PVR and STB Clock Source
MDS 650-22 D 3Revision 051004
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ● 525 Race Street, San Jose, CA 95126 ● tel (408) 297-1201 ● www.icst.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the ICS650-22. These ratings,
which are standard values for ICS commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of
the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the
specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can
affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating
temperature range.
Recommended Operation Conditions
DC Electrical Characteristics
Unless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3V ±10%, Ambient Temperature 0 to +70°C
Item Rating
Supply Voltage, VDD 7 V
All Inputs and Outputs -0.5 V to VDD+0.5 V
Ambient Operating Temperature -40 to +85°C
Storage Temperature -65 to +150°C
Junction Temperature 125°C
Soldering Temperature 260°C
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Ambient Operating Temperature 0 - +70 °C
Power Supply Voltage (measured in respect to GND) +3.0 +3.3 +3.6 V
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Operating Voltage VDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Input High Voltage VIH VDD/2+1 VDD/2 V
Input Low Voltage VIL VDD/2 VDD/2-1 V
Output High Voltage VOH IOH = -25 mA 2.4 V
Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = +25 mA 0.5 V
Output High Voltage VOL IOH = -8 mA VDD-0.4 V
Operating Supply Current IDD No Load, OE=1 29 mA
No Load, OE=0 13 mA
Short Circuit Current IOS Each output ±70 mA
Internal Pull-up Resistor RPU Input select 390 kΩ