When reading from the TMP175 and TMP75, the last value
stored in the Pointer Register by a write operation is used
to determine which register is read by a read operation. To
change the register pointer for a read operation, a new
value must be written to the Pointer Register. This is
accomplished by issuing a slave address byte with the
R/W bit LOW, followed by the Pointer Register Byte. No
additional data is required. The master can then generate
a START condition and send the slave address byte with
the R/W bit HIGH to initiate the read command. See
Figure 7 for details of this sequence. If repeated reads
from the same register are desired, it is not necessary to
continually send the Pointer Register bytes, as the
TMP175 and TMP75 will remember the Pointer Register
value until it is changed by the next write operation.
Note that register bytes are sent most-significant byte first,
followed by the least significant byte.
The TMP175 and TMP75 can operate as slave receivers
or slave transmitters.
Slave Receiver Mode:
The first byte transmitted by the master is the slave
address, with the R/W bit LOW. The TMP175 or TMP75
then acknowledges reception of a valid address. The next
byte transmitted by the master is the Pointer Register. T h e
TMP175 or TMP75 then acknowledges reception of the
Pointer Register byte. The next byte or bytes are written to
the register addressed by the Pointer Register. The
TMP175 and TMP75 will acknowledge reception of each
data byte. The master may terminate data transfer by
generating a START or STOP condition.
Slave Transmitter Mode:
The first byte is transmitted by the master and is the slave
address, with the R/W bit HIGH. The slave acknowledges
reception of a valid slave address. The next byte is
transmitted by the slave and is the most significant byte of
the register indicated by the Pointer Register. The master
acknowledges reception of the data byte. The next byte
transmitted by the slave is the least significant byte. The
master acknowledges reception of the data byte. The
master may terminate data transfer by generating a
Not-Acknowledge on reception of any data byte, or
generating a START or STOP condition.
The TMP175 and TMP75 support the SMBus Alert
function. When the TMP75 and TMP175 are operating in
Interrupt Mode (TM = 1), the ALERT pin of the TMP75 or
TMP175 may be connected as an SMBus Alert signal.
When a master senses that an ALER T condition is present
on the ALERT line, the master sends an SMBus Alert
command (00011001) on the bus. If the ALERT pin of the
TMP75 or TMP175 is active, the devices will acknowledge
the SMBus Alert command and respond by returning its
slave address on the SDA line. The eighth bit (LSB) of the
slave address byte will indicate if the temperature
exceeding T HIGH or falling below TLOW caused the ALERT
condition. This bit will be HIGH if the temperature is greater
than or equal to THIGH. This bit will be LOW if the
temperature i s less than TLOW. Refer to Figure 8 for details
of this sequence.
If multiple devices on the bus respond to the SMBus Alert
command, arbitration during the slave address portion of
the SMBus Alert command will determine which device
will clear its ALER T status. If the TMP75 or TMP175 wins
the arbitration, its ALERT pin will become inactive at the
completion of the SMBus Alert command. If the TMP75 or
TMP175 loses the arbitration, its ALERT pin will remain
The TMP175 and TMP75 respond to a Two-Wire General
Call address (0000000) if the eighth bit is 0. The device will
acknowledge the General Call address and respond to
commands in the second byte. If the second byte is
00000100, the TMP175 and TMP75 will latch the status of
their address pins, but will not reset. If the second byte is
00000110, the TMP175 and TMP75 will latch the status of
their address pins and reset their internal registers to their
power-up values.
In order for the Two-Wire bus to operate at frequencies
above 400kHz, the master device must issue an Hs-mode
master code (00001XXX) as the first byte after a START
condition to switch the bus to high-speed operation. The
TMP175 and TMP75 will not acknowledge this byte, but
will switch their input filters on SDA and SCL and their
output filters on SDA to operate in Hs-mode, allowing
transfers at u p t o 3.4MHz. After the Hs-mode master code
has been issued, the master will transmit a Two-Wire slave
address to initiate a data transfer operation. The bus will
continue to operate in Hs-mode until a STOP condition
occurs on the bus. Upon receiving the STOP condition, the
TMP175 and TMP75 will switch the input and output filter
back to fast-mode operation.
The TMP175 and TMP75 will reset the serial interface if
either SCL or SDA are held LOW for 54ms (typ) between
a START and STOP condition. The TMP175 and TMP75
will release the bus if it is pulled LOW and will wait for a
START condition. To avoid activating the timeout function,
it is necessary to maintain a communication speed of at
least 1kHz for SCL operating frequency.