7MBP50RJ120 1200V / 50A 7 in one-package IGBT IPM R-series 1200V class Features * Temperature protection provided by directly detecting the junction temperature of the IGBTs. * Low power loss and soft switching. * High performance and high reliability IGBT with overheating protection. * Both P-side and N-side alarm output available. * Higher reliability because of a big decrease in number of parts in built-in control circuit. Maximum ratings and characteristics Absolute maximum ratings(at Tc=25C unless otherwise specified) Item Bus voltage DC Surge Short operating Collector-Emitter voltage *1 Collector current Brake Inverter DC 1ms Duty=98.0% *2 Collector power dissipation One transistor *3 Collector current DC 1ms Forward Current of Diode Collector power dissipation One transistor *3 Supply voltage of Pre-Driver *4 Input signal voltage *5 Input signal current Alarm signal voltage *6 Alarm signal current *7 Junction temperature Operating case temperature Storage temperature Isolating voltage (Terminal to base, 50/60Hz sine wave 1min.) Screw torque Terminal (M5) Mounting (M5) Symbol Rating Min. Max. VDC VDC(surge) V SC VCES IC ICP -IC PC IC ICP IF PC V CC Vin Iin VALM IALM Tj Topr Tstg Viso 0 0 200 0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -20 -40 - 900 1000 800 1200 50 100 50 357 25 50 25 198 20 Vcc+0.5 3 Vcc 20 150 100 125 AC2500 3.5 3.5 Unit V V V V A A A W A A A W V V mA V mA C C C V N*m N*m Note *1 : Vces shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal P and U or V or W or DB, N and U or V or W or DB. *2 : 125C/FRD Rth(j-c)/(Ic x VF Max.)=125/0.85(50x3.0)x100=98.0% *3 : Pc=125C/IGBT Rth(j-c)=125/0.35=357W [Inverter] Pc=125C/IGBT Rth(j-c)=125/0.63=198W [Inverter] *4 : VCC shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No.4 and 1, 8 and 5, 12 and 9, 14 and 13 *5 : Vin shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No.3 and 1, 7 and 5, 11 and 9, 15,16,17,18 and 13. *6 :VALM shall be applied to the voltage between terminal No.2 and 1, No6 and 5, No10 and 9, No.19 and 13. *7 : IALMshall be applied to the input current to terminal No.2,6,10 and 19. http://store.iiic.cc/ 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Electrical characteristics (at Tc=Tj=25C, Vcc=15V unless otherwise specified.) Main circuit Inverter Item Collector current at off signal input Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Forward voltage of FWD Brake Collector current at off signal input Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Forward voltage of Diode Turn-on time Turn-off time Reverse recovery time Symbol ICES VCE(sat) Condition ICES VCE(sat) VF VCE=1200V Vin terminal open. Ic=50A Terminal Chip -Ic=50A Terminal Chip VCE=1200V Vin terminal open. Ic=25A Terminal -Ic=25A Terminal ton toff trr VDC=600V,Tj=125C IC=50A Fig.1, Fig.6 VDC=600V, IF=50A Fig.1, Fig.6 VF Min. Typ. 1.2 - - Max. Unit 1.0 2.6 3.0 1.0 2.6 3.3 3.6 0.3 mA V V mA V s Control circuit Item Supply current of P-line side pre-driver(one unit) Supply current of N-line side pre-driver Input signal threshold voltage (on/off) Symbol Iccp Input zener voltage Alarm signal hold time VZ tALM Limiting Resistor for Alarm RALM ICCN Vin(th) Condition Switching Trequency : 0 to 15kHz