Features * 5V Supply Voltage * Active Carrier Generation by FPLL (Frequency-Phase-Locked Loop) Principle for True Synchronous Demodulation * VCO Circuit Operates at Picture Carrier Frequency, the VCO frequency is Switchable for L'-mode * Alignment-free AFC without External Reference Circuit, Polarity of the * * * * * * * * * AFC Curve is Switchable VIF-AGC for Negatively Modulated Signals (Peak Synchronous Detection) and for Positive Modulation (Peak White/Black Level Detector) Tuner AGC with Adjustable Take-over Point Alignment-free Quasi Parallel Sound (QPS) Mixer for FM/NICAM Sound IF Signals Intercarrier Output Signal is Gain Controlled (Necessary for Digital Sound Processing) Complete Alignment-free AM Demodulator with Gain Controlled AF Output Separate SIF-AGC with Average Detection Two Independent SIF Inputs Parallel Operation of the AM Demodulator and QPS Mixer (for NICAM-L Stereo Sound) Pb-free Package, which is Compliant with Requirements of RoHS Multistandard Video-IF and Quasi Parallel Sound Processing IC TDA4470 Benefits * Linear Video Demodulation * Good Pulse Response * Excellent Intermodulation Figures 1. Description The TDA4470 is an integrated bipolar circuit for multistandard video/sound IF (VIF/SIF) signal processing in TV/VCR and multimedia applications. The circuit processes all TV video IF signals with negative modulation (e.g., B/G standard), and the FM/NICAM sound IF signals. Rev. 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 Figure 1-1. Block Diagram Offset comp. (optional) L' switch Loop filter VCO 26 0 FPLL 21 20 18 90 VCO + phase shift 14 Control 19 AFC AFC switch 22 AFC VIF amp 6 12 VIF 7 CAGC Video det. 8 13 AGC 15 Video Standard (VIF) Standard switch CBL Tuner 11 10 Take-over point SIF 2 23 Tuner AGC Supply FM det. 27 17 CRef 24 Intercarrier (FM/NICAM) 28 SIF amp SIF input switch VS 3 1 2 SIF 1 5 25 AGC (SIF) AM det. AF (AM) 4, 9,16 CAGC 2 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 2. Circuit Description 2.1 Vision IF Amplifier The video IF signal (VIF) is fed through a SAW filter to the differential input (pins 6-7) of the VIF amplifier. This amplifier consists of three AC-coupled amplifier stages. Each differential amplifier is gain controlled by the automatic gain control (VIF-AGC). The output signal of the VIF amplifier is applied to the FPLL carrier generation and the video demodulator. 2.2 Tuner-and VIF-AGC At pin 8, the VIF-AGC charges/discharges the AGC capacitor to generate a control voltage for setting the gain of the VIF amplifier and tuner in order to keep the video output signal at a constant level. Therefore, the synchronous level of the demodulated video signal is the criterion for a fast charge/discharge of the AGC capacitor. For positive modulation (e.g., L standard) the peak white level of the video signal controls the charge current. In order to reduce the reaction time for positive modulation, where a large time constant is needed, an additional black level detector controls the discharge current in the event of decreasing VIF input signal. The control voltage (AGC voltage at pin 8) is transferred to an internal control signal, and is fed to the tuner AGC to generate the tuner AGC current at pin 11 (open collector output). The take-over point of the tuner AGC can be adjusted at pin 10 by a potentiometer or an external DC voltage (from an interface circuit or microprocessor). 