Ahigh RLOL outputindicatesthat the acquisition circuitis
working to bring the PLL into properfrequency lock.
RLOLremainshigh until frequency lock hasoccurred;
however, the minimumRLOL pulsewidthis32 clock
Inresponseto a phase hitinthe inputdata, the
XRT7295ATreturnsto errorfree operation inless than
2ms.During the requisition time,RLOSmaytemporarily
be indicated.
Figure 1 showsthatanalog and digitalmethodsof
loss-of-signal(LOS)detection arecombined tocreatethe
RLOSalarmoutput. RLOSis setifeitherthe analog or
digitaldetection circuitryindicatesLOShasoccurred.
The analog LOSdetectormonitorsthe peakinputsignal
amplitude.RLOSmakesa high-to-lowtransition (input
signalregained)when the inputsignalamplitude exceeds
the loss-ofsignalthreshold defined inTable 6.The RLOS
low-to-high transition (inputsignal loss)occursatalevel
typically1.0 dBbelowthe high-to-lowtransition level.The
hysteresispreventsRLOSchattering.Onceset, the
RLOSalarmremainshigh foratleast32 clock cycles,
allowing forsystemdetection ofa LOScondition without
the use ofan external latch.
To allowforvarying levelsofnoise and crosstalkin
differentapplications, three loss-of-signalthreshold
settingsare available using the LOSTHR pin.Setting
LOSTHR =VDD providesthe lowestloss-of-signal
threshold;LOSTHR =VDD/2(can be produced using two
50 kW±10%resistorsasavoltage dividerbetween
VDDDand GNDD)providesan intermediatethreshold;
and LOSTHR =GND providesthe highest threshold.The
LOSTHR pinmustbe set toitsdesired value atpower-up
and mustnotbe changed during operation.
In addition tothe signalamplitude monitoring of the
analog LOSdetector, the digitalLOSdetectormonitors
the recovered data 1sdensity.The RLOSalarmgoes
high if160 ±32 ormoreconsecutive 0soccurinthe
receive datastream.The alarmgoeslow when atleast
ten 1soccurin a string of32 consecutive bits.This
hysteresispreventsRLOSchattering and guaranteesa
minimumRLOSpulsewidth of32 clock cycles.Note,
however, thatRLOSchattercan still occur.When
REQB=1,inputsignal levelsabovethe analog RLOS
thresholdcan still be lowenoughtoresultinahigh biterror
rate.The resultantdatastream(containing)errors can
temporarilyactivatethe digitalLOSdetector,and RLOS
chattercan occur.Therefore,RLOSshould notbe used
asa biterror ratemonitor.
RLOSchattercan also occurwhen RLOLisactivated