LAN91C110 REV. A PRELIMINARY FEAST Fast Ethernet Controller for PCMCIA and Generic 16-Bit Applications FEATURES !" Dual Speed CSMA/CD Engine (10 Mbps and 100 Mbps) !" Built-in Transparent Arbitration for Slave Sequential Access Architecture !" Compliant with IEEE 802.3 100BASE-T Specification !" Early TX, Early RX Functions !" Supports 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-T4 !" 16 Bit Wide Data Path (into Packet Buffer Memory) !" Generic 16-bit System Level Interface Easily Adaptable to ISA, PCMCIA (16-bit CardBus), and Various CPU System Interfaces !" Flat MMU Architecture with Symmetric Transmit and Receive Structures and Queues !" IEEE-802.3 MII (Media Independent Interface) Compliant MAC-PHY Interface Running at Nibble Rate !" MII Management Serial Interface !" Support for 16 and 8 Bit CPU Accesses !" IEEE-802.3u Full Duplex Capability !" Asynchronous Bus Interface !" 144 Pin TQFP Package (1.0 Millimeter Height) !" 128 Kbyte External Memory ORDERING INFORMATION Order Number: LAN91C110TQFP 144 Pin TQFP Package SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Rev. 03/28/2000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The LAN91C110 is designed to facilitate the implementation of second generation Fast Ethernet PC Card adapters and other non-PCI connectivity products. The LAN91C110 is a digital device that implements the Media Access Control (MAC) portion of the CSMA/CD protocol at 10 and 100 Mbps, and couples it with a lean and fast data and control path system architecture to ensure that the CPU to packet RAM data movement does not cause a bottleneck at 100 Mbps. The LAN91C110 implements a generic 16-bit host interface which is adaptable to a wide range of system buses and CPUs. This makes the LAN91C110 ideal for 10/100 Fast Ethernet implementations in systems based on system buses other than PCI. Total memory size is 128 Kbytes, equivalent to a total chip storage (transmit plus receive) of 64 outstanding packets. The LAN91C110 is software compatible with the LAN9000 family of products in the default mode and can use existing LAN9000 drivers (ODI, IPX, and NDIS) with minor modifications in 16 and 32 bit Intel X86 based environments. Memory management is handled using a unique patented MMU (Memory Management Unit) architecture and an internal 32-bit wide data path. This I/O mapped architecture can sustain back-to-back frame transmission and reception for superior data throughput and optimal performance. It also dynamically allocates buffer memory in an efficient buffer utilization scheme, reducing software tasks and relieving the host CPU from performing these housekeeping functions. The total memory size is 128 Kbytes (external), equivalent to a total chip storage (transmit and receive) of 64 outstanding packets. FEAST provides a flexible slave interface for easy connectivity with industry-standard buses. The host interface is "ISA-like" and is easily adapted to a wide range of system and CPU buses such as ISA, PCMCIA, etc. An IEEE-802.3 compliant Media Independent Interface (MII) provided on the network side of the LAN91C110. The MII interface allows the use of a wide range of MII compliant Physical Layer (PHY) devices to be used with the LAN91C110. The LAN91C110 also provides an interface to the two-line MII serial management protocol. (c) STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION (SMSC) 2000 80 Arkay Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000 FAX (631) 273-3123 Standard Microsystems is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation, and SMSC is a trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any licenses under the patent rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE; AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 2 Rev. 03/28/2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES ...................................................................................................................................................1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................2 PIN CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................4 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS ...........................................................................................................5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................8 DATA STRUCTURES AND REGISTERS...................................................................................................11 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................43 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS*.......................................................................................................43 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .....................................................................................................43 TIMING DIAGRAMS....................................................................................................................................45 LAN91C110 REV. A REVISIONS ..............................................................................................................50 SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 3 Rev. 03/28/2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 LAN91C110 144 Pin TQFP 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 GND D8 D9 VDD D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 GND D15 nADS VDD RA16 RA14 RA15 RA9 RA10 RA8 RA11 VDD nROE RA7 GND RA13 RA6 RA5 RD13 RD12 GND RD11 RD10 RD9 VDD nRWE1 RD8 RD23 RD22 RD21 GND RD20 RD19 RD18 RD17 RD16 VDD RD31 RD30 nRWE2 GND RD29 RD28 RD27 RD26 RD25 RD24 VDD RA2 nRWE3 GND RA3 RA4 RA12 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 nLNK XTAL1 XTAL2 VDD nCSOUT TX25 RX_ER RX_DV GND RX25 COL100 CRS100 RXD0 RXD1 RXD2 RXD3 GND TXD0 TXD1 VDD TXD2 TXD3 TXEN100 nRWE0 RD7 RD6 RD5 RD4 GND RD3 RD2 RD1 VDD RD0 RD15 RD14 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 AVDD N/C AGND MDI MDO AUISEL AEN MCLK GND RESET nWR VDD nRD INT0 GND nARDY D0 D1 D2 D3 GND D4 D5 D6 nLDEV D7 nBE1 nBE0 GND A15 A14 A13 A12 VDD A11 A10 PIN CONFIGURATION SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 4 Rev. 03/28/2000 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS 144 TQFP PIN NO. NAME SYMBOL 115-112, 110-100 Address A[15:1] 138 Address Enable AEN 118, 117 nBE[1:0] 89, 91-95, 97-98, Data Bus 119, 121-123, 125128 D[15:0] BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION I Input. Used by LAN91C110 for internal register selection. I Input. Used as an address qualifier. Address decoding is only enabled when AEN is low. I Input. Used during LAN91C110 register accesses to determine the width of the access and the register(s) being accessed. I/O8 Bidirectional. 16-bit data bus used to access the LAN91C110's internal registers. Data bus has weak internal pullups. Supports direct connection to the system bus without external buffering. IS Input. This input is not considered active unless it is active for at least 100ns to filter narrow glitches. OD16 Open drain output. ARDY may be used when interfacing asynchronous buses to extend accesses. Its rising (access completion) edge is controlled by the XTAL1 clock and, therefore, asynchronous to the host CPU or bus clock. Note: Asserted for 100 to 150ns for the appropriate NO WAIT bit state in the Configuration register. See the NO WAIT bit description for complete information. O16 Output. Local Device. This active low output is asserted when AEN is low and A4-A15 decode to the LAN91C110 address programmed into the high byte of the Base Address Register. nLDEV* is a combinatorial decode of unlatched address and AEN signals. IS Input. Address strobe. For systems that require address latching. The rising edge of nADS indicates the latching moment of A[1:15] and AEN. All LAN91C110 internal functions of A[1:15] and AEN are latched. O4 Output. The interrupt output is enabled by selecting the appropriate routing bits (INT SEL 1-0) in the Configuration Register. IS Input. Used in asynchronous bus interfaces. IS Input. Used in asynchronous bus interfaces. I/O4 with Bidirectional. Carries the local buffer memory read and pullups write data. Reads are always 32 bits wide. Writes are controlled individually at the byte level. 135 Reset RESET 129 Asynchronous Ready nARDY 120 Local Device nLDEV 88 nAddress Strobe nADS 131 Interrupt INTR0 nRead Strobe nWrite Strobe RAM Data Bus nRD nWR RD[31:0] RAM Address Bus RA[16:2] O4 Outputs. This bus specifies the buffer RAM doubleword being accessed by the LAN91C110. nROE O4 nRWE[3:0] O4 Output. Active low signal used to read a doubleword from buffer RAM. Outputs. Active low signals used to write any byte, word or dword in RAM. An external 25 MHz crystal is connected across these pins. If a TTL clock is supplied instead, it should be connected to XTAL1 and XTAL2 should be left open. Input. General purpose input port used to convey LINK status (EPHSR bit 14). 