuries to
your hands
• Please avoid breaking the VFD glass-envelop to prevent injury from sharp glass particles.
• The tip of the exhaust pipe is fragile so avoid shock from impact.
• It is recommended to allow sufficient open space surrounding the exhaust pipe to avoid possible damage.
• Please design the PCB for the VFD-module within 0.3 mm warping tolerance to avoid any forces that may damage the
display due to PCB distortion causing a breakdown of the electrical circuit leading to VFD failure.
[High voltage]
• Avoid touching conductive electrical parts, because the VFD-module uses high voltage exceeding 30〜100 volts.
• Even when electric power is turned off, it may take more than one minute for the electrical current to discharge.
[Cable connection]
• Do not unplug the power and/or data cables of VFD-modules during operating condition because unrecoverable
damage may result.
• Sending input signals to the VFD-module during a power off condition sometimes causes I/O port damage.
• It is recommended to use a 30 cm or shorter signal cable to prevent functional failures.
[Electrostatic charge]
• VFD-modules needs electrostatic free packaging and protection from electrostatic charges during handling and usage.
• During operation, VFD and VFD-modules generate heat. Please consider sufficient heat radiation dissipation using
heat sink solutions.
• We prefer to use UL grade materials or components in conjunction with VFD-modules.
• Wrap and twist motion causes stress and may break VFDs & VFD modules. Please adhere to allowances within
0.3mm at the point of attachment.
• Apply regulated pow er to the VFD-module within specified voltages to protect from failures.
• Because some VFD-modules may consume in rush current equal to twice the typical current at power-on timing,
we recommend using a sufficient power capability and quick starting of the power regulator.
• VFD-module needs a specified voltage at the point of connection. Please use an adequate power cable to avoid a
decrease in voltage. We also recommend inserting a power fuse for extra protection.
[Operating consideration]
• Illuminating phosphor will decrease in brightness during extended operation. If a fixed pattern illuminates for an
extended period,( several hours), the phosphor efficiency will decrease compared to the non operating phosphor
causing a non uniform brightness among pixels. Please consider programming the display patterns to use all
phosphor segments evenly. Scrolling may be a consideration for a period of time to refresh the phosphor condition
and improve even illumination to the pixels.
• We recommend using a signal cable 30cm or less to avoid some possible disturbances to the signal.
[Storage and operating environment]
• Please use VFD-modules under the recommended specified environmental conditions. Salty, sulfur and dusty
environments may damage the VFD-module even during storage.
• Some VFDs contain a small amount of cadmium in the phosphor and lead in the solder. When discarding VFDs or
VFD-modules, please adhere to governmental related laws or regulations.
• Although the VFD-module is designed to be protected from electrical noise, please plan your circuitry to exclude as
much noise as possible.
• Do not reconstruct or repair the VFD-module without our authorization. We cannot assure the quality or reliability of
unauthorized reconstructed VFD-modules.
・We do not authorize the use of any patents that may be inherent in these specifications.
・Neither whole nor partial copying of these specifications are permitted without our approval.
If necessary , please ask for assistance from our sales consultant.
・This product is not designed for military, aerospace, medical or other life-critical applications. If you choose to use this product
for these applications, please ask us for prior consultation or we cannot take responsibility for problems thatmay occur.