TEA19162T/3 PFC controller Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 1 Product data sheet General description The TEA19162T and TEA19161T are combined controller (combo) ICs for resonant topologies including PFC. They provide high efficiency at all power levels. Together with the TEA1995T dual LLC resonant SR controller, a cost-effective resonant power supply can be built. This power supply meets the efficiency regulations of Energy Star, the Department of Energy (DoE), the Eco-design Directive of the European Union, the European Code of Conduct, and other guidelines. The TEA19162T is a Power Factor Correction (PFC) controller. The IC communicates with the TEA19161T on start-up sequence and protections. It also enables a fast latch reset mechanism. To maximize the overall system efficiency, the TEA19161T allows setting the TEA19161T PFC to burst mode at a low output power level. Using the TEA19161T and TEA19162T combo together with the TEA1995T secondary synchronous rectifier controller, a highly efficient and reliable power supply can be designed with a minimum of external components. The target output power is between 90 W and 500 W. The system provides a very low no-load input power (< 75 mW; total system including the TEA19161T/TEA19162T combo and theTEA1995T) and high efficiency from minimum to maximum load. So, no additional low-power supply is required. TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 2 Features and benefits 2.1 Distinctive features * * * * * Complete functionality as TEA19161T/TEA19162T combo Integrated X-capacitor discharge without additional external components Universal mains supply operation (70 V (AC) to 276 V (AC)) Integrated soft start and soft stop Accurate boost voltage regulation 2.2 Green features * Valley/zero voltage switching for minimum switching losses * Frequency limitation to reduce switching losses * Reduced supply current (200 A) when in burst mode 2.3 Protection features * * * * * * * * * 3 Safe restart mode for system fault conditions Continuous mode protection with demagnetization detection Accurate OverVoltage Protection (OVP) Open-Loop Protection (OLP) Short-Circuit Protection (SCP) Internal and external IC OverTemperature Protection (OTP) Low and adjustable OverCurrent Protection (OCP) trip level Adjustable brownin/brownout protection Supply UnderVoltage Protection (UVP) Applications * * * * * TEA19162T Product data sheet Desktop and all-in-one PCs LCD television Notebook adapter Printers Gaming console power supplies All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 2 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 4 Ordering information Table 1.Ordering information Type number TEA19162T/3 5 Package Name Description Version SO8 plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT96-1 Marking Table 2.Marking codes TEA19162T Product data sheet Type number Marking code TEA19162T/3 EA19162 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 3 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 6 Block diagram SUPIC DEMAGNETIZATION AND VALLEY DETECTION StartSUPIC UVPmains OLP UVPSUPIC +13 V TIMER 3.8 s SNSAUX demag +9 V VALLEY DETECTION TIMER 44.5 s +5 V Ana +5 V Dig +11 V INTERNAL SUPPLIES SUPPLY +2 V ExtOTP NTC measure ProtActive D StartMains C NTCMeasure +0.5 V SNSCUR Q EnablePfc ResetFastLatch STARTUP CONTROL Qn ProtActive TIMER 50 ms MAINS SENSING CONTROL OVP Start-SUPIC TEMPERATURE SENSING IntOTP OTP Rd Q DRIVER GatePfc S GATEPFC UVPSUPIC GATE CONTROL 5 A UVPMains StartMains StartXCapDis +0.25 V TIMER 118 ms 26 A reset +3.5 V mains compensation current comparator MAINS SENSING GatePfc TOnPassed X-CAP DISCHARGE CONTROL 26 A Gm amplifier +2 V EndFastLatch TIMER 4 ms +2.5 V 210 A soft stop ResetFastLatch SNSBOOST SoftStop +2.8 V +0.4 V R EnablePfc EnablePfc +2.63 V OCP S TOnPassed OCP SNSMAINS +3.23 V ProtActive PROTECTIONS PFC OSCILLATOR Ext-OTP MAINS CURRENT TRACKING Q EndFastLatch GatePfc 200 A Rd Int/ExtOTP ZERO CURRENT SIGNAL -90 mV CURRENT SENSING StartMains DELAY 100 s OLP OVBoost 32 A ProtActive OVP control SoftStop 100 A OVBoost OVP SENSE RESISTOR SENSING +3.5 V +1.23 V BOOST VOLTAGE SENSING GATE SENSING +3.8 V enable PFC PFCCOMP ON-TIME CONTROL GND +9.45 V +0.7 V SNSCUR +10.5 mV +50 mV X-CAP DISCHARGE aaa-017283 Figure 1.Block diagram TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 4 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 7 Pinning information 7.1 Pinning GATEPFC 1 GND 2 SNSCUR 3 SUPIC 4 IC 8 SNSAUX 7 PFCCOMP 6 SNSMAINS 5 SNSBOOST aaa-017287 Figure 2.Pin configuration 7.2 Pin description Table 3.Pin description TEA19162T Product data sheet Symbol Pin Description GATEPFC 1 gate driver output for PFC GND 2 ground SNSCUR 3 programmable current sense input for PFC SUPIC 4 supply voltage SNSBOOST 5 sense input for PFC output voltage SNSMAINS 6 sense input for mains voltage PFCCOMP 7 frequency compensation pin for PFC SNSAUX 8 input from auxiliary winding for demagnetization timing and valley detection for PFC All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 5 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8 Functional description 8.1 General control The TEA19162T is a controller for a power factor correction circuit. Figure 3 shows a typical configuration. Vmains-L Cboost Vboost Vmains-N LLC Rmains resonant converter M1 Raux SNSAUX GATEPFC SNSCUR SNSMAINS PFC RSNSCUR Rsense SUPIC GND CSUPIC SNSBOOST PFCCOMP RSNSBOOST aaa-018105 Figure 3.TEA19162T typical configuration 8.2 Supply voltage and start-up When using the TEA19162T (PFC) together with the TEA19161T (LLC), connect the SUPIC pin of the TEA19162T to the SUPIC pin of the TEA19161T. The LLC controller then supplies the PFC either via the high-voltage supply pin of the TEA19161T (SUPHV) or via the primary auxiliary winding. To enable the PFC, the SUPIC voltage must exceed the Vstart(SUPIC) level (13 V typical). Although the Vstart(SUPIC) level of the LLC is higher than the Vstart(SUPIC) level of the PFC, the system ensures that both converters (PFC and LLC) start up at the same time. Therefore, the LLC initially pulls down the SNSBOOST pin, disabling the