Add-on Memory Memory Card System 1.27 mm (0.050 in.) Centerlines Control IC Storage System Micro-Tri- Beam Contact ~_ S Write Protect Switch Lithium Battery Plastic Core Mating --- Semiconductor : o Memory IC Header - * Micro-Tri-Beam Connector Du Pont Memory Storage System Features ws Automatic switching circuit enables Mating Data card to use its own power whenever host power is not supplied. a Several standard package styles. a Suitable for both through-mount and ga Micro-Tri-Beam {I terminal can withstand a minimum of 10,000 mating cycles. wp Protection from ESD. Mates to 0.40 mm (0.016 in.) square pin from 3.5 mm (0.138 in.) min to 5.0 mm (0.197 in.} max long. ; surface-mount applications. Berg Electronics Products Page m Cards and headers are polarized to = Memory Card header.......-.. 42 prevent mismating Options w Fast data access. 2g . a User-pluggable packages. a Custom case designs. Specifications a All SRAM cards contain a reliable, s Custom labels. ae JEIDA v 4.0 long life 3-volt lithium battery, w Proprietary ICs. w PCMCIA v 1.0 replaceable on most styles. ws Custom circuit designs. Technical Data* SRAM ROM a Operating supply voltage ... 0.66... cece ee 5.0 + 0.25V de 5.0 + 0.25Vdc mw Operating current rate... 0.0 eens 100 mA 50 mA wp Operating temperature range .......... 6. ce eee eee eee O'Cto +50C OC to +50C w Operating humidity range.......... 0.06. c cece eens 5% to 95% 5% to 95% a Storage temperature range ........ 0... c cece eee 20C to +60C 20C to +65C am Storage humidity range. ....... 6... cece ene 5% to 95% 5% to 95% a Read/write cycle time...... 00... eee 350 ns (CMOS), 200 ns (mixed MOS) N/A m AcCESStIME ...... 6. eee eens N/A 200 ns m Battery type ....... 666 eee eee Lithium (J1S-CR2016 or equivalent) N/A am Battery voltage... 66.6... eee eee ene nnes 3.0 V dc N/A Ww PACkaging 2.0... Een enter EEE ener nen eee Individually packaged *Specifications may vary depending on card style. Contact Berg Electronics for exact specifications per part number. Customer Support Materials Lecce eee e eee eee By Part No. Description Order No. Description Customer Product Drawings .............05- By Part No. Test Data ......... Product Specifications ............. 0s eee eee By Part No. Product Substitutions Product Samples .............00 seve ee eee Upon Request Order No. Cente Upon Request 4-14 Memory Card System Berg Electronics 1-800-237-2374Add-on Memory Systems and Sockets 1.27 mm (0.050 in.) Description Style AR-1 54.00 mm DRAM Card Pin Assignment (2 128) i . i 2 Od men [ 1 015m {200mm : Signat : Signal oven) ! en 1 organ, PinNo. | - Pin No. | : { oe _ | 512k & 2MB | 512k@2MB 1 00% 1 GND 7 2 GND were) WP tio) 34.00 10 15 mm 3 | CA | 4 FG (1 336 + 005 nm) 5 | NC | 6 WE $0.90 rm | 7 i CASL 8 CASH (oem) 9 \ CASLP 10 \ CASHP 1 DO | 12 D8 $50 mm 13 | DI | 14 D9 . (eri) 15 | D2 16 : D10 : - | 7 j D3 18 D1 [ Ts TL + zoeam 19 D4 20 D12 LABEL AREA (BOTH SIDES) recy R2 [8 047 10} 21 } DS 22 i D13 jos Tru Sen * 23 D6 24 D14 2 PIN 60 PIN 25 D7? 