2.3 FPLL, VCO and AFC The FPLL (Frequency-Phase-Locked Loop) circuit consists of a frequency and phase detector to generate the control voltage for the VCO tuning. In locked mode, the VCO is controlled by the phase detector, in unlocked mode, the frequency detector is superimposed. The VCO operates with an external resonance circuit (L and C in parallel) and is controlled by internal varicaps. The VCO control voltage is also converted to a current and represents the AFC output signal at pin 22. At the AFC switch (pin 19) three operating conditions of the AFC are possible: the AFC curve "rising" or "falling" and AFC "off". A practicable VCO alignment of the external coil is the adjustment to zero AFC output current at pin 22. At the center frequency, the AFC output current is equal to zero. Furthermore, at pin 14, the VCO center frequency can be switched to set it to the required L' value (L' standard). The optional potentiometer at pin 26 allows an offset compensation of the VCO phase for improved sound quality (fine adjustment). Without a potentiometer (open circuit at pin 26), this offset compensation is not active. The oscillator signal passes a phase shifter and supplies the in-phase signal (0) and the quadrature signal (90) of the generated picture carrier. 3 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 2.4 Video Demodulation and Amplifier The video IF signal, which is applied from the gain-controlled IF amplifier, is multiplied with the in-phase component of the VCO signal. The video demodulator is designed for low distortion and large bandwidth. The demodulator output signal passes an integrated low-pass filter for attenuation of the residual vision carrier and is fed to the video amplifier. The video amplifier is realized by an operational amplifier with internal feedback and 8 MHz bandwidth (-3 dB). A standard dependent DC level shift in this stage delivers the same synchronous level for positive and negative modulation. An additional noise clipping is provided. The video signal is fed to the VIF-AGC and to the video output buffer. This amplifier with a gain of 6 dB offers easy adoption of the sound trap. For a nominal video IF modulation, the video output signal at pin 12 is 2 VPP. 2.5 Sound IF Amplifier and SIF-AGC The SIF amplifier is nearly identical with the 3-stage VIF amplifier, except that the first amplifier stage exists twice and is switchable by a control voltage at pin 3. Therefore, it is possible to switch between two different SAW filters with minimal external expense. Both SIF inputs features excellent cross-talk attenuation and an input impedance which is independent from the switching condition. The SIF-AGC is related to the average level of the AM or FM carrier and controls the SIF amplifier to provide a constant SIF signal to the AM demodulator and QPS mixer. 2.6 AM Demodulator The alignment-free AM demodulator is realized by a synchronous detector. The modulated SIF signal from the SIF amplifier output is multiplied in phase with the limited SIF signal (AM is removed). The AF signal of the demodulator output is fed to the output amplifier and to the SIF-AGC. For all TV standards with negative video modulation (e.g., B/G standard), the AF output signal (pin 25) is switched off by the standard switch. 2.7 Quasi Parallel Sound (QPS) Mixer The QPS mixer is realized by a multiplier. The SIF signal (FM or NICAM carrier) is converted to the intercarrier frequency by the regenerated picture carrier (quadrature signal) which is provided from the VCO. The intercarrier signal is fed via an output amplifier to pin 24. 2.8 Standard Switch To have equal polarity of the video output signal the polarity can be switched in the demodulation stage in accordance with the TV standard. Additionally a standard dependent DC level shift in the video amplifier delivers the same sync. level. In parallel to this, the correct VIF-AGC is selected for positively or negatively modulated VIF signals. In the case of negative modulation (e.g., B/G standard) the AM output signal is switched off. For positive modulation (L standard) the AM demodulator and QPS mixer is active. This condition allows a parallel operation of the AM sound signal and the NICAM-L stereo sound. 2.9 L' Switch With a control voltage at pin 14 the VCO frequency can be switched in order to set required L' value (L' standard). Also a fine adjustment of the L'-VCO center frequency is possible via a potentiometer. The L' switch is only active for positively modulated video IF-signals (standard switch in L mode). 