InfiniiScan Zone (HW zone qualifier) Trigger on user-defined zones drawn on the display. Applies to one analog channel at a time.
Specify zones as either “must intersect” or “must not intersect.” Up to two zones. > 200,000
wfm/sec update rate.
Supported modes: normal, peak detect, high resolution.
Also works simultaneously with the serial decodes and mask/limit test.
Edge Trigger on a rising, falling, alternating, or either edge of analog channels, digital channels, or an
external signal. Trigger on a rising or falling of a line signal.
Edge then edge (B trigger) Arm on a selected edge, wait a specified time, then trigger on a specified count of another
selected edge. Minimum 4 ns.
Pulse width Trigger on a pulse on a selected channel, whose time duration is less than a value, greater than a
value, or inside a time range
–Minimum duration setting: 2 ns (500 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz), 4 ns (350 MHz), 6 ns (200 MHz)
– Maximum duration setting: 10 s
– Range minimum: 10 ns
Pattern Trigger when a specified pattern of high, low, and don’t-care levels on any combination of analog,
digital, or trigger channels is [entered | exited]. Pattern must have stabilized for a minimum of
2 ns to qualify as a valid trigger condition.
– Minimum duration setting: 2 ns (500 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz), 4 ns (350 MHz), 6 ns (200 MHz)
– Maximum duration setting: 10 s
Or Trigger on any selected edges from available sources (analog and digital channels only).
Bandwidth is 500 MHz.
Rise/fall time Trigger on rise-time or fall-time edge speed violations (< or >) based on user-selectable threshold.
Select from (< or >) and time settings range between
– Minimum: 1 ns (500 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz model), 2 ns (350 MHz model), 3 ns (200 MHz model)
– Maximum: 10 s
Nth edge burst Trigger on the Nth (1 to 65535) edge of a pulse burst. Specify idle time (10 ns to 10 s) for framing.
Runt Trigger on a positive runt pulse that fails to exceed a high-level threshold. Trigger on a negative
runt pulse that fails to exceed a low-level threshold. Trigger on either polarity runt pulse based on
two threshold settings. Runt triggering can also be time-qualified (< or >) with a minimum time
setting of 2 ~ 6 ns and maximum time setting of 10 s
– Minimum time setting: 2 ns (500 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz), 4 ns (350 MHz), 6 ns (200 MHz)
Setup and hold Trigger on setup/hold violations. Setup time can be set from -7 s to 10 s. Hold time can be set
from 0 s to 10 ns. Minimum window (setup time + hold time) must be 3 ns or greater.
Video Trigger on all lines or individual lines, odd/even or all fields from composite video, or broadcast
standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAM-M).
Enhanced video (HDTV) (Option) Trigger on lines and fields of enhanced and HDTV standards (480p/60, 567p/50, 720p/50,
720p/60, 1080p/24, 1080p/25, 1080p/30, 1080p/50, 1080p/60, 1080i/50, 1080i/60).
ARINC429 (Option) Trigger and decode on ARINC429 data. Trigger on word start/stop, label, label + bits, label range,
error conditions (parity, word, gap, word or gap, all), all bits (eye), all 0 bits, all 1 bits.
CAN (Option) Trigger on CAN (controller area network) version 2.0A and 2.0B signals. Trigger on the start of
frame (SOF) bit, remote frame ID (RTR), data frame ID (~RTR), remote or data frame ID, data
frame ID and data, error frame, all errors, acknowledge error and overload frame . Also trigger at a
message and signal level by loading a .dbc file
FlexRay (Option) Trigger on frame ID or specific error condition, along with cycle-base and repetition-cycle filtering.
Can also trigger on specific events such as BSS, TSS, FES, and wake up
I²C (Option) Trigger at a start/stop condition or user defined frame with address and/or data values. Also
trigger on missing acknowledge, address with no acq, restart, EEPROM read, and 10-bit write.
I²S (Option) Trigger on 2’s complement data of audio left channel or right channel (=, ≠, <, >, > <, < >,
increasing value, or decreasing value)
LIN (Option) Trigger on LIN (local interconnect network) sync break, sync frame ID, frame ID and data , parity
error, or checksum error