Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (SMD Type)
Negative polarity marking (–)
Capacitance (µF)
Rated voltage (V.DC)
(6=6.3 V.DC)
Series indentification
(S) or (A)
Mark for Lead-Free
(Black dot)
Lot number
( ) Reference size
(P) (I)
0.3 max.
Pressure Relief (010 and larger)
Endurance : 85 °C 2000 h
Vibration-proof product is available upon request. (08 mm and larger)
RoHS compliant
Frequency correction factor for ripple current
Speci cations
Surface Mount Type
Series : S Type : V
High temperature Lead-Free re ow (suffix : A)
Example : 6.3 V.DC 22 µF
Marking color : BLACK
Category temperature range
–40 °C to +85 °C
Rated voltage range 6.3 V.DC to 50 V.DC
Capacitance range 1 µF to 1500 µF
Capacitance tolerance ±20 % (120 Hz/+20 °C)
Leakage cur rent I < 0.01 CV or 3 (µA) After 2 minutes (Whichever is greater)
Dissipation factor (tan d)
Please see the attached characteristics list
at low temperature
V.DC 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(Impedance ratio at 120 Hz)Z(–25 °C)/Z(+20 °C) 432222
Z(–40 °C)/Z(+20 °C) 864433
After applying rated working voltage for 2000 hours (Miniaturization product type 1000 hours)
at +85 °C±2 °C and then being stabilized at +20 °C, Capacitors shall meer the following limits.
Capacitance change
Within ±20 % of the initial value
Size code Cap. change
D8 (06.3×7.7) 2000 hours ±25 %
< D (06.3) Miniature 1000 hours ±30 %
tan d< 200 % of the initial limit
DC leakege current
Within the initial limit
Shelf life After storage for 1000 hours at +85 °C±2 °C with no voltage applied and then being stabilized
at +20 °C, capacitors shall meet the limits specifi ed in Endurance. (With voltage treatment)
Resistance to
soldering heat
After refl ow soldering and then being stabilized at +20 °C, capacitors shall meet the following limits.
Capacitance change Within ±10 % of the initial value
tan dWithin the initial limit
DC leakage current
Within the initial limit
AEC-Q200 AEC-Q200 compliant
code 0DL A, B H. I W P K
B 4.0 5.4
-0.2 4.3 5.5 max 1.8 0.65±0.1 1.0 0.35
C 5.0 5.4
-0.2 5.3 6.5 max 2.2 0.65±0.1 1.5 0.35
D 6.3 5.4
-0.2 6.6 7.8 max 2.6 0.65±0.1 1.8 0.35
D8 6.3 7.7±0.3 6.6 7.8 max 2.6 0.65±0.1 1.8 0.35
E 8.0 6.2±0.3 8.3 9.5 max 3.4 0.65±0.1 2.2 0.35
F 8.0 10.2±0.3 8.3 10.0 max 3.4 0.90±0.2 3.1 0.70±0.20
G 10.0 10.2±0.3 10.3 12.0 max 3.5 0.90±0.2 4.6 0.70±0.20
Frequency (Hz) 50, 60 120 1 k 10 k to
Correction factor 0.70 1.00 1.30 1.70
(Unit : mm)
Mar. 201605
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (SMD Type)
20 %)
Case size (mm)
Specifi cation
Part No. Refl ow
Min. Packaging Q'ty
(120 Hz)
(+85 °C)
(mA r.m.s.)
tan d
(120 Hz)
(+20 °C)
En dur ance
22 4 5.4 B 29 0.30 2000 EEE0JA220AR (5) 2000
33 4 5.4 (B) 22 0.35 1000 EEE0JA330WAR (5) 2000
47 5 5.4 C 46 0.30 2000 EEE0JA470AR (5) 1000
100 5 5.4 (C) 47 0.40 1000 EEE0JA101WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 71 0.30 2000 EEE0JA101AP (5) 1000
330 6.3 7.7 D8 188 0.30 2000 EEE0JA331XAP (5) 900
8 6.2 E 300 0.35 2000 EEE0JA331AP (7) 1000
470 8 10.2 (F) 380 0.35 1000 EEE0JA471UAP (7) 500
1000 10 10.2 G 700 0.35 2000 EEE0JA102AP (7) 500
1500 10 10.2 (G) 750 0.50 1000 EEE0JA152UAP (7) 500
22 4 5.4 (B) 28 0.30 1000 EEE1AA220WAR (5) 2000
33 4 5.4 (B) 29 0.30 1000 EEE1AA330WAR (5) 2000
5 5.4 C 43 0.22 2000 EEE1AA330AR (5) 1000
47 5 5.4 (C) 47 0.30 1000 EEE1AA470WAR (5) 1000
100 5 5.4 (C) 50 0.30 1000 EEE1AA101WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 70 0.26 2000 EEE1AA101AP (5) 1000
220 6.3 7.7 D8 173 0.22 2000 EEE1AA221XAP (5) 900
8 6.2 E 250 0.26 2000 EEE1AA221AP (7) 1000
330 8 10.2 F 390 0.26 2000 EEE1AA331AP (7) 500
470 8 10.2 (F) 390 0.26 1000 EEE1AA471UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 400 0.26 2000 EEE1AA471AP (7) 500
1000 10 10.2 (G) 580 0.35 1000 EEE1AA102UAP (7) 500
10 4 5.4 B 28 0.16 2000 EEE1CA100AR (5) 2000
22 4 5.4 (B) 28 0.26 1000 EEE1CA220WAR (5) 2000
