DEVKIT-S12XE QUICK START GUIDE (QSG) ULTRA-RELIABLE MCUS FOR INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE EXTERNAL USE Get to know the DEVKIT-S12XE Power SBC MC33903 High-speed CAN interface NXP Microcontroller S12XE LIN Interface The DEVKIT-S12XE is an ultra-low-cost development platform for S12 Microcontrollers. Features include easy access to all MCU I/Os, a standardbased form factor compatible with the ArduinoTM pin layout, providing a broad range of expansion board options, and an USB serial port interface for connection to the IDE, the board has option to be powered via USB or an external power supply. 1 EXTERNAL USE Power Supply RGB LED User - Push button [2] On-Board OSBDM I/Os Headers Freedom+ and Arduino DEVKIT-S12XE Features ADC Potentiometer Power Supply and Communications DESCRIPTION NAME VBAT GND GND PIN J9-01 J9-02 J9-03 DESCRIPTION NAME LIN VBAT NC GND PIN J12-01 J12-02 J12-03 J12-04 DESCRIPTION 2 EXTERNAL USE NAME CANH CANL VBAT GND PIN J8-01 J8-02 J8-03 J8-04 High-speed CAN interface Input/Output Connectors J2 J1 PIN J1-01 J1-03 J1-05 J1-07 J1-09 J1-11 J1-13 J1-15 PIN J2-01 J2-03 J2-05 J2-07 J2-09 J2-11 J2-13 J2-15 J2-17 J2-19 Arduino Compatibility The internal rows of the I/O headers on the DEVKIT-S12XE are arranged to fulfill ArduinoTM shields compatibility . 3 EXTERNAL USE PORT PS0 PS1 PP7 PP6 PP5 PP4 PP3 PP2 FUNCTION RXD0 TXD0 PWM7 PWM6 PWM5 PWM4 PWM3 PWM2 PORT FUNCTION PP1 PWM1 PP0 PWM0 PH3 PWM5 / SPI1_SS PH1 PWM2 / SPI1_M0SI PH0 SPI1_MISO PH2 SPI1_SCK GND GND VRH_MCU VRH_MCU PJ6 SDA PJ7 SCL J1 PIN J1-02 J1-04 J1-06 J1-08 J1-10 J1-12 J1-14 J1-16 PORT PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 FUNCTION GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO J2 PIN J2-02 J2-04 J2-06 J2-08 J2-10 J2-12 J2-14 J2-16 J2-18 J2-20 PORT PT0 PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PE0 PE1 PE2 PE3 FUNCTION IOC IOC IOC IOC IOC IOC GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Input/Output Connectors J3 J4 Arduino Compatibility The internal rows of the I/O headers on the DEVKIT-S12XE are arranged to fulfill ArduinoTM shields compatibility . 4 EXTERNAL USE PIN J3-02 J3-04 J3-06 J3-08 J3-10 J3-12 J3-14 J3-16 PORT PE7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PK1 PK0 PM3 PM2 FUNCTION GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO TXCAN1 RXCAN1 J3 PIN J3-01 J3-03 J3-05 J3-07 J3-09 J3-11 J3-13 J3-15 PORT FUNCTION VIN VDD RESET P3V3 P5V0 GND GND VIN PIN J4-02 J4-04 J4-06 J4-08 J4-10 J4-12 J4-14 J4-16 PORT PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 FUNCTION GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO J4 PIN J4-01 J4-03 J4-05 J4-07 J4-09 J4-11 J4-13 J4-15 PORT PAD0 PAD1 PAD2 PAD3 PAD4 PAD5 PAD6 PAD7 FUNCTION ADC0 ADC1 ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 ADC5 ADC6 ADC7 Input/Output Connectors J6 J5 Arduino Compatibility The internal rows of the I/O headers on the DEVKIT-S12XE are arranged to fulfill ArduinoTM shields compatibility . 5 EXTERNAL USE Default jumpers REF J11 J13 J10 POSITION OPEN 1-2 2-3 [DEFAULT] 2 - JP1 1-2 2-3 [DEFAULT] DESCRIPTION Enable LIN Master mode VDD Power MCU linked to 3.3V VDD Power MCU linked to 5.0V VDD Power MCU linked to USB P5V0 reference is linked to P5V_SWUSB P5V0 reference is linked to P5V_SBC CAUTION: J13 J11 6 EXTERNAL USE J10 When powered from the USB bus, do not exceed the 500mA maximum allowable current drain. Damage to the target board or host PC may result. Programming interface and User Peripherals MICRO USB [J16] User - Push Button [SW4] User - Push Button [SW3] RESET [SW2] REFERENCE Potentiometer [R49] OS/BDM [J14] RGB LED [D9] Potentiometer Push Button BDM [J7] LED SBC IO [SW5] Programming and Debug Interface R49 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 D2 D7 D9 RGB D10 D11 J16 J7 7 EXTERNAL USE MCU PORT AN0 PWRSBC RESET PT6 PT7 PWRSBC RESET PP3 PP4 PP6 DESCRIPTION Rotary Potentiometer GREEN LED power Indicator RESET LED indicator User LED User LED User LED On-board JTAG connection via open source OSBDM circuit using the MC9S08JM60 microcontroller Support for USB Multilink Interface BDM Step-by-Step Installation Instructions Install Software and Tools In this quick start guide, you will learn how to set up the DEVKIT-S12XE board and run the default exercise. 1 Install CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12 V5.1 or later. CodeWarrior Dev Tools for HCS12(X) MCUs Connect the USB Cable 2 Connect one end of the USB cable to the PC and the other end to the mini-B connector on the DEVKIT-S12XE board. Allow the PC to automatically configure the USB drivers if needed. Using the Example Project 3 The pre-loaded example project utilizes the RGB LED. Once the board is plugged in you can see how the RGB LEDs change the color. Learn More About the S12XE 4 8 EXTERNAL USE Read the release notes and documentation on the * The Processor Expert graphical initialization software included in your CodeWarrior installation will help reduce your time to market * CodeWarrior for S12 with examples CAUTIONARY NOTES Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be used when handling this product. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item. NXP does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent rights or the rights of others. EMC Information on the DEVKIT-S12XE board: * * * 9 This product as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables, has been verified to meet with requirements of CE and the FCC as a CLASS A product. This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardware or software in an educational or professional laboratory. Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the products operation from the factory default as shipped may effect its performance. EXTERNAL USE Documentation and References Datasheet * S12XE Family - Data Sheet Application Notes * AN4731, Understanding Injection Current on Freescale Automotive Microcontrollers - Application Note (REV 1) * AN4483, Emulated EEPROM Routines for the S12P Family Application Note * AN4258, Serial Bootloader for S12(X) Microcontrollers Based on 180 nm Technology - Application Note Reference Manuals * S12 & S12S S12X & S12XS & S12XE Microcontrollers - Reference Manual For more information please visit : 10 EXTERNAL USE Development Tools Ecosystem Compilers * Codewarrior S12 * Cosmic IDE * Codewarrior * Cosmic Zap Programmers * P&E * Cyclone Pro Programmer Debugger * CW & P&E S12 Debugger * Cosmic Zap Debugger * iSYSTEM winIDEA Support Tools: * FREEMASTER run time debugger and for instrumentation/calibration 11 EXTERNAL USE