4 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 2.10 AFC Switch The AFC output signal at pin 22 can be controlled by a switching voltage at pin 19. It is possible to select an AFC output signal with a rising- or falling AFC curve and to switch off the AFC. 2.11 VCR Mode For VCR mode in a TV set (external video source selected), it is recommended to switch off the IF circuit. With an external switching voltage at pin 6 or 7, the IF amplifiers are switched off and all signal output levels at pins 12, 24, and 25 are according to the internal DC voltage. 2.12 Internal Voltage Stabilizer The internal bandgap reference ensures constant performance independent of supply voltage and temperature. 5 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 3. Pin Configuration Figure 3-1. 6 Pinning SO28/SSO28 VI,SIF1 1 28 VI,SIF2 VI,SIF1 2 27 VI,SIF2 VSW 3 26 RCOMP GND 4 25 VO,AM CAGC 5 24 VO,FM VI,VIF 6 23 VS VI,VIF 7 22 VAFC CAGC 8 21 VVCO GND 9 20 VVCO RTOP 10 19 VSW ITUN 11 18 LF VO,VID 12 17 CREF VSW 13 16 GND VSW 14 15 CBL TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 Table 3-1. Pin Description Pin Symbol Function 1, 2 VI,SF1 SIF1 input (symmetrical) 3 VSW Input selector switch 4, 9, 16 GND 5 CAGC SIF-AGC (time constant) Ground 6, 7 VI,VIF VIF input (symmetrical) 8 CAGC VIF-AGC (time constant) 10 RTOP Take-over point, tuner AGC 11 ITUN Tuner AGC output current 12 VO,VID 13 VSW 14 VSW L' switch 15 CBL Black level capacitor 17 CREF 18 LF Video output Standard switch Internal reference voltage Loop filter 19 VSW AFC switch 20, 21 VVCO VCO circuit 22 VAFC AFC output 23 VS Supply voltage 24 VO,FM Intercarrier output 25 VO,AM AF output - AM sound 26 RCOMP Offset compensation 27, 28 VI,SIF2 SIF 2 input (symmetrical) 7 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage, pin 23 SO28 and SSO28 package VS 6.0 V Supply current, pin 23 IS 93 mA Power dissipation SO28 and SSO28 package P 560 mW Output currents, pins 12, 24 and 25 IOUT 5 mA External voltages Pins 1, 2, 5 to 8, 10, 12, 18 and 24 to 28 Pins 15, 20 and 21 Pin 11 Pins 3, 13, 19 and 22 Vext +4.5 +3.5 +13.5 VS V V V V Tj +125 C Tstg -25 to +125 C VESD 300 V Symbol Value Unit RthJA RthJA 75 130 K/W K/W Symbol Value Unit VS 4.5 to 6.0 V Tamb -10 to +85 C Junction temperature Storage temperature (1) Electrostatic handling , all pins Note: 1. Equivalent to discharging a 200 pF capacitor through a 0 resistor. 5. Thermal Resistance Parameters Junction ambient, when soldered to PCB SO28 package SSO28 package 6. Operating Range Parameters Supply voltage range, pin 23 SO28 and SSO28 package Ambient temperature 8 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 7. Electrical Characteristics VS = +5V, Tamb = +25C; reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified. Parameters Test Conditions Pin DC-supply Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit VS 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 85 93 mA 120 VRMS 23 Supply voltage, SO28, SSO28 Supply current IS VIF-input 6-7 Input sensitivity (RMS value) For FPLL locked VIN 80 Input impedance (1) RIN 1.2 k Input capacitance (1) CIN 2 pF VIF-AGC 8 and 15 IF gain control range GV 60 65 dB F AGC capacitor 8 CAGC 2.2 Black level capacitor 15 CBL 100 nF VSW 4.0 V ISW 50 A Switching voltage: VCR mode (2) Switching current: VCR mode (2) (3) Tuner-AGC 10 and 11 Available tuner-AGC current Itun 1 Allowable output voltage V11 0.3 GIF IF slip - tuner AGC Current ITUN: 10% to 90% IF input signal for minimum take-over point RTOP = 10 k (VTOP = 4.5V) VIN IF input signal for maximum take-over point RTOP = 0, (VTOP = 0.8V) VIN Variation of the take-over point Tamb = 55C by temperature VIF-AGC: GV = 46 dB Notes: 2 8 4 mA 13.5 V 10 dB 4 mV 40 VIN mV 2 3 dB 1. This parameter is given as an application information and has not been tested during production. 