8Frequency Inverters
Common specifications
Model number 3G3RX-9Specifications
Control functions
Control methods Phase-to-phase sinusoidal pulse with modulation PWM (Sensorless vector control, V/F)
Output frequency range 0.10..1000.00 Hz (with restrictions above 400 Hz)
Frequency precision Digital set value: ±0.01% of the max. frequency
Analog set value: ±0.2% of the max. frequency (25 ±10ºC)
Resolution of frequency set value
Digital set value: 0.01 Hz
Analog set value: 1/1000 of maximum frequency
Resolution of output frequency 0.01 Hz
Starting torque 200% / 0.5 Hz
Overload capability
Dual rating:
Heavy duty (CT): 150% for 1 minute
Normal Duty (VT): 120% for 1 minute
Frequency set value 0 to 10 VDC (10KΩ), 4 to 20 mA (100Ω), RS485 Modbus, Network options
V/f Characteristics V/f optionally changeable at base frequencies of 30 to 400 Hz, V/f braking constant torque, reduction torque, sensor-less vector
control, sensor-less vector control at 0 Hz
Inputs signals
FW (forward run command), RV (reverse run command), CF1~CF4 (multi-stage speed setting), JG (jog command), DB (external
braking), SET (set second motor), 2CH (2-stage accel./decel. command), FRS (free run stop command), EXT (external
trip), USP (startup function), CS (commercial power switchover), SFT (soft lock), AT (analog input selection), RS (reset), PTC
(thermistor thermal protection), STA (start), STP (stop), F/R (forward/reverse), PID (PID disable), PIDC (PID reset), UP (remote
control up function), DWN (remote control down function), UDC (remote control data clear), OPE (operator control),
SF1~SF7 (multi-stage speed setting; bit operation), OLR (overload restriction), TL (torque limit enable), TRQ1 (torque limit
changeover1), TRQ2 (torque limit changeover2), BOK (Braking conrmation), LAC (LAD cancellation), PCLR (position deviation
clear), ADD (add frequency enable), F-TM (force terminal mode), ATR (permission of torque command input), KHC (Cumulative
power clear), MI1~MI7 (general purpose inputs for EzSQ), AHD (analog command hold), CP1~CP3 (multistageposition
switches), ORL (limit signal of zero-return), ORC (trigger signal of zero-return), SPD (speed/position changeover),
GS1~GS2 (STO inputs, safety related signals), 485 (Starting communication signal), PRG (executing EzSQ program), HLD
(retain output frequency), ROK (permission of run command), EB (rotation direction detection of B-phase), DISP (display
limitation), OP (option control signal), NO (no function)
Output signals
5 open collector output terminals: NO/NC switchable, sink/source logic switchable
1 relay (SPDT contact) output terminal: NO/NC switchable
[Terminal function] 6 functions can be selected from among 45.
Signal during RUN (RUN), Constant speed arrival signal (FA1), Over set frequency arrival signal (FA2), Overload warning
(OL), Excessive PID deviation (OD), Alarm signal (AL), Set-frequency-only arrival signal (FA3), Overtorque (OTQ), Signal
during momentary power interruption (IP), Signal during undervoltage (UV), Torque limit (TRQ), RUN time exceeded (RNT),
Power ON time exceeded (ONT), Thermal warning (THM), Brake release (BRK), Brake error (BER), 0-Hz signal (ZS), Excessive
speed deviation (DSE), Position ready (POK), Set frequency exceeded 2 (FA4), Set frequency only 2 (FA5), Overload
warning 2 (OL2), Analog FV disconnection detection (FVDc), Analog FI disconnection detection (FIDc), Analog FE disconnection
detection (FEDc), PID FB status output (FBV), Network error (NDc), Logic operation output 1 (LOG1), Logic operation
output 2 (LOG2), Logic operation output 3 (LOG3), Logic operation output 4 (LOG4), Logic operation output 5 (LOG5), Logic
operation output 6 (LOG6), Capacitor life warning (WAC), Cooling fan life warning (WAF), Starting contact signal (FR), Fin
overheat warning (OHF), Light load detection signal (LOC), Operation ready (IRDY), Forward run (FWR), Reverse run (RVR),
Fatal fault (MJA), Window comparator FV (WCFV), Window comparator FI (WCFI), Window comparator FE (WCFE), Alarm
codes 0 to 3 (AC0 to AC3)
Standard functions
V/f free setting (7), Upper/lower frequency limit, Frequency jump, Curve acceleration/deceleration, Manual torque boost level/
break, Energy-saving operation, Analog meter adjustment, Starting frequency, Carrier frequency adjustment, Electronic thermal
function, (free setting available), External start/end (frequency/rate), Analog input selection, Trip retry, Restart during momentary
power interruption, Various signal outputs, Reduced voltage startup, Overload limit, Initialization value setting,
Automatic deceleration at power-off, AVR function, Automatic acceleration/deceleration, Auto tuning (Online/Ofine), High
torque multi-motor operation control (sensor-less vector control of two monitors with one Inverter)
Analog inputs Analog inputs 0 to 10 V and -10 to 10 V (10KΩ), 4 to 20 mA (100Ω)
Analog outputs Analog voltage output, Analog current output, Pulse train output
Accel/Decel times 0.01 to 3600.0s (line/curve selection)
Display Status indicator LED’s Run, Program, Power, Alarm, Hz, Amps , Volts, %
Digital operator: Available to monitor 23 items, output current, output frequency, etc.
Protection functions
Motor overload protection Electronic Thermal overload relay and PTC thermistor input
Instantaneous overcurrent 200% of rated current for 3 seconds
Overload 150% for 1 minute
Overvoltage 800 V for 400 V type and 400 V for 200 V type
Momentary power loss Decelerates to stop with DC bus controlled, coast to stop
Cooling n overheat Temperature monitor and error detection
Stall prevention level Stall prevention during acceleration/deceleration and constant speed
Ground fault Detection at power-on
Power charge indication On when voltage between P and N is higher than 45V
Ambient conditions
Degree of protection IP20 / IP00
Ambient humidity 90% RH or less (without condensation)
Storage temperature -20 ºC to +65ºC (short-term temperature during transportation)
Ambient temperature -10°C to 50°C
Installation Indoor (no corrosive gas, dust, etc.)
Installation height Max. 1000 m
Vibration 3G3RX-A9004 to A9220, 5.9 m/s2 (0.6G), 10 to 55 Hz
3G3RX-A9300 to B913K, 2.94 m/s2 (0.3G), 10 to 55 Hz