PFC until the SUPIC voltage reaches the Vstart(SUPIC) level of the LLC. When both conditions are met and the SNSMAINS is above the brownin level, the PFC starts up via an internal soft start (see Figure 4). TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 6 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller Vbrownin mains voltage PFC VSUPIC LLC Vstart(SUPIC) 19.2 V Vstart(hys)SUPIC 0.7 V Vuvp(SUPIC) 13.2 V Vstart(SUPIC) 13.0 V Vuvp(SUPIC) 9 V Vrst(SUPIC) 3.5 V t1 t2 t4 Vboost t3 VSNSBOOST Vreg(SNSBOOST) 2.5 V Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST 2.0 V Vstart(SNSBOOST) 2.3 V t6 Vscp(stop) 0.4 V td(start) t5 VGATEPFC PFC mode of operation UVP SCP wait ON aaa-020197 Figure 4.Start-up of the PFC and LLC The exact start-up sequence of the PFC depends on the availability of start-up conditions (brownin level, Vstart(SUPIC) of the PFC, and Ien(PFC)). Before t1, the SUPIC voltage is below the UVP level of the PFC and LLC. When the LLC reaches a minimum supply voltage level (t1), the LLC pulls down the SNSBOOST pin to disable the PFC. At t2, the SUPIC voltage reaches the start level of the PFC converter. However, as the LLC pulls low the SNSBOOST to below the PFC short protection level, the PFC is still off. When the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level, the PFC resets its latched protection by pulling VSNSBOOST to the Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST level (t3). However, the LLC returns it to the protection mode. When at t4 the SUPIC voltage reaches the start level of the LLC, the SNSBOOST is released. The SNSBOOST voltage increases because of the resistive divider which is connected to the PFC bus voltage. To ensure that this voltage is representative of the Vboost voltage before the system actually starts to switch, an additional delay (td(start); 3.62 ms) is active before the PFC starts switching (t5). Another important condition for the PFC start is a precharge of the compensation circuitry connected to the PFCCOMP pin. This condition is met when the current out of the PFCCOMP pin < |Ien(PFCCOMP)|. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 7 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller When at t6 the SNSBOOST voltage reaches the start level of the LLC (Vstart(SNSBOOST)), the LLC converter starts to switch. When VSUPIC < Vuvp(SUPIC), the PFC controller stops switching immediately. 8.3 Protections Table 4 gives an overview of the available protections. Table 4.Protections overview [1] Protection Description Action LLC UVP-SUPIC undervoltage protection SUPIC PFC = off; restart when VSUPIC > Vstart(SUPIC); SNSBOOST pulled low, disabling the LLC. off Section 8.2 OTP-internal internal overtemperature protection latched; SNSBOOST pulled low, disabling the LLC. off Section 8.3.1 OTP-external external overtemperature protection latched; SNSBOOST pulled low, disabling the LLC. off Section 8.3.2 brownout-mains undervoltage protection mains PFC = off; restart when [2] ISNSMAINS > Ibi - Section 8.3.2 SoftStop-OVPSNSBOOST overvoltage protection boost voltage PFC = off via soft stop; restart when followed by a soft stop VSNSBOOST < Vovp(start) Section 8.3.3 OVP-SNSBOOST overvoltage protection boost voltage PFC = off; restart when VSNSBOOST < Vovp(SNSBOOST) - Section 8.3.4 SCP-SNSBOOST short-circuit protection PFC = off; restart when VSNSBOOST > Vscp(start) - Section 8.3.5 OLP-PFC open-loop protection PFC = off; restart when VSNSBOOST > Vscp(start) - Section 8.3.5 OCP overcurrent protection PFC MOSFET switched off, continue operation - Section 8.3.6 [1] [2] Some protections also disable the LLC (see Section 8.5.1). At start-up, the PFC disables the LLC converter until the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level. 8.3.1 Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP) An accurate internal temperature protection is provided in the circuit. When the junction temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown temperature (Tpl(IC)), the IC stops switching. The internal overtemperature protection is a latched protection. It also disables the LLC converter by pulling down the SNSBOOST pin. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 8 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8.3.2 Brownin/brownout and external overtemperature protection On the TEA19162T, the mains measurement and external temperature are combined at the SNSMAINS pin (see Figure 5). mains - L mains - N VSNSMAINS 2 V 250 mV t3 t5 ISNSMAINS 0 t1 t2 t4 -200 A aaa-018107 Figure 5.Mains and external OTP measurement At t1, the voltage at the SNSMAINS pin is internally regulated to Vregd(SNSMAINS) (250 mV). The current into the SNSMAINS pin is a measure of the system input mains voltage. The TEA19162T continuously measures the SNSMAINS current and waits until it detects a peak in the measured current (t2). This peak current value is internally stored and used as an input for the brownout/brownin detection and the mains compensation. When, at t3, the current into the SNSMAINS pin is well below the brownin level (< Ien(NTC)), the controller starts to measure the value of the external NTC. The external NTC is measured by sourcing a current (Io(SNSMAINS)) out of the SNSMAINS pin. When, after a maximum measuring time of tdet(NTC)max (1 ms), the voltage remains below Vdet(SNSMAINS) during four consecutive NTC measurements, the OTP protection is triggered (t5). To prevent the PFC from operating at very low mains input voltages, the PFC stops switching when the measured peak current drops to below Ibo. When the measured current exceeds Ibi, the PFC restarts with a soft start. 8.3.3 Soft stop overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) When the SNSBOOST voltage is between the Vdet(L)SNSBOOST and Vdet(H)SNSBOOST, the TEA19162T stops switching via a soft stop. The TEA19161T uses this function to force the TEA19162T to operate in burst mode with a specific duty cycle (see Section 8.5.2). Audible noise is avoided because at the end of a switching period, the PFC stops via a soft stop. After an OVP event, the system always starts via a soft start. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 9 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8.3.4 Overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) To prevent output overvoltage during load steps and mains transients, an overvoltage protection circuit is built in. When the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin exceeds the Vovp(stop) level and is outside the Vdet(L)SNSBOOST and Vdet(H)SNSBOOST window for a minimum period of td(ovp) (100 s), switching of the power factor correction circuit is inhibited. When the SNSBOOST pin voltage drops to below the Vovp(start) (Vovp(stop) - Vhys(ovp)) level again, the switching of the PFC recommences. The IC always restarts with a soft start (see Section 8.4.1). 8.3.5 PFC open-loop protection (SNSBOOST pin) The PFC does not start switching until the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin exceeds Vscp(start). This function acts as short circuit protection for the boost voltage (SCPSNSBOOST; see Table 4). 8.3.6 Overcurrent protection (SNSCUR pin) Sensing the voltage across an external sense resistor, Rsense, on the source of the external MOSFET, limits the maximum peak current cycle-by-cycle. The voltage is measured via the SNSCUR pin. 8.3.7 Fast latch reset The restart of the system after a protection is triggered depends on the type of protection. In a safe restart protection (only applicable for the LLC), the system typically restarts after the restart delay time (1 s). It is different for latched protections. Typically, in a latched protection, the SUPIC must reach the undervoltage protection level to release the protection mode and to restart the system. The release/restart can only be achieved by disconnecting the mains. In the protection mode, the TEA19161T regulates the voltage of the SUPIC pin to its start level. The PFC output capacitor supplies the SUPIC pin via the SUPHV pin of the TEA19161T. So it takes a long time before the voltage of the SUPIC pin drops below its undervoltage level after the mains is disconnected. To prevent this delay, a special fast latch reset function is implemented in the TEA19162T, which also releases the protection mode when the mains is reconnected. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 10 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller VSUPIC PFC td(main)bo LLC Vstart(SUPIC) = 19.2 V Vstart(hys)SUPIC = 0.7 V mains brownin brownout t2 Vreg(SNSBOOST) = 2.5 V Vstart(SNSBOOST) = 2.3 V Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST = 2.0 V VSNSBOOST Vscp(stop) = 0.4 V t1 Vuvp(SNSBOOST) = 1.6 V PFC off td(start) wait brownout on t3 LLC UVPSNSBOOST protection on t4 Vout aaa-018109 Figure 6.Fast latch reset Before t1, the LLC (and/or PFC) is in a (latched) protection and pulls down the SNSBOOST pin, which also disables the PFC. When the mains voltage drops to below the brownout level (Ibo) and the time td(det)bo (50 ms) expires (t1), the PFC enters the brownout protection mode. When, in the brownout protection mode, the mains voltage increases again and exceeds the brownin level (Ibi; t2), the PFC pulls up the SNSBOOST voltage to the Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST level (see Figure 6). Because the Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST level of the PFC exceeds the Vuvp(SNSBOOST) level of the LLC, the LLC converter resets the protection mode. However, switching is still inhibited as the SNSBOOST voltage remains below the start level (Vstart(SNSBOOST)) of the LLC. The SUPIC voltage is still regulated to the Vstart(SUPIC) level of the LLC converter. To ensure that the voltage at the SNSBOOST pin accurately reflects the output voltage of the PFC, the PFC converter starts after a delay time (td(start)) (t3). The start of the PFC converter is followed by a start-up of the LLC converter (t4). 8.4 Power factor correction regulation The power factor correction circuit operates in quasi-resonant or discontinuous conduction mode with valley switching. The next primary stroke is only started when the previous secondary stroke has ended and the voltage across the PFC MOSFET has reached a minimum value. To detect transformer demagnetization and the minimum voltage across the external PFC MOSFET switch, the voltage on the SNSAUX pin is used. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 11 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8.4.1 Soft start (SNSCUR pin) To prevent audible transformer noise at start-up or during hiccup, the soft start function slowly increases the transformer peak current (see Figure 7). SNSBOOST t3 t2 Vreg(oc) Vstart(soft)init SNSCUR tstart(soft) GATEPFC t1 aaa-018110 Figure 7.PFC start-up At t1, all conditions to start up the PFC are fulfilled. The maximum voltage on the SNSCUR pin is limited to Vstart(soft)init (125 mV). When the PFC starts switching, the maximum SNSCUR voltage is increased to Vreg(oc) within a time period of tstart(soft) (3.62 ms) or until the ton regulation limits the on-time of the PFC external MOSFET. 8.4.2 ton control The power factor correction circuit is operated in ton control. The resulting mains harmonic reduction of a typical application is well within the class-D requirements. The following circuits determine the on-time of the external PFC MOSFET: * The error amplifier and the loop compensation which define the voltage on the PFCCOMP pin. At Vtonzero(PFCCOMP) (3.5 V), the on-time is reduced to zero. At Vtonmax(PFCCOMP) (1.23 V), the on-time is at a maximum. * Mains compensation which uses the current through the SNSMAINS pin to represent the mains input voltage level. 8.4.3 PFC error amplifier (PFCCOMP and SNSBOOST pins) The boost voltage is divided using a high-ohmic resistive divider and is supplied to the SNSBOOST pin. The transconductance error amplifier, which compares the SNSBOOST voltage with an accurate trimmed reference voltage (Vreg(SNSBOOST)) is connected to this pin. The external loop compensation network on the PFCCOMP pin filters the output current. In a typical application, a resistor and two capacitors set the regulation loop bandwidth. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 12 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller The transconductance of the error amplifier is not constant. To avoid triggering the OVP during start-up and during a converter transient response, the transconductance is increased to a level of gm(high) starting at Vgm(high)start (see Figure 8). lPFCCOMP (A) lsink(PFCCOMP) gm 40 mV Vgm(high)start 40 mV Vovp(stop) 2.63 2.5 2.6 VSNSBOOST (V) 2.0 gm(high) aaa-020217 Figure 8.Transconductance of the PFC error amplifier 8.4.4 Valley switching and demagnetization (SNSAUX pin) To ensure that the TEA19162T operates in discontinuous or quasi-resonant mode, the PFC MOSFET is switched on after the transformer is demagnetized. To reduce switching losses and ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI), the next stroke is started when the PFC MOSFET drain-source voltage is at its minimum (valley switching). The demagnetization and valley detection are measured via the SNSAUX pin. If no demagnetization signal is detected on the SNSAUX pin, the controller generates a demagnetization signal (tto(demag); 44.5 s typical) after the external MOSFET is switched off. If no valley signal is detected on the PFCAUX pin, the controller generates a valley signal (tto(vrec); 3.8 s typical) after demagnetization is detected. To protect the internal circuitry, for example during lightning events, connect a 5 k series resistor (Raux; see Figure 13) to the SNSAUX pin. Also connect a 1 k (typical) external sense resistor (RSNSCUR; see Figure 13) to the SNSCUR pin. To prevent incorrect switching due to external disturbance, place the resistors close to the IC. 8.4.5 Frequency limitation To optimize the transformer and minimize switching losses, the switching frequency is limited to fsw(PFC)max. If the frequency for quasi-resonant operation exceeds the fsw(PFC)max limit, the system enters Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). When the system is in DCM, the PFC MOSFET switches on at a minimum voltage across the switch (valley switching). To ensure correct control of the PFC MOSFET under all circumstances, the minimum offtime is limited at toff(PFC)min. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 13 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8.4.6 Mains voltage compensation (SNSMAINS pin) The equation for the transfer function of a power factor corrector contains the square of the mains input voltage. In a typical application, the result is a low bandwidth for low mains input voltages. At high mains input voltages, the Mains Harmonic Reduction (MHR) requirements may be hard to meet. To compensate for the mains input voltage influence, the TEA19162T contains a correction circuit. The input voltage is measured via the SNSMAINS pin (see Section 8.3.2) and the information is fed to an internal mains compensation circuit (see Figure 1). With this compensation, it is possible to keep the regulation loop bandwidth constant over the full mains input range. The result is that a mains voltage independent transient response on load steps is yielded, while still complying with classD MHR requirements. In a typical application, an external circuitry at the PFCCOMP pin (see Section 8.4.3) sets the bandwidth of the regulation loop. 8.4.7 Active X-capacitor discharge The TEA19162T provides an active X-capacitor discharge after the mains voltage is disconnected. When the mains input voltage (and so also the measured current into the SNSMAINS pin) increases (see Figure 9, t2 - t1), the system assumes the presence of a mains voltage. When the mains voltage does not increase for a minimum period of td(dch), the active X-capacitor discharge is activated (t3). When the active X-capacitor discharge function is activated, the X-capacitor is discharged via the external PFC MOSFET (see Figure 10). To avoid any increase of the PFC output voltage, the external PFC MOSFET is slowly turned on until a small current is detected via the SNSCUR pin (see Figure 9, t4). A slow increase of the GATEPFC voltage is achieved via a current source (Ich(GATEPFC)) that slowly charges the external gate-source capacitance of the external MOSFET. When the voltage at the SNSCUR exceeds Vch(stop)SNSCUR level (10.5 mV), the voltage at the GATEPFC pin slowly decreases by activating a current sink (Idch(GATEPFC)). As a result, the gate-source capacitance of the external MOSFET is discharged. When the voltage on the GATEPFC pin drops to below Vdch(stop)GATEPFC level (0.7 V), the current sink is switched off. The charge/discharge cycle is repeated after the period toff(dch) (t5). As for a typical power MOSFET the duration of charge/discharge pulses on the GATEPFC pin is shorter than 2 ms, Tp (4 ms typical) defines the pulse repetition time. When the voltage on the GATEPFC pin exceeds Vdch(GATEPFC) while the voltage on the SNSCUR pin is still below Vch(stop)SNSCUR, the system assumes a full discharge of the X-capacitor. It starts to ramp down the GATEPFC voltage. Unless the mains is reconnected, the next active X-capacitor discharge cycle is started after td(dch). Reconnecting the mains is detected via a positive dI/dt at the SNSMAINS pin. While the GATEPFC pin discharges the X-capacitor, the mains can be reconnected. In that case, the current through the external MOSFET increases rapidly. If the voltage on the SNSCUR pin exceeds Vdch(SNSCUR), the internal driver stage rapidly turns off the GATEPFC pin. When the mains is disconnected again (measured via the SNSMAINS pin), the next active X-capacitor discharge cycle starts, followed by a delay of td(dch). TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 14 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller mains - L mains - N Ich(GATEPFC) IGATEPFC Idch(GATEPFC) Tp Vdch(stop)GATEPFC td(dch) VGATEPFC Vch(stop)SNSCUR VSNSCUR t1 t2 t3 t4 toff(dch) t5 aaa-018129 Figure 9.TEA19162T active X-capacitor discharge TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 15 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller mains-L mains-N enable tristate GATEPFC GateDig Cboost driver UVP SUPIC Ich(GATEPFC) Vdis(dch)GATEPFC charge TIMER