PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) 1. $ORZFXUUHQWFRQVXPSWLRQZLWK3DQDVRQLFVSURSULHWDU\GHVLJQ Development of a specialized circuit allows the reduction of current consumption to 1A (during sleep mode). When motion is detected, the sensor will shift to "standby" mode. Reduction of current consumption allows battery life to be extended for battery driven products, including wireless based and low power consumption devices. (Product lineup includes 1A, 2A, and 6A sensors.) Simplified circuitry with fully integrated sensor design 2. Panasonic's proprietary high-density embedded circuit design eliminates external sensing circuits. Advantages include reduced development and design schedules. Lead-free pyroelectric elements 3. PaPIRs sensing elements contain lithium tantalate and are lead-free. Typical PIR sensing elements are ferroelectric ceramic (PZT) containing lead. Low curvature lens for product designs 4. APPLICATIONS Panasonic's lens formation technology achieves a semi-flat lens with a smooth surface and minimum protrusion from the device (lens diameter: 9.5mm). Security Equipment: :LUHOHVVVHFXULW\VHQVRUVDQGFDPHUDV Wireless Devices / Mobile Equipment: :LUHOHVVRFFXSDQF\VHQVRUV (powered by PV cells or battery) 3&DQGVPDUWSKRQH In addition to white and black lens options, pearl white is offered for design aesthetics. (Refer to "Dimensions" on page 5) Robust design prevents false detection 5. PaPIRs sensing circuits are enclosed in a metallic can to minimize adverse effects of external electromagnetic fields. Examples include radiated noise caused by cellular phones. A high S/N ratio minimizes sensitivity to false tripping when operated under various environmental conditions. Block Diagram (Digital output circuit) Built-in amplifier and comparator connected directly to a microcomputer. Compliance with RoHS Directive ORDERING INFORMATION EKMB Output: Lens Color: 1: White 2: Black 1: Digital Current Consumption: Detection Performance: 1: 1A, 2: 2A, 3: 6A 01: Standard detection type 03: Long distance defection type Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Lens Material: 3: Pearl White 1: Polyethylene Mounting: 1: TO-5 Panasonic ideas for life PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) PRODUCT TYPES PERFORMANCE 1. Detection Performance [Conditions for measuring: Ambient temperature25(77) Operating voltage3VDC] Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Panasonic ideas for life PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) 2. Maximum Rated Values 3. Electrical Characteristic [Measuring conditions: Ambient temperature 2577)] (*4)(*5: "Sleep mode" or "Standby mode" is for 1A current consumption version. Please refer to "TIMING CHART" below. TIMING CHART 1. Digital output (1A current consumption) [Modes] [Durations] Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Panasonic ideas for life PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) 2. Digital Output (2A and 6A current consumption) [Durations] DETECTION PERFORMANCE 1 ) Standard detection type 2 ) Long Distance detection type Metal tab 2. Detection Zone Notes As shown on the diagram, the detection zone is polarized. If a target enters the detection zones + and - at the same time, the signals are respectively cancelled and detection could become impossible at maximum detection range. (Please refer to the detection area diagram for details) Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Panasonic ideas for life PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) HOW TO USE 1. Wiring Diagram (Digital Output) Sensor Vdd GND Load OUT Iout:Max.100A 2. Moving Direction Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Panasonic ideas for life PaPIRS EKMB Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Standard Profile (1, 2, 6 A) DIMENSION 1 ) Standard Detection type Dimensions When designing your products Recommended Hole Drilling Diameter A-A Cross Sectional Recommended PCB Pattern Design 2 ) Long Distance Detection type Dimensions When designing your products (0.866) A-A Cross Sectional (0.018 dia.) (0.287) (0.181) (0.795) (0.815 dia.) Recommended Hole Drilling Diameter (0.433 dia.) Recommended PCB Pattern Design General Tolerance s0.5mm (s0.020inch) Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America Panasonic ideas for life