2. In VCR mode, the VIF- and SIF path is switched off. 3. The adjustment of the turn over point (delayed tuner AGC) with the external resistor RTOP or external voltage VTOP is possible. 4. Resonance circuit of VCO (fo = 38.9 MHz): CVCO = 8.2 - 10 pF, Coil LVCO with unloaded Q-factor Qo 60 for an oscillator voltage 100 mVRMS at pin 20 - 21 (e.g., TOKO(R) coil 7 KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z). 5. The oscillator drift is related to the picture carrier frequency, given that the external LC circuit is temperature-compensated. 6. (1.07) = 20 log (4.43 MHz component/1.07 MHz component); (1.07) value related to black-white signal input signal conditions: picture carrier = 0 dB, colour carrier = -6 dB, sound carrier = -24 dB. 7. Without external control at pin 13 the IC automatically operates in mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and FM/NICAM sound signals. 8. Without a control voltage at pin 19 the falling AFC curve is automatically selected. 9. With an open circuit at pin 14 the L' switch is not active. 10. Picture carrier PC = 38.9 MHz; sound carrier SC1 = 33.4 MHz, SC2 = 33.16 MHz; PC/SC1 =13 dB; PC/SC2 = 20 dB; PC unmodulated (equivalent to synchronous peak level). 11. Sound carrier SC = 32.4 MHz, modulated with fmod = 1 kHz, m = 54%; VIN =10 mV 12. Without a control voltage at pin 3 the SIF input 1 is automatically selected. 9 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 7. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) VS = +5V, Tamb = +25C; reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit 18, 20, 21 and 26(4) FPLL and VCO Maximum oscillator frequency For carrier generation fVCO 70 Vision carrier capture range fVCO = 38.9 MHz, CVCO = 8.2 pF fcap 1.5 MHz 2 MHz (5) Oscillator drift (free running) as Tamb = 55C, function of temperature Cvco = 8.2 pF, fvco = 38.9 MHz Video Output f/t -0.3 % 5 3 mA mA 12 Output current - source - sink I12 Output resistance (1) Video output signal Peak-to-peak value VO,VID Difference of the video signals Between B/G and L VO,VID Synchronous level 2 Rout 1.8 2.0 100 2.2 Vpp 10 % VSYNC 1.2 V Zero carrier level for negative modulation, ultra white level V13 = VS V8 = 3V VDC 3.4 V Zero carrier level for positive modulation, ultra black level V13 = 0 V8 = 3V VDC 1.15 V V/V 1 %/V 8 MHz Supply voltage influence on the ultra white and ultra black level Video bandwidth (-3 dB) RL 1 k, CL 50 pF B Video frequency response over the AGC range B Differential gain error G Notes: 6 2.0 dB 5 % 2 1. This parameter is given as an application information and has not been tested during production. 2. In VCR mode, the VIF- and SIF path is switched off. 3. The adjustment of the turn over point (delayed tuner AGC) with the external resistor RTOP or external voltage VTOP is possible. 4. Resonance circuit of VCO (fo = 38.9 MHz): CVCO = 8.2 - 10 pF, Coil LVCO with unloaded Q-factor Qo 60 for an oscillator voltage 100 mVRMS at pin 20 - 21 (e.g., TOKO(R) coil 7 KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z). 5. The oscillator drift is related to the picture carrier frequency, given that the external LC circuit is temperature-compensated. 6. (1.07) = 20 log (4.43 MHz component/1.07 MHz component); (1.07) value related to black-white signal input signal conditions: picture carrier = 0 dB, colour carrier = -6 dB, sound carrier = -24 dB. 7. Without external control at pin 13 the IC automatically operates in mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and FM/NICAM sound signals. 8. Without a control voltage at pin 19 the falling AFC curve is automatically selected. 9. With an open circuit at pin 14 the L' switch is not active. 10. Picture carrier PC = 38.9 MHz; sound carrier SC1 = 33.4 MHz, SC2 = 33.16 MHz; PC/SC1 =13 dB; PC/SC2 = 20 dB; PC unmodulated (equivalent to synchronous peak level). 