11 FN8409.3
January 6, 2015
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Total Current Consumption
Total current consumption is the sum of IDD and IIRDR. The IRDR
pin sinks current and the average IRDR current is calculated by
using Equation 1. The IDD depends on voltage and the mode of
operation. For simplicity, Equation 1 ignores proximity ADC
conversion time since it is much smaller than the sleep time.
ALS IR Compensation
The ISL29147 is designed for operation under dark glass cover.
Glass or plastic covers can significantly attenuate visible light
and pass the Infrared light without much attenuation.
Consequently, the ISL29147 under a glass cover experiences an
IR rich environment.
The on-chip ALS passive optical filter on the ISL29147 is designed
to block most of the IR incident on the ALS photo diodes. In
addition, the ISL29147 provides a programmable active IR
compensation that subtracts residual IR still reaching the sensor.
The ALS_IR_COMP register (Reg 0x03[4:0]) allows fine tuning of
the residual infrared component from the ALS output.
The recommended procedure for determining ALS IR
compensation is as follows:
• Illuminate the ISL29147 based product with a light source
without IR, such as a white LED. Record the ALS measurement
and the Lux level.
• Illuminate the device with an IR LED and the White LED. Take
an ALS measurement and Lux level measurement.
• Adjust the ALS_IR_COMP register (Reg 0x03, bits 4:0) to
compensate for the IR contribution.
• Repeat steps above until the IR light source contribution to the
ALS measurement is under 10 percent assuming no change in
Lux level due to IR light source.
Proximity Offset
Systems built with a protective glass cover over the ISL29147
can provide light ‘leakage’ or ‘crosstalk’ from the IR LED by
reflection from the glass saturating the proximity sensor
measurement system (Figure 10).
Saturation can occur when the reflection from the glass with no
object in the proximity detection space exceeds the full scale of
the measurement system. The ISL29147 proximity system
provides a user programmable proximity offset correction to
compensate for this reflection.
The PROX_IR_COMP register (Reg 0x02[6:3]) applies a corrective
offset to the received signal prior to ADC conversion, which
allows the signal to be brought within the usable range of the
proximity measurement system.
Proximity Ambient Washout Detection
Optical proximity sensor can saturate when illuminated with
excessive ambient light. The ISL29147 provides a warning flag
when the proximity measurement may be erroneous due to
excessive ambient light. The PROX_WASH register (Reg 0x0D[0])
reports this condition.
Interrupts Events
The ISL29147 interrupts are designed to minimize host
micro-controller overhead of continuous polling. The ISL29147
can generate interrupts on the results of an ALS measurement or
proximity measurement.
The ALS interrupt event ALS_FLAG (Reg 0x04[3]) is governed by
Reg 0x07 through Reg 0x09. Two 12-bit high and low threshold
values are written to these registers. The ISL29147 will set the
ALS interrupt flag, if the ADC conversion count in Registers 0x0B
and 0x0C are outside the programmed thresholds. The
ALS_FLAG is cleared by writing a ‘0’ to Reg 0x04[3].
A proximity interrupt event (PROX_FLAG) is governed by the high
and low thresholds in Reg 0x05 and Reg 0x06 (PROX_LT and
PROX_HT) are indicated by Reg 0x04[7]. PROX_FLAG is set when
the measured proximity data is more than the higher threshold.
The proximity interrupt flag is cleared when the proximity data is
lower than the low proximity threshold or by writing a ‘0’ to
Reg 0x04[7].
The Proximity interrupt generation can be selected between
‘out-of-window’ threshold and hysteresis schemes. When the
PROX_INT_ALG register (Reg 0x02, Bit 7) is set to 0, proximity
uses a hysteresis scheme; when set to 1, proximity uses a
window comparator scheme.
In hysteresis mode, the interrupt event is generated if the
proximity ADC count is higher than the PROX_HT threshold and
the interrupt event is cleared when the proximity ADC count is
less than the PROX_LT threshold. The interrupt event flag can
also be cleared by writing a ‘0’ to Reg 0x04[7].
To minimize interrupt events due to ‘transient’ conditions, an
interrupt persistency option is available for both ALS and proximity
measurements. Persistency requires ‘X-consecutive’ interrupt flags
before the INT pin is driven low. Both ALS and PROX have their own
independent interrupt persistency options. ALS_PRST and
PROX_PRST configuration are controlled from Reg 0x04.