MoCA and G.hn solutions provide
wireline multi-gigabit data distribution
throughout the connecte home
In-Home Connectivity
G.hn Wave-2 Networking Products
Evaluation Kits
DW920 Powerline EVK
DCP962C Coax EVK
DCP962P Phone Line EVK
Supporting ICs
88LX5152 DBB for Powerline
88LX5153/ DBB for Coax/
88LX5153A Powerline/Phone Line
88LX2720 AFE for Powerline
88LX2730 AFE for Coax/Phone Line
88LX2741 AFE for Coax/Powerline/
Phone Line
Coaxial Cable Performance
PHY rate up to 2Gbps
Max. throughput 1.7Gbps
Phone Line (Twisted Pair) Performance
PHY rate up to 2Gbps
Max. throughput 1.7Gbps
Powerline Performance
PHY rate up to 1.5Gbps
Max. throughput 1.0Gbps
Data Interfaces
SGMII (1G/2.5G)
ITU-T Compliant with G.9960/61/62/63/64
Commercial and Industrial temperature range
88LX5152 / 88LX5153 / 88LX5153A
10mm x 10mm BGA186
88LX2720 / 88LX2730 / 88LX2741
4mm x 4mm QFN28
Faster net throughput versus competing solutions
Spirit SDK (Software Development Kit) enables
customized solutions with fast time-to-market
End-to-end 128-bit AES CCMP encryption
enables added security
LDPC forward error correction, and other
enhanced features enable reliable data delivery
and robust performance in noisy environments
The MaxLinear G.hn Wave-2 Product Family provides high-speed
networking capabilities over any wired medium including powerlines,
phone lines/twisted-pair and coax cables. With physical data rates up
to 2Gbps, the MaxLinear G.hn Wave-2 platform is the fastest G.hn
solution in the industry.
The G.hn Wave-2 product family is compliant with the latest version of
the ITU-T G.hn standard (Recommendations G.9960, G.9961, G.9962,
G.9963 and G.9964). It also includes support for 200MHz coaxial;
200MHz phone line SISO, 100MHz phone line MIMO; and 100MHz
powerline MIMO. By using MaxLinear G.hn Wave-2 solutions, system
designers can build products that easily achieve HomeGrid Forum
certification for G.hn compliance.
This networking solution achieves gigabit performance and includes
three options for G.hn digital baseband (DBB) processor (88LX5152,
88LX5153 and 88LX5153A) and three options for G.hn analog front
end (AFE) (88LX2720, 88LX2730, and 88LX2741). The product family
provides system designers the flexibility to mix and match footprint-
compatible components to address multiple G.hn applications in the
consumer, broadband, industrial and security segments.
2Gbps G.hn MAC/PHY Transceiver
Solutions for Networking
over Powerlines, Phone Lines
and Coaxial Cable