td(dch) reset Idch(GATEPFC) Vdch(stop)GATEPFC SNSCUR X-CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CONTROL Vch(stop)SNSCUR Rsense TIMER toff(dch) Vdis(dch)SNSCUR IC aaa-020234 Figure 10.TEA19162T active X-capacitor discharge block diagram 8.5 PFC-LLC communication protocol The TEA19162T (PFC controller) is designed to cooperate with the TEA19161T (LLC controller) in one system. Both controllers can be seen as a combo IC, split up into two packages. All required functionality between the TEA19162T and TEA19161T is arranged via the combined SUPIC and SNSBOOST pins. Both controllers are supplied via the SUPIC pin (see Section 8.2). The SNSBOOST pin is used to communicate about the protection states of both controllers. The TEA19161T forces the TEA19162T to enter burst mode also using the SNSBOOST pin. 8.5.1 Protections When a protection is triggered in the PFC or the LLC, it can also disable the other converter. For example, if an OVP is detected at the LLC, both converters are stopped. Also, at initial start-up, the PFC disables the LLC converter until the brownin level of the mains voltage is detected. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 16 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller The SNSBOOST pin is used for the communication about such protection states. By pulling down the SNSBOOST pin below the Vuvp(SNSBOOST) level of the LLC converter, the PFC can disable the LLC converter. Similarly, by pulling down the SNSBOOST pin below the short protection level Vscp(stop) of the PFC converter, the LLC can disable the PFC. Table 4 in Section 8.3 gives an overview of all protections in the PFC converter. The PFC protections that also disable the LLC are listed in the LLC-column. When the mains voltage initially drops to below the brownout level and then increases to above the brownin level, all protections of the PFC and the LLC are reset. A reset of all protections is also communicated via the SNSBOOST pin by pulling it up to the Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST level (see Section 8.3.7). The IC starts and remains in the protection mode until the mains brownin level is reached. The IC current consumption is then at power-saving level. 8.5.2 PFC burst mode Based on the output power level of the LLC converter, the LLC determines when the PFC enters burst mode. During the burst mode, the LLC converter disables the PFC by increasing the SNSBOOST voltage to between Vdet(L)SNSBOOST and Vdet(H)SNSBOOST (see Figure 11). It ensures a soft start and a soft stop at the start and the end of a switching period, respectively. This increase in the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin is achieved by an additional current out of the LLC converter towards the SNSBOOST pin. The additional current creates a positive voltage shift because of the external resistive network at the SNSBOOST pin. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 17 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller PFC LLC Ioff(burst) = 6.4 A GM AMPLIFIER Ich(stop)soft = 32 A PFC burst mode VSNSBOOST > 2.37 V q s 3.23 V soft stop r SNSBOOST MAX. VALUE 100 k 2.8 V 3.8 V RESET Voff(burst) PFCCOMP 100 s DELAY OVP 2.63 V aaa-020102 a. Block diagram PFC LLC OFF ON OFF VSNSBOOST Vdet(H)SNSBOOST = 3.23 V ON Ioff(burst) t4 Voff(burst) = -75 mV Vdet(L)SNSBOOST = 2.8 V Vovp(stop) = 2.63 V Vreg(SNSBOOST) = 2.5 V Von(burst)max = 2.37 V t1 Vclamp(PFCCOMP) = 3.80 V Vtonzero(PFCCOMP) = 3.5 V VPFCCOMP t2 t3 t5 t6 VGATEPFC aaa-020103 b. Timing diagram Figure 11.PFC burst mode At t1, the current out of the LLC SNSBOOST pin (Ioff(burst)) is activated and the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin increases. When a 100 k external resistor RSNSBOOST between the SNSBOOST pin and GND pin is used (see Figure 11), the SNSBOOST voltage increase is about 640 mV (= Ioff(burst)SNSBOOST * RSNSBOOST). As due to this increase the SNSBOOST voltage is between Vdet(L)SNSBOOST and Vdet(H)SNSBOOST levels (t2), the soft stop of the PFC converter is started. In the soft stop state, the current out of the PFCCOMP pin (Ich(stop)soft) is activated. At the end of the soft stop, the PFC enters the energy safe state and stops switching (t3). The voltage at the PFCCOMP pin is clamped at Vtonzero(PFCCOMP) (3.5 V). It remains at this level during the energy safe state. As the LLC converter operates continuously, even when the PFC is stopped, the PFC output capacitor discharges. When the PFC boost capacitor is discharged so much that the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin drops by 75 mV (Voff(burst); t4), the internal current source in the LLC converter is switched off. Because of the negative voltage drop at the SNSBOOST pin, the SNSBOOST voltage drops below the regulation level (Vreg(SNSBOOST); t5). The PFC starts switching again (t6). When VSNSBOOST exceeds the LLC Von(burst)max level (2.37 V) again, the internal current is reactivated and the PFC stops switching again. The TEA19162T current consumption in the burst mode depends on whether the IC is switching or not. During burst mode on-time and burst mode off-time, the current consumption is at operating level and power-saving level, respectively. TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 18 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 8.5.3 Soft stop A soft stop always precedes the PFC burst mode. It reduces audible noise of the converter. The internal current source activated in the LLC converter (see Figure 11) pulls up the voltage at the PFC SNSBOOST pin. When the SNSBOOST pin voltage is between Vdet(L)SNSBOOST (2.8 V) and Vdet(H)SNSBOOST (3.23 V), the PFC soft stop begins. Then, a PFC internal current source Ich(stop)soft is activated and the transconductance error amplifier in the PFC control loop is switched off (see Figure 11). The activated current source provides a current of 32 A (Ich(stop)soft) out of the PFCCOMP pin. This current slowly increases the voltage of the PFCCOMP pin, gradually reducing the converter switching on-time. When the zero on-time is reached, the soft stop ends. The zero on-time corresponds with