6AT52BR6408A(T) 3425A–STKD–1/04
PROGRAM/ERASE S TATUS : T he device pr ovid es several bi ts to deter mine the st atus
of a program or erase operation: I/O2, I/O3, I/O5, I/O6, and I/O7. All other status bits are
don’t care. Table 3 on page 11 and the following four sections describe the function of
these bits. To provide greater flexibili ty for system desi gners, the 64 -Mbit device c on-
tains a programmable configuration register. The configuration register allows the user
to specify the status bit operation. The configuration register can be set to one of two dif-
ferent values, “00” or “01”. If the configuration register is set to “00”, the part will
automa tica lly retu rn to the r ead mod e after a success ful prog ram or e rase o peratio n. If
the configuration register is set to a “01”, a Product ID Exit command must be given after
a successful program or erase operation before the part will return to the read mode. It
is important to note that whether the configuration register is set to a “00” or to a “01”,
any unsuccessful program or erase operation requires using the Product ID Exit com-
mand to return the device to read mode. The default value (af ter power-up) for the
configurati on registe r is “00 ”. Usin g the four- bus cycle s et configur ation regi ster com-
mand as shown in the Command Definition table on page 12, the value of the
configuration register can be changed. Voltages applied to the reset pin will not alter the
value of the co nfigura tion register . The val ue of the co nfig uration r egist er will aff ect th e
operation of the I/O7 status bit as described below.
DATA POLLING: The 64- Mbit de vice fea tures Data Po lling to indic ate the en d of a pr o-
gram cycle. If the status configuration register is set to a “00”, during a program cycle an
attem pted read of th e last word loaded wi ll resul t in the com plement of the loade d data
on I/O7. Once the program cycle has been completed, true data is valid on all outputs
and the nex t cycle may beg in. During a chip or sector erase operation, an atte mpt to
read the device will give a “0” on I/O7. Once the program or erase cycle has completed,
true data will be read from the device. Data Polling may begin at any time during the pro-
gram cycle. Please see Table 3 on page 11 for more details.
If the statu s b it con fig urati on r e gis ter i s set to a “01” , th e I/O 7 st a tus bi t wil l be low while
the device is actively programming o r erasing data. I/O 7 will go high wh en the devic e
has com ple ted a pr og ra m or e ra se ope ration. Once I/O7 ha s g one hig h, s tat us inf o rma-
tion on the other pins can be checked.
The Data Polli ng sta tus bit must be us ed in conj unc ti on with the erase /pr og ram and VPP
status bit as shown in the algorithm in Figures 2 and 3.
TOGGLE BIT: In addi tion to Data Polling , the 6 4-Mbit de vice pr ovides anothe r metho d
for dete rmining the end of a progr am or eras e cycle. During a pro gram or eras e opera-
tion, successive attempts to read data from the memory will result in I/O6 toggling
between one and zero. Once the program cycle has completed, I/O6 will stop toggling
and valid data will be read. Examining the toggle bit may begin at any time during a pro-
gram cycle. Please see Table 3 on page 11 for more details.
The to ggle bi t status bi t shou ld be us ed in conj uncti on with th e erase /progra m and VPP
status bit as shown in the algorithm in Figures 4 and 5 on page 10.
ERASE/PROGRAM STATUS BIT: The dev ice off ers a stat us bit on I/ O5 that ind icates
whether the program or erase operation has exceeded a specified internal pulse count
limit . If the stat us bit is a “ 1”, the de vice is un able to v erify tha t an erase or a word pro-
gram operation has been successfully performed. The device may also output a “1” on
I/O5 if the system tries to program a “1” to a location that was previously programmed to
a “0”. Only an erase op eration can change a “0” b ack to a “1”. If a program ( Sector
Erase) com mand is issued to a prote cted sec tor, the protected secto r will not be pro-
grammed (erased ). The dev ice will go to a sta tus read mo de and the I/O5 sta tus bit will
be set high, indicating the program (erase) operation did not complete as requested.
Once the erase/program s tatus bit has been set to a “1” , the system m ust write the
Produc t ID Exit comma nd to return to the read mod e. The erase/p rogr am st atus bit i s a