S34ML16G2 16 Gb, 3 V, 4-bit ECC, x8 I/O, SLC NAND Flash Memory for Embedded General Description SkyHigh S34ML16G2 16-Gb NAND is offered in 3.3 VCC with x8 I/O interface. This document contains information for the S34ML16G2 device, which is a quad-die stack of four S34ML04G2 die. For detailed specifications, please refer to the discrete die data sheet: S34ML01G2_04G2. Distinctive Characteristics Density - 16-Gb (4-Gb 4) Architecture (For each 4-Gb device) - Input / Output Bus Width: 8-bits - Page Size: (2048 + 128) bytes; 128-byte spare area - Block Size: 64 Pages or (128k + 8k) bytes - Plane Size - 2048 Blocks per Plane or (256M + 16M) bytes - Device Size - 2 Planes per Device or 512 Mbyte NAND Flash Interface - Open NAND Flash Interface (ONFI) 1.0 compliant - Address, Data and Commands multiplexed Supply Voltage - 3.3 V device: Vcc = 2.7 V ~ 3.6 V Security - One Time Programmable (OTP) area - Serial number (unique ID) - Hardware program/erase disabled during power transition Additional Features - Supports Multiplane Program and Erase commands - Supports Copy Back Program - Supports Multiplane Copy Back Program - Supports Read Cache Electronic Signature - Manufacturer ID: 01h Operating Temperature - Industrial: 40 C to 85 C Performance Page Read / Program - Random access: 30 s (Max) - Sequential access: 25 ns (Min) - Program time / Multiplane Program time: 300 s (Typ) Block Erase / Multiplane Erase - Block Erase time: 3.5 ms (Typ) SkyHigh Memory Limited Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Reliability - 100,000 Program / Erase cycles (Typ) (with 4-bit ECC per 528 bytes) - 10 Year Data retention (Typ) - Blocks zero and one are valid and will be valid for at least 1000 program-erase cycles with ECC Package Options - Lead Free and Low Halogen - 48-Pin TSOP 12 20 1.2 mm - 63-Ball BGA 9 11 1.2 mm Suite 4401-02, 44/F One Island East, 18 Westlands Road Hong Kong www.skyhighmemory.com Revised May 09, 2019 S34ML16G2 Contents General Description ............................................................. 1 Distinctive Characteristics .................................................. 1 Performance.......................................................................... 1 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Electrical Characteristics ........................................... 12 Valid Blocks .................................................................. 12 DC Characteristics ........................................................ 12 Pin Capacitance............................................................ 12 Power Consumptions and Pin Capacitance for Allowed Stacking Configurations ............................. 13 1. Connection Diagram .................................................... 3 2. Pin Description............................................................. 4 3. Block Diagrams............................................................ 5 8. 8.1 Physical Interface ....................................................... 14 Physical Diagram .......................................................... 14 4. Addressing ................................................................... 7 9. Ordering Information .................................................. 16 5. Read Status Enhanced ................................................ 7 10. Document History ....................................................... 17 6. 6.1 Read ID.......................................................................... 8 Read Parameter Page ................................................... 