LM5105 LM5105 100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-Time Literature Number: SNVS349B LM5105 100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable DeadTime General Description Features The LM5105 is a high voltage gate driver designed to drive both the high side and low side N -Channel MOSFETs in a synchronous buck or half bridge configuration. The floating high-side driver is capable of working with rail voltages up to 100V. The single control input is compatible with TTL signal levels and a single external resistor programs the switching transition dead-time through tightly matched turn-on delay circuits. A high voltage diode is provided to charge the high side gate drive bootstrap capacitor. The robust level shift technology operates at high speed while consuming low power and provides clean output transitions. Under-voltage lockout disables the gate driver when either the low side or the bootstrapped high side supply voltage is below the operating threshold. The LM5105 is offered in the thermally enhanced 10-pin LLP plastic package. Drives both a high side and low side N-channel MOSFET 1.8A peak gate drive current Bootstrap supply voltage range up to 118V DC Integrated bootstrap diode Single TTL compatible Input Programmable turn-on delays (Dead-time) Enable Input pin Fast turn-off propagation delays (26ns typical) Drives 1000pF with 15ns rise and fall time Supply rail under-voltage lockout Low power consumption Typical Applications Solid State motor drives Half and Full Bridge power converters Package LLP-10 (4 mm x 4 mm) Simplified Block Diagram 20137502 FIGURE 1. (c) 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation 201375 www.national.com LM5105 100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-Time May 26, 2011 LM5105 Connection Diagram 20137501 10-Lead LLP See NS Number SDC10A Ordering Information Package Type NSC Package Drawing Supplied As LM5105SD Ordering Number LLP-10 SDC10A 1000 shipped as Tape & Reel LM5105SDX LLP-10 SDC10A 4500 shipped as Tape & Reel Pin Descriptions Pin Name 1 VDD Positive gate drive supply Description 2 HB High side gate driver bootstrap Connect the positive terminal of bootstrap capacitor to the HB pin and connect rail negative terminal to HS. The Bootstrap capacitor should be placed as close to IC as possible. 3 HO High side gate driver output Connect to the gate of high side N-MOS device through a short, low inductance path. 4 HS High side MOSFET source connection Connect to the negative terminal of the bootststrap capacitor and to the source of the high side N-MOS device. 5 NC Not Connected 6 RDT Dead-time programming pin A resistor from RDT to VSS programs the turn-on delay of both the high and low side MOSFETs. The resistor should be placed close to the IC to minimize noise coupling from adjacent PC board traces. 7 EN Logic input for driver Disable/ Enable TTL compatible threshold with hysteresis. LO and HO are held in the low state when EN is low. 8 IN Logic input for gate driver TTL compatible threshold with hysteresis. The high side MOSFET is turned on and the low side MOSFET turned off when IN is high. 9 VSS Ground return All signals are referenced to this ground. 10 LO Low side gate driver output Connect to the gate of the low side N-MOS device with a short, low inductance path. EP www.national.com Application Information Decouple VDD to VSS using a low ESR/ESL capacitor, placed as close to the IC as possible. It is recommended that the exposed pad on the bottom of the package be soldered to ground plane on the PC board to aid thermal dissipation. 2 If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. VDD to VSS HB to HS IN and EN to VSS LO to VSS HO to VSS HS to VSS (Note 6) HB to VSS -0.3V to +18V -0.3V to +18V -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V HS - 0.3V to HB + 0.3V -5V to +100V 118V -0.3V to 5V +150C -55C to +150C 2 kV Recommended Operating Conditions VDD HS (Note 6) HB HS Slew Rate Junction Temperature +8V to +14V -1V to 100V HS + 8V to HS + 14V <50V/ns -40C to +125C Electrical Characteristics Specifications in standard typeface are for TJ = +25C, and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction temperature range. Unless otherwise specified, VDD = HB = 12V, VSS = HS = 0V, EN = 5V. No load on LO or HO. RDT= 100k(Note 4). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 0.6 mA SUPPLY CURRENTS IDD VDD Quiescent Current IN = EN = 0V 0.34 IDDO VDD Operating Current f = 500 kHz 1.65 3 mA IHB Total HB Quiescent Current IN = EN = 0V 0.06 0.2 mA IHBO Total HB Operating Current f = 500 kHz 1.3 3 mA IHBS HB to VSS Current, Quiescent HS = HB = 100V 0.05 10 A IHBSO HB to VSS Current, Operating f = 500 kHz 0.1 mA INPUT IN and EN VIL Low Level Input Voltage Threshold VIH High Level Input Voltage Threshold Rpd Input Pulldown Resistance Pin IN and EN 0.8 1.8 V 1.8 2.2 V 100 200 500 k 2.7 3 3.3 V 0.75 1.5 2.25 mA 6.0 6.9 7.4 V DEAD-TIME CONTROLS VRDT Nominal Voltage at RDT IRDT RDT Pin Current Limit RDT = 0V UNDER VOLTAGE PROTECTION VDDR VDD Rising Threshold VDDH VDD Threshold Hysteresis VHBR HB Rising Threshold VHBH HB Threshold Hysteresis 0.5 5.7 6.6 V 7.1 0.4 V V BOOT STRAP DIODE VDL Low-Current Forward Voltage IVDD-HB = 100 A 0.6 0.9 V VDH High-Current Forward Voltage IVDD-HB = 100 mA 0.85 1.1 V RD Dynamic Resistance IVDD-HB = 100 mA 0.8 1.5 LO GATE DRIVER VOLL Low-Level Output Voltage ILO = 100 mA 0.25 0.4 V VOHL High-Level Output Voltage ILO = -100 mA, VOHL = VDD - VLO 0.35 0.55 V IOHL Peak Pullup Current LO = 0V 1.8 A IOLL Peak Pulldown Current LO = 12V 1.6 A 3 www.national.com LM5105 RDT to VSS Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range ESD Rating HBM (Note 2) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) LM5105 Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units HO GATE DRIVER VOLH Low-Level Output Voltage IHO = 100 mA 0.25 0.4 V VOHH High-Level Output Voltage IHO = -100 mA, VOHH = HB - HO 0.35 0.55 V IOHH Peak Pullup Current HO = 0V 1.8 A IOLH Peak Pulldown Current HO = 12V 1.6 A (Note 3), (Note 5) 40 C/W THERMAL RESISTANCE JA Junction to Ambient Switching Characteristics Specifications in standard typeface are for TJ = +25C, and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction temperature range. Unless otherwise specified, VDD = HB = 12V, VSS = HS = 0V, No Load on LO or HO (Note 4). Typ Max Units tLPHL Symbol Lower Turn-Off Propagation Delay Parameter Conditions Min 26 56 ns tHPHL Upper Turn-Off Propagation Delay 26 56 ns tLPLH Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay RDT = 100k 485 595 705 ns tHPLH Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay RDT = 100k 485 595 705 ns tLPLH Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay RDT = 10k 75 105 150 ns tHPLH Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay RDT = 10k 75 105 150 ns ten, tsd Enable and Shutdown propagation delay 28 ns DT1, DT2 Dead-Time LO OFF to HO ON & HO OFF to LO ON RDT = 100k 570 ns RDT = 10k 80 ns MDT Dead-Time Matching RDT = 100k 50 ns tR, tF Either Output Rise/Fall Time CL = 1000pF 15 ns tBS Bootstrap Diode Turn-On or Turn-Off Time IF = 20 mA, IR = 200 mA 50 ns Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the component may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of the device is guaranteed. Operating Ratings do not imply guaranteed performance limits. For guaranteed performance limits and associated test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics tables. Note 2: The human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5k resistor into each pin. Pin 2, Pin 3 and Pin 4 are rated at 500V. Note 3: 4 layer board with Cu finished thickness 1.5/1.0/1.0/1.5 oz. Maximum die size used. 5x body length of Cu trace on PCB top. 50 x 50mm ground and power planes embedded in PCB. See Application Note AN-1187. Note 4: Min and Max limits are 100% production tested at 25C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed through correlation using Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods. Limits are used to calculate National's Average Outgoing Quality Level (AOQL). Note 5: The JA is not a constant for the package and depends on the printed circuit board design and the operating conditions. Note 6: In the application the HS node is clamped by the body diode of the external lower N-MOSFET, therefore the HS voltage will generally not exceed -1V. However in some applications, board resistance and inductance may result in the HS node exceeding this stated voltage transiently. If negative transients occur on HS, the HS voltage must never be more negative than VDD - 15V. For example, if VDD = 10V, the negative transients at HS must not exceed -5V. www.national.com 4 LM5105 Typical Performance Characteristics VDD Operating Current vs Frequency Operating Current vs Temperature 20137511 20137510 Quiescent Current vs Supply Voltage Quiescent Current vs Temperature 20137513 20137512 HB Operating Current vs Frequency HO & LO Peak Output Current vs Output Voltage 20137517 20137516 5 www.national.com LM5105 Diode Forward Voltage Undervoltage Hysteresis vs Temperature 20137515 20137518 Undervoltage Rising Threshold vs Temperature LO & HO - High Level