2 Fluke Corporation 280 Series Waveform Generators
Versatile pulse generator capabilities
Each channel can generate not just pulses but com-
plex pulse trains. A pattern of up to 10 pulses can be
quickly defined with each pulse having its own ampli-
tude, width and delay. The whole pulse train pattern
can then be replayed at a user-defined repetition rate.
Where variable rise time pulses are required, the full
arbitrary function can be used.
Arbitrary capability unmatched at this price
The 280 Series are highly sophisticated 12-bit arbi-
trary generators, capable of recreating virtually any
waveform. True variable clock architecture is used,
with clock speeds between 0.1 Hz and 40 MHz. This
architecture avoids the clock jitter associated with DDS
arbitrary generators and permits waveform linking,
looping and sequencing. Waveforms may be defined
with up to 4,096 vertical points and from 4 to 65,536
horizontal points. Arbitrary waveforms may be
replayed at a specified waveform frequency, period or
sample rate. Up to 100 user-defined waveforms can be
stored within the instrument’s 256 K of nonvolatile
Linked-sequence operation
Up to sixteen arbitrary waveforms may be linked in a
sequence. Each waveform can have a loop count of up
to 32,768 and the whole sequence can be run contin-
uously or repeated more than a million times. For
multi-channel models, waveforms on different chan-
nels can be daisy chained and looped. By summing
the channel outputs, up to 64 segments can be used
to create highly complex waveforms.
Multi-channel phase locking
Any number of channels can be phase locked with
offsets defined to a resolution of 0.1 degree (or 360
degrees/waveform points for arbitrary waveforms).
For applications requiring more than four channels,
multiple generators can be phase locked. The 280
Series also has the facility for phase locking to another
Multi-channel summing
Waveform summing sums the waveform from any
channel into the next channel. Alternatively, any
number of channels can be summed with an external
signal. This permits complex modulations, such as
noise superimposition, to be created.
Inter-channel triggering and modulation
Because any channel can be triggered by the previous
or next channel, waveforms on different channels can
be daisy chained and looped. By summing the chan-
nel outputs, up to 64 segments can be used (32 seg-
ments for 282). A channel can be used to AM
modulate or SCM modulate another channel.
Wide frequency sweep range
All waveforms can be swept over their full frequency
range at a rate variable between 30 milliseconds and
15 minutes. Sweep can be linear or logarithmic, single
or continuous. Single sweeps can be triggered from
the front panel, the trigger input, or the digital inter-
faces. Multiple channels can be swept simultaneously.
Amplitude modulation
Amplitude modulation and suppressed carrier modula-
tion are available for all waveforms. Any channel can
be used to modulate another channel. Alternatively, all
channels can be modulated simultaneously via the
modulation input.
Built-in trigger generator
All waveforms are available as a triggered burst,
whereby each trigger edge will produce one burst of
the carrier. Start and stop phase is fully variable. Both
triggered and gated modes can be operated from the
internal trigger generator, from an adjacent channel,
an external source or a key press or remote command.
The trigger generator signal is available as a separate
output if required.
Tone switching
The 280 Series can provide triggered switching
between up to 16 frequencies of standard or arbitrary
waveforms. Tone switching modes can be gated, trig-
gered or FSK using any trigger source. By summing
two channels together it is possible to generate pre-
cise DTMF test signals.
Windows®-based waveform editing
Each generator is supplied complete with sophisti-
cated Windows-based software for the creation, edit-
ing and management of waveforms. This powerful
software can be used to create arbitrary waveforms
from scratch using drawing tools, equations or both
together. Real-world waveforms imported from DSOs
or other sources can be modified and combined with
other waveforms using editing functions. A library of
standard waveforms is included which can be used as
“elements” when creating or modifying waveforms. A
powerful Equation Editor provides an array of mathe-
matical functions, including logarithmic and geometric
operands. Waveform creation and editing can make
use of drawing tools in combination with equations,
insertion and manipulation. Multiple waveforms can
be further combined using mathematical operators to
create new waveforms.
Import from DSOs and other instruments
The Windows software incorporates direct support for
uploading waveforms from Tektronix digital oscillo-
scopes. A driver for LabWindows™/CVI from National
Instruments is available which enables imports from
other equipment to be achieved within the LabWin-
dows environment.
Fully programmable via RS-232 or GPIB
The 280 Series incorporates both an RS-232 interface
and a GPIB (IEEE-488) interface as standard. These
can be used for loading arbitrary waveforms and for
remote control of all instrument functions.