Tc=-20 to 125C Fig.7 ON OFF Rin=20k ohm Tc=-20C Fig.2 Tc=25C Fig.2 Tc=125C Fig.2 Min. Typ. Max. 18 65 1.00 1.35 1.70 1.25 1.60 1.95 8.0 1.1 2.0 4.0 1425 1500 1575 Unit mA mA V V V ms ms ms ohm Protection Section ( Vcc=15V) Item Over Current Protection Level of Inverter circuit Over Current Protection Level of Brake circuit Over Current Protection Delay time SC Protection Delay time IGBT Chip Over Heating Protection Temperature Level Over Heating Protection Hysteresis Over Heating Protection Protection Temperature Level Over Heating Protection Hysteresis Under Voltage Protection Level Under Voltage Protection Hysteresis Symbol IOC IOC tDOC tSC TjOH TjH TcOH Condition Tj=125C Tj=125C Tj=125C Tj=125C Fig.4 Surface of IGBT chips Min. Typ. Max. 75 38 150 10 - 12 - A A s s C - 20 - 125 C C - C V V 110 VDC=0V, IC=0A CaseTemperature - TcH V UV VH 20 0.5 11.0 0.2 12.5 - Thermal characteristics( Tc=25C) Item Junction to Case thermal resistance *8 Inverter Brake IGBT FWD IGBT Case to fin thermal resistance with compound Symbol Rth(j-c) Rth(j-c) Rth(j-c) Rth(c-f) Min. - Typ. 0.05 Min. Typ. Max. 0.35 0.85 0.63 Unit C/W C/W C/W Max. Unit - *8 : (For 1 device, Case is under the device) Noise Immunity ( VDC=300V, Vcc=15V, Test Circuit Fig.5) Item Common mode rectangular noise Common mode lightning surge Condition Pulse width 1s, polarity ,10minuets Judge : no over-current, no miss operating Rise time 1.2s, Fall time 50s Interval 20s, 10 times Judge : no over-current, no miss operating 2.0 - - kV 5.0 - - kV Symbol V DC V CC - Min. 13.5 2.5 Typ. 15.0 - Max. 800 16.5 3.0 Unit V V Nm Symbol Wt Min. - Typ. 450 Max. - Unit g Recommendable value Item DC Bus Voltage Operating Supply Voltage of Pre-Driver Screw torque (M5) Weight Item Weight http://store.iiic.cc/ Unit 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Vin(th) Vin On Vin(th) trr 90% 50% Ic 90% 10% toff ton Figure 1. Switching Time Waveform Definitions ) on on Gate On Vge (Inside IPM ) Fault (Inside IPM off off /Vin Gate Off normal alarm /ALM tALM > Max. 1 tALM > t ALM 2ms(typ.) 3 Max. 2 Fault : Over-current,Over-heat or Under-voltage Figure 2. Input/Output Timing Diagram tsc Ic Ic Ic I ALM I ALM I ALM Figure.4 Definition of tsc Vcc PP IPM IPM 20 k DC 15V VccU 20k DC 15V VinU SW1 P IPM DC 15V SW2 Earth GND GND N Ic AC200V V Vcc VinX DC 300V U GNDU 20k + + Vin HCPL 4504 CT L + Figure 6. Switching Characteristics Test Circuit W Icc A 4700p N Vcc P Noise DC 15V Cooling Fin IPM U Vin V P.G +8V fsw W GND N Figure 5. Noise Test Circuit Figure 7. Icc Test Circuit http://store.iiic.cc/ 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Block diagram P VccU 4 VinU 3 Pre- Driver ALMU 2 RALM 1.5k Vz GNDU 1 VccV 8 VinV 7 U Pre - Driver ALMV 6 RALM 1.5k Vz GNDV 5 VccW 12 VinW 11 ALMW 10 V Pre - Driver RALM 1.5k Vz GNDW 9 Vcc 14 VinX 16 W Pre - Driver Vz GND VinY 13 17 Pre - Driver Vz VinZ Pre-drivers include following functions 18 1.Amplifier for driver 2.Short circuit protection Pre - Driver Vz B VinDB 15 ALM 19 3.Under voltage lockout circuit 4.Over current protection Pre - Driver RALM 1.5k 5.IGBT chip over heating protection Vz N Over heating protection circuit Outline drawings, mm 13.8 _0.3 + 109 _1 + 95 _0 . 3 + 66.44 3.22 +_ 0 . 