9 Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 2 of 17 S34ML16G2 1. Connection Diagram Figure 1.1 48-Pin TSOP1 Contact x8 Device (2 CE#, 16 Gb) NC NC NC NC NC R/B2# R/B1# RE# CE1# CE2# NC VCC VSS NC NC CLE ALE WE# WP# NC NC NC NC NC 1 48 NAND Flash TSOP1 12 13 37 36 (x8) 25 24 (1) VSS NC NC NC I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 NC (1) VCC NC VCC VSS NC (1) VCC NC I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 NC NC NC (1) VSS Note: 1. These pins should be connected to power supply or ground (as designated) following the ONFI specification, however they might not be bonded internally. Figure 1.2 63-BGA Contact, x8 Device (Balls Down, Top View) A1 A2 A9 NC NC NC NC B9 B10 NC NC B1 NC C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 WP# ALE VSS CE# WE# RB# D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 VCC (1) RE# CLE NC NC NC E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 NC NC NC NC NC NC F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 NC NC NC NC VSS (1) NC G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 NC VCC (1) NC NC NC NC H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 NC I/O0 NC NC NC Vcc J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 NC I/O1 NC VCC I/O5 I/O7 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 VSS I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O6 VSS A10 L1 L2 L9 L10 NC NC NC NC M1 M2 M9 M10 NC NC NC NC Note: 1. These pins should be connected to power supply or ground (as designated) following the ONFI specification, however they might not be bonded internally. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 3 of 17 S34ML16G2 2. Pin Description Pin Description Pin Name I/O0 - I/O7 Description Inputs/Outputs. The I/O pins are used for command input, address input, data input, and data output. The I/O pins float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled. CLE Command Latch Enable. This input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Command Register on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE#). ALE Address Latch Enable. This input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Address Register on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE#). CE# Chip Enable. This input controls the selection of the device. When the device is not busy CE# low selects the memory. WE# Write Enable. This input latches Command, Address and Data. The I/O inputs are latched on the rising edge of WE#. RE# Read Enable. The RE# input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE# which also increments the internal column address counter by one. WP# Write Protect. The WP# pin, when low, provides hardware protection against undesired data modification (program / erase). R/B# Ready Busy. The Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory. VCC Supply Voltage. The VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Program, Erase). An internal lock circuit prevents the insertion of Commands when VCC is less than VLKO. VSS Ground. NC Not Connected. Notes: 1. A 0.1 F capacitor should be connected between the VCC Supply Voltage pin and the VSS Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations. 2. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever VCC is below 1.8V to protect the device from any involuntary program/erase during power transitions. