N Comlinear CLC109 Low-Power, Wideband, Closed-Loop Buffer General Description Features The Comlinear CLC109 is a high-performance, closed-loop monolithic buffer intended for power sensitive applications. Requiring only 35mW of quiescent power (5V supplies), the CLC109 offers a high bandwidth of 270MHz (0.5Vpp) and a slew rate of 350V/s. Even with this minimal dissipation, the CLC109 can easily drive a demanding 100 load. The buffer specifications are for a 100 load. With its patented closed-loop topology, the CLC109 has significant performance advantages over conventional open-loop designs. Applications requiring low (2.8) output impedance and nearly ideal unity gain (0.997) through very high frequencies will benefit from the CLC109's superior performance. Power sensitive applications will benefit from the CLC109's excellent performance on reduced or single supply voltages. High small-signal bandwidth (270MHz) Low supply current (3.5mA @ 5V) Low output impedance (2.8) 350V/s slew rate Single supply operation (0 to 3V supply min.) Evaluation boards and Spice models Applications Video switch buffers Test point drivers Low power active filters DC clamping buffer High-speed S & H circuits Inverting op amp input buffer Constructed using an advanced, complementary bipolar process and Comlinear's proven high-performance architectures, the CLC109 is available in several versions to meet a variety of requirements. CLC109AJP CLC109AJE CLC109A8B Comlinear CLC109 Low-Power, Wideband, Closed-Loop Buffer August 1996 -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -55C to +125C 8-pin Plastic DIP 8-pin Plastic SOIC 8-pin hermetic CERDIP, MIL-STD-883, Level B CLC109ALC -40C to +85C dice CLC109AMC -55C to +125C dice qualified to Method 5008, MIL-STD-883, Level B Contact factory for other packages and DESC SMD number. PINOUT DIP & SOIC Typical Application CLC109 Single-Supply Circuit 1996 National Semiconductor Corporation Printed in the U.S.A. http://www.national.com CLC109 Electrical Characteristics (V = 5V, R = 100 unless specified) ) CLC109 Electrical Characteristics (Vcc = 5V, RL = 100 cc PARAMETER Ambient Temperature FREQUENCY RESPONSE small signal bandwidth gain flatness1 flatness peaking rolloff DC-60MHz differential gain differential phase TIME DOMAIN RESPONSE rise and fall time settling time to 0.05% overshoot slew rate CONDITIONS TYP MIN/MAX RATINGS UNITS SYMBOL 150 70 MHz MHz SSBW LSBW 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.3 dB 1.0 0.1 dB dB GFRH % GFL GFPH DG DP 1.7 6 25 15 220 1.7 6 18 10 250 2.3 7 25 10 220 ns ns ns % V/sec TRS TRL TS OS1 SR -46 -55 -36 -50 -38 -50 -38 -45 dBc dBc HD2 HD3 3.3 1.3 4.1 3 4.1 2 4.5 2 nV/Hz pA/Hz VN ICN 0.997 0.96 2.8 1 10 2 30 -56 3.5 0.995 0.94 5.0 8.2 40 8 50 -48 4 0.995 0.95 4.0 5 0.994 0.95 4.0 6 30 4 25 -46 4 V/V V/V mV V/C A nA/C dB mA GA1 GA2 RO VIO DVIO IBN DIBN PSRR ICC 0.5 1.5 2.5 1.25 4.0 +3.8,-2.5 1.0 0.7 0.3 1.0 3.5 3.5 2.0 2.0 3.6 3.8 +3.0,-1.2 +3.6,-2.0 +3.0,-1.6 +40,-12 +40,-20 +40,-16 0.6 2.0 3.5 2.0 3.8 +3.6,-2.5 % M pF pF V V V mA mA ILIN RIN CIN CIN VO VOL VOL IO IO CLC109AJ/AI CLC109A8/AM/AL +25C +25C -40C -55C +25C +25C +85C +125C Vout < 0.5Vpp Vout < 2.0Vpp Vout < 0.5Vpp DC-30MHz DC-200MHz 0.1 4.43MHz, 150 load 4.43MHz, 150 load 270 120 200 90 200 90 0 0 0.4 0.7 0.03 0.1 1.0 0.4 1.5 0.05 0.5V step 2.0V step 2.0V step 0.5V step 4V step 1.3 4.4 12 3 350 DISTORTION AND NOISE PERFORMANCE 2nd harmonic distortion 2Vpp, 20MHz 3rd harmonic distortion 2Vpp, 20MHz equivalent output noise voltage current STATIC DC PERFORMANCE small signal gain L no load 100 load DC output resistance *output offset voltage average temperature coefficient * input bias current average temperature coefficient power supply rejection ratio * supply current no load MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE integral endpoint linearity 1V, full scale input resistance input capacitance CERDIP Plastic DIP output voltage range no load RL=100 RL=100 , 0C output current 0C +60,-30 4 -48 4 +40,-30 Min/max ratings are based on product characterization and simulation. Individual parameters are tested as noted. Outgoing quality levels are determined from tested parameters. Absolute Maximum Ratings Vcc Iout output is short circuit protected to ground, but maximum reliability will be maintained if Iout does not exceed... input voltage maximum junction temperature operating temperature range AJ/AI A8/AM/AL storage temperature range lead temperature (soldering 10 sec) http://www.national.com Miscellaneous Ratings 7.0V 36mA Vcc +175C -40C to +85C -55C to +125C -65C to +150C +300C 2 Notes: * AJ,AI AJ AI * A8 A8 * AL,AM : : : : : : (note 1) : Gain flatness tests are performed from 0.1MHz 100% tested at +25C, sample +85C. Sample tested at +25C. 100% tested at +25C. 100% tested at +25C, -55C, +125C 100% tested at +25C, sample at -55C, +125C. 100% wafer probe tested at +25C to +25C specifications. Single Supply Electrical Characteristics (V PARAMETERS CONDITIONS CC VCC=3V VCC=5V 30 90 35 MHz MHz 3 0 0.3 0 1.5 dB dB dB 13.9 4.7 13.5 0 200 ns ns % V/s FREQUENCY DOMAIN RESPONSE -3dB bandwidth Vout < 0.5Vpp Vout < 2.0Vpp gain flatness Vout < 0.5Vpp flatness DC to 30MHz peaking DC to 200MHz rolloff DC to 60MHz TIME DOMAIN RESPONSE rise and fall time 0.5V step 2.0V step overshoot 0.5V step slew rate 0.5V step DISTORTION AND NOISE RESPONSE 2nd harmonic distortion 0.5Vpp,20MHz 1.0Vpp,20MHz 0.5Vpp,20MHz 3rd harmonic distortion 1.0Vpp,20MHz STATIC DC PERFORMANCE small-signal gain supply current , unless noted) =+3V or VCC=+5V, -VEE=0V, TA=+25C, RL = 100 AC-coupled RL= MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE output voltage range RL= RL=100 0 35 -32 UNITS -43 dBc dBc dBc dBc 0.89 0.75 0.94 1.6 V/V mA 1.5 1.1 2.8 2.6 Vpp Vpp -37 -29 Operation The CLC109 is a low-power, high-speed unity-gain buffer. It uses a closed-loop topology which allows for accuracy not usually found in high-speed buffers. A closed-loop design provides high accuracy and low output impedance through a wide bandwidth. +5V C3 6.8F + Vin 4 CLC109 Rin Rin is chosen for desired input impedance. Single Supply Operation Although the CLC109 is specified to operate from split 5V power supplies, there is no internal ground reference that prevents operation from a single voltage power supply. For single supply operation the input signal should be biased at a DC value of 1/2V CC . This can be accomplished by AC coupling and rebiasing as shown in the "Typical Application" illustrations on the front page. 0.01F C1 1 2 3 8 6 7 Vout Rout 5 C2 0.01F -5V C4 6.8F + Rout is chosen for desired output impedance. (CLC109 Ro= 2.8 ) Figure 1: Recommended circuit & evaluation board schematic This phase shift can decrease phase margin and increase frequency response peaking. A small series resistor inserted between pin 6 and the capacitance effectively decouples this effect. The graphs on the following page illustrate the required resistor value and the resulting performance vs. capacitance. The above electrical specifications provide typical performance specifications for the CLC109 at 25C while operating from a single +3V or a single +5V power supply. Printed Circuit Layout and Supply Bypassing As with any high-frequency device, a good PCB layout is required for optimum performance. This is especially important for a device as fast as the CLC109. Precision buffed resistors (PRP8351 series from Precision Resistive Products), which have low parasitic reactances, were used to develop the data sheet specifications. Precision carbon composition resistors or standard spirallytrimmed RN55D metal film resistors will work, though they may cause a slight degradation of ac performance due to their reactive nature at high frequencies. To minimize capacitive feedthrough, pins 2, 3, 6, and 7 should be connected to the ground plane, as shown in Figure 1. Input and output traces should be laid out as transmission lines with the appropriate termination resistors very near the CLC109. On a 0.065 inch epoxy PCB material, a 50 transmission line (commonly called stripline) can be constructed by using a trace width of 0.1" over a complete ground plane. Evaluation Boards Evaluation boards are available from Comlinear as part #730012 (DIP) and #730045 (SOIC). This board was used in the characterization of the device and provides optimal performance. Designers are encouraged to copy these printed circuit board layouts for their applications. Figure 1 shows recommended power supply bypassing. Parasitic or load capacitance directly on the output of the CLC109 will introduce additional phase shift in the device. 3 http://www.national.com http://www.national.com 4 This page intentionally left blank. 5 http://www.national.com Comlinear CLC109 Low-Power, Wideband, Closed-Loop Buffer Customer Design Applications Support National Semiconductor is committed to design excellence. For sales, literature and technical support, call the National Semiconductor Customer Response Group at 1-800-272-9959 or fax 1-800-737-7018. Life Support Policy National's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the president of National Semiconductor Corporation. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. N National Semiconductor Corporation National Semiconductor Europe National Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. National Semiconductor Japan Ltd. 1111 West Bardin Road Arlington, TX 76017 Tel: 1(800) 272-9959 Fax: 1(800) 737-7018 Fax: (+49) 0-180-530 85 86 E-mail: europe.support.nsc.com Deutsch Tel: (+49) 0-180-530 85 85 English Tel: (+49) 0-180-532 78 32 Francais Tel: (+49) 0-180-532 93 58 Italiano Tel: (+49) 0-180-534 16 80 13th Floor, Straight Block Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2737-1600 Fax: (852) 2736-9960 Tel: 81-043-299-2309 Fax: 81-043-299-2408 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. http://www.national.com 6 Lit #150109-002