131072 BY 8-BIT
byte-program command (continued)
Programming can be performed at any address location in any order, resulting in logic 0s being programmed
into the device. Attempting to program a logic 1 into a bit that has been previously programmed to a logic 0
causes the internal pulse counter to exceed the pulse-count limit. This sets the exceed-timing-limit indicator
(DQ5) to a logic-high state. Only an erase operation can change bits from logic 0s to logic 1s. When erased,
all bits become logic 1. Figure 3 shows a flow chart of the typical byte-programming operation.
The status of the device during the automatic programming operation can be monitored for completion using
the data-polling feature or the toggle-bit feature. See the operation-status section for a full description.
chip-erase command
Chip erase is a six-bus-cycle command sequence. The first three bus cycles put the device into the erase-setup
state, and the next two bus cycles unlock the erase mode. The sixth bus cycle loads the chip-erase command.
This command sequence is required to ensure that the memory contents are not erased accidentally . The rising
edge of W starts the chip-erase operation. Any further commands written to the device during the chip-erase
operation are ignored.
The embedded chip-erase function automatically provides voltage and timing needed to program and verify all
the memory cells prior to electrical erase and then erases and verifies the cell margin automatically. The user
is not required to program the memory cells prior to erase. The status of the device during the automatic
chip-erase operation can be monitored for completion using the data-polling feature or the toggle-bit feature.
See the operation status section for a full description. Figure 6 shows a flow chart for the typical chip-erase
sector-erase command
Sector erase is a six-bus-cycle command sequence. The first three bus cycles cause the device to go into the
erase-setup state, and the next two bus cycles unlock the erase mode. The sixth bus cycle loads the
sector-erase command and the sector-address location to be erased. Any address location within the desired
sector can be used. The addresses are latched on the falling edge of W and the sector-erase command (30h)
is latched on the rising edge of W in the sixth bus cycle. After a delay of 80 µs from the rising edge of W, the
sector-erase operation begins on the selected sector(s).
Additional sectors can be selected to be erased concurrently during the sector-erase command sequence. For
each additional sector selected for erase, another bus cycle is issued. The bus cycle loads the next
sector-address location and the sector-erase command. The time between the end of the previous bus cycle
and the start of the next bus cycle must be less than 80 µs—otherwise, the new sector location is not loaded.
A time delay of 80 µs from the rising edge of the last W cycle starts the sector-erase operation. If there is a falling
edge of W within the 80-µs time delay, the timer is reset.
One to eight sector-address locations can be loaded in any order . The state of the delay timer can be monitored
using the sector-erase-delay indicator (DQ3). If DQ3 is logic low, the time delay has not expired. See the
operation-status section for a full description.
Any command other than sector-erase (30h) written to the device during the sector-erase operation causes the
device to exit the sector-erase mode; meanwhile, the contents of the sector(s) selected for erase are no longer
valid. To complete the sector-erase operation, the sector-erase command sequence must be repeated.
The embedded sector-erase function automatically provides needed voltage and timing to program and to verify
all of the memory cells prior to electrical erase and then erases and verifies the cell margin automatically.
Programming the memory cells prior to erase is not required. The status of the device during the automatic
sector-erase operation can be monitored for completion by using the data-polling feature or the toggle-bit
feature. See the operation-status section for a full description. Figure 8 shows a flow chart of the typical
sector-erase operation.