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 4 of 17 S34ML16G2 3. Block Diagrams Figure 3.1 Functional Block Diagram -- 16 Gb Address Register/ Counter Program Erase Controller HV Generation X 16 Gb Device (4 Gb x 4) NAND Flash Memory Array ALE CLE WE# CE# WP# D E C O D E R Command Interface Logic RE# Page Buffer Y Decoder Command Register I/O Buffer Data Register I/O0~I/O7 Figure 3.2 Block Diagram -- 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4) 48-Pin TSOP with 2 CE# (Two Chip Enable Signals) IO0~IO7 CE2# CE# WE# RE# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory #4 RB# RB2# VSS ALE VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE# WE# RE# ALE RB# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory #3 VSS VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE# WE# RE# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory #2 RB# VSS ALE VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE1# CE# WE# WE# RE# RE# ALE ALE CLE CLE WP# WP# Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory #1 IO0~IO7 RB# RB1# VSS VSS VCC VCC Page 5 of 17 S34ML16G2 Figure 3.3 Block Diagram -- 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4) 63-Ball BGA with 1 CE# (One Chip Enable Signal) IO0~IO7 CE# WE# RE# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory#4 RB# VSS ALE VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE# WE# RE# ALE RB# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory#3 VSS VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE# WE# RE# 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory#2 RB# VSS ALE VCC CLE WP# IO0~IO7 CE# CE# WE# WE# RE# RE# ALE ALE CLE CLE WP# WP# Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 4 Gb x8 NAND Flash Memory#1 IO0~IO7 RB# RB# VSS VSS VCC VCC Page 6 of 17 S34ML16G2 4. Addressing Address Cycle Map Bus Cycle I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 A7 (CA7) 1st / Col. Add. 1 A0 (CA0) A1 (CA1) A2 (CA2) A3 (CA3) A4 (CA4) A5 (CA5) A6 (CA6) 2nd / Col. Add. 2 A8 (CA8) A9 (CA9) A10 (CA10) A11 (CA11) Low Low Low Low 3rd / Row Add. 1 A12 (PA0) A13 (PA1) A14 (PA2) A15 (PA3) A16 (PA4) A17 (PA5) A18 (PLA0) A19 (BA0) 4th / Row Add. 2 A20 (BA1) A21 (BA2) A22 (BA3) A23 (BA4) A24 (BA5) A25 (BA6) A26 (BA7) A27 (BA8) 5th / Row Add. 3(6) A28 (BA9) A29 (BA10) A30 (BA11) A31 (BA12) Low Low Low Low Notes: 1. CAx = Column Address bit. 2. PAx = Page Address bit. 3. PLA0 = Plane Address bit zero. 4. BAx = Block Address bit. 5. Block address concatenated with page address and plane address = actual page address, also known as the row address. 6. A31 for 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4 - QDP) For the address bits, the following rules apply: A0 - A11: column address in the page A12 - A17: page address in the block A18: plane address (for multiplane operations) / block address (for normal operations) A19 - A31: block address 5. Read Status Enhanced Read Status Enhanced is used to retrieve the status value for a previous operation in the following cases: In the case of concurrent operations on a multi-die stack. When four dies are stacked to form a quad-die package (QDP), it is possible to run one operation on the first die, then activate a different operation on the second die, for example: Erase while Read, Read while Program, etc. In the case of multiplane operations in the same die. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 7 of 17 S34ML16G2 6. Read ID The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register, followed by an address input of 00h. Note: If you want to execute Read Status command (0x70) after Read ID sequence, you should input dummy command (0x00) before Read Status command (0x70). For the S34ML16G2 device, five read cycles sequentially output the manufacturer code (01h), and the device code and 3rd, 4th, and 5th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Read ID for Supported Configurations Density Org VCC 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 4 Gb x8 3.3V 01h DCh 90h 95h 56h 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4 - QDP with one CE#) x8 3.3V 01h D5h D2h 95h 5Eh 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4 - QDP with two CE#) x8 3.3V 01h D3h D1h 95h 5Ah Figure 6.1 Read ID Operation Timing CLE CE# WE# tWHR tAR ALE tREA RE# I/Ox 90h Read ID Command 00h 01h Address 1 Cycle Maker Code Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G D5h Device Code D2h 3rd Cycle 95h 5Eh 4th Cycle 5th Cycle Page 8 of 17 S34ML16G2 5th ID Data Read ID Byte 5 Description Description ECC Level I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 1 bit / 512 bytes 00 2 bit / 512 bytes 01 4 bit / 512 bytes 10 8 bit / 512 bytes Plane Number 11 1 00 2 01 4 10 8 Plane Size (without spare area) 11 64 Mb 000 128 Mb 001 256 Mb 010 512 Mb 011 1 Gb 100 2 Gb 101 4 Gb 110 Reserved 6.1 0 Read Parameter Page The device supports the ONFI Read Parameter Page operation, initiated by writing ECh to the command register, followed by an address input of 00h. The command register remains in Parameter Page mode until further commands are issued to it. Table explains the parameter fields. Note: For 32nm SkyHigh NAND, for a particular condition, the Read Parameter Page command does not give the correct values. Toovercome this issue, the host must issue a Reset command before the Read Parameter Page command. Issuance of Reset before the Read Parameter Page command will provide the correct values and will not output 00h values. Parameter Page Description Byte O/M Description Values Revision Information and Features Block 0-3 M Parameter page signature Byte 0: 4Fh, "O" Byte 1: 4Eh, "N" Byte 2: 46h, "F" Byte 3: 49h, "I" 4-5 M Revision number 2-15 Reserved (0) 1 1 = supports ONFI version 1.0 0 Reserved (0) 02h, 00h M Features supported 5-15 Reserved (0) 4 1 = supports odd to even page Copyback 3 1 = supports interleaved operations 2 1 = supports non-sequential page programming 1 1 = supports multiple LUN operations 0 1 = supports 16-bit data bus width 1Eh, 00h M Optional commands supported 6-15 Reserved (0) 5 1 = supports Read Unique ID 4 1 = supports Copyback 3 1 = supports Read Status Enhanced 2 1 = supports Get Features and Set Features 1 1 = supports Read Cache commands 0 1 = supports Page Cache Program command 3Bh, 00h 6-7 8-9 Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 4Fh, 4Eh, 46h, 49h Page 9 of 17 S34ML16G2 Parameter Page Description (Continued) Byte O/M 10-31 Description Reserved (0) Values 00h Manufacturer Information Block 32-43 M Device manufacturer (12 ASCII characters) 53h, 50h, 41h, 4Eh, 53h, 49h, 4Fh, 4Eh, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h 44-63 M Device model (20 ASCII characters) 53h, 33h, 34h, 4Dh, 4Ch, 31h, 36h, 47h, 32h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h 64 M JEDEC manufacturer ID 01h 65-66 O Date code 00h 67-79 Reserved (0) 00h Memory Organization Block 80-83 M Number of data bytes per page 00h, 08h, 00h, 00h 80h, 00h 84-85 M Number of spare bytes per page 86-89 M Number of data bytes per partial page 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h 90-91 M Number of spare bytes per partial page 00h, 00h 92-95 M Number of pages per block 40h, 00h, 00h, 00h 96-99 M Number of blocks per logical unit (LUN) 00h, 40h, 00h, 00h (1 CE#) 00h, 20h, 00h, 00h (2 CE#) 100 M Number of logical units (LUNs) 01h (1 CE#) 02h (2 CE#) 101 M Number of address cycles 4-7 Column address cycles 0-3 Row address cycles 23h 102 M Number of bits per cell 01h 103-104 M Bad blocks maximum per LUN 47h, 01h (1 CE#) A3h, 00h (2 CE#) 105-106 M Block endurance 01h, 05h 107 M Guaranteed valid blocks at beginning of target 01h 108-109 M Block endurance for guaranteed valid blocks 01h, 03h 110 