Asia | Europe | Kunze Regist er or Sign in News About Aavid Cont act Us Shop Aavid Pr oduct s I nt erface M at erials Cart Your Account Global Manufact uring Know ledge Cent er Indust r ies Design Help Insulating Hardware > Gap Fillers > Thermal Greases > Thermal Adhesives & Epoxies > At t achment Tapes > Insulat ing Hardware > Aluminum Oxide Ceramic > Insulat ing Covers > Bushings > Mica > Beryllium Oxide Ceramic > Hard Anodized Aluminum > Insulat ing Pads & Films > Non-Insulat ing Pads & Films > Phase Change Mat erials > Request a Sample > Request a Quot e > Ask an Engineer Insulat ing hardware includes a diverse range of harder, t hermally conduct ive mat erials wit h higher insulat ing capabilit ies. Alum inum Oxide Ceram ic These washers feat ure a high delect ric st rengt h and unique t hermal conduct ivit y at t ribut es. Bushings Insulat ed devices for mount ing and t o allow elect rical conduct ors t o pass t hrough product design safely. H ard Anodized Alum inum Unique hard coat ing process wit h high dielect ric capabilit ies and high t hermal conduct ivit y. I nsulat ing Covers Designed t o provide increased prot ect ion from shock during field service and repair. M ica Ideal for use in applicat ions wit h ext remely high operat ing t emperat ures. Beryllium Oxide Ceram ic Unique design prevent s circuit de-t uning and loss of signal power. Alu m in u m Oxide Cer am ic Aluminum oxide insulat ing washers have a dielect ric st rengt h of approxim at ely 21.7 x 103 volt s/ mm for 0.76mm mat erial (550 volt s/ mil for 0.030 inch mat erial) and 16.9 x 103 volt s/ mm for 1.57mm mat erial (430 volt s/ mil for 0.062 inch mat erial). The t hermal conduct ivit y of aluminum oxide is 15.06 W/ mK @ 75 (8.71 BTU/ hr-ft F @ 167F). Aluminum oxide has unique t hermal conduct ivit y qualit ies and feat ures low loss fact ors at high frequencies. It has high compressive st rengt hs, high volume resist ivit y, low t hermal expansion and it resist s radiat ion. Not e: Hole diamet ers are +/ - 0.13mm (0.005"), angularit y is +/ - 1 and flat ness is 0.05mm (0.002") TIR unless ot herwise specified. For TO-3 Part Number A B C D E Thickness 4103G 39.70 (1.563) 26.67 (1.050) 13.34 (0.525) 4.75 (0.187) 1.78(0.070) t o 2.03 (0.080) 30.40 (1.197) Buy Now For TO-220 Part Number A B C D E Surface Flat ness 4169G 19.30 (0.760) 13.97 (0.550) 4.78 (0.188) 6.98 (0.275) 3.68 (0.145) 0.10 (0.004) TIR 4170G* * 19.30 (0.760) 13.97 (0.550) 4.78 (0.188) 6.98 (0.275) 3.68 (0.145) 4171G* * 16.51 (0.650) 12.70 (0.500) 4.32 (0.170) 6.35 (0.250) 3.81 (0.150) 4177G* * 17.45 (0.687) 14.27 (0.562) 5.54 (0.218) 7.14 (0.281) 3.18 (0.125) Thickness Buy Now 1.57mm +/ - 0.08 (0.062 +/ 0.003) 1.57mm +0.51/ 0.05 (0.002) 0.08 TIR (0.062 + 0.020/ 0.003) 1.778mm 0.05 (0.002) +/ - 0.254 TIR (0.070 +/ 0.010) 1.778 +/ 0.05 (0.002) 0.254 TIR (0.070 +/ 0.010) For TO-2 1 8 , TO-2 4 7 , and TO-3 P Part Number A B C D E Thickness 4180G 23.24 (0.915) 18.80 (0.740) 6.98 (0.275) 9.40 (0.370) 3.96 (0.156) 2.03 +/ - .25 (0.080 +/ .010) Buy Now In su lat in g Cover s Hard plast ic covers designed t o fit over TO-3 devices t hat prot ect from elect rical shock during field service and repair. Aavid covers are available in screw-on and snap-on at t achment met hods for easy use and inst allat ion. 8903 Screw M ount ed Cover Pan head screws not provided - MS 