Output Voltage vs Temperature 20137519 20137520 LO & HO - Low Level Output Voltage vs Temperature Input Threshold vs Temperature 20137521 www.national.com 20137522 6 Dead-Time vs Temperature (RT = 10k) 20137514 20137526 Dead-Time vs Temperature (RT = 100k) 20137527 7 www.national.com LM5105 Dead-Time vs RT Resistor Value LM5105 Timing Diagrams 20137503 FIGURE 2. LM5105 Input - Output Waveforms 20137504 FIGURE 3. LM5105 Switching Time Definitions: tLPLH, tLPHL, tHPLH, tHPHL 20137530 20137531 FIGURE 4. LM5105 Enable: tsd FIGURE 5. LM5105 Dead-Time: DT supply voltage is available to turn-on the external MOSFETs, and the UVLO hysteresis prevents chattering during supply voltage transitions. When the supply voltage is applied to the VDD pin of LM5105, the top and bottom gates are held low until V DD exceeds the UVLO threshold, typically about 6.9V. Any UVLO condition on the bootstrap capacitor will disable only the high side output (HO). Operational Notes The LM5105 is a single PWM input Gate Driver with Enable that offers a programmable dead-time. The dead-time is set with a resistor at the RDT pin and can be adjusted from 100ns to 600ns. The wide dead-time programming range provides the flexibility to optimize drive signal timing for a wide range of MOSFETS and applications. The RDT pin is biased at 3V and current limited to 1 mA maximum programming current. The time delay generator will accommodate resistor values from 5k to 100k with a deadtime time that is proportional to the RDT resistance. Grounding the RDT pin programs the LM5105 to drive both outputs with minimum dead-time. LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS The optimum performance of high and low side gate drivers cannot be achieved without taking due considerations during circuit board layout. Following points are emphasized. 1. A low ESR/ESL capacitor must be connected close to the IC, and between VDD and VSS pins and between HB and HS pins to support high peak currents being drawn from VDD during turn-on of the external MOSFET. 2. To prevent large voltage transients at the drain of the top MOSFET, a low ESR electrolytic capacitor must be connected between MOSFET drain and ground (VSS). STARTUP AND UVLO Both top and bottom drivers include under-voltage lockout (UVLO) protection circuitry which monitors the supply voltage (VDD) and bootstrap capacitor voltage (HB - HS) independently. The UVLO circuit inhibits each driver until sufficient www.national.com 8 4. 5. and the reverse bias power loss that occurs during reverse recovery. Since each of these events happens once per cycle, the diode power loss is proportional to frequency. Larger capacitive loads require more current to recharge the bootstrap capacitor resulting in more losses. Higher input voltages (VIN) to the half bridge result in higher reverse recovery losses. The following plot was generated based on calculations and lab measurements of the diode recovery time and current under several operating conditions. This can be useful for approximating the diode power dissipation. In order to avoid large negative transients on the switch node (HS) pin, the parasitic inductances in the source of top MOSFET and in the drain of the bottom MOSFET (synchronous rectifier) must be minimized. Grounding considerations: a) The first priority in designing grounding connections is to confine the high peak currents from charging and discharging the MOSFET gate in a minimal physical area. This will decrease the loop inductance and minimize noise issues on the gate terminal of the MOSFET. The MOSFETs should be placed as close as possible to the gate driver. b) The second high current path includes the bootstrap capacitor, the bootstrap diode, the local ground referenced bypass capacitor and low side MOSFET body diode. The bootstrap capacitor is recharged on the cycleby-cycle basis through the bootstrap diode from the ground referenced VDD bypass capacitor. The recharging occurs in a short time interval and involves high peak current. Minimizing this loop length and area on the circuit board is important to ensure reliable operation. The resistor on the RDT pin must be placed very close to the IC and seperated from high current paths to avoid noise coupling to the time delay generator which could disrupt timer operation. Diode Power Dissipation VIN = 80V POWER DISSIPATION CONSIDERATIONS The total IC power dissipation is the sum of the gate driver losses and the bootstrap diode losses. The gate driver losses are related to the switching frequency (f), output load capacitance on LO and HO (CL), and supply voltage (VDD) and can be roughly calculated as: 20137506 Diode Power Dissipation VIN = 40V PDGATES = 2 * f * CL * VDD2 There are some additional losses in the gate drivers due to the internal CMOS stages used to buffer the LO and HO outputs. The following plot shows the measured gate driver power dissipation versus frequency and load capacitance. At higher frequencies and load capacitance values, the power dissipation is dominated by the power losses driving the output loads and agrees well with the above equation. This plot can be used to approximate the power losses due to the gate drivers. Gate Driver Power Dissipation (LO + HO) VCC = 12V, Neglecting Diode Losses 20137507 The total IC power dissipation can be estimated from the above plots by summing the gate drive losses with the bootstrap diode losses for the intended application. Because the diode losses can be significant, an external diode placed in parallel with the internal bootstrap diode (refer to Figure 6) and can be helpful in removing power from the IC. For this to be effective, the external diode must be placed close to the IC to minimize series inductance and have a significantly lower forward voltage drop than the internal diode. HS Transient Voltages Below Ground The HS node will always be clamped by the body diode of the lower external FET. In some situations, board resistances and inductances can cause the HS node to transiently swing sev- 20137505 The bootstrap diode power loss is the sum of the forward bias power loss that occurs while charging the bootstrap capacitor 9 www.national.com LM5105 3. LM5105 2. eral volts below ground. The HS node can swing below ground provided: 1. HS must always be at a lower potential than HO. Pulling HO more than -0.3V below HS can activate parasitic transistors resulting in excessive current to flow from the HB supply possibly resulting in damage to the IC. The same relationship is true with LO and VSS. If necessary, a Schottky diode can be placed externally between HO and HS or LO and GND to protect the IC from this type of transient. The diode must be placed as close to the IC pins as possible in order to be effective. www.national.com 3. 10 HB to HS operating voltage should be 15V or less . Hence, if the HS pin transient voltage is -5V, VDD should be ideally limited to 10V to keep HB to HS below 15V. A low ESR bypass capacitor between HB to HS as well as VCC to VSS is essential for proper operation. The capacitor should be located at the leads of the IC to minimize series inductance. The peak currents from LO and HO can be quite large. Any series inductances with the bypass capacitor will cause voltage ringing at the leads of the IC which must be avoided for reliable operation. LM5105 20137508 FIGURE 6. LM5105 Driving MOSFETs Connected in Half-Bridge Configuration 11 www.national.com LM5105 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Notes: Unless otherwise specified 1. Standard lead finish to be 200 microinches/5.00 micrometers minimum tin/lead (solder) on copper. 2. 3. Pin 1 identification to have half of full circle option. No JEDEC registration as of Feb. 2000. LLP-10 Outline Drawing NS Package Number SDC10A www.national.com 12 LM5105 Notes 13 www.national.com LM5105 100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-Time Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: www.national.com Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH(R) Tools www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Clock and Timing www.national.com/timing Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Data Converters www.national.com/adc Samples www.national.com/samples Interface www.national.com/interface Eval Boards www.national.com/evalboards LVDS www.national.com/lvds Packaging www.national.com/packaging Power Management www.national.com/power Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers Distributors www.national.com/contacts LDOs www.national.com/ldo Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LED Lighting www.national.com/led Feedback/Support www.national.com/feedback Voltage References www.national.com/vref Design Made Easy www.national.com/easy www.national.com/powerwise Applications & Markets www.national.com/solutions Mil/Aero www.national.com/milaero PowerWise(R) Solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagicTM www.national.com/solarmagic PLL/VCO www.national.com/wireless www.national.com/training PowerWise(R) Design University THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION ("NATIONAL") PRODUCTS. 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