13.0 Functional Description
The LMK00101 is a 10 output LVCMOS clock fanout buffer
with low additive jitter that can operate up to 200 MHz. It fea-
tures a 3:1 input multiplexer with a crystal oscillator input,
single supply or dual supply (lower power) operation, and pin-
programmable device configuration. The device is offered in
a 32-pin LLP package.
13.1 Vdd and Vddo Power Supplies (Note 14, Note 15)
Separate core and output supplies allow the output buffers to
operate at the same supply as the Vdd core supply (3.3 V or
2.5 V) or from a lower supply voltage (3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, or
1.5 V). Compared to single-supply operation, dual supply op-
eration enables lower power consumption and output-level
Bank A (CLKout0 to CLKout4) and Bank B (CLKout5 to CLK-
out9) may also be operated at different Vddo voltages, provid-
ed neither Vddo voltage exceeds Vdd.
Note 14: Care should be taken to ensure the Vddo voltage does not exceed
the Vdd voltage to prevent turning-on the internal ESD protection circuitry.
as the Vddo pins are internally connected within an output bank.
The LMK00101 has three different inputs, CLKin0/CLKin0*,
CLKin1/CLKin1*, and OSCin that can be driven in different
manners that are described in the following sections.
Clock input selection is controlled using the SEL0 and SEL1
pins as shown in Table 1. Refer to Section 14.1 Driving the
Clock Inputs for clock input requirements. When CLKin0 or
CLKin1 is selected, the crystal circuit is powered down. When
OSCin is selected, the crystal oscillator will start-up and its
clock will be distributed to all outputs. Refer to Section 14.2
Crystal Interface for more information. Alternatively, OSCin
may be driven by a single ended clock, up to 200 MHz, instead
of a crystal.
TABLE 1. Input Selection
SEL1 SEL0 Input
0 0 CLKin0, CLKin0*
0 1 CLKin1, CLKin1*
1 X OSCin
(Crystal Mode) CLKin/CLKin* Pins
The LMK00101 has two differential inputs (CLKin0/CLKin0*
and CLKin1/CLKin1*) that can be driven single-ended or dif-
ferentially. They can accept AC or DC coupled 3.3V/2.5V
LVPECL, LVDS, or other differential and singled ended sig-
nals that meet the input requirements under the “CLKin0/0*
and CLKin1/1* Input Clock Specifications” portion of the Sec-
tion 10.0 Electrical Characteristics and (Note 12). Refer to
Section 14.1 Driving the Clock Inputs for more details on driv-
ing the LMK00101 inputs.
In the event that a Crystal mode is not selected and the CLKin
pins do not have an AC signal applied to them, Table 2 fol-
lowing will be the state of the outputs.
TABLE 2. CLKinX Input vs. Output States
CLKinX CLKinX* Output State
Open Open Logic Low
Logic Low Logic Low Logic Low
Logic High Logic Low Logic High
Logic Low Logic High Logic Low
The LMK00101 has 10 LVCMOS outputs.
13.3.1 Output Enable Pin
When the output enable pin is held High, the outputs are en-
abled. When it is held Low, the outputs are held in a Low state
as shown in Table 3.
TABLE 3. Output Enable Pin States
OE Outputs
Low Disabled (Hi-Z)
High Enabled
The OE pin is synchronized to the input clock to ensure that
there are no runt pulses. When OE is changed from Low to
High, the outputs will initially have an impedance of about
400 Ω to ground until the second falling edge of the input
clock. Starting with the second falling edge of the input clock,
the outputs will buffer the input. If the OE pin is taken from
Low to High when there is no input clock present, the outputs
will either go High or Low and stay a that state; they will not
oscillate. When the OE pin is taken from High to Low the out-
puts will become Low after the second falling edge of the clock
input and then will go to a Disabled (Hi-Z) state starting after
the next rising edge.
13.3.2 Using Less than Ten Outputs
Although the LMK00101 has 10 outputs, not all applications
will require all of these. In this case, the unused outputs
should be left floating with a minimum copper length (Note
16) to minimize capacitance. In this way, this output will con-
sume minimal output current because it has no load.
Note 16: For best soldering practices, the minimum trace length should
extend to include the pin solder mask. This way during reflow, the solder has
the same copper area as connected pins. This allows for good, uniform fillet
solder joints helping to keep the IC level during reflow.
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LMK00101 Ultra-low Jitter LVCMOS Fanout Buffer/Level Translator with Universal Input