M Number of programs per page 04h 111 M Partial programming attributes 5-7 Reserved 4 1 = partial page layout is partial page data followed by partial page spare 1-3 Reserved 0 1 = partial page programming has constraints 00h 112 M Number of bits ECC correctability 04h M Number of interleaved address bits 4-7 Reserved (0) 0-3 Number of interleaved address bits 01h O Interleaved operation attributes 4-7 Reserved (0) 3 Address restrictions for program cache 2 1 = program cache supported 1 1 = no block address restrictions 0 Overlapped / concurrent interleaving support 04h Reserved (0) 00h 113 114 115-127 Electrical Parameters Block 128 M I/O pin capacitance Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 0Ah Page 10 of 17 S34ML16G2 Parameter Page Description (Continued) Byte O/M Description Values M Timing mode support 6-15 Reserved (0) 5 1 = supports timing mode 5 4 1 = supports timing mode 4 3 1 = supports timing mode 3 2 1 = supports timing mode 2 1 1 = supports timing mode 1 0 1 = supports timing mode 0, shall be 1 1Fh, 00h 131-132 O Program cache timing mode support 6-15 Reserved (0) 5 1 = supports timing mode 5 4 1 = supports timing mode 4 3 1 = supports timing mode 3 2 1 = supports timing mode 2 1 1 = supports timing mode 1 0 1 = supports timing mode 0 1Fh, 00h BCh, 02h 129-130 133-134 M tPROG Maximum page program time (s) 135-136 M tBERS Maximum block erase time (s) 10h, 27h 137-138 M tR Maximum page read time (s) 1Eh, 00h 139-140 M tCCS Minimum Change Column setup time (ns) C8h, 00h 141-163 Reserved (0) 00h Vendor Block 164-165 M 166-253 254-255 M Vendor specific Revision number 00h Vendor specific 00h Integrity CRC 6Fh, D9h (1CE#) 15h, 32h (2CE#) Redundant Parameter Pages 256-511 M Value of bytes 0-255 512-767 M Value of bytes 0-255 Repeat Value of bytes 0-255 Repeat Value of bytes 0-255 768+ O Additional redundant parameter pages FFh Note: 1. "O" Stands for Optional, "M" for Mandatory. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 11 of 17 S34ML16G2 7. Electrical Characteristics 7.1 Valid Blocks Valid Blocks Symbol Min Typ Max Unit S34ML04G2 Device NVB 4016 -- 4096 Blocks S34ML16G2 (1 CE) NVB 16057 -- 16384 Blocks S34ML16G2 (2 CE) NVB 16058 -- 16384 Blocks 7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Vcc Supply Voltage Vcc 2.7 3.3 3.6 V Ground Supply Voltage Vss 0 0 0 V 7.3 Units DC Characteristics DC Characteristics and Operating Conditions (Values listed are for each 4 Gb NAND, 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4) will differ accordingly) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units ICC0 FFh command input after power on -- -- 50 per device mA -- 15 30 mA Normal -- 15 30 mA Cache -- 15 30 mA -- -- 15 30 mA -- -- 1 mA -- 10 50 A Power On Current Operating Current Sequential Read ICC1 Program ICC2 Erase ICC3 Standby Current, (TTL) ICC4 Standby Current, (CMOS) ICC5 tRC = tRC (min) CE# = VIL, Iout = 0 mA CE# = VIH, WP# = 0V/Vcc CE# = VCC-0.2, WP# = 0/VCC Input Leakage Current ILI VIN = 0 to VCC(max) -- -- 10 A Output Leakage Current ILO VOUT = 0 to VCC(max) -- -- 10 A V Input High Voltage VIH -- VCC x 0.8 -- VCC + 0.3 Input Low Voltage VIL -- -0.3 -- VCC x 0.2 V Output High Voltage VOH IOH = -400 A 2.4 -- -- V Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = 2.1 mA -- -- 0.4 V IOL(R/B#) VOL = 0.4V 8 10 -- mA VLKO -- -- 1.8 -- V Output Low Current (R/B#) Erase and Program Lockout Voltage Notes: 1. All VCC pins, and VSS pins respectively, are shorted together. 2. Values listed in this table refer to the complete voltage range for VCC and to a single device in case of device stacking. 