HEWLETT PACKARD Ce 10-Element Bar Graph Array Technical Data Features Custom Multicolor Array Capability Matched LEDs for Uniform Appearance End Stackable * Package Interlock Ensures Correct Alignment * Low Profile Package Rugged Construction Large, Easily Recognizable Segments High ON-OFF Contrast, Segment to Segment Wide Viewing Angle Categorized for Luminous Intensity * HDSP-4832/4836/4840/4850 Categorized for Dominant Wavelength HLCP-J100 Operates at Low Current Typical Intensity of 1.0 med at 1 mA Drive Current Applications * Industrial Controls Instrumentation Office Equipment * Computer Peripherals Consumer Products Description These 10-element LED arrays are designed to display information in easily recognizable bar graph form. The packages are end stackable and therefore capable of displaying long strings of information. Use of these bar graph arrays eliminates the alignment, intensity, and color matching problems associated with discrete LEDs. The HDSP- 4820/4830/4840/4850 and HLCP-J100 each contain LEDs of one color. The HDSP-4832/ 4836 are multicolor arrays with High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green LEDs in a single package. Package Dimensions 0.38 foe (1,000) MAX LUMINOUS INTENSITY DATE CODE CATEGORY 7 COLOR BIN (NOTE 3) LIGHT BAPS AND HLCP-J100 HDSP-4820 HDSP-4830 HDSP-4832 HDSP-4836 HDSP-4840 HDSP-4850 7) as 20mA Peak ~ Peak Green (HDSP-4850) series V,MAX = 2.0 + I, (50.Q) For: I, > 5 mA Figures 4 and 10 allow the designer to calculate the luminous intensity at different peak and average currents. The following equation calculates intensity at different peak and average currents: I AVG = (1,AVG/1,AVG DATA SHEET)(n,,,,)(lyDATA SHEET) Where: I AVG is the calculated time averaged luminous intensity resulting from I,AVG. 1,AVG is the desired time averaged LED current. 1,AVG DATA SHEET is the data sheet test current for I,DATA SHEET. Near 18 the relative efficiency at the peak current, scaled from Figure 4 or 10. I, DATA SHEET is the data sheet luminous intensity, resulting from I,AVG DATA SHEET. 2-29 For example, what is the luminous intensity of an HDSP- Qa 4830 driven at 50 mA peak 1/5 os duty factor? Es G a 1,AVG = (50 mA)(0.2) = * 10 mA I,AVG DATA SHEET = 10 mA Npwk = 1-3 I, DATA SHEET = 3500 ped Therefore I,AVG = (10 mA/10 mA) (1.3)(3500 pied) = 4550 ped