MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Product List MSU2031L16, low working voltage 16 MHz ROM less MCU MSU2031S16, small sink current 16 MHz ROM less MCU MSU2031C16, 16 MHz ROM less MCU MSU2031C25, 25 MHz ROM less MCU MSU2031C40, 40 MHz ROM less MCU MSU2051L16, low working voltage 16 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU MSU2051S16, small sink current 16 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU MSU2051C16, 16 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU MSU2051C25, 25 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU MSU2051C40, 40 MHz 4 KB internal ROM MCU Description Features Working voltage : L series at 2.7V through 4.5V while S & C series at 4.5 V through 5.5 V General 80C51 family compatible 64 K byte External Memory Space 4 K byte ROM 128 byte data RAM Two 16 bit Timers/Counters Four 8-bit I/O ports Full duplex serial channel Bit operation instructions Page free jumps 8 - bit Unsigned Division 8 - bit Unsigned Multiply BCD arithmatic Direct Addressing Indirect Addressing Nested Interrupt Two priority level interrupt A serial I/O port Power save modes: Idle mode and Power down mode Working at 16/25/40 MHz Clock The MVI MSU2051 series product is an 8 - bit single chip microcontroller. It provides hardware features and a powerful instruction set, necessary to make it a versatile and cost effective controller for those applications demand up to 32 I/O pins or need up to 64 K byte external memory either for program or for data or mixed. A serial input / output port is provided for I/O expansion, Inter - processor communications, and full duplex UART. Ordering Information MSU2031ihhk MSU2051ihh - yyyk i: process identifier {S, L, C}. hh: working clock in MHz {16, 25, 40}. yyy: production code {001, ..., 999} k: package type postfix {as below table}. Postfix blank Package dice Pin/Pad Configuration Dimension Logo Size at Top Marking page 18 page 18 - P 40L PDIP page 2 page 14 5.0 x 4.2 mm J 44L PLCC page 2 page 15 4.5 x 3.8 mm Q 44L PQFP page 2 page 16 2.8 x 2.4 mm U 44L LQFP page 2 page 17 2.8 x 2.4 mm Cross Reference M.V.I. W.B. MSU2051 W78C51 MSU2031 W78C31 Philips L.G. 80C51 GMS80C501 80C31 GMS80C301 Intel 80C51 80C31 CCL. itri Atmel CIC80510 AT80C51 ----AT80C31 Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. Rev. 1.0 February 1998 1 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC AD2/P 0.2 AD1/P 0.1 AD0/P 0.0 VDD NC P 1 .0 P 1 .1 P 1 .2 P 1 .3 P 1 .4 AD3/P 0.3 #E A 28 NC 27 AL E 26 #P SEN A1 5/P 2.7 24 A1 4/P 2.6 23 A1 3/P 2.5 A14 /P 2 .6 T0 /P 3 .4 10 A13 /P 2 .5 T1 /P 3 .5 11 (Top View) A11/P 2.3 A12.P 2.4 AD2/P 0.2 AD3/P 0.3 20 2 1 2 2 A10/P 2.2 12 1 3 14 1 5 16 17 1 8 19 A12.P 2.4 A11/P 2.3 A10/P 2.2 A9/P 2.1 A8/P 2.0 NC VSS XTAL1 XTAL2 #RD/P 3.7 #WR/P 3.6 29 1 8 1 9 2 0 21 22 2 3 24 25 2 6 2 7 28 XT L1 AD7 /P 0 .7 29 # INT1 /P 3 .3 AD1/P 0.1 (Top View) AD6 /P 0 .6 30 25 A9/P 2.1 T1/P 3.5 17 A15 /P 2 .7 AD5 /P 0 .5 31 9 AD0/P 0.0 30 AD4 /P 0 .4 32 8 A8/P 2.0 T0/P 3.4 16 33 # INT0 /P 3 .2 VDD 15 #PSE N 44L PQFP NC #INT1/P 3.3 31 7 NC 32 TXD/P 3 .1 ALE 6 VSS 14 NC NC 5 P 1 .0 33 44L PLCC RXD/P 3 .0 #EA 4 VDD 39 AD0 /P0.0 P 1.2 3 38 AD1 /P0.1 P 1 .5 1 33 AD4 /P 0 .4 P 1.3 4 37 AD2 /P0.2 P 1 .6 2 32 AD5 /P 0 .5 P 1.4 5 36 AD3 /P0.3 P 1 .7 3 31 AD6 /P 0 .6 P 1.5 6 35 AD4 /P0.4 RES 4 30 AD7 /P 0 .7 P 1.6 7 34 AD5 /P0.5 RXD/P 3 .0 5 29 #E A P 1.7 8 33 AD6 /P0.6 NC 28 NC RES 9 32 AD7 /P0.7 TXD/P 3 .1 7 27 AL E 31 # EA # INT0 /P 3 .2 8 26 #P SEN 30 AL E # INT1 /P 3 .3 25 A1 5/P 2.7 29 # PSEN T0 /P 3 .4 10 24 A1 4/P 2.6 28 A1 5/P2 .7 T1 /P 3 .5 11 23 A1 3/P 2.5 27 A1 4/P2 .6 26 A1 3/P2 .5 25 A1 2/P2 .4 24 A1 1/P2 .3 23 A1 0/P2 .2 22 A9 /P2.1 21 A8 /P2.0 # INT1 /P 3.3 13 T0 /P 3.4 14 T1 /P 3.5 15 # WR/P 3.6 16 # RD/P 3.7 17 XTAL 2 18 XTAL 1 19 VSS 20 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 44L LQFP 9 12 13 14 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A12.P 2.4 12 A11/P 2.3 # INT0 /P 3.2 MSU2031ihhU, MSU2051ihhyyyU 6 A10/P 2.2 11 39 38 37 34 A9/P 2.1 TXD/P 3.1 41 40 41 40 A8/P 