Intel® Wireless Flash Memory (W 18)
Appendix B Common Flash Interface (CFI)
108 Preliminary Datasheet
Table 49. Partition Region 1 Information
(1) See table belo w
P = 39h Descri
Bottom To
tional fla sh f eat ures and commands
Len Bot Top
(P+1A)h (P+1A)h Number of identical partitions within t he partition region 2 53: 53:
(P+1B)h (P+1B)h 54: 54:
(P+1C)h (P+1C)h 1 55: 55:
(P+1D)h (P+1D)h 1 56: 56:
(P+1E)h (P+1E)h 1 57: 57:
(P+1F)h (P+1F)h 1 58: 58:
(P+20)h (P+20)h P artition Region 1 Erase Block Type 1 Information 4 59: 59:
(P+21)h (P+21)h bits 0–15 = y, y+1 = number of identi cal-size eras e blocks 5A: 5A:
(P+22)h (P+22)h bits 16–31 = z, region erase block(s) size are z x 256 bytes 5B: 5B:
(P+23)h (P+23)h 5C: 5C:
(P+24)h (P+24)h Partit io n 1 (Eras e Bl oc k Typ e 1) 25D:5D:
(P+25)h (P+25)h Minimum block erase cycles x 1000 5E: 5E:
(P+26)h (P+26)h 1 5F: 5F:
(P+27)h (P+27)h 1 60: 60:
(P+28)h P artition Region 1 Erase Block Type 2 Information 4 61:
(P+29)h bits 0–15 = y, y+1 = number of identical-size eras e blocks 62:
(P+2A)h bits 16–31 = z, region erase block(s) size are z x 256 bytes 63:
(P+2B)h (b ottom param e te r device onl y) 64:
(P+2C)h Partition 1
Erase block T
e 2
(P+2D)h Mini m um block erase cycles x 1000 66:
(P+2E)h 167:
(P+2F)h 168:
Simultaneous program or eras e operati ons allowed in other
partitions while a part i tion in this region is in Program mode
bits 0–3 = num ber of simultaneous Program operations
bits 4–7 = num ber of simultaneous Erase operat ions
Simultaneous program or eras e operati ons allowed in other
partitions while a part i tion in this region is in Erase mode
bits 0–3 = num ber of simultaneous Program operations
bits 4–7 = num ber of simultaneous Erase operat ions
Number of program or erase operations allowed in a partition
bits 0–3 = num ber of simultaneous Program operations
bits 4–7 = num ber of simultaneous Erase operat ions
Partit ion 1 (e r ase bl o ck Type 1) bi ts pe r cell; int e r nal EC C
bits 0–3 = bits per cell in eras e region
bit 4 = reserved for “i nte rnal E CC used” (1=yes, 0=no)
bits 5–7 = reserve for future use
Partition 1 (erase block Type 1) page mode and synchronous
mode capabilities defined i n Table 10.
bit 0 = p age-mode host reads per mi t te d (1=ye s, 0=no)
bit 1 = synchronous host reads perm itt ed (1=yes, 0=no)
bit 2 = synchronous host writes permi t ted (1=yes, 0=no)
bits 3–7 = reserved for future use
Pa r t it ion 1 (E r ase block Ty pe 2) b its p er c ell
bits 0–3 = bits per cell in eras e region
bit 4 = reserved for “i nte rnal E CC used” (1=yes, 0=no)
bits 5–7 = reserve for future use
Partition 1 (Erase block Type 2) pagemode and synchronous
mode capabilities defined i n Table 10
bit 0 = p age-mode host reads per mi t te d (1=ye s, 0=no)
bit 1 = synchronous host reads perm itt ed (1=yes, 0=no)
bit 2 = synchronous host writes permi t ted (1=yes, 0=no)
bits 3–7 = reserved for future use
Types of erase block regions in this Partition Region.
x = 0 = no erase blocking; the Partition Region erases in bulk
x = number of erase bl ock regions w/ contiguous same-size
eras e blocks. Symm etrically blocked parti tions have one
blocking region. Partition size = (Type 1 blocks)x(Type 1
block sizes) + (Type 2 blocks)x ( Type 2 blo ck sizes) +…+
(Type n blocks)x(Type n bl ock sizes)