SM3517 / SM3517(B) Semiconductor LED Lamp Features * Green colored diffusion lens type * 3mm(T-1) all plastic mold type * Low power consumption Outline Dimensions unit : STRAIGHT TYPE mm STOPPER TYPE 3.00.2 3.00.2 5.30.2 5.30.2 2.90.2 2.90.2 5.20.5 0.4 23.0MIN 0.4 23.0MIN 1.0MIN 1.0MIN 2.54 NOM 2.54 NOM 1 2 3.80.2 3.60.2 1 2 3.80.2 KLM-3000-000 3.60.2 PIN Connections 1.Anode 2.Cathode 1 SM3517 / SM3517(B) Absolute maximum ratings Characteristic Symbol Ratings Unit Power Dissipation PD 85 mW Forward Current IF 30 mA IFP 50 mA Reverse Voltage VR 4 V Operating Temperature Topr -2585 Storage Temperature Tstg -30100 1 * Peak Forward Current 2 260 for 5 seconds * Soldering Temperature Tsol *1.Duty ratio = 1/16, Pulse width = 0.1ms *2.Keep the distance more than 2.0mm from PCB to the bottom of LED package Electrical Characteristics Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Forward Voltage VF IF= 20mA - 2.2 2.8 V Luminous Intensity IV IF= 20mA 24 75 125 mcd P IR IF= 20mA - 570 - nm IF= 20mA - 30 - nm VR=4V - - 10 uA 1/2 IF= 20mA - 25 - deg Peak Wavelength Spectrum Bandwidth Reverse Current 3 * Half angle *3. Luminous Intensity Maximum tolerance for each Grade Classification limit is 18% *3. Luminous Intensity classification I J K 27~43 43~68 68~100 *4. 1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the peak intensity KLM-3000-000 2 SM3517 / SM3517(B) Characteristic Diagrams Fig. 2 IV - IF Forward Current IF [mA] Luminous Intensity Iv [mcd] Fig. 1 IF - VF Forward Voltage VF [V] Forward Current IF [mA] Fig.4 Spectrum Distribution Forward Relative Intensity [%] Current IF [mA] Fig. 3 IF - Ta Ambient Temperature Ta [] Wavelength [nm] Fig. 5 Radiation Diagram Relative Luminous Intensity Iv [%] KLM-3000-000 3