2.0 10 4 4 43 42 NC R XD/P 3.0 (Top V iew) 40 2 MSU2031ihhP, MSU2051ihh- yyyP 1 P 1.1 40L PDIP P 1.0 VSS #INT0/P 3.2 13 34 RES AD7/P 0 .7 MSU2031ihhQ, MSU2051ihhyyyQ XTAL1 TXD/P 3.1 12 35 3 XTAL2 NC 11 36 P 1 .7 #RD/P 3.7 RXD/P 3.0 MSU2031ihhJ, MSU2051ihhyyyJ 10 AD6/P 0 .6 #WR/P 3.6 RES AD5/P 0 .5 XTAL1 37 2 P 1 .1 9 P 1 .6 XTAL2 P 1.7 AD4/P 0 .4 P 1 .2 38 1 #RD/P 3.7 P 1.6 8 4 4 4 3 42 41 4 0 4 1 40 3 9 3 8 3 7 34 P 1 .5 P 1 .3 P 1.5 44 4 3 4 2 41 40 39 #WR/P 3.6 1 7 P 1 .4 NC 2 AD3/P 0.3 P 1 .0 3 AD2/P 0.2 P 1 .1 4 AD1/P 0.1 P 1 .2 5 AD0/P 0.0 P 1 .3 6 VDD P 1 .4 Pin Configurations MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Block Diagram Timer 1 Timer 0 Stack Decoder & 128 bytes 4K bytes Pointer Register RAM ROM Register RES Reset to pertinent blocks Circuit to whole chip Vdd Vss Buffer Acc Power Circuit Buffer2 Interrupt Circuit DPTR Buffer1 to pertinent blocks PC Increamenter ALU XTAL2 XTAL1 #EA #PSEN Timming to whole system Program PSW Counter Generator ALE Instruction Register Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Port 3 Port 1 Port 2 Port 0 Latch Latch Latch Latch Port 3 Driver Port 1 Driver Port 2 Driver Port 0 Driver 8 8 8 3 8 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Pin Descriptions 40 PDIP Dice 44 LQFP 44 PQFP 44 PLCC Symbol Active I/O Names Pin# Pad# Pin# Pin# Pin# 1 1 40 40 2 P1.0 i/o bit 0 of Port 1 2 3 2 3 41 42 41 42 3 4 P1.1 P1.2 i/o i/o bit 1 of Port 1 bit 2 of Port 1 4 4 43 43 5 P1.3 i/o bit 3 of Port 1 5 6 5 6 44 1 44 1 6 7 P1.4 P1.5 i/o i/o bit 4 of Port 1 bit 5 of Port 1 7 7 2 2 8 P1.6 i/o bit 6 of Port 1 8 8 3 3 9 P1.7 i/o bit 7 of Port 1 9 10 9 10 4 5 4 5 10 11 RES RXD/P3.0 i i/o Reset bit 0 of Port 3 & Receive data 11 11 7 7 13 TXD/P3.1 i/o bit 1 of Port 3 & Transmit data 12 13 12 13 8 9 8 9 14 15 #INT0/P3.2 #INT1/P3.3 i/o i/o bit 2 of Port 3 & low true Interrupt 0 bit 3 of Port 3 & low true Interrupt 1 14 14 10 10 16 T0/P3.4 i/o bit 4 of Port 3 & Timer 0 15 16 15 16 11 12 11 12 17 18 T1/P3.5 #WR/P3.6 i/o i/o bit 5 of Port 3 & Timer 1 bit 6 of Port 3 & Write (low enable) 17 17 13 13 19 #RD/P3.7 i/o bit 7 of Port 3 & Read (low enable) 18 18 14 14 20 XTAL2 o Crystal out 19 20 19 20-22 15 16 15 16 21 22 XTAL1 VSS i Crystal in Sink Voltage, Ground 21 23 18 18 24 A8/P2.0 i/o bit 0 of Port 2 & Address 8 22 23 24 25 19 20 19 20 25 26 A9/P2.1 A10/P2.2 i/o i/o bit 1 of Port 2 & Address 9 bit 2 of Port 2 & Address 10 24 26 21 21 27 A11/P2.3 i/o bit 3 of Port 2 & Address 11 25 26 27 28 22 23 22 23 28 29 A12/P2.4 A13/P2.5 i/o i/o bit 4 of Port 2 & Address 12 bit 5 of Port 2 & Address 13 27 29 24 24 30 A14/P2.6 i/o bit 6 of Port 2 & Address 14 28 30 25 25 31 A15/P2.7 i/o bit 7 of Port 2 & Address 15 29 30 31 32 26 27 26 27 32 33 #PSEN ALE o o Program store enable (low enable) Address latch enable 31 33 29 29 35 #EA i External access first 4K memory 32 33 34 35 30 31 30 31 36 37 AD7/P0.7 AD6/P0.6 i/o i/o bit 7 of Port 0 & Address or Data 7 bit 6 of Port 0 & Address or Data 6 34 36 32 32 38 AD5/P0.5 i/o bit 5 of Port 0 & Address or Data 5 35 36 37 38 33 34 33 34 39 40 AD4/P0.4 AD3/P0.3 i/o i/o bit 4 of Port 0 & Address or Data 4 bit 3 of Port 0 & Address or Data 3 37 39 35 35 41 AD2/P0.2 i/o bit 2 of Port 0 & Address or Data 2 38 40 36 36 42 AD1/P0.1 i/o bit 1 of Port 0 & Address or Data 1 39 40 41 42,43 37 38 37 38 43 44 AD0/P0.0 VDD i/o bit 0 of Port 0 & Address or Data 0 Drive Voltage, +3 Vcc (or +5 Vcc) Rev. 1.0 February 1998 L/L/- L/L/- L H L 4 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Pin Descriptions #EA When held at a TTL high level, the MSU2051 executes instructions from the internal ROM when the PC is less than 4096. When held at a TTL low level, the MSU2051 fetches all instuctions from external Program Memory. Vss Circuit ground potential. V DD +3V (or +5 V) power supply during operation. XTAL 1 Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. A crystal or external source can be used. PORT 0 Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus when using external memory. XTAL 2 Output from the