IBIS5-B-1300 CYII5FM1300AB
Document #: 38-05710 Rev. *F Page 16 of 41
The clock that drives the X-sequencer is a multiple of 4, 8, 16, or
32 times the system clock. Clock ing the X-sequencer at a slower
rate (longer row blanking time; pixel read out speed is always
equal to the SYSTEM_CLO CK) results in more sign al swing for
the same light conditions.
5. Pixel reset knee-point for multiple slope operation (bits 8, 9,
and 10).
In normal (single slope) mode the pixel reset is controlled from
the left side of the image core using the voltage applied on pin
VDDR_LEFT as pixel reset voltage.
In multiple slope o peration, apply one or more variable p ixel
reset voltages.
on chip-generated pixel reset voltage.
Bit KNEE_POINT_ENABLE set to ’1’ switches control to the
right side of the image core so the pixel reset voltage
(VDDR_RIGHT), selected by bits KNEE_POINT_MSB/LSB,
is used.
Use bit KNEE_POINT_ENABLE only for multiple slope oper-
ation in synchronous shutter mode. In rolling shutter mode,
use only the bits KNEE_POINT_MSB/LSB to select the sec-
ond knee-point in dual slope operation. The actual knee-point
depends on VDDH, VDDR_LEFT and VDDC applied to the
6. External Pixel Reset Voltage for Multiple Slope (bit 11)
Setting bit VDDR_RIGHT_EXT to ’1’ di sables the circui t that
generates the variable pixel reset vo ltage and uses the volt-
age externally applied to pin VDDR_RIGHT as the dou-
ble/multiple slope reset voltage.
Setting bit VDDR_RIGHT_EXT to ’0’ allows you to monitor the
variable pixel reset voltage (used for multiple slope operation)
on pin VDDR_RIGHT.
NROF_PIXELS Register (11:0)
After the internal x_sync is generated (start of the pixel readout
of a particular row), the PIXEL_VALID signal goes high. The
PIXEL_VALID signal goes low when the pixel counter reaches
the value loaded in the NROF_PIXEL register. Due to the fact
that two pixels are read at the same clock cycle, you must divide
this number by 2 (NROF_PIXELS = (width of ROI / 2) – 1).
ROF_LINES Register (11:0)
After the internal yl_sync is generated (start of the frame readout
with Y_START), the line counter increases with each Y_CLOCK
pulse until it reaches the value loaded in the NROF_LINES
register and generates a LAST_LINE pulse. It must be noted that
the value loaded in the register must be (Number of lines
required - 1).
INT_TIME Register (11:0)
Use the INT_TIME register to set the integration time of the
electronic shutter. The interpre tatio n of the INT_TIME depends
on the chosen shutter typ e (rolling or synchronous).
1. Synchronous shutter.
After the SS_START pulse is applied an internal counter
counts the number of SS granulated clock cycles until it
reaches the value loaded in the INT_TIME register and gen-
erates a TIME_OUT pulse. Use this TIME_OUT pulse to gen-
erate the SS_STOP pulse to stop the integratio n. When the
INT_TIME register is used, the maximum inte gration time is:
TINT_MAX = 212 * 256 (maximum granularity) * (40 MHZ) – 1
= 26.2 ms.
You can increase this maximum time if you use an external
counter to trigger SS_STOP. Ten is the minimal value that you
can load into th e IN T_TI ME register (see al so “In ternal cl ock
granularities (bits 4, 5, 6 and 7).” on page 15).
2. Rolling shutter.
When the Y_ST AR T pulse is applied (start of the frame read-
out), the sequencer generates the yl_sync pulse for the left
Y-shift register (read out Y-shift register). This loads the left
Y-shift register with the pointer loaded in YL_REG register . At
each Y_CLOCK pulse, the pointer shifts to the next row and
the integration time counter increases until it reaches the val-
ue loaded in the INT_T IME register. At that moment, the se-
quencer generates the yr_sync pulse for the right Y-shift reg-
ister; it loads the right Y-shift register (reset Y-shift register)
with the pointer loa ded in YR_REG registe r (see Figure 16).
The integrat ion time counter is reset when th e sync for the left
Y-shift register, yl_sync is asserted. Both shift registers keep
moving until the next sync is asserted, i.e., the yl_sync for the
left Y-shift register (generated by Y_START) and the yr_sync
for the right Y-shift register (generated when the integration
time coun ter reaches th e INT_TIME value)..
T reg_int Difference between the left and right pointer = value
set in the INT_TIME register (number of lines).
The actual integration time is give n by
Tint Integration time [# lines] = NROF_LINES register
– INT_TIME register.
Tint Integration time [# lines] = NROF_LINES register
– INT_TIME register.
X_REG Register (10:0)
The X_REG register determines the start position of the window
in the X-direction. In this direction, there are 640 possible starting
positions (two pixels are addressed at the same time in one clock
Table 11. X Sequencer Clock G ran ularities
LSB X-Sequencer
Clock Row Blanking
00 4 x SYS_CLOCK 3.5
01 8 x SYS_CLOCK 7
10 16 x SYS_CLOCK 14
11 32 x SYS_CLOCK 28
Table 12. Multiple Slope Register Settin gs
KNEE_POINT Pixel Reset V oltage
(V)VDDR_RIGHT Knee-point
00 0 or 1 VDDR_LEFT 0
01 1 VDDR_LEFT – 0.76 + 0.76
10 1 VDDR_LEFT – 1.52 + 1.52
11 1 VDDR_LEFT – 2.28 + 2.28
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