2 D1I5 i ut 27 : PARL 28 PARH ol 127 2010mm oh 42760 10mm 29 i Vee 30 ! Vec a , (0.050 +0004 in} 59 PIN iL tao mm (0.088? 08 in 31 ; AQ 32 | Al it 4 { TPN |. agom) 10.047) 33 A2 34 Aa tLe Siem 49 80 en 35 i Ad | 36 AS I oom. 37 AG 38 A? omein anessas na 39 A8 40 AQ 41 | NC 7 42 NC i 43 | NC : | 44 NC ! 45 | NC 46 NC | 47 | NC 48 NC 49 NC 50 NC | 51 | NC 52 NC 53 | NC 54 1D0 55 RAS it 56 ID1 | 57 | cA i 58 i FG 59 | GND 60 GND CA - Card Acknowledge FG = Frame Ground CASL = Col. Addr. Strobe (Lower) CASH = Col. Addr. Strobe (Upper) CASLP - CAS Parity Strobe (Lower) CASHP = CAS Parity Strobe (Upper) PARL = Parity Bit (Lower Byte) PARH . Parity Bit (Upper Byte) NC - No Connection 100 &1B1 - Card Signature Code Note: in 512kB version, pin 40 (A9) is a no-connect Description 3.20 mm (0.125 in) ss.00 Style CC | mm . . 7" * (2.165 in) "| SRAM Card Pin Assignment ! Signal i _ PinNo. | a9 gg & 128kB 256kB : 1 CA CA : 2 GND GND 3 Vcc Voc 4 BVC BVC 5 ce CE 6 We ss WE 7 OE OE 8 ba bo 85.00 mm ~ ~ ~ (3.346 mm.) - - _ 15 D7 D7 : 16 AO AQ - - - 32 Al6 A16 33 NC Al7 i 34 NC A18 36 STS STs 36 Vcc Vec $$ eS i 37 GND GND : 38 CA i CA Le STYLE "GC" CREDIT CARD CA - Card Acknowledge (8.0. CREDIT CARD SIZE) BVC - Battery Voltage Check A189386-0462 STS Status Output Berg Electronics 1-800-237-2374 MemoryCardSystem 4-15Add-on Memory Systems and Sockets 1.27 mm (0.050 in.) Description JEIDA / PCMCIA Card Pin Assignment bee 3.30 mm eee ___ 00 __ Pin No. Signal \ Pin No. Signal (0.130 in.) (2.126 in} 1 GND 35 GND 2 D3 36 cD1 _ 3 D4 37 Di _) 4 DS 38 Di2 5 D6 39 D13 | 6 D7 40 D14 7 cet 41 D15 8 A10 42 CE2 9 OE 43 RFSH 10 All 44 RFU 1 Ag 45 RFU 12 ABR 46 AIT 13 A13 47 A1g 14 AM 48 Aig (3701) 15 WE / PGM 49 A20 16 RDY / BSY 50 A21 ' 17 Vee 51 Vcc : 18 : Vppt 52 Vpp2 19 : A16 53 A22 : 20 : A15 54 A23 : 24 : Al2 55 A24 22 : Al 56 A25 i 23 : AG 57 RFU i 24 : AS 58 RFU 25 : A4 59 RFU 26 : A3 60 RFU WN ) i 27 i A2 61 REG | 28 | Al 62 BVD2 29 : AO 63 BVD1 STVLE JEIDA/PCMCIA 30 : DO 64 D8 Aunonnses 31 i D1 65 bg 32 D2 66 D10 33 WP 67 Cb2 34 i GND 68 GND RFU = Reserved for Future Use Description Style S Style S" SRAM Card ROM Card Pin Assignment Pin Assignment r Sr rr ee ae | ~ ~ } 8.00 mm : Signal i Signal ; (0.234 in) ! Pin No. be ~ ----- ome es . Pe ee pees -4 j 58.00 mm 8kB 16kB PinNo. | 32,64 64, 128 (2.2636 9) ae : { & 96kB* & 192kB** 1 Vec Voc i - ee nee wee ed 3 BVC BVC 1 | Vee Vec c - . 