oscillator's amplifier. Required when a crystal is used. PORT 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistance. Terms PORT 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistance. It also emit the high-order address byte when accessing external memory. Idle Mode During idle mode, the CPU is stopped but below blocks are kept functioning: clock generator, RAM, timer/ counters, serial port and interrupt block. To save power consumption, user's software program can invoke this mode. The on-chip data RAM retains the values during this mode, but the processor stops executing instructions. In Idle mode (IDL=1), the oscillator continues to run and the interrput, and timer blocks continue to be clocked but the clock signal is gated off to the CPU. The activities of the CPU no longer exist unless waiting for an interrupt request. -An instruction that sets flag (PCON.0) causes that to be the last instruction executed before going into the Idle Mode. -In the Idle Mode, the internal clock signal is gated off to the CPU, but not to the interrupt, Timer function. -The CPU status is entirely preserved in its: the Stack Pointer, Program Counter, Program Status Word, Accumulator, and all other registers maintain their data during Idle mode. -There are three ways to terminate the Idle Mode. 1) By interrupt Activation of any enabled interrupt will cause flag (PCON.0) to be cleared by hardware, termination the Idle Mode. After the program wakes up, the PC value will point as interrupt vector (if enable IE register) and execute interrupt service routine then return to PC+1 address after the program wakes up. 2) By hardware reset Since the clock oscillator is still running, the hardware reset needs to be held active for only two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) to complete the reset. All SFR and PC value will be cleared to reset value. 3) By one of CLK, DATA, PORT 2.0-2.7 transition to low (falling edge trigger) After the program wakes up, the PC value will be 0023h (if enable IE register) and execute interrupt service routine and then returns to PC+1 address after the program wakes up. PORT 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectinal I/O port with internal pull-up resistance. It also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port and #RD as well as #WR pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to one (1) for that function to operate. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of port 3, as follows: - RXD/data (P3.0). Serial port's transmitter data output (asynchronous) or data input/output (asynchronous). - TXD/clock (P3.1). Serial port's transmitter data output (asynchronous) or data output (asynchronous). - #INT0 (P3.2). Interrupt 0 input or gate control input for counter 0. - #INT1 (P3.3). Interrupt 1 input or gate control input for counter 1. - T0 (P3.4). Input to counter 0. - T1 (P3.4). Input to counter 1. - #WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from Port 0 into the External Data Memory. - #RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables External Data Memory to Port 0. RES A high on this pin for two machine cycles (24 clocks) while the oscillator is running, resets the device. The data in RAM is preserved when reset signals - reset does not clear the data in RAM. ALE Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. #PSEN The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during normal fetch operations. Rev. 1.0 February 1998 5 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Power Down Mode It saves the RAM content, stops the clock generator and disables every other blocks' function until the coming hardware reset. To save even more power consumption, user's software program can invoke this mode. The SFRs and the on-chip data RAM retain their values during this mode, but the porcessor stops executing instructions. In Power-Down mode (PD=1) the oscillator is frozen. -An instruction that sets flag (PCON.1) causes that to be the last instruction executed before going into the Power Down Mode. -In the Power Down Mode, the on-chip oscillator is stopped. With the clock frozen, all functions are stopped, but the on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers are held. -Reset redefines all the SFRs, but does not change the on-chip RAM. -There are two ways to terminate the Power Down Mode. 1) By hardware reset All SFR and PC value will be cleared to reset value. 