132 134 56-57, 60-65, 4648, 50-54, 35-38, 40-42, 45, 25-28, 30-32, 34 86,84,85, 75,72,80, 82-83,81, 77,74-73, 71-70,67 78 24,44,58, 68 2 3 Crystal 1 Crystal 2 XTAL1 XTAL2 Iclk 1 nLink Status nLNK I with pullup SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 5 Rev. 03/28/2000 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS 144 TQFP PIN NO. 139 NAME AUI Select SYMBOL AUISEL TXEN100 18,19,21, 22 6 Transmit Enable MII Carrier Sense MII Receive Data Valid Collision Detect MII Transmit Data Transmit Clock TXD[3:0] TX25 10 Receive Clock RX25 13-16 141 Receive Data Manage-ment Data Input Manage-ment Data Output Manage-ment Clock Receive Error RXD[3:0] MDI nChip Select Output nCSOUT Power VDD Analog Power Ground AVDD GND 23 12 8 11 140 137 7 5 4,20,33,43,55,66,7 9, 87,96,111,133 144 9,17,29,39,49,59,6 9, 76,90,99, 116,124, 130,136, 142 BUFFER TYPES O4 O12 OD16 I/O4 I/O8 IS I with pullup I with pulldown CRS100 BUFFER TYPE DESCRIPTION O4 Output. Non volatile output pin. Driven by AUI SELECT (CONFIG bit 8). O12 Output to MII PHY. Envelope to 100 Mbps transmission. MDO I with pulldown I with pulldown I with pulldown O12 I with pullup I with pullup I I with pulldown O4 MCLK O4 RX_DV COL100 RX_ER Input from MII PHY. Envelope of packet reception used for deferral and backoff purposes. Input from MII PHY. Envelope of data valid reception. Used for receive data framing. Input from MII PHY. Collision detection input. Outputs. Transmit Data nibble to MII PHY. Input. Transmit clock input from MII. Nibble rate clock (25 MHz). Input. Receive clock input from MII PHY. Nibble rate clock. Inputs. Received Data nibble from MII PHY. MII management data input. MII management data output. MII management clock. I with Input. Indicates a code error detected by PHY. Used by pulldown the LAN91C110 to discard the packet being received. The error indication reported for this event is the same as a bad CRC (Receive Status Word bit 13). O4 Output. Chip Select provided for mapping of PHY functions into LAN91C110 decoded space. Active on accesses to LAN91C110's eight lower addresses when the BANK SELECTED is 7. +5V power supply pins. +5V analog power supply pins. Ground pins. Analog Ground AGND Analog ground pin. Output buffer with 2mA source and 4mA sink Output buffer with 6mA source and 12mA sink Open drain buffer with 16mA sink Bidirectional buffer with 2mA source and 4mA sink Bidirectional buffer with 4mA source and 8mA sink Schmitt Trigger (Hysteresis: 250mV) Rated at 30mA Rated at 30mA SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 6 Rev. 03/28/2000 Address ARBITER Data Control DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS BUS INTERFACE UNIT MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNIT RD FIFO 10/100 Mb/s Media Independent Interface WR FIFO RAM 25 MHz FIGURE 1 - LAN91C110 BLOCK DIAGRAM SYSTEM BUS ADDRESS CONTROL DATA ADDRESS CONTROL LAN91C110 FEAST DATA 100BASE-T4 INTERFACE CHIP M II RA 100BASE-T4 OE,W E RD0-31 OR SRAM 32kx8 1 2 100BASE-TX INTERFACE LOGIC/ 10BASE-T 3 4 100BASE-TX/ 10BASE-T FIGURE 2 - LAN91C110 SYSTEM DIAGRAM SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 7 Rev. 03/28/2000 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF BLOCKS Clock Generator Block 1) The XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins are to be connected to a 25 MHz 50 PPM crystal. 2) TX25 is an input clock. It will be the nibble rate of the particular PHY connected to the MII (2.5 MHz for a 10 Mbps PHY, and 25 MHz for a 100 Mbps PHY). 3) RX25 - This is the MII nibble rate receive clock used for sampling received data nibbles and running the receive state machine. (2.5 MHz for a 10 Mbps PHY, and 25 MHz for a 100 Mbps PHY). CSMA/CD BLOCK This is a 16 bit oriented block, with fully- independent Transmit and Receive logic. The data path in and out of the block consists of two 16-bit wide uni-directional FIFOs interfacing the DMA block. The DMA port of the FIFO stores 32 bits to exploit the 32 bit data path into memory, but the FIFOs themselves are 16 bit wide. The Control Path consists of a set of registers interfaced to the CPU via the BIU. DMA Block This block accesses packet memory on the CSMA/CD's behalf, fetching transmit data and storing received data. It interfaces the CSMA/CD Transmit and Receive FIFOs on one side, and the Arbiter block on the other. To increase the bandwidth into memory, a 50 MHz clock is used by the DMA block, and the data path is 32 bits wide. For example, during active reception at 100 Mbps, the CSMA/CD block will write a word into the Receive FIFO every 160ns. The DMA will read the FIFO and accumulate two words on the output port to request a memory cycle from the Arbiter every 320ns. The DMA machine is able to support full duplex operation. Independent receive and transmit counters are used. Transmit and receive cycles are alternated when simultaneous receive and transmit accesses are needed. Arbiter Block The Arbiter block sequences accesses to packet RAM requested by the BIU and by the DMA blocks. BIU requests represent pipelined CPU accesses to the Data Register, while DMA requests represent CSMA/CD data movement. The external memory used is a 25ns SRAM. The Arbiter is also responsible for controlling the nRWE0-nRWE3 lines as a function of the bytes being written. Read accesses are always 32 bit wide, and the Arbiter steers the appropriate byte(s) to the appropriate lanes as a function of the address. The CPU Data Path consists of two uni-directional FIFOs mapped at the Data Register location. These FIFOs can be accessed in any combination of bytes, word, or doublewords. The Arbiter will indicate 'Not Ready' whenever a cycle is initiated that cannot be satisfied by the present state of the FIFO. MMU Block The Hardware Memory Management Unit allocates memory and transmit and receive packet queues. It also determines the value of the transmit and receive interrupts as a function of the queues. The page size is 2k, with a maximum memory size of 128k. MIR and MCR values are interpreted in 512 byte units. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 8 Rev. 03/28/2000 BIU Block The Bus Interface Unit can handle synchronous as well as asynchronous buses; different signals are used for each one. Transparent latches are added on the address path using rising nADS for latching. With ISA, the read and write operations are controlled by the edges of nRD and nWR. ARDY is used for notifying the system that it should extend the access cycle. The leading edge of ARDY is generated by the leading edge of nRD or nWR while the trailing edge of ARDY is controlled by the internal LAN91C110 clock and, therefore, asynchronous to the bus. The BIU is implemented using the following principles: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Address decoding is based on the values of A15-A4 and AEN. Address latching is performed by using transparent latches that are transparent when nADS=0 and nRD=1, nWR=1 and latch on nADS rising edge. Byte, word and doubleword accesses to all registers and Data Path are supported except a doubleword write to offset Ch will only write the BANK SELECT REGISTER (offset Fh). No bus byte swapping is implemented (no eight bit mode). Word swapping as a function of A1 is implemented for 16 bit bus support. The asynchronous interface uses nRD and nWR strobes. If necessary, ARDY is negated on the leading edge of the strobe. The ARDY trailing edge is controlled by CLK. MAC-PHY Interface Block For the MII interface, transmit data is clocked out using the TX25 clock input, while receive data is clocked in using RX25. In 100 Mbps mode, the LAN91C110 provides the following interface signals to the PHY: !"For transmission: TXEN100 TXD0-3 TX25 !"For reception: RX_DV RX_ER RXD0-3 RX25 !"For CSMA/CD state machines: CRS100 COL100 A transmission begins by TXEN100 going active (high), and TXD0-TXD3 having the first valid preamble nibble. TXD0 carries the least significant bit of the nibble (that is the one that would go first out of the EPH at 100 Mbps), while TXD3 carries the most significant bit of the nibble. TXEN100 and TXD0-TXD3 are clocked by the LAN91C110 using TX25 rising edges. TXEN100 goes inactive at the end of the packet on the last nibble of the CRC. During a transmission, COL100 might become active to indicate a collision. COL100 is asynchronous to the LAN91C110's clocks and will be synchronized internally to TX25. Reception begins when RX_DV (receive data valid) is asserted. A preamble pattern or flag octet will be present at RXD0-RXD3 when RX_DV is activated. The LAN91C110 requires no training sequence beyond a full flag octet for reception. RX_DV as well as RXD0-RXD3 are sampled on RX25 rising edges. RXD0 carries the least significant bit and RXD3 the most significant bit of the nibble. RX_DV goes inactive when the last valid nibble of the packet (CRC) is presented at RXD0-RXD3. RX_ER might be asserted during packet reception to signal the LAN91C110 that the present receive packet is invalid. The LAN91C110 will discard the packet by treating it as a CRC error. RXD0-RXD3 should always be aligned to packet nibbles, therefore, opening flag detection does not consider misaligned cases. Opening flag detection expects the 5Dh pattern and will not reject the packet on non-preamble patterns. CRS100 is used as a frame envelope signal for the CSMA/CD MAC state machines (deferral and backoff functions), but it is not used for receive framing functions. CRS100 is an asynchronous signal and it will be active whenever there is activity on the cable, including LAN91C110 transmissions and collisions. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 9 Rev. 03/28/2000 The MII SELECT bit in the CONFIG REGISTER must always be set for proper chip function. Note that given the modular nature of the MII, TX25 and RX25 cannot be assumed to be free running clocks. The LAN91C110 will not rely on the presence of TX25 and RX25 during reset and will use its own internal clock whenever a timeout on TX25 is detected. MII Management Interface Block PHY management through the MII management interface is supported by the LAN91C110 by providing the means to drive a tri-statable data output, a clock, and reading an input. Timing and framing for each management command is to be generated by the CPU. DATA BUS CONTROL TRANSMIT RECEIVE RX FIFO TX FIFO ADDRESS BUS DMA CSMA/CD BUS INTERFACE TX COMPL FIFO ARBITER WRITE DATA REG READ DATA REG MMU DATA ADDRESS BUFFER RAM FIGURE 3 - LAN91C110 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM WITH DATAPATH SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 10 Rev. 03/28/2000 DATA STRUCTURES AND REGISTERS PACKET FORMAT IN BUFFER MEMORY The packet format in memory is similar for the Transmit and Receive areas. The first word is reserved for the status word. The next word is used to specify the total number of bytes, and it is followed by the data area. The data area holds the packet itself. ! "# $% ~~ ~~ $%& "# ~~ ~~ & "# ' ( FIGURE 4 - DATA PACKET FORMAT TRANSMIT PACKET RECEIVE PACKET BYTE COUNT Written by CSMA upon transmit completion (see Status Register) Written by CPU Written by CSMA upon receive completion (see RX Frame Status Word) Written by CSMA DATA AREA Written/modified by CPU Written by CSMA CONTROL BYTE Written by CPU to control odd/even data bytes Written by CSMA; also has odd/even bit STATUS WORD SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 11 Rev. 03/28/2000 BYTE COUNT - Divided by two, it defines the total number of words including the STATUS WORD, the BYTE COUNT WORD, the DATA AREA and the CONTROL BYTE. The receive byte count always appears as even; the ODDFRM bit of the receive status word indicates if the low byte of the last word is relevant. The transmit byte count least significant bit will be assumed 0 by the controller regardless of the value written in memory. DATA AREA - The data area starts at offset 4 of the packet structure and can extend up to 2043 bytes. The data area contains six bytes of DESTINATION ADDRESS followed by six bytes of SOURCE ADDRESS, followed by a variable-length number of bytes. On transmit, all bytes are provided by the CPU, including the source address. The LAN91C110 does not insert its own source address. On receive, all bytes are provided by the CSMA side. The 802.3 Frame Length word (Frame Type in Ethernet) is not interpreted by the LAN91C110. It is treated transparently as data both for transmit and receive operations. CONTROL BYTE - For transmit packets the CONTROL BYTE is written by the CPU as: X X ODD CRC 0 0 0 0 ODD - If set, indicates an odd number of bytes, with the last byte being right before the CONTROL BYTE. If clear, the number of data bytes is even and the byte before the CONTROL BYTE is not transmitted. CRC - When set, CRC will be appended to the frame. This bit has only meaning if the NOCRC bit in the TCR is set. For receive packets the CONTROL BYTE is written by the controller as: 0 1 ODD 0 0 0 0 0 ODD - If set, indicates an odd number of bytes, with the last byte being right before the CONTROL BYTE. If clear, the number of data bytes is even and the byte before the CONTROL BYTE should be ignored. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 12 Rev. 03/28/2000 RECEIVE FRAME STATUS WORD This word is written at the beginning of each receive frame in memory. It is not available as a register. HIGH BYTE ALGN ERR BROD CAST BAD CRC LOW BYTE ODD FRM TOOLNG TOO SHORT HASH VALUE 5 4 3 MULT CAST 2 1 0 ALGNERR - Frame had alignment error. When MII SEL=1 alignment error is set when BADCRC=1 and an odd number of nibbles was received between SFD and RX_DV going inactive. BRODCAST - Receive frame was broadcast. BADCRC - Frame had CRC error, or RX_ER was asserted during reception. ODDFRM - This bit when set indicates that the received frame had an odd number of bytes. TOOLNG - Frame length was longer than 802.3 maximum size (1518 bytes on the cable). TOOSHORT - Frame length was shorter than 802.3 minimum size (64 bytes on the cable). HASH VALUE - Provides the hash value used to index the Multicast Registers. Can be used by receive routines to speed up the group address search. The hash value consists of the six most significant bits of the CRC calculated on the Destination Address, and maps into the 64 bit multicast table. Bits 5,4,3 of the hash value select a byte of the multicast table, while bits 2,1,0 determine the bit within the byte selected. Examples of the address mapping: ADDRESS ED 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00 HASH VALUE 5-0 000 000 010 000 100 111 111 111 MULTICAST TABLE BIT MT-0 bit 0 MT-2 bit 0 MT-4 bit 7 MT-7 bit 7 MULTCAST - Receive frame was multicast. If hash value corresponds to a multicast table bit that is set, and the address was a multicast, the packet will pass address filtering regardless of other filtering criteria. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 13 Rev. 03/28/2000 I/O SPACE The base I/O space is specified by the power-up I/O Base Register default. To limit the I/O space requirements to 16 locations, the registers are assigned to different banks. The last word of the I/O area is shared by all banks and can be used to change the bank in use. Registers are described using the following convention: OFFSET HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE NAME TYPE SYMBOL bit 15 bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 X X X X X X X X bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 X X X X X X X X OFFSET - Defines the address offset within the IOBASE where the register can be accessed at, provided the bank select has the appropriate value. The offset specifies the address of the even byte (bits 0-7) or the address of the complete word. The odd byte can be accessed using address (offset + 1). Some registers (like the Interrupt Ack., or like Interrupt Mask) are functionally described as two eight bit registers, in that case the offset of each one is independently specified. Regardless of the functional description, all registers can be accessed as doublewords, words or bytes. The default bit values upon hard reset are highlighted below each register. Table 2 - Internal I/O Space Mapping 0 2 4 6 8 A C E BANK0 TCR EPH STATUS RCR COUNTER MIR MCR RESERVED (0) BANK SELECT BANK1 CONFIG BASE IA0-1 IA2-3 IA4-5 CONTROL BANK SELECT BANK2 MMU COMMAND PNR FIFO PORTS POINTER DATA DATA INTERRUPT BANK SELECT BANK3 MT0-1 MT2-3 MT4-5 MT6-7 MGMT REVISION ERCV BANK SELECT A special BANK (BANK7) exists to support the addition of external registers. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 14 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK SELECT REGISTER OFFSET E HIGH BYTE NAME BANK SELECT REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL BSR 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 BS2 BS1 BS0 0 0 0 LOW BYTE X X X X X BS2, BS1, BS0 Determine the bank presently in use. This register is always accessible and is used to select the register bank in use. The upper byte always reads as 33h and can be used to help determine the I/O location of the LAN91C110. The BANK SELECT REGISTER is always accessible regardless of the value of BS0-2. Note: The bank select register can be accessed as a word at offset 0x0Eh, or as a byte at offset 0x0Fh. BANK 7 has no internal registers other than the BANK SELECT REGISTER itself. On valid cycles where BANK7 is selected (BS0=BS1=BS2=1), and A3=0, nCSOUT is activated to facilitate implementation of external registers. Note: BANK7 does not exist in LAN91C9x devices. For backward S/W compatibility BANK7 accesses should be done if the Revision Control register indicates the device is the LAN91C110. BANK 0 OFFSET 0 NAME TRANSMIT CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL TCR This register holds bits programmed by the CPU to control some of the protocol transmit options. HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE SWFDU P 0 EPH LOOP STP SQET 0 0 0 PAD_E N 0 0 0 FDUPL X 0 0 NOCRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FORCOL 0 TXENA 0 0 0 0 0 0 SWFDUP - Enables Switched Full Duplex mode. In this mode, transmit state machine is inhibited from recognizing carrier sense, so deferrals will not occur. Also inhibits collision count, therefore, the collision related status bits in the EPHSR are not valid (CTR_ROL, LATCOL, SQET, 16COL, MUL COL, and SNGL COL). Uses COL100 as flow control, limiting backoff and jam to 1 clock each before inter-frame gap, then retry will occur after IFG. If COL100 is active during preamble, full preamble will be output before jam. When SWFDUP is high, the values of FDUPLX and MON_CSN have no effect. This bit should be low for non-MII operation. EPH_LOOP - Internal loopback at the EPH block. Serial data is internally looped back when set. Defaults low. When EPH_LOOP is high the following transmit outputs are forced inactive: TXD0-TXD3 = 0h, TXEN100 = TXEN = 0, TXD = 1. The following and external inputs are blocked: CRS=CRS100=0, COL=COL100=0, RX_DV= RX_ER=0. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 15 Rev. 03/28/2000 STP_SQET - Stop transmission on SQET error. If set, stops and disables transmitter on SQE test error. Does not stop on SQET error and transmits next frame if clear. Defaults low. FDUPLX - When set it enables Full Duplex operation. This will cause frames to be received if they pass the address filter regardless of the source for the frame. When clear the node will not receive a frame sourced by itself. NOCRC - Does not append CRC to transmitted frames when set. Allows software to insert the desired CRC. Defaults to zero, namely CRC inserted. PAD_EN - When set, the LAN91C110 will pad transmit frames shorter than 64 bytes with 00. Does not pad frames when reset FORCOL - When set, the FORCOL bit will force a collision by not deferring deliberately. This bit is set and cleared only by the CPU. When TXENA is enabled with no packets in the queue and while the FORCOL bit is set, the LAN91C110 will transmit a preamble pattern the next time a carrier is seen on the line. If a packet is queued, a preamble and SFD will be transmitted. This bit defaults low to normal operation. NOTE: The LATCOL bit in the EPHSR, setting up as a result of FORCOL, will reset TXENA to 0. In order to force another collision, TXENA must be set to 1 again. TXENA - Transmit enabled when set. Transmit is disabled if clear. When the bit is cleared the LAN91C110 will complete the current transmission before stopping. When stopping due to an error, this bit is automatically cleared. BANK 0 OFFSET 2 NAME EPH STATUS REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL EPHSR This register stores the status of the last transmitted frame. This register value, upon individual transmit packet completion, is stored as the first word in the memory area allocated to the packet. Packet interrupt processing should use the copy in memory as the register itself will be updated by subsequent packet transmissions. The register can be used for real time values (like TXENA and LINK OK). If TXENA is cleared the register holds the last packet completion status. HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE TX UNRN LINK_ OK RX_ OVRN CTR _ROL EXC _DEF 0 LATCOL 0 0 -nLNK pin 0 0 0 0 0 0 TX DEFR LTX BRD SQET 16COL LTX MULT MUL COL SNGL COL TX_SUC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TXUNRN - Transmit Under Run. Set if under run occurs, it also clears TXENA bit in TCR. Cleared by setting TXENA high. This bit may only be set if early TX is being used. LINK_OK - General purpose input port driven by nLNK pin inverted. Typically used for Link Test. A transition on the value of this bit generates an interrupt. RX_OVRN - Upon receive overrun, the receiver temporarily asserts this bit. The receiver stays enabled and subsequent frames are received normally if memory becomes available. The RX_OVRN INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register will also be set and stay set until cleared by the CPU. Note that receive overruns could occur only if receive memory allocations fail. CTR_ROL - Counter Roll Over. When set one or more 4 bit counters have reached maximum count (15). Cleared by reading the ECR register. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 16 Rev. 03/28/2000 EXC_DEF - Excessive Deferral. When set last/ current transmit was deferred for more than 1518 * 2 byte times. Cleared at the end of every packet sent. LATCOL - Late collision detected on last transmit frame. If set a late collision was detected (later than 64 byte times into the frame). When detected the transmitter jams and turns itself off clearing the TXENA bit in TCR. Cleared by setting TXENA in TCR. TX_DEFR - Transmit Deferred. When set, carrier was detected during the first 6.4 !s of the inter frame gap. Cleared at the end of every packet sent. LTX_BRD - Last transmit frame was a broadcast. Set if frame was broadcast. Cleared at the start of every transmit frame. SQET - Signal Quality Error Test. SQET bit is always set after first transmit, except if SWFDUP=1. As a consequence, the STP_SQET bit in the TCR register cannot be set as it will always result in transmit fatal error. Transmission stops and EPH INT is set if STP_SQET is in the TCR is also set when SQET is set. This bit is cleared by setting TXENA high. 16COL - 16 collisions reached. Set when 16 collisions are detected for a transmit frame. TXENA bit in TCR is reset. Cleared when TXENA is set high. LTX_MULT - Last transmit frame was a multicast. Set if frame was a multicast. Cleared at the start of every transmit frame. MULCOL - Multiple collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when more than one collision was experienced. Cleared when TX_SUC is high at the end of the packet being sent. SNGLCOL - Single collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when a collision is detected. Cleared when TX_SUC is high at the end of the packet being sent. TX_SUC - Last transmit was successful. Set if transmit completes without a fatal error. This bit is cleared by the start of a new frame transmission or when TXENA is set high. Fatal errors are: !"16 collisions (1/2 duplex mode only) !"SQET fail and STP_SQET = 1 (1/2 duplex mode only) !"FIFO Underrun !"Late collision (1/2 duplex mode only) BANK 0 OFFSET 4 HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE NAME RECEIVE CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL RCR SOFT RST FILT CAR ABORT_ENB 0 Reserved Reserved STRIP CRC RXEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ALMUL PRMS RX_ ABOR T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOFT_RST - Software-Activated Reset. Active high. Initiated by writing this bit high and terminated by writing the bit low. The LAN91C110's configuration is not preserved except for Configuration, Base, and IA0-IA5 Registers. EEPROM is not reloaded after software reset. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 17 Rev. 03/28/2000 FILT_CAR - Filter Carrier. When set filters leading edge of carrier sense for 12 bit times (3 nibble times). Otherwise recognizes a receive frame as soon as carrier sense is active. (Does NOT filter RX DV on MII!) ABORT_ENB - Enables abort of receive when collision occurs. Defaults low. When set, the LAN91C110 will automatically abort a packet being received when the appropriate collision input is This bit has no effect if the SWFDUP bit in the TCR is set. STRIP_CRC - When set it strips the CRC on received frames. When clear the CRC is stored in memory following the packet. Defaults low. RXEN - Enables the receiver when set. If cleared, completes receiving current frame and then goes idle. Defaults low on reset. ALMUL - When set accepts all multicast frames (frames in which the first bit of DA is '1'). When clear accepts only the multicast frames that match the multicast table setting. Defaults low. PRMS - Promiscuous mode. When set receives all frames. Does not receive its own transmission unless it is in Full Duplex! RX_ABORT - This bit is set if a receive frame was aborted due to length longer than 2K bytes. The frame will not be received. The bit is cleared by RESET or by the CPU writing it low. Reserved - Must be 0. BANK 0 OFFSET 6 NAME COUNTER REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL ECR Counts four parameters for MAC statistics. When any counter reaches 15 an interrupt is issued. All counters are cleared when reading the register and do not wrap around beyond 15. HIGH BYTE NUMBER OF EXC. DEFFERED TX 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 NUMBER OF DEFFERED TX 0 0 MULTIPLE COLLISION COUNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 SINGLE COLLISION COUNT 0 0 0 0 0 Each four bit counter is incremented every time the corresponding event, as defined in the EPH STATUS REGISTER bit description, occurs. Note that the counters can only increment once per enqueued transmit packet, never faster, limiting the rate of interrupts that can be generated by the counters. For example if a packet is successfully transmitted after one collision the SINGLE COLLISION COUNT field is incremented by one. If a packet experiences between 2 to 16 collisions, the MULTIPLE COLLISION COUNT field is incremented by one. If a packet experiences deferral the NUMBER OF DEFERRED TX field is incremented by one, even if the packet experienced multiple deferrals during its collision retries. The COUNTER REGISTER facilitates maintaining statistics in the AUTO RELEASE mode where no transmit interrupts are generated on successful transmissions. Reading the register in the transmit service routine will be enough to maintain statistics. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 18 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 0 OFFSET 8 NAME MEMORY INFORMATION REGISTER HIGH BYTE TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL MIR FREE MEMORY AVAILABLE (IN BYTES * 256 * M) 1 1 1 LOW BYTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEMORY SIZE (IN BYTES *256 * M) 1 1 1 1 1 FREE MEMORY AVAILABLE - This register can be read at any time to determine the amount of free memory. The register defaults to the MEMORY SIZE upon reset or upon the RESET MMU command. MEMORY SIZE - This register can be read to determine the total memory size. All memory related information is represented in 256 * M byte units, where the multiplier M is determined by the MCR upper byte. These register default to FFh, which should be interpreted as 256. BANK 0 OFFSET A NAME MEMORY CONFIGURATION REGISTER HIGH BYTE TYPE Lower Byte READ/WRITE Upper Byte READ ONLY SYMBOL MCR MEMORY SIZE MULTIPLIER 0 0 LOW BYTE 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 MEMORY RESERVED FOR TRANSMIT (IN BYTES * 256 * M) 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEMORY RESERVED FOR TRANSMIT - Programming this value allows the host CPU to reserve memory to be used later for transmit, limiting the amount of memory that receive packets can use. When programmed for zero, the memory allocation between transmit and receive is completely dynamic. When programmed for a non-zero value, the allocation is dynamic if the free memory exceeds the programmed value, while receive allocation requests are denied if the free memory is less or equal to the programmed value. This register defaults to zero upon reset. It is not affected by the RESET MMU command. The value written to the MCR is a reserved memory space IN ADDITION TO ANY MEMORY CURRENTLY IN USE. If the memory allocated for transmit plus the reserved space for transmit is required to be constant (rather than grow with transmit allocations) the CPU should update the value of this register after allocating or releasing memory. The contents of the MIR as well as the low byte of the MCR are specified in units of 256 * M bytes, where M is the Memory Size Multiplier. M=2 for the LAN91C110. A value of 04h in the lower byte of the MCR is equal to one 2K page (4 * 256 *2 = 2K); since memory must be reserved in multiples of pages, bits 0 and 1 of the MCR should be written to 1 only when the entire memory is being reserved for transmit (i.e., low byte of MCR = FFh). SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 19 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK1 OFFSET 0 NAME CONFIGURATION REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL CR The Configuration Register holds bits that define the adapter configuration and are not expected to change during runtime. This register is part of the EEPROM saved setup. HIGH BYTE MII SELEC T LOW BYTE NO WAIT 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Reserved 1 1 0 FULL STEP 0 AUI SELECT 0 0 0 INT SEL1 INT SEL0 0 0 1 MII SELECT - Used to select the network interface port. When set, the LAN91C110 will use its MII port and interface a PHY device at the nibble rate. This bit must always be set for proper chip function. NO WAIT - When set, does not request additional wait states. An exception to this are accesses to the Data Register if not ready for a transfer. When clear, negates IOCHRDY for two to three clocks on any cycle to the LAN91C110. FULL STEP - Reserved AUI SELECT - This bit is a general purpose output port. Its value drives pin AUISEL and can be used as a general purpose non-volatile configuration pin. Defaults low. Reserved - Must be 0. INT SEL1-0 - Used to select interrupt pin. The bits must remain 00 for the interrupt pin to be asserted for interrupt indication. All other bit combinations are undefined. BANK 1 OFFSET 2 NAME BASE ADDRESS REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL BAR This register holds the I/O address decode option chosen for the LAN91C110. Is not usually modified during run-time. HIGH BYTE A15 A14 A13 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 1 Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A15 - A13 and A9 - A5 - These bits are compared against the I/O address on the bus to determine the IOBASE for the LAN91C110`s registers. The 64k I/O space is fully decoded by the LAN91C110 down to a 16 location space, therefore the unspecified address lines A4, A10, A11 and A12 must be all zeros. The I/O base decode defaults to 300h (namely, the high byte defaults to 18h). Reserved - Must be 0. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 20 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 1 OFFSET 4 THROUGH 9 NAME INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS REGISTERS TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL IAR These registers are required to be written by the host following power-up and hardware reset. For PC Card designs, the CIS contains the node address. The S/W driver must load that address into these registers. The registers are modified by the software driver. Bit 0 of Individual Address 0 register corresponds to the first bit of the address on the cable. LOW BYTE ADDRESS 0 0 0 0 HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADDRESS 1 BYTE 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 ADDRESS 2 0 0 0 HIGH 0 0 ADDRESS 3 BYTE 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 ADDRESS 4 0 0 0 HIGH 0 0 ADDRESS 5 BYTE 0 0 0 0 0 BANK 1 OFFSET A NAME TYPE SYMBOL Reserved. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 21 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 1 OFFSET C HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE NAME CONTROL REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL CTR 0 RCV_ BAD 0 1 AUTO RELEASE 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 LE ENABLE CR ENABLE TE ENABLE 1 0 Reserved 2 Reserved 1 Reserved 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 RCV_BAD - When set, bad CRC packets are received. When clear bad CRC packets do not generate interrupts and their memory is released. AUTO RELEASE - When set, transmit pages are released by transmit completion if the transmission was successful (when TX_SUC is set). In that case there is no status word associated with its packet number, and successful packet numbers are not even written into the TX COMPLETION FIFO. A sequence of transmit packets will generate an interrupt only when the sequence is completely transmitted (TX EMPTY INT will be set), or when a packet in the sequence experiences a fatal error (TX INT will be set). Upon a fatal error TXENA is cleared and the transmission sequence stops. The packet number that failed, is present in the FIFO PORTS register, and its pages are not released, allowing the CPU to restart the sequence after corrective action is taken. LE ENABLE - Link Error Enable. When set it enables the LINK_OK bit transition as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. Clearing the LE ENABLE bit after an EPH INT interrupt, caused by a LINK_OK transition, will acknowledge the interrupt. LE ENABLE defaults low (disabled). CR ENABLE - Counter Roll over Enable. When set, it enables the CTR_ROL bit as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. Reading the COUNTER register after an EPH INT interrupt caused by a counter rollover, will acknowledge the interrupt. CR ENABLE defaults low (disabled). TE ENABLE - Transmit Error Enable. When set it enables Transmit Error as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit. An EPH INT interrupt caused by a transmitter error is acknowledged by setting TXENA bit in the TCR register to 1 or by clearing the TE ENABLE bit. TE ENABLE defaults low (disabled). Transmit Error is any condition that clears TXENA with TX_SUC staying low as described in the EPHSR register. Reserved 2-0: These reserved bits must always be written to as zero(0). SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 22 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK2 OFFSET 0 NAME MMU COMMAND REGISTER TYPE WRITE ONLY BUSY Bit Readable SYMBOL MMUCR This register is used by the CPU to control the memory allocation, de-allocation, TX FIFO and RX FIFO control. The three command bits determine the command issued as described below: HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE COMMAND X y 0 0 N2 N1 N0/BUSY z 0 COMMAND SET: xyz 000 0) NOOP - NO OPERATION 001 1) ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX - N2, N1, N0 defines the amount of memory requested as (value + 1) * 256 bytes. Namely N2, N1, N0 = 1 will request 2 * 256 = 512 bytes. A shift-based divide by 256 of the packet length yields the appropriate value to be used as N2, N1, N0. Immediately generates a completion code at the ALLOCATION RESULT REGISTER. Can optionally generate an interrupt on successful completion. N2, N1, N0 are ignored by the LAN91C110 but should be implemented in LAN91C110 software drivers for LAN9000 compatibility. 010 2) RESET MMU TO INITIAL STATE - Frees all memory allocations, clears relevant interrupts, resets packet FIFO pointers. 011 3) REMOVE FRAME FROM TOP OF RX FIFO - To be issued after CPU has completed processing of present receive frame. This command removes the receive packet number from the RX FIFO and brings the next receive frame (if any) to the RX area (output of RX FIFO). 100 4) REMOVE AND RELEASE TOP OF RX FIFO - Like 3) but also releases all memory used by the packet presently at the RX FIFO output. The MMU busy time after issuing REMOVE and RELEASE command depends on the time when the busy bit is cleared. The time from issuing REMOVE and RELEASE command on the last receive packet to the time when receive FIFO is empty depends on RX INT bit turning low. An alternate approach can be checking the read RX FIFO register. 101 5) RELEASE SPECIFIC PACKET - Frees all pages allocated to the packet specified in the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER. Should not be used for frames pending transmission. Typically used to remove transmitted frames, after reading their completion status. Can be used following 3) to release receive packet memory in a more flexible way than 4). 110 6) ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER INTO TX FIFO - This is the normal method of transmitting a packet just loaded into RAM. The packet number to be enqueued is taken from the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER. 111 7) RESET TX FIFOs - This command will reset both TX FIFOs: The TX FIFO holding the packet numbers awaiting transmission and the TX Completion FIFO. This command provides a mechanism for canceling packet transmissions, and reordering or bypassing the transmit queue. The RESET TX FIFOs command should only be used when the transmitter is disabled. Unlike the RESET MMU command, the RESET TX FIFOs does not release any memory. Note 1: Bits N2,N1,N0 bits are ignored by the LAN91C110 but should be used for command 0 to preserve software compatibility with the LAN91C92 and future devices. They should be zero for all other commands. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 23 Rev. 03/28/2000 Note 2: When using the RESET TX FIFOS command, the CPU is responsible for releasing the memory associated with outstanding packets, or re-enqueuing them. Packet numbers in the completion FIFO can be read via the FIFO ports register before issuing the command. Note 3: MMU commands releasing memory (commands 4 and 5) should only be issued if the corresponding packet number has memory allocated to it. COMMAND SEQUENCING A second allocate command (command 1) should not be issued until the present one has completed. Completion is determined by reading the FAILED bit of the allocation result register or through the allocation interrupt. A second release command (commands 4, 5) should not be issued if the previous one is still being processed. The BUSY bit indicates that a release command is in progress. After issuing command 5, the contents of the PNR should not be changed until BUSY goes low. After issuing command 4, command 3 should not be issued until BUSY goes low. BUSY BIT - Readable at bit 0 of the MMU command register address. When set indicates that MMU is still processing a release command. When clear, MMU has already completed last release command. BUSY and FAILED bits are set upon the trailing edge of command. BANK 2 OFFSET 2 NAME PACKET NUMBER REGISTER 0 0 0 0 TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL PNR PACKET NUMBER AT TX AREA 0 0 0 0 0 0 PACKET NUMBER AT TX AREA - The value written into this register determines which packet number is accessible through the TX area. Some MMU commands use the number stored in this register as the packet number parameter. This register is cleared by a RESET or a RESET MMU Command. OFFSET 3 NAME ALLOCATION RESULT REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL ARR This register is updated upon an ALLOCATE MEMORY MMU command. FAILED 0 1 0 ALLOCATED PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAILED - A zero indicates a successful allocation completion. If the allocation fails the bit is set and only cleared when the pending allocation is satisfied. Defaults high upon reset and reset MMU command. For polling purposes, the ALLOC_INT in the Interrupt Status Register should be used because it is synchronized to the read operation. Sequence: 1) Allocate Command 2) Poll ALLOC_INT bit until set 3) Read Allocation Result Register ALLOCATED PACKET NUMBER - Packet number associated with the last memory allocation request. The value is only valid if the FAILED bit is clear. Note: For software compatibility with future versions, the value read from the ARR after an allocation request is intended to be written into the PNR as is, without masking higher bits (provided FAILED = 0). SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 24 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 2 OFFSET 4 NAME FIFO PORTS REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL FIFO This register provides access to the read ports of the Receive FIFO and the Transmit completion FIFO. The packet numbers to be processed by the interrupt service routines are read from this register. HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE REMPTY 0 1 0 TEMPTY 0 1 0 RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TX DONE PACKET NUMBER 0 0 0 0 REMPTY - No receive packets queued in the RX FIFO. For polling purposes, uses the RCV_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register. TOP OF RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER - Packet number presently at the output of the RX FIFO. Only valid if REMPTY is clear. The packet is removed from the RX FIFO using MMU Commands 3) or 4). TEMPTY - No transmit packets in completion queue. For polling purposes, uses the TX_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register. TX DONE PACKET NUMBER - Packet number presently at the output of the TX Completion FIFO. Only valid if TEMPTY is clear. The packet is removed when a TX INT acknowledge is issued. Note: For software compatibility with future versions, the value read from each FIFO register is intended to be written into the PNR as is, without masking higher bits (provided TEMPTY and REMPTY = 0 respectively). BANK 2 OFFSET 6 HIGH BYTE NAME POINTER REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE NOT EMPTY is a read only bit RCV AUTO INCR. READ ETEN NOT EMPTY 0 0 0 0 0 LOW BYTE SYMBOL PTR POINTER HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 POINTER LOW 0 0 0 0 0 POINTER REGISTER - The value of this register determines the address to be accessed within the transmit or receive areas. It will auto-increment on accesses to the data register when AUTO INCR. is set. The increment is by one for every byte access, by two for every word access, and by four for every double word access. When RCV is set the address refers to the receive area and uses the output of RX FIFO as the packet number, when RCV is clear the address refers to the transmit area and uses the packet number at the Packet Number Register. READ - Determines the type of access to follow. If the READ bit is high the operation intended is a read. If the READ bit is low the operation is a write. Loading a new pointer value, with the READ bit high, generates a pre-fetch into the Data Register for read purposes. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 25 Rev. 03/28/2000 Readback of the pointer will indicate the value of the address last accessed by the CPU (rather than the last prefetched). This allows any interrupt routine that uses the pointer, to save it and restore it without affecting the process being interrupted. The Pointer Register should not be loaded until the Data Register FIFO is empty. The NOT EMPTY bit of this register can be read to determine if the FIFO is empty. On reads, if IOCHRDY is not connected to the host, the Data Register (ARDY) should not be read before 370ns after the pointer was loaded to allow the Data Register FIFO to fill. If the pointer is loaded using 8 bit writes, the low byte should be loaded first and the high byte last. ETEN - When set enables EARLY Transmit underrun detection. Normal operation when clear. NOT EMPTY - When set indicates that the Write Data FIFO is not empty yet. The CPU can verify that the FIFO is empty before loading a new pointer value. This is a read only bit. Note: If AUTO INCR. is not set, the pointer must be loaded with a dword aligned value. BANK 2 OFFSET 8 THROUGH Bh NAME DATA REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL DATA DATA HIGH X X X X X X X X X X X X DATA LOW X X X X DATA REGISTER - Used to read or write the data buffer byte/word presently addressed by the pointer register. This register is mapped into two uni-directional FIFOs that allow moving words to and from the LAN91C110 regardless of whether the pointer address is even, odd or dword aligned. Data goes through the write FIFO into memory, and is pre-fetched from memory into the read FIFO. If byte accesses are used, the appropriate (next) byte can be accessed through the Data Low or Data High registers. The order to and from the FIFO is preserved. Byte word accesses can be mixed on the fly in any order. This register is mapped into two consecutive word locations. The DATA register is accessible at any address in the 8 through Ah range, while the number of bytes being transferred is determined by A1 and nBE0-nBE. The FIFOs are 12 bytes each. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 2 OFFSET C 0 NAME INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER SYMBOL IST ERCV INT EPH INT RX_OVR N INT ALLOC INT TX EMPTY INT TX INT RCV INT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 OFFSET C NAME INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE REGISTER OFFSET D TYPE WRITE ONLY TX EMPTY INT RX_OVR N INT ERCV INT 0 TYPE READ ONLY NAME INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER SYMBOL ACK TX INT TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL MSK ERCV INT EPH INT RX_OVR N INT ALLOC INT TX EMPTY INT TX INT RCV INT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This register can be read and written as a word or as two individual bytes. The Interrupt Mask Register bits enable the appropriate bits when high and disable them when low. An enabled bit being set will cause a hardware interrupt. Note: The Bit 7 mask must never be written high (1). EPH INT - Set when the Ethernet Protocol Handler section indicates one out of various possible special conditions. This bit merges exception type of interrupt sources, whose service time is not critical to the execution speed of the low level drivers. The exact nature of the interrupt can be obtained from the EPH Status Register (EPHSR), and enabling of these sources can be done via the Control Register. The possible sources are: LINK - Link Test transition CTR_ROL - Statistics counter roll over TXENA cleared - A fatal transmit error occurred forcing TXENA to be cleared. TX_SUC will be low and the specific reason will be reflected by the bits: TXUNRN - Transmit underrun SQET - SQE Error LATCOL - Late Collision 16COL - 16 collisions RX_OVRN INT - Set when 1) the receiver aborts due to an overrun due to a failed memory allocation, 2) the receiver aborts due to a packet length of greater than 2K bytes, or 3) the receiver aborts due to the RCV DISCRD bit in the SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 27 Rev. 03/28/2000 ERCV register set. The RX_OVRN INT bit latches the condition for the purpose of being polled or generating an interrupt, and will only be cleared by writing the acknowledge register with the RX_OVRN INT bit set. ALLOC INT - Set when an MMU request for TX pages allocation is completed. This bit is the complement of the FAILED bit in the ALLOCATION RESULT register. The ALLOC INT ENABLE bit should only be set following an allocation command, and cleared upon servicing the interrupt. TX EMPTY INT - Set if the TX FIFO goes empty, can be used to generate a single interrupt at the end of a sequence of packets enqueued for transmission. This bit latches the empty condition, and the bit will stay set until it is specifically cleared by writing the acknowledge register with the TX EMPTY INT bit set. If a real time reading of the FIFO empty is desired, the bit should be first cleared and then read. The TX EMPTY INT ENABLE should only be set after the following steps: a) A packet is enqueued for transmission b) The previous empty condition is cleared (acknowledged) TX INT - Set when at least one packet transmission was completed. The first packet number to be serviced can be read from the FIFO PORTS register. The TX INT bit is always the logic complement of the TEMPTY bit in the FIFO PORTS register. After servicing a packet number, its TX INT interrupt is removed by writing the Interrupt Acknowledge Register with the TX INT bit set. RCV INT - Set when a receive interrupt is generated. The first packet number to be serviced can be read from the FIFO PORTS register. The RCV INT bit is always the logic complement of the REMPTY bit in the FIFO PORTS register. ERCV INT - Early receive interrupt. Set whenever a receive packet is being received, and the number of bytes received into memory exceeds the value programmed as ERCV THRESHOLD (Bank 3, Offset Ch). ERCV INT stays set until acknowledged by writing the INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE REGISTER with the ERCV INT bit set. Note: If the driver uses AUTO RELEASE mode it should enable TX EMPTY INT as well as TX INT. TX EMPTY INT will be set when the complete sequence of packets is transmitted. TX INT will be set if the sequence stops due to a fatal error on any of the packets in the sequence. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 28 Rev. 03/28/2000 FIGURE 5 - INTERRUPT STRUCTURE SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 29 Rev. 03/28/2000 D4 nRDIST MERGED INTO EPH INT EPHSR INTERRUPTS 5 DATA BUS OE TXENA TX_SVC nQ S Q 6 D FAILED nQ S Q 3 2 16 1 D0-7 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER 4 TX COMPLETION FIFO NOT EMPTY TEMASK CRMASK CTR-ROL LEMASK ON LINK ERR D ALLOCATION RX_OVRN (EPHSR) EDGE DETECTOR nWRACK D2 TX FIFO EMPTY 0 6 5 3 2 1 D8-15 INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER 4 RCV FIFO NOT EMPTY nOE 0 MAIN INTERRUPTS ERCV INT EPH INT RX_OVRN INT ALLOC INT TX EMPTY INT TX INT RCV INT INT BANK3 OFFSET 0 THROUGH 7 NAME MULTICAST TABLE LOW BYTE TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL MT MULTICAST TABLE 0 0 0 0 HIGH BYTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 1 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 2 0 0 0 HIGH BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 3 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 4 0 0 0 HIGH BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 5 0 0 0 LOW BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 6 0 0 0 HIGH BYTE 0 0 MULTICAST TABLE 7 0 0 0 0 0 The 64 bit multicast table is used for group address filtering. The hash value is defined as the six most significant bits of the CRC of the destination addresses. The three msb's determine the register to be used (MT0-MT7), while the other three determine the bit within the register. If the appropriate bit in the table is set, the packet is received. If the ALMUL bit in the RCR register is set, all multicast addresses are received regardless of the multicast table values. Hashing is only a partial group addressing filtering scheme, but being the hash value available as part of the receive status word, the receive routine can reduce the search time significantly. With the proper memory structure, the search is limited to comparing only the multicast addresses that have the actual hash value in question. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 30 Rev. 03/28/2000 BANK 3 OFFSET 8 HIGH BYTE NAME MANAGEMENT INTERFACE FLTST MSK_ CRS100 0 0 1 1 LOW BYTE 0 0 1 1 TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL MGMT 0 0 1 1 MDOE MCLK MDI MDO 0 0 MDI Pin 0 FLTST - Facilitates the inclusion of packet forwarding information on the receive packet memory structure. When 0, RD0-RD7 is always driven. When 1, RD0-RD7 is floated during RECEIVE FRAME STATUS WORD writes (RA2RA16=0, RCVDMA=1, nRWE0-nRWE3=0). MSK_CRS100 - Disables CRS100 detection during transmit in half duplex mode (SWFDUP=0). MDO - MII Management output. The value of this bit drives the MDO pin. MDI - MII Management input. The value of the MDI pin is readable using this bit. MDCLK - MII Management clock. The value of this bit drives the MDCLK pin. MDOE - MII Management output enable. When high pin MDO is driven, when low pin MDO is tri-stated. The purpose of this interface, along with the corresponding pins is to implement MII PHY management in software. BANK 3 OFFSET A NAME REVISION REGISTER TYPE READ ONLY SYMBOL REV HIGH BYTE 0 0 LOW BYTE 1 1 0 0 CHIP 1 0 1 1 0 0 REV 0 1 0 0 CHIP - Chip ID. Can be used by software drivers to identify the device used. REV - Revision ID. Incremented for each revision of a given device. CHIP ID VALUE DEVICE 3 LAN91C90/LAN91C92 4 LAN91C94 5 LAN91C95 4* LAN91C96 7 LAN91C100 8 LAN91C100FD 9 LAN91C110 *Note: Shares the chip ID with the LAN91C94. Distinction is made by the revision ID. Revision ID of 6 or higher represents the LAN91C96. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 31 Rev. 03/28/2000 OFFSET C NAME EARLY RCV REGISTER TYPE READ/WRITE SYMBOL ERCV HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE 0 0 0 RCV DISCRD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ERCV THRESHOLD 1 1 1 RCV DISCRD - Set to discard a packet being received. Will discard packets only in the process of being received. When set prior to the end of receive packet, bit 4 (RXOVRN) of the interrupt status register will be set to indicate that the packet was discarded. Otherwise, the packet will be received normally and bit 0 set (RCVINT) in the interrupt status register. RCV DISCRD is self clearing. ERCV THRESHOLD - Threshold for ERCV interrupt. Specified in 64 byte multiples. Whenever the number of bytes written in memory for the presently received packet exceeds the ERCV THRESHOLD, ERCV INT bit of the INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER is set. BANK7 OFFSET 0 THROUGH 7 NAME EXTERNAL REGISTERS TYPE SYMBOL nCSOUT is driven low by the LAN91C110 when a valid access to the EXTERNAL REGISTER range occurs. HIGH BYTE EXTERNAL R/W REGISTER LOW BYTE EXTERNAL R/W REGISTER CYCLE AEN=0 nCSOUT LAN91C110 DATA BUS Driven low. Transparently latched on nADS rising edge. Ignored on writes. BANK SELECT = 4,5,6 High Ignore cycle. Otherwise High Normal LAN91C110 cycle. A3=0 Tri-stated on reads. A4-15 matches I/O BASE BANK SELECT = 7 SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 32 Rev. 03/28/2000 TYPICAL FLOW OF EVENTS FOR TRANSMIT S/W DRIVER MAC SIDE 1 ISSUE ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX - N BYTES - the MMU attempts to allocate N bytes of RAM. 2 WAIT FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION CODE - Poll until the ALLOC INT bit is set or enable its mask bit and wait for the interrupt. The TX packet number is now at the Allocation Result Register. 3 LOAD TRANSMIT DATA - Copy the TX packet number into the Packet Number Register. Write the Pointer Register, then use a block move operation from the upper layer transmit queue into the Data Register. 4 ISSUE "ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER TO TX FIFO" - This command writes the number present in the Packet Number Register into the TX FIFO. The transmission is now enqueued. No further CPU intervention is needed until a transmit interrupt is generated. 5 The enqueued packet will be transferred to the MAC block as a function of TXENA (nTCR) bit and of the deferral process (1/2 duplex mode only) state. 6 Upon transmit completion the first word in memory is written with the status word. The packet number is moved from the TX FIFO into the TX completion FIFO. Interrupt is generated by the TX completion FIFO being not empty. 7 SERVICE INTERRUPT - Read Interrupt Status Register. If it is a transmit interrupt, read the TX Done Packet Number from the Fifo Ports Register. Write the packet number into the Packet Number Register. The corresponding status word is now readable from memory. If status word shows successful transmission, issue RELEASE packet number command to free up the memory used by this packet. Remove packet number from completion FIFO by writing TX INT Acknowledge Register. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 33 Rev. 03/28/2000 TYPICAL FLOW OF EVENTS FOR RECEIVE S/W DRIVER 1 MAC SIDE ENABLE RECEPTION - By setting the RXEN bit. 2 A packet is received with matching address. Memory is requested from MMU. A packet number is assigned to it. Additional memory is requested if more pages are needed. 3 The internal DMA logic generates sequential addresses and writes the receive words into memory. The MMU does the sequential to physical address translation. If overrun, packet is dropped and memory is released. 4 When the end of packet is detected, the status word is placed at the beginning of the receive packet in memory. Byte count is placed at the second word. If the CRC checks correctly the packet number is written into the RX FIFO. The RX FIFO, being not empty, causes RCV INT (interrupt) to be set. If CRC is incorrect the packet memory is released and no interrupt will occur. 5 SERVICE INTERRUPT - Read the Interrupt Status Register and determine if RCV INT is set. The next receive packet is at receive area. (Its packet number can be read from the FIFO Ports Register). The software driver can process the packet by accessing the RX area, and can move it out to system memory if desired. When processing is complete the CPU issues the REMOVE AND RELEASE FROM TOP OF RX command to have the MMU free up the used memory and packet number. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 34 Rev. 03/28/2000 ISR Save Bank Select & Address Ptr Registers Mask SMC91C100FD Interrupts Read Interrupt Register No Yes RX INTR? Yes TX INTR? Call TX INTR or TXEMPTY INTR No Call RXINTR Get Next TX ALLOC INTR? Packet Available for Transmission? Yes No Yes Write Allocated Pkt # into Packet Number Reg. No Call ALLOCATE Write Ad Ptr Reg. & Copy Data & Source Address Enqueue Packet EPH INTR? Yes Call EPH INTR No Restore Address Pointer & Bank Select Registers Unmask SMC91C100FD Interrupts Set "Ready for Packet" Flag Return Buffers to Upper Layer Disable Allocation Interrupt Mask Exit ISR FIGURE 6 - INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 35 Rev. 03/28/2000 RX INTR Write Ad. Ptr. Reg. & Read Word 0 from RAM Yes Destination Multicast? No Read Words 2, 3, 4 from RAM for Address Filtering No Address Filtering Pass? Yes No Status Word OK? Yes Do Receive Lookahead Get Copy Specs from Upper Layer No Okay to Copy? Yes Copy Data Per Upper Layer Specs Issue "Remove and Release" Command Return to ISR FIGURE 7 - RX INTR SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 36 Rev. 03/28/2000 TX INTR Save Pkt Number Register Read TXDONE Pkt # from FIFO Ports Reg. Write Into Packet Number Register Write Address Pointer Register Read Status Word from RAM Yes TX Status OK? No Update Statistics Re-Enable TXENA Immediately Issue "Release" Command Update Variables Acknowledge TXINTR Read TX INT Again No TX INT = 0? Yes Restore Packet Number Return to ISR FIGURE 8 - TX INTR SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 37 Rev. 03/28/2000 TXEMPTY INTR Write Acknowledge Reg. with TXEMPTY Bit Set Read TXEMPTY & TX INTR TXEMPTY = 0 & TXINT = 0 (Waiting for Completion) TXEMPTY = X & TXINT = 1 (Transmission Failed) TXEMPTY = 1 & TXINT = 0 (Everything went through successfully) Read Pkt. # Register & Save Write Address Pointer Register Read Status Word from RAM Update Statistics Issue "Release" Command Update Variables Acknowledge TXINTR Re-Enable TXENA Restore Packet Number Return to ISR FIGURE 9 - TXEMPTY INTR (ASSUMES AUTO RELEASE OPTION SELECTED) SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 38 Rev. 03/28/2000 DRIVER SEND ALLOCATE Choose Bank Select Register 2 Issue "Allocate Memory" Command to MMU Call ALLOCATE Read Interrupt Status Register Exit Driver Send Yes Allocation Passed? No Read Allocation Result Register Write Allocated Packet into Packet # Register Store Data Buffer Pointer Write Address Pointer Register Clear "Ready for Packet" Flag Copy Part of TX Data Packet into RAM Enable Allocation Interrupt Write Source Address into Proper Location Copy Remaining TX Data Packet into RAM Enqueue Packet Set "Ready for Packet" Flag Return Buffers to Upper Layer Return FIGURE 10 - DRIVE SEND AND ALLOCATE ROUTINES SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 39 Rev. 03/28/2000 MEMORY PARTITIONING Unlike other controllers, the LAN91C110 does not require a fixed memory partitioning between transmit and receive resources. The MMU allocates and de-allocates memory upon different events. An additional mechanism allows the CPU to prevent the receive process from starving the transmit memory allocation. Memory is always requested by the side that needs to write into it, that is: the CPU for transmit or the MAC for receive. The CPU can control the number of bytes it requests for transmit but it cannot determine the number of bytes the receive process is going to demand. Furthermore, the receive process requests will be dependent on network traffic, in particular on the arrival of broadcast and multicast packets that might not be for the node, and that are not subject to upper layer software flow control. In order to prevent unwanted traffic from using too much memory, the CPU can program a "memory reserved for transmit" parameter. If the free memory falls below the "memory reserved for transmit" value, MMU requests from the MAC block will fail and the packets will overrun and be ignored. Whenever enough memory is released, packets can be received again. If the reserved value is too large, the node might lose data which is an abnormal condition. If the value is kept at zero, memory allocation is handled on first-come first-served basis for the entire memory capacity. Note that with the memory management built into the LAN91C110, the CPU can dynamically program this parameter. For instance, when the driver does not need to enqueue transmissions, it can allow more memory to be allocated for receive (by reducing the value of the reserved memory). Whenever the driver needs to burst transmissions it can reduce the receive memory allocation. The driver program the parameter as a function of the following variables: 1) 2) Free memory (read only register) Memory size (read only register) The reserved memory value can be changed on the fly. If the MEMORY RESERVED FOR TX value is increased above the FREE MEMORY, receive packets in progress are still received, but no new packets are accepted until the FREE MEMORY increases above the MEMORY RESERVED value. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 40 Rev. 03/28/2000 INTERRUPT GENERATION The interrupt strategy for the transmit and receive processes is such that it does not represent the bottleneck in the transmit and receive queue management between the software driver and the controller. For that purpose there is no register reading necessary before the next element in the queue (namely transmit or receive packet) can be handled by the controller. The transmit and receive results are placed in memory. The receive interrupt will be generated when the receive queue (FIFO of packets) is not empty and receive interrupts are enabled. This allows the interrupt service routine to process many receive packets without exiting, or one at a time if the ISR just returns after processing and removing one. There are two types of transmit interrupt strategies: 1) 2) One interrupt per packet. One interrupt per sequence of packets. The strategy is determined by how the transmit interrupt bits and the AUTO RELEASE bit are used. TX INT bit - Set whenever the TX completion FIFO is not empty. TX EMPTY INT bit - Set whenever the TX FIFO is empty. AUTO RELEASE - When set, successful transmit packets are not written into completion FIFO, and their memory is released automatically. 