11. Sound carrier SC = 32.4 MHz, modulated with fmod = 1 kHz, m = 54%; VIN =10 mV 12. Without a control voltage at pin 3 the SIF input 1 is automatically selected. 10 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 7. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) VS = +5V, Tamb = +25C; reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Video signal-to-noise ratio Min. P Differential phase error Intermodulation 1.07 MHz Symbol (6) Weighted, CCIR-567 Residual vision carrier fundamental wave 38.9 MHz and second harmonic 77.8 MHz Typ. Max. Unit 2 5 deg IM 52 60 dB S/N 56 60 dB Vres1 2 10 mV Lower limiting level Below synchronous level Vlim1 400 mV Upper limiting level Above ultra white level Vlim2 600 mV (1) RR 35 VSW 2.0 VS V Control voltage for mode 2: positively modulated video-IF signals and AM/L-NICAM sound VSW 0 0.8 V Switching current ISW 100 A I/f 0.7 A/kHz Ripple rejection Pin 23/pin 12 Standard Switch Control voltage for mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and AM/NICAM sound (7) AFC Output 22 Control slope Frequency drift by temperature Related to the picture carrier frequency 0.25 Output voltage - upper limit - lower limit VAFC Output current IAFC Notes: dB 13 0.6 % 0.4 V V VS - 0.4 0.2 mA 1. This parameter is given as an application information and has not been tested during production. 2. In VCR mode, the VIF- and SIF path is switched off. 3. The adjustment of the turn over point (delayed tuner AGC) with the external resistor RTOP or external voltage VTOP is possible. 4. Resonance circuit of VCO (fo = 38.9 MHz): CVCO = 8.2 - 10 pF, Coil LVCO with unloaded Q-factor Qo 60 for an oscillator voltage 100 mVRMS at pin 20 - 21 (e.g., TOKO(R) coil 7 KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z). 5. The oscillator drift is related to the picture carrier frequency, given that the external LC circuit is temperature-compensated. 6. (1.07) = 20 log (4.43 MHz component/1.07 MHz component); (1.07) value related to black-white signal input signal conditions: picture carrier = 0 dB, colour carrier = -6 dB, sound carrier = -24 dB. 7. Without external control at pin 13 the IC automatically operates in mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and FM/NICAM sound signals. 8. Without a control voltage at pin 19 the falling AFC curve is automatically selected. 9. With an open circuit at pin 14 the L' switch is not active. 10. Picture carrier PC = 38.9 MHz; sound carrier SC1 = 33.4 MHz, SC2 = 33.16 MHz; PC/SC1 =13 dB; PC/SC2 = 20 dB; PC unmodulated (equivalent to synchronous peak level). 11. Sound carrier SC = 32.4 MHz, modulated with fmod = 1 kHz, m = 54%; VIN =10 mV 12. Without a control voltage at pin 3 the SIF input 1 is automatically selected. 11 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 7. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) VS = +5V, Tamb = +25C; reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified. Parameters Test Conditions Pin AFC Switch Control voltage: AFC "off" AFC curve rising AFC curve falling Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0.8 2.5 VS V V V 19 (8) VSW Switching current 0 1.5 3.5 100 ISW L' switch A 14 Control voltage: L' frequency + L'-VCO alignment VSW L standard (9) Switching current VSW = 0 SIF Inputs 0 3.0 V 3.4 VS V ISW 700 A 1-2, 27-28 Input sensitivity (RMS value) Output signal at pin 24/25: -3 dB VIN 80 Input impedance (1) RIN 1.2 k Input capacitance (1) CIN 2 pF 65 dB 10 F VDC 2 V 150 SIF-AGC VRMS 5 IF gain control range GV AGC capacitor 60 CAGC (10) Intercarrier Output-FM 24 DC output voltage Output resistance (1) ROUT Sound IF output voltage (5.5 MHz output voltage) VIN = 10 mV VOUT Notes: 120 180 250 350 mVRMS 1. This parameter is given as an application information and has not been tested during production. 2. In VCR mode, the VIF- and SIF path is switched off. 3. The adjustment of the turn over point (delayed tuner AGC) with the external resistor RTOP or external voltage VTOP is possible. 