2) One of CLK, DATA, PORT 2.0-2.7 transition to low (falling edge trigger) After the program wakes up, the PC value will be 0023h (if enable IE register) and execute interrupt service routine and then returns to PC+1 address after the program wakes up. -Care must be taken, however, to ensure that VCC is not reduced before the Power Down Mode is invoked, and that VCC is restored to its normal operating level before the Power Down Mode is terminated. -The hardware reset must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. General of above User should fix the attention on using wake up from port 2: -The user should write the power down or idle mode flag value to one RAM address before write PCON to distinguish waking up from power down mode or idle mode. -After idle mode or power down mode wakes up, the interrupt service routine will be executed first and then executes PC+1 address if the IE register is enabled before entering power down mode or idle mode. The interrupt service routine will not be executed but CPU executes PC+1 address program if disable IE register. -After wake up power down or idle mode the IDF flag will be set by hardware. The IDF flag be cleared at the ISR execution time. If IE register is disable, the IDF flag will not be cleared when power down or idle mode wakes up. The state of pins during Idle and Power-Down Mode Mode Program memory ALE #PSEN Port 0 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Idle Power Down External Internal 1 0 1 0 Float Data Data Data Address Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data Absolute Maximal Rating Symbol Name Rating Unit Vdd - Vss DC supply Voltage -0.5 ~ +5.0 -0.5 ~ +7.0 V V VIN VOUT Input voltage Vss-0.3 ~ V dd +0.3 V output voltage Vss ~ Vdd T (Operating) Operating Temperature T (Storage) Storage Temperature Rev. 1.0 February 1998 0 ~ +70 -55 ~ +125 Remark U20x1L U20x1S,U20x1C C C 6 * Note: Operation beyond Absolute Maximal Rating can adversely affect device reliability. MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Operating Conditions Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remarks t A V CC3 Ambient temperature under bias Supply voltage 0 2.7 25 3.0 70 4.5 C V U20x1L 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 3.0 16 16 25 16 25 MHz MHz U20x1i16 U20x1i25 25 40 40 MHz U20x1i40 V CC5 f osc 16 f osc 25 Oscillator Frequency f osc 40 U20x1S, U20x1C AC Characteristics (16/25/40 MHz, operating conditions; CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs=150pF; CL for all Other Outputs=80pF) f osc 16 Valid Parameter Cycle Min. ALE pulse width Address Valid to ALE low RD/WRT RD/WRT 115 43 Address Hold after ALE low RD/WRT 53 T LLPL ALE low to Valid Instruction In ALE low to #PSEN low RD RD 53 T PLPH #PSEN pulse width RD 173 T PLIV T PXIX #PSEN low to Valid Instruction In RD Instruction Hold after #PSEN Instruction Float after #PSEN RD RD Address to Valid Instruction In T RLRH #PSEN low to Address Float #RD pulse width T WLWH T RLDV T RHDX Symbol T LHLL T AVLL T LLAX T LLIV Variable f osc Typ. Max Min. Typ. Max. Unit nS nS 2xT - 10 T - 20 T - 10 nS 240 4xT - 10 T - 10 3xT - 15 nS nS nS 177 3xT - 10 nS 87 T + 25 nS nS RD 292 5xT - 20 nS RD RD 10 10 365 nS nS #WR pulse width WRT 365 #RD low to Valid Data in RD Data Hold after #RD Data Float after #RD RD RD ALE low to Valid Data In T LLYL Address to Valid Data In ALE low to #WR or #RD low T AVYL T QVWH T QVWX T PXIZ T AVIV T PLAZ 0 0 6xT - 10 6xT - 10 nS 302 5xT - 10 nS 145 2xT + 20 nS nS RD 490 8xT - 10 nS RD RD/WRT 178 542 197 nS nS Address Valid to #WR or #RD low RD/WRT 230 3xT - 10 4xT - 20 9xT - 20 3xT + 10 Data Valid to #WR High WRT 403 7xT - 35 nS Data Valid to #WR transition Data hold after #WR WRT WRT 38 73 T - 25 nS nS #RD low to Address Float RD RD/WRT T CHCL #WR or #RD high to ALE high Clock fall time T CLCX Clock low time nS T CLCH T CHCX Clock rise time nS T RHDZ T LLDV T AVDV T WHQX T RLAZ T YHLH T, T CLCL 0 72 63 7 nS T + 10 53 Clock high time Clock period Rev. 1.0 February 1998 0 T - 10 1/ fosc 5 nS T + 10 nS nS nS nS Remarks MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC DC Characteristics (16/25/40 MHz, typical operating conditons, valid for U20x1C series) Symbol V ILX V ILE V ILR V IHX V IHE V IHR Parameter Input Low Voltage " " Input High Voltage " " V OLA V OL0 Output Low Voltage V OL1 " Output High Voltage V OHA " Valid XTAL1 #EA RES Typ. Max 20%Vcc-0.1 20%Vcc-0.3 -0.5 20%Vcc-0.1 70%Vcc 20%Vcc+0.9 Vcc+0.5 Vcc+0.5 70%Vcc Vcc+0.5 ALE, #PSEN ports 0,3 ports 1,2 ALE, #PSEN " " port 0 V OH1 " ports 1,3 V OH2 " " Unit -0.5 0 #EA RES " V OH0 Min. XTAL1 I OL = 3.2 mA I OL = 3.2 mA 450 mV V I OL = 1.6 mA I OH = -60 uA V I OH = -10 uA V V I OH = -800 uA I OH = -80 uA V I OH = -60 uA V V I OH = -10 uA I OH = -60 uA V I OH = -10 uA 90%Vcc 2.4 2.4 90%Vcc 2.4 90%Vcc ports 0,3 Logical 0 Input Current Logical 1 Input Current ports 1,2,3 port 0 -50 Logic Transition Current Input Leakage Current ports 1,2,3 port 0 -650 R RES RX Reset Pulldown Resistance RES Crystal feedback Resistance XTAL1,2 C IO Pin Capacitance Power Supply Current I IH I TL I LI I CC 18 1.5 10 50 90 mA V OL = 0.45V, note 1 uA uA V in = 0.45 V V in = 5.0 V uA uA V in = 2.0 V 0.45V < Vin < Vcc 150 330 Kohm 10 pF mA Freq=1MHz, Ta=25 J Active mode, 16 MHz mA Idle mode, 16MHz uA Power down mode Unit mA Test conditions V OL = 0.45V Vdd 5 8 Vdd 3 10 5 45 Vdd V V mV 90%Vcc " V mV Output Low Current I OL0 I IL V V 450 450 2.4 port 2 Test Conditions V Kohm note 1 : no more than 80 mA I OLs for all 16-bit ports 0 & 3 output pins. DC Characteristics (16 MHz, typical operating conditons, valid for U20x1S series) Symbol I OL0 Parameter Output Low Current others Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Valid ports 0 & 3 Min. Typ. 3 Max. identical to U20x1C series' 8 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC DC Characteristics (16 MHz, typical operating conditons, valid for U20x1L series) Symbol V ILX V ILE V ILR V IHX V IHE V IHR V OLA V OL0 V OL1 V OHA V OH0 Parameter Input Low Voltage " " Input High Voltage " " Output Low Voltage " " Output High Voltage " " Valid " V OH2 " " Typ. Max #EA RES mV mV XTAL1 Vcc+0.3 V #EA RES Vcc+0.3 Vcc+0.3 V V I OL = 3.2 mA mV mV I OL = 3.2 mA I OL = 1.6 mA V I OH = -60 uA 2.2 V V I OH = -10 uA I OH = -800 uA 2.4 V I OH = -80 uA 1.8 2.4 V I OH = -60 uA 1.8 V V I OH = -10 uA I OH = -60 uA 2.4 V I OH = -10 uA 45 uA V in = 0.45 V 1 uA V in = 3.0 V 250 uA V in = 1.4 V uA 0.45V < Vin < Vcc 400 400 ports 0,3 ports 1,2 ALE, #PSEN port 0 ports 1,3 port 2 Test Conditions mV ALE, #PSEN " 400 1.8 2.4 I IL Logical 0 Input Current ports 1,2,3 I IH Logical 1 Input Current port 0 I TL Logic Transition Current ports 1,2,3 I LI R RES Input Leakage Current port 0 Reset Pulldown Resistance RES 50 8 150 RX Crystal feedback Resistance Pin Capacitance XTAL1,2 90 330 C IO I CC Power Supply Current Vdd 10 Vdd Vdd Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Unit mV " V OH1 Min. XTAL1 9 2 1 7 4.5 10 45 Kohm Kohm pF Freq=1MHz, Ta=25 J mA Active mode, 16 MHz mA uA Idle mode, 16MHz Power down mode MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Data Memory Read Cycle Timing T12 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T1 T2 T3 OSC 1 2 ALE #PSEN 5 #RD 7 3 ADDRESS A - A 15 8 PORT2 3 INST in Float PORT0 4 A 7 -A0 6 8 Float DATA in Float Program Memory Read Cycle Timing T12 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T1 T2 OSC 1 2 ALE 5 7 #PSEN #RD, #WR 3 ADDRESS A15 - A 8 PORT2 3 PORT0 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Float A 7 -A0 4 Float ADDRESS A 15-A 8 6 8 INST in 10 Float A 7 -A0 Float INST in Float ADDRESS or Flloat MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Data Memory Write Cycle Timing T12 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T1 T2 T3 OSC 1 ALE #PSEN 5 #WR 6 2 ADDRESS A15 - A 8 PORT2 2 INST PORT0 Float 3 4 A 7-A 0 DATA OUT ADDRESS or Floa I/O Ports Timing T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T1 T2 T3 X1 sampled inputs P0, P1 sampled inputs P2, P3 Output by MOV Px,Src RxD at Serial Port Shift Clock (Mode 0) Rev. 1.0 February 1998 current data next data sampled 11 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Timing Critical, Requirement of External Clock (Vss=0.0V is assumed) T CLCL Vdd-0.5V 70%Vdd 0.45V 20%Vdd-0.1V T CHCX T CLCX T CHCL T CLCH Tm.I External Program Memory Read Cycle T PLPH #PSEN ALE T LHLL T LLPL T AVLL T LLAX PORT 0 T LLIV T PLAZ T PXIZ T PXIX T PLIV A0 - A7 Instruction. IN A0 - A7 T AVIV PORT 2 A8 - A15 A8 - A15 Tm.II External Data Memory Read Cycle #PSEN T YHLH ALE T LLDV T LLYL T RLRH #RD T AVLL T LLAX T RHDZ T RLDV T RHDX T RLAZ PORT 0 A0-A7 from Ri or DATA IN A0-A7 From T AVYL T AVDV PORT 2 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 P2.0-P2.7 or A8-A15 from DPH A8-A15 from PCH 12 INSTR. IN MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Tm.III External Data Memory Write Cycle #PSEN T YHLH ALE T LHLL T LLYL #WR T WLWH T QVWX T AVLL T LLAX A0-A7 from Ri or DPL PORT 0 T WHQX T QVWH A0-A7 From PCL DATA OUT T AVYL PORT 2 A8-A15 from PCH P2.0-P2.7 or A8-A15 from DPH Application Reference Valid for U2051L16/ U2031L16/ U2051S16/ U2031S16 X'tal C1 3 MHz 15 pF 6 MHz 12 MHz 16 MHz 15 pF 30 pF 30 pF C2 15 pF R open 15 pF open 30 pF open 30 pF open X1 X'tal Valid for U2051C16/ U2031C16/ U2051C25/ U2031C25/ U2051C40/ U2031C40 R X2 X'tal C1 12 MHz 30 pF 16 MHz 25 MHz 40 MHz 30 pF 15 pF 5 pF C2 30 pF R open 30 pF open Rev. 1.0 February 1998 MSU2051/U2031 C1 15 pF 5 pF 62 Kohm 4.7 Kohm 13 C2 INSTR. IN MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC 40L 600mil PDIP Information E D S E1 A1 A2 C A L e1 eA B1 B \ Note: 1.Dimension D Max & S include mold flash or tie bar burrs. 2.Dimension E1 does not include interlead flash. 3.Dimenseion D & E1 include mold mismatch and are determined at the mold parting line. 4.Dimension B1 does not include dambar protrusion/ infrusion. 5.Controlling dimension is inch. 6.General appearance spec. should base on final visual inspection spec. Symbol A A1 - / 0.210 0.010 / - - / 5.33 0.150 / 0.160 0.25 / 3.81 / 4.06 0.016 / 0.022 0.41 / 0.56 B1 0.048 / 0.054 0.008 / 0.014 1.22 / 1.37 C D E E1 e1 L eA S 14 Dimension in mm minimal/maximal A2 B \ Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Dimension in Inch minimal/maximal - / 2.070 0.590 / 0.610 0.540 / 0.552 0.090 / 0.110 0.20 / 0.36 - / 52.58 14.99 / 15.49 13.72 / 14.02 2.29 / 2.79 0.120 / 0.140 0 / 15 3.05 / 3.56 0.630 / 0.670 / 0.090 16.00 / 17.02 - / 2.29 0 / 15 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC 44L Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) L 6 7 E HE GE y A2 D A1 A HD C b1 b e 0 GD Note: 1.Dimension D & E does not include interlead flash. 2.Dimension b1 does not include dambar protrusion/ intrusion. 3.Controlling dimension:Inch 4.General appreance spec. should base on final visual inspection spec. Rev. 1.0 February 1998 15 Symbol Dimension in Inch minimal/maximal Dimension in mm minimal/maximal A - / 0.185 A1 A2 0.020 / 0.145 / 0.155 b1 0.026 / 0.032 3.68 / 3.94 0.66 / 0.81 b 0.016 / 0.022 0.41 / 0.56 C D 0.008 / 0.014 0.648 / 0.658 E 0.648 / 0.658 e GD 0.050 BSC 0.590 / 0.630 GE 0.590 / 0.630 HD HE 0.680 / 0.700 0.680 / 0.700 17.27 / 17.78 L y 0.090 / 0.110 - / 0.004 2.29 / 2.79 - / 0.10 / / - / 4.70 0.51 / - 0.20 / 0.36 16.46 / 16.71 16.46 / 16.71 1.27BSC 14.99 / 16.00 14.99 / 16.00 17.27 / 17.78 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC 44L Plastic Quad Flat Package C L L1 S 2 e R1 D2 D1 D Gage Plane 0.25 mm b A2 3 R2 A1 E2 E1 E A 01 seating plane C Note: Symbol 1. Dimension D1 and E1 do not include mold protrustion. Allowance protrusion is 0.25mm per side. Dimensions D1 and E1 do include mold mismatch and are determined at datum plane. 2. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion. Allowance dambar protrusion shall be 0.08 mm total in excess of the b dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius or the lead foot. A A1 A2 b c D minimal/maximal 0.071 / 0.087 1.80 / 2.20 0.012 / 0.018 0.004 / 0.009 0.30 / 0.45 0.09 / 0.20 - / 2.55 0.15 / 0.35 0.520 BSC 13.20 BSC 0.394 BSC D2 0.315 0.520 BSC 10.00 BSC 8.00 E E1 e L L1 R1 R2 S 16 Dimension in mm minimal/maximal - / 0.100 0.006 / 0.014 D1 E2 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 Dimension in Inch 13.20 BSC 0.394 BSC 10.00 BSC 0.315 0.031 BSC 8.00 0.80 BSC 0.029 / 0.041 0.73 / 1.03 0.063 0.005 / - 1.60 0.13 / - 0.005 / 0.012 0.008 / - 0.13 / 0.30 0.20 / as left 1 0 / 7 0 / - 2 10 REF as left 3 7 REF C 0.004 as left 0.10 as left MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC 44L Low profile Quad Flat Package C L L1 S 2 e R1 D2 D1 D Gage Plane 0.25 mm b A2 3 R2 A1 E2 E1 E A 01 seating plane C Note: 1. Dimension D1 and E1 do not include mold protrustion. Allowance protrusion is 0.25mm per side. D1 and E1 are maximal plastic body size dimensions including mold mismatch. 2. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion. Allowance dambar protrusion shall not cause the lead width to exceed the maximal b dimension by more than 0.08 mm. 3. Dambar can not be located on the lower radius or the foot. Minimal space between protrusion and an adjacent lead is 0.07 mm for 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm pitch packages. Dimension in Inch minimal/maximal Dimension in mm Symbol A - / 0.063 A1 0.002 / 0.006 0.053 / 0.057 - / 1.60 0.05 / 0.15 A2 b c D D1 D2 E E1 0.30 / 0.45 0.004 / 0.008 0.472 BSC 0.393 BSC 0.09 / 0.20 12.00 BSC 0.315 0.472 BSC 8.00 12.00 BSC 0.393 BSC 10.00 BSC 10.00 BSC 0.315 8.00 e 0.031 BSC 0.018 / 0.030 0.80 BSC 0.45 / 0.75 0.039 REF 1.00 REF 0.003 / 0.003 / 0.008 0.08 / 0.08 / 0.20 R1 R2 S 17 1.35 / 1.45 0.012 / 0.018 E2 L L1 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 minimal/maximal 0.008 / - 0.20 / - 0 / 7 1 0 / - as left as left 2 3 C 11/13 11/13 0.004 as left as left 0.10 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC Bonding Information PAD-NAME ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Y-COORD X-COORD 186 186 186 186 186 270 432 592 754 914 1077 1236 1399 1558 1721 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 P1_0 P1_1 P1_2 P1_3 P1_4 P1_5 P1_6 P1_7 RES P3_0 P3_1 P3_2 P3_3 P3_4 P3_5 P3_6 P3_7 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND GND GND ORDER 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1080 921 758 599 436 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 255 418 577 839 1000 1151 1302 PAD-NAME P2_0 P2_1 P2_2 P2_3 P2_4 P2_5 P2_6 P2_7 #PSEN ALE #EA P0_7 P0_6 P0_5 P0_4 P0_3 P0_2 P0_1 P0_0 VDD VDD X-COORD 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1721 1558 1399 1236 1077 914 754 592 432 270 186 186 186 186 186 186 Y-COORD 1463 1623 1786 1945 2108 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2281 2038 1876 1716 1554 1393 1241 Logo 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 27 38 26 39 25 40 24 41 MSU2051/U2031 42 23 2570 x 2250 (m) 22 43 PAD SIZE : 96 x 96 (m) 1 substrate should be bonded to Vss 2 (Gnd) 21 pid 251* pid 251** pid 251*** pid 251**** pid 251***** pid 251A pid 263* pid 251B 20 19 3 18 4 5 6 28 17 7 Rev. 1.0 February 1998 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 11/95 01/96 03/96 08/96 10/96 11/96 11/97 01/98 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC To: Mosel Vitelic Inc. 886-3-578-4732 (fax #) Attn: Sales & Marketing Department Product Request Form We hereby request MVI to start producing MSU2051 which is specified below. Please send us the product code and a hardcopy of data code as well as data code file duplicated on floppy diskette. No further confirmation is necessary. Production will start automatically once you receive our data code and verify that the checksum is