3 10 10 6 +_ 0 . 1 5 _0.2 + 10 _0.2 + 6 +_ 0 . 1 5 12 _ 0 . 25 + 4- O /5 2 +_ 0 . 1 2 +_ 0 . 3 6 +_ 0 . 1 5 _0 . 2 + 1 10 P 20 +_ 1 +_ 0 . 3 88 74 20 B N U V 0.5 17 W 0.5 24 26 26 19- 0.5 2- O / 2.5 http://store.iiic.cc/ 9 +0 . 6 31 - 0 . 3 +1 . 0 -0.3 22 17 17 +1 . 0 -0.2 8 22 +1 . 0 -0.3 12.5 7 6 - M5 Mass : 450g IGBT-IPM 7MBP50RJ120 Characteristics Control circuit characteristics (Respresentative) Input signal threshold voltage vs. P ower s upply voltage Power supply curr ent vs. Switching frequency Tj=100 C Tj= 125 C 2.5 40 V cc = 15V 30 V cc = 13V 25 20 15 V cc = 17V V cc = 15V 10 2 : Vin(on), Vin(off) (V) N-side Input s ignal thres hold voltage V cc = 17V P-side 35 Powe r supply current : Icc (mA) T j= 25 C } Vin(off) 1.5 } Vin(on) 1 0.5 V cc = 13V 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 12 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 Po we r s up ply volta ge : Vc c ( V) Sw itc hing frequenc y : fs w (kHz) U nder voltage vs. Junction temperature U nde r voltage hysterisis vs. Jnction tempe ra tur e 14 1 Un der vo ltage hysterisis : VH (V) Under voltag e : VUVT (V) 12 10 8 6 4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 120 1 40 20 40 Junction tem perat ure : Tj (C) 80 1 00 120 1 40 O ve r heating char acte ris tic s Tc OH ,TjOH ,T cH ,TjH vs. Vc c Alar m ho ld time vs . P owe r s upply voltage 3 2 00 O ver heating pro tection : TcO H,TjO H (C) O H hysterisis : TcH,TjH (C) Alarm hold time : tAL M (mSe c) 60 Junc tion tem pe rat ure : Tj (C) 2.5 Tj=1 25 C 2 T j= 25 C 1.5 1 0.5 0 TjO H 1 50 T cO H 1 00 50 T cH,TjH 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 Po we r sup ply volt age : Vc c ( V) 13 14 15 16 Po we r s up ply vo lta ge : Vc c ( V) http://store.iiic.cc/ 17 18 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Main circuit characteristics (Respresentative) Co lle ctor curr ent vs. Colle ctor -E mitte r voltage Tj=2 5 C (Te rm inal) Co lle ctor curr ent vs. Colle ctor -E mitte r voltage Tj=25 C (C hip) 80 80 Vcc= 17 V 70 V cc = 17V 70 V cc = 13V Co lle cto r Cur re nt : Ic ( A) V cc= 13 V Co lle cto r Cur rent : Ic (A) Vcc= 15V V cc= 15 V 60 50 40 30 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2 2.5 3 80 V cc= 15 V Vcc= 15 V V cc= 17 V Vcc= 17 V 70 Vcc= 13V 60 50 40 30 Colle ct or Curre nt : I c ( A) 70 Co lle cto r Curre nt : Ic ( A) 1 .5 Co lle ctor curr ent vs. Colle ctor -E mitte r voltage Tj=12 5 C (Term inal) Co lle ctor curr ent vs. Colle ctor -E mitte r voltage Tj=12 5 C (C hip) V cc = 13V 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 3 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 C ollector -Emit ter vo lta ge : Vce (V) C olle ct or- Emitt er vo lta ge : V ce ( V) Fo rward curre nt vs. Fo rwar d voltage (C hip) Fo rward curre nt vs. Fo rwar d voltage (T ermina l) 80 80 70 125 C 60 50 40 30 20 10 25C 1 25 C 70 25 C Forw ard Current : If (A) F or wa rd Current : I f (A) 1 C ollector -Emit ter vo lta ge : V ce ( V) C ollector -Emit ter vo lta ge : Vce (V) 80 0 .5 3 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 0.5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 F or wa rd vo lta ge : V f ( V) 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 F or wa rd vo ltag e : V f ( V) http://store.iiic.cc/ 2.5 3 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Switc hing Los s vs. C ollec tor C ur re nt Edc=600V,Vcc=15V,Tj=125 C Switc hing Loss vs. C ollector C urrent Edc=6 00 V,Vc c=15V ,Tj=2 5 C 25 S wit ching lo ss : E on,E off,Er r (mJ/c yc le) Sw itching loss : Eon,E off,Err (mJ/cycle) 25 20 15 Eon 10 Eo ff 5 Err E on 20 15 10 Eoff 5 E rr 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 80 10 20 Colle ctor current : Ic (A) Reversed bias ed safe operating area Vcc=15V,Tj 125 C 50 60 70 Thermal re sistance : Rt h(j-c) ( C/ W ) 50 0 40 0 SCS O A (non-repetitive pu ls e) 30 0 20 0 10 0 80 Trans ient thermal resistance 60 0 C ollector cu rren t : Ic (A) 40 FW D 1 70 0 I GB T 0 .1 RBS O A (R e petit ive pu lse) 0 0. 01 0 20 0 40 0 600 800 1 000 1 20 0 140 0 0 .001 0.01 C ollector-E m itter volta ge : V ce (V) 0 .1 1 P ulse width :P w (se c) Power de ra ting for F W D (pe r devic e) Power dera ting fo r IGB T (per device) 1 50 Collec ter Pow er Dissipation : Pc (W ) 400 Collecter Pow er Dissipation : Pc (W ) 30 Colle ctor cur rent : Ic (A) 350 300 250 200 150 100 1 25 1 00 75 50 25 50 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 120 1 40 160 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 120 Case Temper ature : Tc (C) Case Tem pe ratur e : Tc (C) http://store.iiic.cc/ 1 40 1 60 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM S witching time vs . C ollec to r c ur re nt E dc =600V ,V cc =1 5V,Tj=12 5 C S witching time vs. C ollec to r c ur rent Edc=6 00V,Vcc=15V ,Tj=25 C 1 00 00 1 00 00 Sw itching tim e : to n, tof f,tf (nSe c) Switching time : ton,toff,tf (nSec) t off t off ton 10 00 tf 1 00 tf 1 00 10 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 C ollect or curre nt : Ic (A) 70 80 10 00 t rr1 25 C t rr25 C 1 00 I rr1 25 C Irr 25 C 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 C ollect or curre nt : Ic (A) Reverse re co ve ry char acte ris tic s trr,Irr vs. IF Reverse recover y c urr ent : Irr (A) Rever se re co very t im e : trr (nSec) ton 10 00 70 80 For ward current : IF(A) http://store.iiic.cc/ 70 80 7MBP50RJ120 IGBT-IPM Dynamic Brake Characteristics (Representative) C ollector current vs. Collector-E mitte r voltage Tj=2 5C ( Terminal) 40 C o lle ctor current vs. Colle ctor-Emitter voltage Tj=12 5C( T ermina l) 40 Vcc= 15 V Vcc= 15 V Vcc= 17 V Vcc= 17 V 35 35 Colle ct or Curre nt : I c ( A) Co llecto r Cur rent : Ic (A) V cc = 13V 30 25 20 15 30 Vcc= 13V 25 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 C olle ct or- Emitt er voltage : V ce (V) C olle ct or- Emitt er vo lta ge : V ce ( V) Tran sien t the rm a l res is ta nc e Revers ed bias ed safe operating area V cc=1 5V,Tj 125 C 1 3 35 0 T hermal resistance : R th(j-c) (C/W ) IG B T C ollector cu rren t : Ic (A) 30 0 0 .1 25 0 20 0 S C S OA (no n-re peti tive pu ls e) 15 0 10 0 50 RBSOA (R e peti tive pu ls e) 0.01 0 0 .00 1 0.01 0 .1 1 0 Power dera ting fo r IGB T (per device) Co llecte r P ow er Diss ipa tio n : Pc ( W) 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 40 0 600 800 1 000 1 20 0 C ollector-E m itte r volta ge : V ce (V) P ulse wid th :P w (se c) 0 20 0 1 20 140 1 60 Case Temper ature : Tc (C) http://store.iiic.cc/ 140 0