51957-30 or equivalent recommended - secure t he cover t o t he TO-3. At t he t ypical mount ing screw t orque of .68 - .90 Nm (6-8 inch pounds), t he TO-3 cover mat erial cold-flows around t he screw head t o securely fast en t he cover. Included are No.6 split washers as insert s t o provide elect rical connect ion of mount ing screws t o t he TO-3 collect or and an insulat ing snap-in cover for t he screw heads. A t est probe hole is provided in t he t op of t he cover. The 8903VB is made from t hermoplast ic polyest er t hat meet s t he requirement s of UL Bullet in 94 V-O. In addit ion t o it s excellent flammabilit y rat ing, t hermoplast ic polyest er offers resist ance t o most chemical environment s, heat deflect ion t emperat ure t o 215.6C (420F) and UL cont inuous use t emperat ure of 130 C (266 F). Part Number Mat erial 8903NWG Nylon 8903VBG Flammabilit y St andards Color Buy Now Whit eSelf-ext inguishing UL 94 V-2 Thermoplast ic Self-ext inguishing UL 94 V-0 Black Polyest er UL 492 Type 1 8 9 0 9 Snap on Cover Aavid 8909 Snap on Cover is designed t o prevent accident al elect rical shock, t he 8909 fit s TO-3 case st yles. A t est probe hole in t op eliminat es t he need t o remove cover for t est ing. Recommended for low vibrat ion applicat ions. A precise frict ion fit is required for proper assembly. Please read t he engineering informat ion release for more det ails on t he fit problems t hat can arise. The 8903 cover shown above is recommended for most applicat ions due t o t he t ypical size variat ion of t he TO-3 package. Part Number Mat erial Color Flammabilit y St andards 8909NBG Nylon Black UL 94 V-2 Buy Now Bu sh in gs - In su lat in g Har dwar e PTFE-Filled Acetal Insulators Elect rically insulat ing liners designed t o enable elect rical connect ors t o pass t hrough grounded barriers. Aavid bushings are made of a variet y of t hermoplast ic polymers and designed for easy use and opt im ized elect rical insulat ion. Part Number FITS Not ch A Dim 103G 4.83 (0.190) 4.90 (0.193) 109G 6.35 (0.250) 6.35 (0.250) Part Number Buy Now Buy Now 110500F00000G Part Number Buy Now 110700F00000G PTFE-Filled Acetal Bushings Part Number I.D. O.D. T 110G 5.08 / 5.21 (0.198 / 0.205) 6.86 / 6.98 (0.268 / 0.275) 1.57 / 1.40 (0.062 / 0.055) 113G 6.48 / 6.60 (0.253 / 0.260) 7.87 / 8.00 (0.308 / 0.315) 1.57 / 1.40 (0.062 / 0.055) Buy Now N ylon Bushings - M aterial is N ylon type 6 Part Number A B C 114* 4.50 / 4.63 (0.177 / 0.182) 3.56 / 3.81 (0.140 / 0.150) 1.40 / 1.66 (0.055 / 0.065) 116* * 9.19 / 9.45 (0.362 / 0.372) 6.71 / 6.96 (0.264 / 0.274) 1.45 / 1.70 (0.057 / 0.067) Buy Now * Formerly Mot orola Part Number B51547F002 * * Formerly Mot orola Part Number B51547F013 Customer Assistance n n n n n n n n Con t act Us Get Design Assist an ce Fin d a Dist ribu t or Fin d a Sales Rep Requ est a Qu ot e Placin g an Order Terms an d Con dit ion s Ret u rn s Popular Products n n n n n n n Fan s Ext ru sion s Board Level Liqu id Coolin g Heat Pipe Tech n ology Heat Sin k Accessories In t erface Mat erials Our Company n n n n n n n New s an d Even t s Man agemen t Team Worldw ide Locat ion s Disclaimer Cu st omer Su rvey Privacy Policy Careers USA: 1.855.32.AAVID Eu rop e: 39.051.764002 Asi a: 86.21.6115.2000 x 8122 Connect with Aavid Like / Follow / Con n ect (c) Copyright 2016 Aavid Thermalloy, LLC.