4. Resonance circuit of VCO (fo = 38.9 MHz): CVCO = 8.2 - 10 pF, Coil LVCO with unloaded Q-factor Qo 60 for an oscillator voltage 100 mVRMS at pin 20 - 21 (e.g., TOKO(R) coil 7 KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z). 5. The oscillator drift is related to the picture carrier frequency, given that the external LC circuit is temperature-compensated. 6. (1.07) = 20 log (4.43 MHz component/1.07 MHz component); (1.07) value related to black-white signal input signal conditions: picture carrier = 0 dB, colour carrier = -6 dB, sound carrier = -24 dB. 7. Without external control at pin 13 the IC automatically operates in mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and FM/NICAM sound signals. 8. Without a control voltage at pin 19 the falling AFC curve is automatically selected. 9. With an open circuit at pin 14 the L' switch is not active. 10. Picture carrier PC = 38.9 MHz; sound carrier SC1 = 33.4 MHz, SC2 = 33.16 MHz; PC/SC1 =13 dB; PC/SC2 = 20 dB; PC unmodulated (equivalent to synchronous peak level). 11. Sound carrier SC = 32.4 MHz, modulated with fmod = 1 kHz, m = 54%; VIN =10 mV 12. Without a control voltage at pin 3 the SIF input 1 is automatically selected. 12 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 7. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) VS = +5V, Tamb = +25C; reference point pin 4 (9, 16), unless otherwise specified. Parameters Test Conditions Pin Reference signal: VIN = 10 mV FM deviation = 27 kHz fmod = 1 kHz Weighted signal-to-noise ratio: tested with the double (CCIR 468) FM demodulated U2860B B/G modulated VIF signal Black screen: Channel 1/2 Grid pattern: Channel 1/2 Grey screen 50%: Channel 1/2 Ripple rejection (1) Min. S/N S/N S/N 23, 24 RR Typ. DC output voltage dB dB dB 35 dB (1) 2.2 VOAF 400 500 630 mVRMS 2 % Total harmonic distortion THD 1 Signal to noise ratio Reference: m = 54%, fmod = 1 kHz, 22 kHz low-pass filter S/N 65 Ripple rejection Pin 23/pin 25(1) RR 28 VSW 2.0 0 SIF Input Selector Switch V 150 ROUT m = 54% fmod = 1 kHz and 12.5 kHz dB dB 3 (12) Switching current Notes: Unit 60/58 54/52 60/57 VDC AF output voltage Control voltage: - input 1 active - input 2 active Max. 25(11) AF Output-AM Output resistance Symbol ISW VS 0.8 100 V V A 1. This parameter is given as an application information and has not been tested during production. 2. In VCR mode, the VIF- and SIF path is switched off. 3. The adjustment of the turn over point (delayed tuner AGC) with the external resistor RTOP or external voltage VTOP is possible. 4. Resonance circuit of VCO (fo = 38.9 MHz): CVCO = 8.2 - 10 pF, Coil LVCO with unloaded Q-factor Qo 60 for an oscillator voltage 100 mVRMS at pin 20 - 21 (e.g., TOKO(R) coil 7 KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z). 5. The oscillator drift is related to the picture carrier frequency, given that the external LC circuit is temperature-compensated. 6. (1.07) = 20 log (4.43 MHz component/1.07 MHz component); (1.07) value related to black-white signal input signal conditions: picture carrier = 0 dB, colour carrier = -6 dB, sound carrier = -24 dB. 7. Without external control at pin 13 the IC automatically operates in mode 1: negatively modulated video-IF signals and FM/NICAM sound signals. 8. Without a control voltage at pin 19 the falling AFC curve is automatically selected. 9. With an open circuit at pin 14 the L' switch is not active. 10. Picture carrier PC = 38.9 MHz; sound carrier SC1 = 33.4 MHz, SC2 = 33.16 MHz; PC/SC1 =13 dB; PC/SC2 = 20 dB; PC unmodulated (equivalent to synchronous peak level). 11. Sound carrier SC = 32.4 MHz, modulated with fmod = 1 kHz, m = 54%; VIN =10 mV 12. Without a control voltage at pin 3 the SIF input 1 is automatically selected. 