the PFCCOMP pin voltage of Vtonzero(PFCCOMP) (3.5 V). The detection of the overvoltage on the SNSBOOST pin at the normal OVP level (Vovp(stop)) is delayed for the time td(ovp) (100 s). This additional delay is required to verify if the system should stop immediately because of an OVP or via a soft stop when activating the burst mode. 8.6 Driver (pin GATEPFC) The driver circuit to the gate of the power MOSFET has a current sourcing capability of 600 mA and a current sink capability of 1.4 A typical. These capabilities allow a fast turnon and turn-off of the power MOSFET, ensuring efficient operation. When the SUPIC voltage is below its start level, the internal keep-off circuitry of the PFC driver pulls down the GATEPFC pin. The pulling down of the GATEPFC pin prevents that an external power MOSFET is activated when the IC power supply is absent or when the VSUPIC < Vstart(SUPIC). The keep-off circuitry (see Figure 12) is supplied via the GATEPFC pin. So, if the actual IC supply is absent or too low (VSUPIC < Vstart(SUPIC)), the circuit works correctly. driver GATEPFC UVP-SUPIC IC aaa-021332 Figure 12.Keep-off circuitry at the GATEPFC pin TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 19 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 9 Limiting values Table 5.Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit -0.4 +38 V Voltages VSUPIC voltage on pin SUPIC VSNSMAINS voltage on pin SNSMAINS current limited -0.4 +12 V VPFCCOMP voltage on pin PFCCOMP current limited -0.4 +12 V VSNSAUX voltage on pin SNSAUX current limited -25 +25 V VSNSCUR voltage on pin SNSCUR current limited -0.4 +12 V VSNSBOOST voltage on pin SNSBOOST current limited -0.4 +12 V VGATEPFC current limited -0.4 +12 V voltage on pin GATEPFC General Ptot total power dissipation Tamb < 75 C - 0.45 W Tstg storage temperature -55 +150 C Tj junction temperature -40 +150 C ESD VESD [1] [2] electrostatic discharge voltage human body model [1] -2000 +2000 V charged device model [2] -500 +500 V Equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 k series resistor. Equivalent to discharging a 200 pF capacitor through a 0.75 H coil and a 10 resistor. 10 Thermal characteristics Table 6.Thermal characteristics TEA19162T Product data sheet Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ Unit Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air; JEDEC test board 150 K/W Rth(j-c) thermal resistance from junction to case in free air; JEDEC test board 90 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 20 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 11 Characteristics Table 7.Characteristics Tamb =25 C; VSUPIC = 20 V; all voltages are measured with respect to ground (pin 2); currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply (SUPIC pin) Vstart(SUPIC) start voltage on pin SUPIC 12.35 13 13.65 V Vuvp(SUPIC) undervoltage protection voltage on pin SUPIC 8.55 9 9.45 V ICC supply current operating mode; fsw = 100 kHz; pin GATEPFC = floating; VSNSBOOST = 2.2 V - - 0.80 mA power-save mode; pin PFCCOMP = floating; VSNSBOOST = 2.7 V - - 0.20 mA Gate driver output (GATEPFC pin) Isource(GATEPFC) source current on pin GATEPFC VGATEPFC = 2 V; VSUPIC 13 V - -0.6 - A Isink(GATEPFC) sink current on pin GATEPFC VGATEPFC = 2 V; VSUPIC 13 V - 0.6 - A VGATEPFC = 10 V; VSUPIC 13 V - 1.4 - A 10.0 11.0 12.0 V Vo(max)GATEPFC maximum output voltage on pin GATEPFC Mains voltage sensing (SNSMAINS pin) Ibi brownin current 5.35 5.75 6.15 A Ibo brownout current 4.65 5.00 5.35 A Ibo(hys) hysteresis of brownout current 640 750 820 nA td(det)bo brownout detection delay time 45.2 50 55.5 ms Vregd(SNSMAINS) regulated voltage on pin SNSMAINS 230 250 270 mV Ibi - Ibo mains detection period; no current at SNSMAINS; Cmax(SNSMAINS) = 100 pF X-capacitor discharge (SNSCUR and GATEPFC pins) td(dch) discharge delay time x-capacitor discharge 109 118 128 ms Ich(GATEPFC) charge current on pin GATEPFC x-capacitor discharge -29 -26 -23 A Idch(GATEPFC) discharge current on pin GATEPFC x-capacitor discharge 23 26 29 A Vch(stop)SNSCUR stop charge voltage on pin SNSCUR x-capacitor discharge; stop of external MOST gate charge; dV/dt = 0 8.00 10.50 12.50 mV Vdch(stop)GATEPFC stop discharge voltage on pin GATEPFC x-capacitor discharge; stop of external MOST gate discharge 0.3 0.7 1.1 V toff(dch) discharge off-time x-capacitor; time between discharge/charge pulses; GATEPFC pin 1.88 - 6.40 ms TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 21 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Tp pulse period x-capacitor discharge; pulse duration < 2 ms (typical); GATEPFC pin 3.76 4.00 4.27 ms Vdis(dch)GATEPFC disable discharge voltage on pin GATEPFC x-capacitor discharge 9.00 9.45 9.90 V Vdis(dch)SNSCUR disable discharge voltage on pin SNSCUR x-capacitor discharge 44 50 56 mV 2.500 2.525 V Output voltage sensing, regulation and compensation (SNSBOOST and PFCCOMP pins) Vreg(SNSBOOST) regulation voltage on pin SNSBOOST IPFCCOMP = 0 A gm transconductance error amplifier; -90 VSNSBOOST to IPFCCOMP; |VSNSBOOST - Vintregd(SNSBOOST)| < 40 mV -75 -60 A/V Isink(PFCCOMP) sink current on pin PFCCOMP VSNSBOOST = 2 V; VPFCCOMP = 2.75 V 30.0 35.5 41.0 A gm(high) high transconductance error amplifier; VSNSBOOST to IPFCCOMP; Vstart(gm)high VSNSBOOST < Vstop(ovp) - -1.26 - mA/V Vgm(high)start start high transconductance voltage pin SNSBOOST 2.56 2.60 2.63 V Iclamp(max) maximum clamp current pin PFCCOMP; energy save -260 mode; PFC off; VPFCCOMP = 0 V -220 -190 A Ien(PFC) PFC enable current pin PFCCOMP -15 -11.5 -8 A Vclamp(PFCCOMP) clamp voltage on pin PFCCOMP bidirectional clamp; energy save mode; PFC off 3.40 3.50 3.60 V upper clamp voltage; unidirectional clamp; operating mode; PFC on; IPFCCOMP = 120 A 3.70 3.80 3.90 V lower clamp voltage; unidirectional clamp; operating mode; PFC on; VSNSBOOST = 2.5 V; IPFCCOMP = 30 A TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 2.475 Vtonmax(PFCCOMP) V (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 22 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit minimum mains voltage compensation current; VPFCCOMP = 1.25 V; VSNSBOOST = 2.5 