5 Do Do 3! NC NC ; - | - 5 i DO DO = toe - - - - _ - fof |e - |e - Vv 19 D7 pb? 19 OF 7 21 ceo =| 2S CEO 215 CEG CEG 53.00 mm 23 NC | CE 230 CE CE (2.087 in) 25 NC | NC 2% | (CER CE2 27 NC NC 27 NC ~NC 29 OE OE 200 Cf OEO OE0/ Vpp a1! NC NC 31 | (OET OET/ Vpp - | - : - 330 OE2 GE2 / Vpp - - - 35 NC NC ; - = 37} NC NC 4 37 WE : WE 39 Vcc Vec 39 Veo Vee 2 1 GND GND STYLE S" STANDARD 2 GNO | GNO 4 | AO AO A1B3306-0484 4 AO AQ - - - - - - 30 | A13 A13 - - ~ 32} Ala Ala 24 A10 i A10 34: Vpp A15 26 All All 36 | NC NC 28 A12 Al2 38s NC NC 30 NC | NC 40 | GND GND poo - - Notes: _ roo _ _ (A) 1 chip version CE1 & CE2 atso > 3a NC NC OE1& OE2 not needed. 49 GND GND 2 chip version CE2 & OE2 not : i needed. CA = Card Acknowledge *Uses 256 kb ICs BVC = Battery Voltage Check **Uses 512 kb ICs 4-16 Memory Card System Berg Electronics 1-800-237-2374Add-on Memory Systems and Sockets 1.27 mm (0.050 in.) Description Style M ooo ROM Cassette Pin Assignment mm (0.354 in} | Signal _ I Ea | Pin No. an eee pn ee te i : 32 & 64kB* | 64 & 128kB** | 1 4A GND | GND age ! 2A Vpp i A158 | 34 Al2 Al2 4A A? AT 37.00 mm - _ - (1.48? in} | 1A AQ AO 12A Da DO 13A D1 D1 4A | D2 D2 y 15SA GND GNO 1B Ot Vec Vec | 2B Al4 Al4 STYLE M MINIATURE 3B Ala A13 : A189908-0465 i 4B A8 AS 5B AQ : AQ 6B All ; an 7B OE / OE/Vpp 8B A10 : Alo 9B CEO CEO 108 D7 D7 148 03 D3 158 CET CcEy Notes: (A) 1 chip version CE1 not needed. * Uses 256kb ICs **Uses 512kb ICS Ordering Data Standard Package Selections Type | Type TT a] a] Cont. 3 ERM [oe M | EPROM ets JEIDA | MROM 3M S OTPROM ob M OTPROM 18 CC SRAM S | SRAM : : 2 ban 2e JEIDA SRAM __ ee a Ho pa! fio oe aa *Available Product oFuture Product Berg Electronics 1-800-237-2374 MemoryCardSystem 4-17Add-on Memory Systems and Sockets 1.27 mm (0.050 in.) Ordering Data Products are designed to match customer's applications Berg Electronics invites you to learn more about its Solid-State Memory Storage System by contacting your nearest Berg Electronics sales representative. | Part Number Case . Memory | Memoryl/O | Density Connector _ Case Ber | - Type Type Organization (Bytes) 1/0 Color - Electronics | Without Logo ; Comments : Logo oe . : ; : . : Ss SRAM 8k x8 8k 2x 20 Gray 71316-002 Battery backup $s SRAM 16kx8 : 16k 2x20 | Gray 71316-003 . Battery backup S OTPROM 32kx8 = 32k 2x20 | Gray 71315-012 s OTPROM 64kx8 | 84k 2x20 | Gray | 71916-0619 | oc: s OTPROM | 128k x8 128k 2 x 20 Gray | - 79318037 e S | OTPROM.| 192%kx.8 | 192% | 2x20 | Gray | 71318-0393 | S EPROM 32k x B 32k | 2x20 ~~ Gray 71556-012 s EPROM 64k x 8B 64k 2x 20 Gray 71556-013 $s EPROM : 128kx8 128k 2x20 Gray 71556-023 S EPROM | 192kx8 192k 2x20 ; Gray 71556-033 M OTPROM 32kx8 | 32k 2 15 Black 78112-022 M OTPROM 64k x8 64k 2 15 Black 78112-023 M OTPROM 128k x 8 128k 2