3. All current measurements are performed with a 0.1 F capacitor connected between the VCC Supply Voltage pin and the VSS Ground pin. 4. Standby current measurement can be performed after the device has completed the initialization process at power up. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 12 of 17 S34ML16G2 7.4 Pin Capacitance Pin Capacitance (TA = 25C, f = 1.0 MHz) Symbol Test Condition Min Max Unit Input Parameter CIN VIN = 0V -- 10 pF Input / Output CIO VIL = 0V -- 10 pF Note: 1. For the stacked devices version the Input is 10 pF x [number of stacked chips] and the Input/Output is 10 pF x [number of stacked chips]. 7.5 Power Consumptions and Pin Capacitance for Allowed Stacking Configurations When multiple dies are stacked in the same package, the power consumption of the stack will increase according to the number of chips. As an example, the standby current is the sum of the standby currents of all the chips, while the active power consumption depends on the number of chips concurrently executing different operations. When multiple dies are stacked in the same package the pin/ball capacitance for the single input and the single input/output of the combo package must be calculated based on the number of chips sharing that input or that pin/ball. Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 13 of 17 S34ML16G2 8. Physical Interface 8.1 Physical Diagram 8.1.1 48-Pin Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP1) Figure 8.1 TS2 48 -- 48-lead Plastic Thin Small Outline, 12 x 20 mm, Package Outline PACKAGE TS4 48 JEDEC MO-142 (D) DD SYMBOL NOTES: MIN NOM MAX A --- --- 1.20 A1 0.05 --- 0.15 A2 0.95 1.00 1.05 b1 0.17 0.20 0.23 b 0.17 0.22 0.27 c1 0.10 --- 0.16 c 0.10 --- 0.21 D 19.80 20.00 20.20 D1 18.30 18.40 18.50 E 11.90 12.00 12.10 e 0.50 BASIC L 0.50 0.60 0.70 O 0 --- 8 R 0.08 --- 0.20 N 48 Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (mm). (DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING CONFORM TO ANSI Y14.5M-1994). 2. PIN 1 IDENTIFIER FOR STANDARD PIN OUT (DIE UP). 3. PIN 1 IDENTIFIER FOR REVERSE PIN OUT (DIE DOWN): INK OR LASER MARK. 4. TO BE DETERMINED AT THE SEATING PLANE -C- . THE SEATING PLANE IS DEFINED AS THE PLANE OF CONTACT THAT IS MADE WHEN THE PACKAGE LEADS ARE ALLOWED TO REST FREELY ON A FLAT HORIZONTAL SURFACE. 5. DIMENSIONS D1 AND E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE MOLD PROTRUSION ON E IS 0.15mm PER SIDE AND ON D1 IS 0.25mm PER SIDE. 6. DIMENSION b DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.08mm TOTAL IN EXCESS OF b DIMENSION AT MAX. MATERIAL CONDITION. DAMBAR CANNOT BE LOCATED ON LOWER RADIUS OR THE FOOT. MINIMUM SPACE BETWEEN PROTRUSION AND AN ADJACENT LEAD TO BE 0.07mm. 7. THESE DIMENSIONS APPLY TO THE FLAT SECTION OF THE LEAD BETWEEN 0.10mm AND 0.25mm FROM THE LEAD TIP. 8. LEAD COPLANARITY SHALL BE WITHIN 0.10mm AS MEASURED FROM THE SEATING PLANE. 9. DIMENSION "e" IS MEASURED AT THE CENTERLINE OF THE LEADS. gs5039 -ts4 048-09.05.14 Page 14 of 17 S34ML16G2 8.1.2 63-Ball BGA Package Figure 8.2 63-Ball BGA 9 x 11 x 1.2 mm NOTES: PACKAGE TNA 063 JEDEC MO-207(N) DXE 11.00mm X 9.00mm PACKAGE SYMBOL MIN. NOM. MAX. A --- --- 1.20 A1 0.25 --- --- NOTE 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING METHODS PER ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 3. BALL POSITION DESIGNATION PER JEP 95, SECTION 3, SPP-020. PROFILE BALL HEIGHT D 11.00 BSC BODY SIZE E 9.00 BSC BODY SIZE D1 8.80 BSC MATRIX FOOTPRINT E1 7.20 BSC MATRIX FOOTPRINT MD 12 MATRIX SIZE D DIRECTION ME 10 MATRIX SIZE E DIRECTION n 63 4. e REPRESENTS THE SOLDER BALL GRID PITCH. 