Interconnect Solutions
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3M™ High Flex Life Cable
.050″ 28 AWG Stranded, PVC 3319 Series
Note:Unbalanced is measured between ground-sig nal-ground conductors. Balanced is measured between signal conductors within a pair.
"RoHS compliant" mea ns that the product or part does not contain any of the following substances in exce ss of the following maximum con centration values
in any homogeneous material, unless the substance is in an application that is exempt under RoHS: (a) 0.1% (by weight) for lead, mercury, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphe nyls or po lybrominate d dip henyl e thers; o r (b) 0.01% (by weight) for cadmium. Unle ss o therwise s tate d by 3M in writing,
this information represents 3M's knowledge and belief based upon information provided by third party suppliers to 3M.
Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Color: Black
Standard: None
Canadian Option: AWM 2651 105C 300V VW1 3M NU C AWM IA 105C 300V FT1 EU <50V
Conductors: 28 AWG, 19 x 40 AWG [ 19 x Ø 0.79 ] Silver Plated Stranded Copper Alloy (89%
Voltage Rating: USA: 300V Canada: 300V EU: <50V
Insulation Resistance: >1 x 1010 Ω /10ft [3m]
Unbalanced Balanced
Characteristic Impedance: 103 Ω171 Ω
Capacitance:13.6 pF/ft [44.62 pF/m ] 7.9 pF/ft [25.91 pF/m]
Inductance: 0.14 μH/ft [0.47 μH/m] 0.23 μΗ/ft [0.76 μΗ/m]
Propagation Delay: 1.40 ns/ft [4.59 ns/m] 1.35 ns/ft [4.43 ns/m]
Velocity of Propagation: 73% 75%
Temperatur e Ratin g : -20°C to +105°C
Flammability Rating: USA: VW-1 Canada: FT1
• Flex life of 100 million cycles at 1 3/4 inch
• 19 strands of high strength copper alloy provide
the longest flex life available for dynamic
• 28 AWG wire on .050 inch wire spacing permits
mass termination to a broad line of IDC
• Zippable for branching or discrete termination
• RoHS* Compliant
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Date Modified: December 12, 2006
UL File No.: E42769, Style No.: 2651