V; Imvc(SNSMAINS) = 5.25 A 30 37.5 45 s 3 4.5 s 18 20 22 A Mains compensation ton(PFC) PFC on-time maximum mains voltage 1.5 compensation current; VPFCCOMP = 1.25 V; VSNSBOOST = 2.5 V; Imvc(SNSMAINS) = Imvc(max)SNSMAINS Imvc(max)SNSMAINS maximum mains voltage compensation current on pin SNSMAINS PFC on-timer (PFCCOMP pin) Vtonzero(PFCCOMP) zero on-time voltage on pin PFCCOMP 3.40 3.50 3.60 V Vtonmax(PFCCOMP) maximum on-time voltage on pin PFCCOMP 1.18 1.23 1.28 V fsw(PFC)max maximum PFC switching frequency 120 134 148 kHz toff(PFC)min minimum PFC off-time 1.25 1.55 1.85 s Demagnetization sensing (pin SNSAUX) Vdet(demag)SNSAUX demagnetization detection voltage on pin SNSAUX -125 -90 -55 mV tto(demag) demagnetization time-out time 37 44.5 52 s Iprot(SNSAUX) protection current on pin SNSAUX - -40 - nA 1.7 V/s pin SNSAUX = open; VSNSAUX = 50 mV Valley sensing (SNSAUX pin) (V/t)vrec(min) minimum valley recognition voltage change with time - tto(vrec) valley recognition time-out time 3.0 3.8 4.6 s Output current sensing (SNSCUR pin) Vreg(oc) overcurrent regulation voltage dV/dt = 0 0.48 0.50 0.52 V td(swoff)driver driver switch-off delay time pin GATEPFC - 80 - ns tleb leading edge blanking time VSNSCUR = 0.75 V 240 300 360 ns Iprot(SNSCUR) protection current on pin SNSCUR pin SNSCUR = open - -50 - nA 85 100 115 A 0.35 0.40 0.45 V Output voltage protection sensing (pin SNSBOOST) Ipd(SNSBOOST) pull-down current on pin SNSBOOST Vscp(stop) stop short-circuit protection voltage TEA19162T Product data sheet protection active; VSNSBOOST = 1.0 V; All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 23 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Vscp(start) start short-circuit protection voltage 0.45 0.50 0.55 V td(start) start delay time after short-circuit protection removed 3.30 3.62 4.00 ms Ipu(rst)SNSBOOST reset pull-up current on pin SNSBOOST fast latch reset; VSNSBOOST = 1.5 V -245 -210 -175 A Vpu(rst)SNSBOOST reset pull-up voltage on pin SNSBOOST fast latch reset 1.94 2.00 2.06 V Iprot(SNSBOOST) protection current on open pin SNSBOOST pin SNSBOOST = open - 35 - nA Vovp(stop) stop overvoltage protection voltage 2.59 2.63 2.67 V Vovp(start) start overvoltage protection voltage 2.47 2.53 2.59 V Vhys(ovp) overvoltage protection hysteresis voltage on pin SNSBOOST 0.07 0.10 0.13 V Vovp(stop) - Vovp(start) Soft start (pin SNSCUR) tstart(soft) soft start time 3.30 3.62 4.00 ms Vstart(soft)init initial soft start voltage 100 125 155 mV Soft stop (pins SNSBOOST and PFCCOMP) Vdet(L)SNSBOOST LOW-level detection voltage on soft stop pin SNSBOOST 2.74 2.80 2.86 V Vdet(H)SNSBOOST HIGH-level detection voltage on soft stop pin SNSBOOST 3.17 3.23 3.29 V Ich(stop)soft soft stop charge current pin PFCCOMP -36 -32 -28 A td(ovp) overvoltage protection delay time pin SNSBOOST 80 100 120 s 2.0 2.5 3.0 A External and internal overtemperature measurement Ien(NTC) NTC enable current Io(SNSMAINS) output current on pin SNSMAINS -214 -200 -186 A tdet(NTC)max maximum NTC detection time 0.92 1.00 1.08 ms Vdet(SNSMAINS) detection voltage on pin SNSMAINS 1.95 2.00 2.05 V Tpl(IC) IC protection level temperature 130 150 160 C TEA19162T Product data sheet pin SNSMAINS; NTC measurement; mains measurement period; falling slope NTC measurement; ISNSMAINS = -200 A All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 24 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 12 Application information Capacitor CSUPIC filters the IC supply voltage, which must be supplied externally. Sense resistor Rsense converts the current through the MOSFET M1 to a voltage on the SNSCUR pin. The Rsense value determines the maximum primary peak current in MOSFET M1. To limit the current into the SNSCUR pin due to negative voltage spikes across the sense resistor, resistor RSNSCUR is added. To protect the IC from damage during lightning events, resistor Raux is added. Vmains-L Cboost Vboost Vmains-N LLC Rmains resonant converter M1 Raux SNSAUX GATEPFC SNSCUR SNSMAINS PFC RSNSCUR Rsense SUPIC GND CSUPIC SNSBOOST PFCCOMP RSNSBOOST aaa-018105 Figure 13.Application diagram TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 25 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 13 Package outline SO8: plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT96-1 D E A X c y HE v M A Z 5 8 A2 Q A (A 3) A1 pin 1 index Lp 1 L 4 e detail X w M bp 0 2.5 5 mm scale DIMENSIONS (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions) UNIT A max. A1 A2 A3 bp c D (1) E (2) e HE L Lp Q v w y Z (1) mm 1.75 0.25 0.10 1.45 1.25 0.25 0.49 0.36 0.25 0.19 5.0 4.8 4.0 3.8 1.27 6.2 5.8 1.05 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.01 0.019 0.0100 0.20 0.014 0.0075 0.19 0.16 0.15 inches 0.010 0.057 0.069 0.004 0.049 0.05 0.244 0.039 0.028 0.041 0.228 0.016 0.024 0.01 0.01 0.028 0.004 0.012 o 8 o 0 Notes 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 mm (0.006 inch) maximum per side are not included. 2. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm (0.01 inch) maximum per side are not included. REFERENCES OUTLINE VERSION IEC JEDEC SOT96-1 076E03 MS-012 JEITA EUROPEAN PROJECTION ISSUE DATE 99-12-27 03-02-18 Figure 14.Package outline SOT096-1 (SO8) TEA19162T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 26 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 14 Revision history Table 8.Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes TEA19162T v.3 20180507 Product data sheet - TEA19162T v.2.0 Modifications: * * * * TEA19162T v.2 20160413 Modifications: * Text and graphics have been updated throughout the data sheet. TEA19162T v.1 20160310 TEA19162T Product data sheet Section 5, Marking, has been added to the data sheet. Figure 4, Start-up of the PFC and LLC, has been updated. Figure 11, PFC burst mode, has been updated. Section 10, Thermal characteristics, has been updated. Product data sheet Product data sheet - All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 TEA19162T v.1.0 - (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 27 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller 15 Legal information 15.1 Data sheet status Document status [1][2] Product status [3] Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] [2] [3] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions". The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.nxp.com. notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. 