5. SYMBOL "MD" IS THE BALL MATRIX SIZE IN THE "D" DIRECTION. SYMBOL "ME" IS THE BALL MATRIX SIZE IN THE "E" DIRECTION. n IS THE NUMBER OF POPULATED SOLDER BALL POSITIONS FOR MATRIX SIZE MD X ME. 6. DIMENSION "b" IS MEASURED AT THE MAXIMUM BALL DIAMETER IN A PLANE PARALLEL TO DATUM C. BALL DIAMETER 7. "SD" AND "SE" ARE MEASURED WITH RESPECT TO DATUMS A AND B AND DEFINE THE POSITION OF THE CENTER SOLDER BALL IN THE OUTER ROW. WHEN THERE IS AN ODD NUMBER OF SOLDER BALLS IN THE OUTER ROW "SD" OR "SE" = 0. WHEN THERE IS AN EVEN NUMBER OF SOLDER BALLS IN THE OUTER ROW "SD" = eD/2 AND "SE" = eE/2. eE 0.80 BSC BALL PITCH 8. "+" INDICATES THE THEORETICAL CENTER OF DEPOPULATED BALLS. eD 0.80 BSC BALL PITCH SD 0.40 BSC SOLDER BALL PLACEMENT 0.40 BSC SOLDER BALL PLACEMENT Ob SE 0.40 0.45 BALL COUNT 0.50 A3-A8,B2-B8,C1,C2,C9,C10,D1, DEPOPULATED SOLDER BALLS D2,D9,D10,E1,E2,E9,E10,F1,F2, F9,F10,G1,G2,G9,G10,H1,H2,H9, H10,J1,J2,J9,J10,K1,K2,K9,K10, L3-L8,M3-M8 Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G 9. A1 CORNER TO BE IDENTIFIED BY CHAMFER, LASER OR INK MARK, METALLIZED MARK INDENTATION OR OTHER MEANS. gs5038-tna063-09.05.14 Page 15 of 17 S34ML16G2 9. Ordering Information The ordering part number is formed by a valid combination of the following: S34ML 16G 2 02 T F I 20 0 Packing Type 0 = Tray 3 = 13" Tape and Reel Model Number 00 = Standard Interface / ONFI (x8) 20 = Two Chip Enable with Standard ONFI (x8) Temperature Range I = Industrial (-40 C to + 85 C) Materials Set F = Lead (Pb)-free H = Lead (Pb)-free and Low Halogen Package B = BGA T = TSOP Bus Width 00 = x8 NAND, single die 04 = x16 NAND, single die 01 = x8 NAND, dual die 02 = x8 NAND, quad die 05 = x16 NAND, dual die Technology 2 =SkyHigh NAND Revision 2 (32 nm) Density 01G = 1 Gb 02G = 2 Gb 04G = 4 Gb 08G = 8 Gb 16G = 16 Gb Device Family S34ML SkyHigh SLC NAND Flash Memory for Embedded Valid Combinations Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be supported in volume for this device. Contact your local sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly released combinations. Valid Combinations Device Family Density Technology Bus Width S34ML 16G 2 02 Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Package Type Temperature Range TF/BH I Additional Ordering Options TF - 20 BH - 00 Packing Type 0, 3 Package Description BGA TSOP Page 16 of 17 S34ML16G2 10. Document History Document Title: S34ML16G2, 16-Gbit, 4-Bit ECC, x8 I/O, 3 V VCC NAND Flash for Embedded Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date ** - - 10/28/2014 Initial release (Spansion Publication Number: S34ML16G2) *A - - 06/10/2015 Performance: Corrected Package Options for 63-Ball BGA to 9 x 11 x 1.2 mm Connection Diagram: 63-BGA Contact, x8 Device (Balls Down, Top View) figure: added Note Physical Interface: 63-Ball BGA Package: corrected figure title to `63-Ball BGA 9 x 11 x 1.2 mm' 08/19/2015 Read ID: Read ID for Supported Configurations table: added 16 Gb (4 Gb x 4 - QDP with two CE#) 10/15/2015 Updated to Cypress template. Description of Change Electrical Characteristics: Valid Blocks table: added S34ML16G2 (2 CE) *B 4965191 XILA *C 5016364 XILA 11/20/2015 Updated to new template. *D 5160512 XILA 04/25/2016 Updated Read ID: Updated Read Parameter Page: Updated description. Updated Electrical Characteristics: Added Recommended Operating Conditions. Updated DC Characteristics: Replaced "VCC supply Voltage (erase and program lockout)" with "Erase and Program Lockout voltage" in "Parameter" column corresponding to VLKO. Updated to new template. *E 5727817 HARA 05/05/2017 Updated logo and copyright. *F 6379791 MNAD 11/09/2018 Updated to new template. Completing Sunset Review. MNAD 05/09/2019 Updated to SkyHigh format *G Document Number: 001-98528 Rev. *G Page 17 of 17