PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL YS5SE D ES 7110826 0031073 3 GEPHIN BUV26F BUV26AF 7-33-07 SILICON DIFFUSED POWER TRANSISTORS High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistor in a SOT186 envelope with electrically isolated mounting base, intended for use in converters, inverters, switching regulators, motor control systems, etc, QUICK REFERENCE DATA Collector-emitter voltage peak value; VpE = 0 VcESM open base VcEO Coflector-emitter saturation voltage VcEsat Collector current saturation ICsat Dc Ic peak value lem Total power dissipation up to Th = 25 9C Prot max. 18 Ww Fall time; inductive load tf typ. 40 ns MECHANICAL DATA 10,2 max Dimensions in mm Fig. 1 SOT186. 5,7 max|+ =e fale <_ } 33 er Os ~ 47- 2,9 max | | if c 1 t 4,4 7 nh. ~ 1} 79 b : | toa max e 35 4 not tinned _ . ae t 1,5 max! | 138 Pinning: 13 1 = base iL Ilo 2 = collector rfl, 0.9 J 3 = emitter [e/g 0,4. 09} t 07 0,55 max wel i173 Mounting base is electrically 254 isolated from all terminals. > 7295203 j__ September 1988 267V1 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL BUV26F BUV26AF 4SE D Ea 7110826 0031074 5 EAXPHIN T- 33-07 RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Collector-emitter voltage peak value; Vpe =0 open base Collector current saturation DC peak value Base current DC peak value Total power dissipation up to Ty = 25 C Storage temperature range Junction temperature THERMAL RESISTANCE From junction to external heatsink (1) From junction to external heatsink (2) From junction to ambient ISOLATION Isolation voltage from all terminals to external heatsink (peak value) Isolation capacitance from collector to external heatsink Notes VcEsM VcEO I Csat Ic om Ig ipm Prot Tstg Tj Rthj-h Rthj-h Rthj-a Visol Cisol max, max, max, max, max, max, max, max. max, typ. BUV26F | 26AF 14 25 4,0 6,0 18 65 to + 150 150 7,0 4,5 55 1500 12 1. Mounted without heatsink compound and 30 + 5 newtons pressure on centre of envelope, 2. Mounted with heatsink compound and 30 + newtons pressure on centre of envelope. >>> K/W pF 268 September 1988rt PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 4WSE D M@ 71104626 0031075 7? EMPHIN BUV26F L 33-07, BUV26AF Silicon diffused power transistors CHARACTERISTICS Tj = 25 C unless otherwise specified Collector cut-off currents Vce = Vcesmax? VBE = 1,5 V; Tj = 125 C IcEx max. 1,0 mA VcE = VcESmax? VBE = 0; Tj = 125 C Ices max, 3,0 mA Emitter cut-off current Vep=SV;tcg=0 lEBo max. 1,0 mA BUV26F | 26AF Saturation voltages Ic = lesat! Ip = Iesat/10 VcEsat max. 1,5 1,0 V VBEsat max. 2,0 1,5 V lo = 6 A; Ig = Iesqt/20 VCEsat max, 0,6 - V VBEsat max, 1,2 - Vv Ic =5 A; lp = Icgat/20 . VcEsat max, = 0,5 V VBEsat max, - 1,2 V Collector-emitter sustaining voltage (Figs 2 and 3) Ic = 200 mA; Ip = 0; L = 25 mH VcEOsust min. 90 100 V Switching times resistive load (Figs 4 and 5) Ic on = !Csat? IB on = ICsat/10 Turn-on time ton typ. 0,4 BS Turn-off; storage time ts typ. 0,45 us fall time tt typ. 0,12 us Io on = !Csat: 1B off = 2 1B on Turn-on time ton max. 0,6 us Turn-off; storage time ts max. 1,0 BS fall time tf max. 0,25 us Switching times inductive load (Figs 6 and 7} Io on = !Csat? !B on = ICsat/10 Turn-off; storage time ts typ. 0,5 Bs fall time tf typ. 40 ns Turn off; Tj = 125 c storage time ts max. 2,0 US fall time tf max. 150 ns December 1991 269PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 45E D BY 7110826 0031076 9 ESPHIN BUV26F BUV26AF 33-09 +50V 2008 7284328 . 