13 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 Figure 7-1. Test Circuit AF (AM) SIF 2 Intercarrier (FM/NICAM) AFC AFC switch +VS Loop comp. Loop filter (1) 10 k 150 LVCO 8.2 pF Black level 22 F CRef CVCO 470 nF 470 nF 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 F 22 K 2.2 F SIF 1 SIF Input switch (1)external 14 Video neg/pos AGC (VIF) AGC (SIF) L/C circuit (VCO 38.9 MHz) with TOKO coil 7KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z 10 k VIF Tuner delay Tuner AGC L' Video TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 External L/C circuit (VCO: 38.9 MHz) with TOKO coil 7KM, 292 XNS - 4051Z (1) IFIN 50 10 nF 10 nF 4 3 2 1 SAW driver U4744B 5 6 7 8 SAW: VIF 1 28 BP: 33.4 MHz SAW: FM BP: 32.4 MHz SAW: AM SIF 1 SIF 2 2 27 Input switch S3 3 26 10 k Offset comp. 4 5 24 6 7 22 8 21 Loop filter 10 19 12 17 CBL 14 S4 L'adjust 13 15 100 nF 16 S1 CRef 2.2 F Tuner Video Standard L/L' switch switch 10 k 11 18 470 nF 150 Tuner AGC CVCO LVCO (1) S2 2V AFC switch 2.2 F 9 20 8.2 pF AGC (VIF) 10 nF 22 F 10 nF 51 k AFC 51 k VIF 23 10 F AGC (SIF) 2.2 k 25 3.3 nF +5 V Intercarrier (FM/NICAM) Figure 7-2. 10 nF +12 V AF(AM) TDA4470 Basic Application Circuit 15 8. Internal Pin Configuration Figure 8-1. Sound IF Inputs (Pins 1-2, 27-28) 1, 27 2, 28 2 k 2 k 3V 20 k Figure 8-2. Input Selector Switch (Pin 3) 3.5 V 60 k 3 Figure 8-3. 10 k SIF-AGC Time Constant (Pin 5) 5 16 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 Figure 8-4. Video IF Input (Pins 6-7) 2 k 2 k 2.3 V 4.2 V Figure 8-5. VIF-AGC Time Constant (Pin 8) 8 Figure 8-6. Tuner AGC - Take-over Point (Pin 10) 3.5 V 6.5 k 6 k 17 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 Figure 8-7. Tuner AGC - Output (Pin 11) Figure 8-8. Video Output (Pin 12) 2.6 mA Figure 8-9. Standard Switch (Pin 13) 3.5 V 17 k 15.5 k 13 23 k 18 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 Figure 8-10. Black Level Capacitor (Pin 15) 2.7 V 5 k 15 Figure 8-11. Internal Reference Voltage (Pin 17) 3.5 V Figure 8-12. Loop Filter (Pin 18) 2.75 V 19 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 Figure 8-13. AFC Switch (Pin 19) 3.5 V 30 k 19 10.5 k Figure 8-14. VCO (Pins 20-21) 7 k 7 k Figure 8-15. AFC Output (Pin 22) 20 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 Figure 8-16. Intercarrier Output (Pin 24) 100 24 1 mA Figure 8-17. AF Output AM Sound (Pin 25) 25 100 1.4 mA Figure 8-18. VCO Offset Compensation (Pin 26) 3.5 V 10 k 10 k 21 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 9. Ordering Information Extended Type Number TDA4470-MFLY TDA4470-MFLG3Y Package Remarks Standard Package Quantitiy SO28, Pb-free Delivery in Tubes 1,500 SO28, Pb-free Delivery in taped form 2,000 TDA4470-MFSY SSO28, Pb-free Delivery in Tubes 3,000 TDA4470-MFSG3Y SSO28, Pb-free Delivery in taped form 4,000 10. Package Information Package SO28 Dimensions in mm 9.15 8.65 18.05 17.80 7.5 7.3 2.35 1.27 28 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.4 10.50 10.20 16.51 15 technical drawings according to DIN specifications 1 22 14 TDA4470 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 TDA4470 5.7 5.3 4.5 4.3 Package SSO28 Dimensions in mm 9.10 9.01 1.30 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.25 6.6 6.3 0.65 8.45 28 15 technical drawings according to DIN specifications 1 14 23 4803C-TVVCR-10/05 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High Speed Converters/RF Datacom Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-76-58-30-00 Fax: (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00 Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-01 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland Tel: (44) 1355-803-000 Fax: (44) 1355-242-743 Literature Requests www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL'S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel's products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. (c) Atmel Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Atmel (R), logo and combinations thereof, Everywhere You Are (R) and others, are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 4803C-TVVCR-10/05