5 5.4 C 39 0.16 2000 EEE1CA220AR (5) 1000
33 5 5.4 (C) 35 0.26 1000 EEE1CA330WAR (5) 1000
47 5 5.4 (C) 39 0.26 1000 EEE1CA470WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 70 0.16 2000 EEE1CA470AP (5) 1000
100 6.3 5.4 (D) 70 0.26 1000 EEE1CA101WAP (5) 1000
8 6.2 E 200 0.20 2000 EEE1CA101AP (7) 1000
220 6.3 7.7 D8 162 0.20 2000 EEE1CA221XAP (5) 900
8 10.2 (F) 280 0.20 1000 EEE1CA221UAP (7) 500
330 8 10.2 (F) 320 0.20 1000 EEE1CA331UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 380 0.20 2000 EEE1CA331AP (7) 500
470 8 10.2 (F) 350 0.26 1000 EEE1CA471UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 420 0.20 2000 EEE1CA471AP (7) 500
4.7 4 5.4 B 22 0.14 2000 EEE1EA4R7AR (5) 2000
10 4 5.4 (B) 22 0.20 1000 EEE1EA100WAR (5) 2000
5 5.4 C 28 0.14 2000 EEE1EA100AR (5) 1000
22 5 5.4 (C) 35 0.20 1000 EEE1EA220WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 55 0.14 2000 EEE1EA220AP (5) 1000
33 5 5.4 (C) 42 0.20 1000 EEE1EA330WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 65 0.14 2000 EEE1EA330AP (5) 1000
47 6.3 5.4 (D) 70 0.20 1000 EEE1EA470WAP (5) 1000
8 6.2 (E) 91 0.16 1000 EEE1EA101UAP (7) 1000
6.3 7.7 D8 143 0.16 2000 EEE1EA101XAP (5) 900
8 10.2 F 180 0.16 2000 EEE1EA101AP (7) 500
220 8 10.2 (F) 230 0.20 1000 EEE1EA221UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 310 0.16 2000 EEE1EA221AP (7) 500
330 8 10.2 (F) 270 0.20 1000 EEE1EA331UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 340 0.16 2000 EEE1EA331AP (7) 500
470 10 10.2 (G) 380 0.25 1000 EEE1EA471UAP (7) 500
Size code( ) : Miniaturization product
· Please refer to the page of “Refl ow Profi le” and “The Taping Dimensions”.
· When requesting vibration-proof product, please put the last “V” instead to “P”
Characteristics list
Mar. 201605
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (SMD Type)
Size code( ) : Miniaturization product
· Please refer to the page of “Refl ow Profi le” and “The Taping Dimensions”.
· When requesting vibration-proof product, please put the last “V” instead to “P”
20 %)
Case size (mm)
Specifi cation
Part No. Refl ow
Min. Packaging Q'ty
(120 Hz)
(+85 °C)
(mA r.m.s.)
tan d
(120 Hz)
(+20 °C)
En dur ance
4.7 4 5.4 B 22 0.12 2000 EEE1VA4R7AR (5) 2000
10 4 5.4 (B) 22 0.16 1000 EEE1VA100WAR (5) 2000
5 5.4 C 30 0.12 2000 EEE1VA100AR (5) 1000
22 5 5.4 (C) 36 0.16 1000 EEE1VA220WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 60 0.12 2000 EEE1VA220AP (5) 1000
33 6.3 5.4 (D) 60 0.16 1000 EEE1VA330WAP (5) 1000
8 6.2 E 130 0.14 2000 EEE1VA330AP (7) 1000
47 6.3 5.4 (D) 70 0.16 1000 EEE1VA470WAP (5) 1000
8 6.2 E 165 0.14 2000 EEE1VA470AP (7) 1000
6.3 7.7 D8 132 0.14 2000 EEE1VA101XAP (5) 900
8 10.2 (F) 140 0.14 1000 EEE1VA101UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 210 0.14 2000 EEE1VA101AP (7) 500
220 8 10.2 (F) 200 0.14 1000 EEE1VA221UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 310 0.14 2000 EEE1VA221AP (7) 500
330 10 10.2 (G) 350 0.30 1000 EEE1VA331UAP (7) 500
1 4 5.4 B 10 0.12 2000 EEE1HA1R0AR (5) 2000
2.2 4 5.4 B 16 0.12 2000 EEE1HA2R2AR (5) 2000
3.3 4 5.4 B 16 0.12 2000 EEE1HA3R3AR (5) 2000
4.7 4 5.4 (B) 18 0.14 1000 EEE1HA4R7WAR (5) 2000
5 5.4 C 23 0.12 2000 EEE1HA4R7AR (5) 1000
10 5 5.4 (C) 27 0.14 1000 EEE1HA100WAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.4 D 35 0.12 2000 EEE1HA100AP (5) 1000
22 6.3 5.4 (D) 40 0.14 1000 EEE1HA220WAP (5) 1000
8 6.2 E 120 0.12 2000 EEE1HA220AP (7) 1000
8 6.2 (E) 65 0.12 1000 EEE1HA330UAP (7) 1000
6.3 7.7 D8 65 0.14 2000 EEE1HA330XAP (5) 900
8 10.2 F 110 0.12 2000 EEE1HA330AP (7) 500
6.3 7.7 D8 105 0.14 2000 EEE1HA470XAP (5) 900
8 10.2 (F) 110 0.12 1000 EEE1HA470UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 130 0.12 2000 EEE1HA470AP (7) 500
100 8 10.2 (F) 200 0.18 1000 EEE1HA101UAP (7) 500
10 10.2 G 250 0.12 2000 EEE1HA101AP (7) 500
220 10 10.2 (G) 300 0.18 1000 EEE1HA221UAP (7) 500
Characteristics list
Mar. 201605