2504 horizontal ae pooccsc cer rr eee oscilloscope mA) 0 vertical 6V 3002 1Q 0 + wow 30-60: 7224186 Veedsust ce Fig. 2 Test circuit for VoEQsust- Vec= 50V ty = 20 us Vim = 6 to+ 4,5 V 901 T The values of Rp and Ry are selected in accordance with I on and Ip requirements, v 9[|_f}- | [te < T>| 7Z89210,1 Fig. 4 Test circuit resistive load. VeL =uptoS0V Veco =30V VeeE =5V La = 0,5 uH Le =200uH 7Z89211.2 Fig.6 Test circuit inductive load. Fig. 3 Oscilloscope display for sustaining voltage. t 72Z77499.5 r ~~] Ae 90% -}-~|-======4- Iaon Ig 10% b= Wa ~ lB off 90% L---|-~= = = 3 !con Ic 10% -- H}--- = > ety | pete t le > t. <t ton >! tore Le Fig. 5 Switching times waveforms with resistive load; tp < 30 ns. t 7Z89212.2 C + 90% ,---_oSS== 4= la on la \ 10% --+ t 3 off 90% -} -- ~~ loon | [<te t ~m] ty let ml top be Fig. 7 Switching times waveforms with inductive load. 270 September 1988PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL Silicon diffused power transistors 103 Ic (A) 102 'cMmax 107! 1072 10-3 10~! i 7294452 BUV26F BUV26A 2 3 107 voeivy 10 | Region of permissible DC operation If Permissible extension for repetitive pulse operation (1) Ptot max and Poeak max lines (2) Second-breakdown limits Fig. 8 Safe operating area at Th < 25 c; mounted with heatsink compound and 30 + 5 newtons pressure on the centre of the envelope. BUV26F BUV26AF USE D ES ?12082b 0031077 O EAPHIN 133.07 )\ September 1988 271PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 4SE D EX 7110826 0031078 e EXPHIN BUV26F BUV26AF J L T- 33-07 7294451 103 Ig (A) 102 10 1 10-1 10-2 BUV26F BUV26AF 1073 1 2 3 10 1 10 10 Vce (VI 10 | Region of permissible DC operation I! Permissible extension for repetitive pulse operation (1) Protmax and Poeak max lines (2) Second-breakdown limits Fig. 9 Safe operating area at Tryp < 25 C; mounted without heatsink compound and 30 + 5 newtons pressure on the centre of the envelope. 272 September 1988PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL USE D Ea 71104eb 0031079 4 EAPHIN Silicon diffused power transistors \- 33-07 BUV26AF 120 7292587 (%) 80 40 0 50 100 + (2c) 150 Fig. 10 Total power dissipation and second-breakdown current derating curve. 100 7Z94446. pe 10 1 0,1 1 10 ig cay 100 Fig. 11 Typical DC current gain (BUV26F); Voge = 5 V; Tj = 25 C, 100 7294448 hee 10 1 0,1 1 10 Ig (A) 100 Fig. 12 Typical DC current gain (BUV26AF); Voge =5 V; Tj = 25 9, September 1988 273PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL HSE D Ea 7110826 0031080 O ESPHIN BUV26F ; T- 33-07] BUV26AF 7294447 1,6 Vcesat (Vv) 0,8 0 0,1 1 10 Ic tA) 100 Fig. 13 Collector-emitter saturation voltage as a function of collector current (BUV26F); Ic/tg = 10. 1,6 7294449 VcEsat (v) 08 0 0,1 1 10 100 Ig tA) Fig. 14 Collector-emitter saturation voltage as a function of collector current (BUV26AF); I[c/Ip = 10. 7294450 1,5 VBE (Vv) 0,5 oO 0,8 1.6 Igtay 4 Fig. 15 Base-emitter voltage as a function of base current; Tj = 25 C, 274 September 1988