Power Supplies with Ultra-low Standby Power Consumption/Energy-saving Power Modules EPM Series Features 1. Easy creation of switching power supplies by use of simple external parts 2. Significant power consumption reduction under light-load and no-load conditions 3. Support of worldwide input and PFC output voltage (DC110V to 450V) 4. Significant reduction of beat note under light-load condition by use of resin filling Application circuit Applications Industrial equipment Information processing equipment AV equipment Home electric appliances Other standby power supplies and compact power supplies Method to select external parts for input rectification and smoothing as well as output smoothing is supported by the application note. + L EPM AC input AC Series DC output DC N Product Lineup Part No Output voltage Rated load EPM0310SJ 3.3V EPM0510SJ 5V EPM1205SJ EPM1210SJ 12V EPM1505SJ EPM1510SJ EPM2403SJ EPM2405SJ 24V EPM1205SK EPM1210SK 12V EPM1505SK EPM1510SK RoHS compliant Insulation (Between Pri-Sec) Status 1A FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample 1A FE19S OK Check Offical Site Reinforced insulation mass production 0.5A FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample FE22S OK Reinforced insulation sample FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample 1A FE22S OK Check Offical Site Reinforced insulation mass production 0.25A FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample 0.5A FE22S OK Reinforced insulation sample 0.5A FE19S OK Check Offical Site Reinforced insulation mass production 1A FE22S OK Check Offical Site Reinforced insulation mass production FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample FE22S OK Reinforced insulation sample 0.25A FE19S OK Reinforced insulation sample 0.5A FE22S OK Reinforced insulation sample 1A 5% 0.5A 15V EPM2403SK EPM2405SK External Type 0.5A 15V Output tolerance 24V 1A 10% Multi-output products are also under development. Data sheet External dimensions FE19S FE22S CP Wire CP Wire Unit: mm Unit: mm * Dimensions shown above are all standard values . Pin assignment Primary side Pin No. Name FB 8 VccW 9 -DCIN 10 Vcc 11 +DCIN 12 13 Description N.C. unable to connect to other circuits) N.C. unable to connect to other circuits) Input (-) Start-up time adjustment Input (+) No pin Secondary side Pin No. Name 1 2 3 SecW 4 +DCOUT 5 N.C. 6 Description No pin No pin No pin N.C. unable to connect to other circuits) Output + N.C. unable to connect to other circuits) * The contents of this document may change without prior notice. Please ensure that the information is up to date. When you use the products described in this document, please make sure to obtain the delivery specifications and secure safety by yourself, because there are limits to their application and the environment where they can be used. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Tamura: EPM0510SJ EPM1205SJ EPM0310SJ EPM1210SJ EPM1510SJ EPM2405SJ