81914HK No.A2355-1/17
Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014
August, 2014
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This “Inverter IPM” is highly integrated device containing all High Voltage (HV) control from HV-DC to 3-phase
outputs in a single SIP module (Single-In line Package). Output stage uses IGBT/FRD technology and implements
Under Voltage Protection (UVP) and Over Current Protection (OCP) with a Fault Detection output flag. Internal
Boost diodes are provided for high side gat e bo ost drive.
Single control power supply due to Internal bootstrap circuit for high side pre-driver circuit
All control input and status output are at low voltage levels directly compatible with microcontrollers
Built-in cross conduction prevention
Externally accessible embedded thermistor for substrate temperature measurement
The level of the over-current protection current is adjustable with the exter nal resistor, “RSD”
UL1557 (File Number : E339285).
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Tc = 25C
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Supply voltage VCC P to N, surge<500V *1 450 V
Collector-emitter voltage VCE P to U,V,W or U,V,W to N 600 V
Output current Io
P, N, U,V,W terminal current ±10 A
P, N, U,V,W terminal current at Tc=100C ±5 A
Output peak current Iop P, N, U,V,W terminal current for a Pulse width of 1ms. ±20 A
Pre-driver voltage VD1,2,3,4 VB1 to U, VB2 to V, VB3 to W, VDD to VSS *2 20 V
Input signal voltage VIN HIN1, 2, 3, LIN1, 2, 3 0 to 7 V
FLTEN terminal voltage VFLTEN FLTEN terminal 0.3 to VDD V
Maximum power dissipation Pd IGBT per channel 22 W
Junction temperature Tj IGBT,FRD 150 C
Storage temperature Tstg 40 to +125 C
Operating substrate temperature Tc IPM case temperature 40 to +100 C
Tightening torque Case mounting screws *3 0.9 Nm
Withstand voltage Vis 50Hz sine wave AC 1 minute *4 2000 VRMS
Reference voltage is “VSS” terminal voltage unless otherwise specified.
*1: Surge voltage developed by the switching operation due to the wiring inductance between “P” and “N” terminal.
*2: Terminal voltage: VD1=VB1U, VD2=VB2V, VD3=VB3W, VD4=VDDVSS
*3: Flatness of the heat-sink should be 0.15mm and below.
*4: Test conditions : AC2500V, 1 second.
Inverter IPM
for 3-phase Motor Drive
Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating
Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.
Advance Information
: EN*A2355
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information
herein are subject to change without notice.