Power Metal
Film Resistors
MF-S Series
Flameproof Power
Metal Film Resistors
MF-S Series
© Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com Issue C · 01.06
Welwyn Components
Application Notes
1. If the resistors are to dissipate full rate power, it is
recommended that the terminations should not be
soldered closer than 4mm from the body.
2. Due to operating temperature limitations imposed by some
pcb materials, derating may be necessary. An estimate of
the temperature rise to be expected can be calculated
using the thermal impedance figures given under Electrical
3. Lead Formed resistors can also be supplied. Standard
options of Lancet, Radial and Goalpost forming are shown
in lead Form Information section. b
Body location f 1 – f 2 1.4 mm
Figure 1
The preferred method of packaging is taped and ammo
packed, see figure 1 for critical dimensions.
Alternative packaging is available by special request.
MF Series resistors are colour coded with 5 bands for 1%
tolerance or 4 bands for other tolerances. IEC 62 colours
are used.
Solvent Resistance
The body protection and marking are resistant to all normal
industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits.
The resistors will not burn or emit incandescent particles
under any condition of applied temperature or power
The resistance element is a precisely controlled thin film of
metal alloy on a high purity ceramic core, protected by a
cement coating applied so that terminations remain
completely clear.
This permits a well defined body length, (clean lead to clean
lead dimension L).
Material Solder-coated copper wire.
Strength The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 68.2.21
Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 115-1, Clause
Load: 1000 hours at 70˚C 5%R
Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature 1%R
Derating from rated power at 70˚C C˚551taorez%R
Climatic 1%R
Climatic category 40/125/56
Temperature rapid change 5.0%R
Resistance to solder heat 5.0%R
Performance Data
MF1/2S52 2 5 0.5
5 0.5
5 0.5
10 0.5
52 2
52 2
67 2
General Note
TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specication without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT Electronics plc
BI Technologies IRC Welwyn