15.2 Definitions Draft -- The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet -- A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. Product specification -- The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NXP Semiconductors and its customer, unless NXP Semiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet. 15.3 Disclaimers Limited warranty and liability -- Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. 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Right to make changes -- NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without TEA19162T Product data sheet Suitability for use -- NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer's own risk. Applications -- Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer's sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer's applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer's third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer's applications or products, or the application or use by customer's third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer's applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer's third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect. Limiting values -- Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and conditions of commercial sale -- NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at http://www.nxp.com/profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer's general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 28 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller No offer to sell or license -- Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Export control -- This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. Non-automotive qualified products -- Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of nonautomotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors' warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever TEA19162T Product data sheet customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors' specifications such use shall be solely at customer's own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors' standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors' product specifications. Translations -- A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions. 15.4 Trademarks Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. GreenChip -- is a trademark of NXP B.V. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 May 2018 (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. 29 / 30 TEA19162T/3 NXP Semiconductors PFC controller Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 General description ............................................ 1 Features and benefits .........................................2 Distinctive features ............................................ 2 Green features ...................................................2 Protection features .............................................2 Applications .........................................................2 Ordering information .......................................... 3 Marking .................................................................3 Block diagram ..................................................... 4 Pinning information ............................................ 5 Pinning ............................................................... 5 Pin description ................................................... 5 Functional description ........................................6 General control .................................................. 6 Supply voltage and start-up ...............................6 Protections ......................................................... 8 Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP) ......8 Brownin/brownout and external overtemperature protection ................................9 Soft stop overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) ...............................................9 Overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) ........10 PFC open-loop protection (SNSBOOST pin) ... 10 Overcurrent protection (SNSCUR pin) .............10 Fast latch reset ................................................10 Power factor correction regulation ................... 11 Soft start (SNSCUR pin) ..................................12 ton control ........................................................12 PFC error amplifier (PFCCOMP and SNSBOOST pins) ............................................ 12 Valley switching and demagnetization (SNSAUX pin) ..................................................13 Frequency limitation .........................................13 Mains voltage compensation (SNSMAINS pin) ................................................................... 14 Active X-capacitor discharge ........................... 14 PFC-LLC communication protocol ................... 16 Protections ....................................................... 16 PFC burst mode .............................................. 17 Soft stop .......................................................... 19 Driver (pin GATEPFC) .....................................19 Limiting values .................................................. 20 Thermal characteristics ....................................20 Characteristics .................................................. 21 Application information .................................... 25 Package outline .................................................26 Revision history ................................................ 27 Legal information .............................................. 28 Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'. (c) NXP B.V. 2019. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com Date of release: 7 May 2018 Document identifier: TEA19162T