1) One interrupt per packet: enable TX INT, set AUTO RELEASE=0. The software driver can find the completion result in memory and process the interrupt one packet at a time. Depending on the completion code the driver will take different actions. Note that the transmit process is working in parallel and other transmissions might be taking place. The LAN91C110 is virtually queuing the packet numbers and their status words. In this case, the transmit interrupt service routine can find the next packet number to be serviced by reading the TX DONE PACKET NUMBER at the FIFO PORTS register. This eliminates the need for the driver to keep a list of packet numbers being transmitted. The numbers are queued by the LAN91C110 and provided back to the CPU as their transmission completes. 2) One interrupt per sequence of packets: Enable TX EMPTY INT and TX INT, set AUTO RELEASE=1. TX EMPTY INT is generated only after transmitting the last packet in the FIFO. TX INT will be set on a fatal transmit error allowing the CPU to know that the transmit process has stopped and therefore the FIFO will not be emptied. This mode has the advantage of a smaller CPU overhead, and faster memory de-allocation. Note that when AUTO RELEASE=1 the CPU is not provided with the packet numbers that completed successfully. Note: The pointer register is shared by any process accessing the LAN91C110 memory. In order to allow processes to be interruptable, the interrupting process is responsible for reading the pointer value before modifying it, saving it, and restoring it before returning from the interrupt. Typically there would be three processes using the pointer: 1) 2) 3) Transmit loading (sometimes interrupt driven) Receive unloading (interrupt driven) Transmit Status reading (interrupt driven). 1) and 3) also share the usage of the Packet Number Register. Therefore saving and restoring the PNR is also required from interrupt service routines. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 41 Rev. 03/28/2000 INTERRUPT 'NOT EMPTY' STATUS REGISTER RCV INT TWO OPTIONS PACKET NUMBER RX FIFO PACKET NUMBER REGISTER TX EMPTY INT TX INT ALLOC INT RX FIFO TX FIFO 'EMPTY' RX PACKET NUMBER TX COMPLETION FIFO 'NOT EMPTY' TX DONE PACKET NUMBER CSMA ADDRESS CPU ADDRESS CSMA/CD LOGICAL ADDRESS PACKET # MMU M.S. BIT ONLY PACK # OUT PHYSICAL ADDRESS RAM FIGURE 11 - INTERRUPT GENERATION FOR TRANSMIT, RECEIVE, MMU SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 42 Rev. 03/28/2000 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range ................................................................................................................ 0 EC to +70EC Storage Temperature Range ............................................................................................................. -55EC"to + 150EC Lead Temperature Range ........................................................................................ Refer to JEDEC Spec. J-STD-020 Positive Voltage on any pin, with respect to Ground ..................................................................................... VCC + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any pin, with respect to Ground ............................................................................................-0.3V Maximum VCC ........................................................................................................................................................... +7V *Stresses above those listed above could cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at any other condition above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Note: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes on their outputs when the AC power is switched on or off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0EC - 70EC, VCC = +5.0 V 10%) PARAMETER I Type Input Buffer SYMBOL Low Input Level VILI High Input Level VIHI MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V 2.0 COMMENTS TTL Levels V IS Type Input Buffer Low Input Level VILIS High Input Level VIHIS Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis 0.8 2.2 250 VHYS V Schmitt Trigger V Schmitt Trigger mV ICLK Input Buffer 0.4 Low Input Level VILCK High Input Level VIHCK 3.0 Low Input Leakage IIL -10 +10 A VIN = 0 High Input Leakage IIH -10 +10 A VIN = VCC 0.4 V IOL = 4 mA V IOH = -2 mA V V Input Leakage (All I and IS buffers except pins with pullups/pulldowns) O4 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH Output Leakage SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A IOL 2.4 -10 +10 Page 43 A VIN = 0 to VCC Rev. 03/28/2000 PARAMETER I/O4 Type Buffer SYMBOL Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH Output Leakage IOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.4 V IOL = 4 mA V IOH = -2 mA 2.4 -10 COMMENTS +10 A 0.4 V IOL = 8 mA V IOH = -4 mA VIN = 0 to VCC I/O8 Type Buffer Low Output Voltage VOL High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage IOL 2.4 -10 +10 A 0.5 V IOL = 12 mA V IOH = -6 mA VIN = 0 to VCC O12 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL High Output Level VOH Output Leakage IOL 2.4 -10 +10 A 0.5 V IOL = 16 mA +10 A VIN = 0 to VCC 95 mA All outputs open. VIN = 0 to VCC OD16 Type Buffer Low Output Level VOL Output Leakage IOL Supply Current Active ICC 60 ICSBY 8 Supply Current Standby -10 mA CAPACITANCE TA = 25EC; fc = 1MHz; VCC = 5V PARAMETER Clock Input Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance SYMBOL CIN MIN LIMITS TYP MAX 20 UNIT pF CIN 10 pF COUT 20 pF TEST CONDITION All pins except pin under test tied to AC ground CAPACITIVE LOAD ON OUTPUTS nARDY, D0-D15 All other outputs SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A 240 pF 45 pF Page 44 Rev. 03/28/2000 TIMING DIAGRAMS ADDRESS A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 valid nADS t3 t4 READ DATA t2 t1 nRD, nWR t5A t5 WRITE DATA D0-D15 valid FIGURE 12 - ASYNCHRONOUS CYCLE - NADS=0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t5A PARAMETER A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Valid and nADS Low Setup to nRD, nWR Active A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Hold After nRD, nWR Inactive (Assuming nADS Tied Low) nRD Low to Valid Data nRD High to Data Floating Data Setup to nWR Inactive Data Hold After nWR Inactive ADDRESS MIN 25 TYP MAX 20 UNITS ns ns 40 30 ns ns ns ns 30 5 A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 valid t8 t9 nADS t3 t4 READ DATA t1 nRD, nWR t5A t5 WRITE DATA D0-D15 valid FIGURE 13 - ASYNCHRONOUS CYCLE - USING NADS t1 t3 t4 t5 t5A t8 t9 PARAMETER A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Valid and nADS Low Setup to nRD, nWR Active nRD Low to Valid Data nRD High to Data Floating Data Setup to nWR Inactive Data Hold After nWR Inactive A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Setup to nADS Rising A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Hold after nADS Rising SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 45 MIN 25 30 5 10 15 TYP MAX UNITS ns 40 30 ns ns ns ns ns ns Rev. 03/28/2000 nADS t8 ADDRESS t9 A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 t25 nLDEV FIGURE 14 - ADDRESS LATCHING FOR ALL MODES t8 t9 t25 PARAMETER A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Setup to nADS Rising A1-A15, AEN, nBE0-nBE1 Hold After nADS Rising A4-A15, AEN to nLDEV Delay SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 46 MIN 10 15 TYP MAX 20 UNITS ns ns ns Rev. 03/28/2000 t34 t35 t38 t51 RA2-RA16 t39 t36 t37 nRWE0-nRWE3 nROE RD0-RD31 WRITE CYCLE READ CYCLE t38 t51 t34 t35 RA2-RA16 t39 t36 t37 nRWE0-nRWE3 nROE RD0-RD31 READ CYCLE t38 WRITE CYCLE t51 t38 t51 t38 t51 t38 RA2-RA16 nRWE0-nRWE3 nROE RD0-RD31 MULTIPLE READ CYCLES FIGURE 15 - SRAM INTERFACE t34 t35 t36 t37 t39 t38 t51 PARAMETER Write - RA2-RA16 Setup to nRWE0-nRWE3 Falling Write - RA2-RA16 Hold after nRWE0-nRWE3 Rising Write - RD0-RD31 Setup to nRWE0-nRWE3 Rising Write - RD0-RD31 Hold after nRWE0-nRWE3 Rising Write - nRWE0-nRWE3 Pulse Width Read - RA2-RA16 Valid to RD0-RD31 Valid Read - RD0-RD31 Hold after RA2-RA16 Change SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 47 MIN 0 0 12 0 15 TYP MAX 25 12 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Rev. 03/28/2000 TX25 t27 TXD0-TXD3 t27 TXEN100 t28 RXD0-RXD3 t28 t28 RX25 t29 RX_DV t29 RX_ER FIGURE 16 - MII INTERFACE t27 t28 t29 PARAMETER TXD0-TXD3, TXEN100 Delay from TX25 Rising RXD0-RXD3, RX_DV, RX_ER Setup to RX25 Rising RXD0-RXD3, RX_DV, RX_ER Hold After RX25 Rising MIN 0 10 10 TYP MAX 15 UNITS ns ns ns FIGURE 17 - 144 PIN TQFP PACKAGE OUTLINES Please refer to the package outline table on the following page. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 48 Rev. 03/28/2000 A A1 A2 D D/2 D1 E E/2 E1 H L L1 e MIN ~ 0.05 0.95 21.80 10.90 19.80 21.80 10.90 19.80 0.09 0.45 ~ o W R1 R2 ccc ccc Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: 0 0.13 0.08 0.08 ~ ~ NOMINAL 1.0 0.10 1.00 22.00 11.00 20.00 22.00 11.00 20.00 ~ 0.60 1.00 0.50 Basic o 3.5 0.18 ~ ~ ~ ~ MAX 1.20 0.15 1.05 22.20 11.10 20.20 22.20 11.10 20.20 0.20 0.75 ~ REMARK Overall Package Height Standoff Body Thickness X Span 1 /2 X Span Measure from Centerline X body Size Y Span 1 /2 Y Span Measure from Centerline Y body Size Lead Frame Thickness Lead Foot Length from Centerline Lead Length Lead Pitch Lead Foot Angle Lead Width Lead Shoulder Radius Lead Foot Radius Max Coplanarity (Assemblers) Max Coplanarity (Test House) o 7 0.23 ~ 0.20 0.0762 0.08 Controlling Unit: millimeter Tolerance on the position of the leads is 0.04 mm maximum. Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion Is 0.25 mm. Dimension for foot length L measured at the gauge plane 0.25 mm above the seating plane is 0.781.08 mm. Details of pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A Page 49 Rev. 03/28/2000 LAN91C110 REV. A REVISIONS PAGE(S) 47 SECTION/FIGURE/ENTRY DC Electrical and Timing Section SMSC DS - LAN91C110 REV. A CORRECTION Updated SRAM Interface Timing information. Added additional timing parameter. (see italicized text) These changes will allow the designer to select new SRAM devices not available until recently. Please refer to the application note titled "LAN91C100FD Minimum SRAM Access Time Requirement and a List of Recommended SRAMS" for additional details Page 50 DATE REVISED 12/21/99 Rev. 03/28/2000