match. Mass Production of the captioned device shall be done in accordance with the purchase order(s) issued by us or a company specified by us. All terms and conditions are based on the development agreement and/or contract signed between MVI and us. IC descriptions Data Code Descriptions Code Length U2051S16, 16 MHz small current Dice form P type = 40L-PDIP File Length U2051L16, 16 MHz low working voltage U2051C16, 16 MHz J type = 44L-PLCC U2051C25, 25 MHz Q type = 44L-PQFP L type = 44L-LQFP File Name Checksum h 00h filled Unused Data Byte FFh filled HEX format Format Binary code format EPROM Media 8751 chip File on Floppy E-mail file U2051C40, 40 MHz Top Marking (fill only for packaged) Use MVI logo, date code and part number Use my specifications as described below Specify below fields only for customer top marking Date code location descriptions Use regular date code as MVI's Leave it as blank use right side five letters Logo Specifications Leave it blank Use my specifications as attachment Part number specified, less than 15 digits Phone # : Fax # : Company Name : Signature : Name (Typed) : Position Title : Department, Section : Signature Date : Rev. 1.0 February 1998 19 MSU2051/U2031 MOSEL VITELIC To: Mosel Vitelic Inc. 886-3-578-4732 (fax#) Attn: Sales & Marketing Department Logo Top Marking Request & spec. We hereby request MVI to have our logo printed on top of the device package. Below is the specification of our logo in 20:1 scale base. This logo diagram is clear enough and is able to be shrunk directly to fit into available top marking area described on page. Phone # : Fax # : Company Name : Signature : Name (Typed) : Position Title : Department, Section : Signature Date : Rev. 1.0 February 1998 20 MOSEL VITELIC WORLDWIDE OFFICES MSU2051/U2031 U.S.A. TAIWAN JAPAN 3910 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95134 PHONE: 408-433-6000 FAX: 408-433-0185 7F, NO. 102 MIN-CHUAN E. ROAD, SEC. 3 TAIPEI PHONE: 886-2-2545-1213 FAX: 886-2-2545-1209 WBG MARINE WEST 25F 6, NAKASE 2-CHOME MIHAMA-KU, CHIBA-SHI CHIBA 261-71 PHONE: 81-43-299-6000 FAX: 81-43-299-6555 HONG KONG 19 DAI FU STREET TAIPO INDUSTRIAL ESTATE TAIPO, NT, HONG KONG PHONE: 852-2665-4883 FAX: 852-2664-7535 1 CREATION ROAD I SCIENCE BASED IND. PARK HSIN CHU, TAIWAN, R.O.C. PHONE: 886-3-578-3344 FAX: 886-3-579-2838 GERMANY (CONTINENTAL EUROPE & ISRAEL ) 71083 HERRENBERG BENZSTR. 32 GERMANY PHONE: +49 7032 2796-0 FAX: +49 7032 2796 22 IRELAND & UK BLOCK A UNIT 2 BROOMFIELD BUSINESS PARK MALAHIDE CO. DUBLIN, IRELAND PHONE: +353 1 8038020 FAX: +353 1 8038049 U.S. SALES OFFICES NORTHWESTERN SOUTHWESTERN CENTRAL & SOUTHEASTERN 3910 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95134 PHONE: 408-433-6000 FAX: 408-433-0185 SUITE 200 5150 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY. LONG BEACH, CA 90804 PHONE: 562-498-3314 FAX: 562-597-2174 604 FIELDWOOD CIRCLE RICHARDSON, TX 75081 PHONE: 972-690-1402 FAX: 972-690-0341 NORTHEASTERN SUITE 436 20 TRAFALGAR SQUARE NASHUA, NH 03063 PHONE: 603-889-4393 FAX: 603-889-9347 (c) Copyright 1998, MOSEL VITELIC Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. MOSEL VITELIC makes no commitment to update or keep current the information contained in this document. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of MOSEL-VITELIC. MOSEL VITELIC 1/98 Printed in U.S.A. MOSEL VITELIC subjects its products to normal quality control sampling techniques which are intended to provide an assurance of high quality products suitable for usual commercial applications. MOSEL VITELIC does not do testing appropriate to provide 100% product quality assurance and does not assume any liability for consequential or incidental arising from any use of its products. If such products are to be used in applications in which personal injury might occur from failure, purchaser must do its own quality assurance testing appropriate to such applications. 3910 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95134-1501 Ph: (408) 433-6000 Fax: (408) 433-0952 Tlx: 371-9461