All the following values were derived using nominal
operating conditions using the recommended timing. Unless
otherwise stated, readout time = 40 ms, integration time =
40 ms and sensor temperature = 40°C. Correlated double
sampling of the output is assumed and recommended. Many
units are expressed in electrons, to convert to voltage,
multiply by the amplifier sensitivity.
Defects are excluded from the following tests and the
signal output is referenced to the dark pixels at the end of
each line unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Symbol Min. Nom. Max. Unit
Optical Fill Factor F − 55.0 − %
Saturation Exposure (Note 1) ESAT − 0.046 − mJ/cm2
Red Peak Quantum Efficiency l = 620 nm (Note 2) QER− 25 − %
Green Peak Quantum Efficiency l = 530 nm (Note 2) QEG− 26 − %
Blue Peak Quantum Efficiency l = 460 nm (Note 2) QEB− 32 − %
Green Photoresponse Shading (Note 4) RGS − 6 − %
Photoresponse Non-Uniformity (Note 3) PRNU − 5.0 − p-p %
Photoresponse Non-Linearity PRNL − 5.0 − %
Amplifier Sensitivity DV/DN− 11.5 − mV/e−
1. For l = 530 nm wavelength, and VSAT = 350 mV.
2. Refer to typical values from Figure 5.
3. Under uniform illumination with output signal equal to 280 mV.
4. This is the global variation in chip output for green pixels across the entire chip.
5. It is recommended to use low-pass filter with lCUT-OFF at ~ 680 nm for high performance.
Parameter Symbol Min. Nom. Max. Unit
Optical Fill Factor F − 55.0 − %
Saturation Exposure (Note 1) ESAT − 0.037 − mJ/cm2
Peak Quantum Efficiency (Note 2) QE − 36 − %
Photoresponse Non-Uniformity (Note 3) PRNU − 5.0 − p-p %
Photoresponse Non-Linearity PRNL − 5.0 − %
1. For l = 550 nm wavelength, and VSAT = 350 mV.
2. Refer to typical values from Figure 6.
3. Under uniform illumination with output signal equal to 280 mV.
Parameter Symbol Min. Nom. Max. Unit
Output Saturation Voltage (Notes 1, 2, 8) VSAT − 350 − mV
Dark Current ID− − 0.5 nA
Dark Current Doubling Temperature DCDT 7 8 10 °C
Charge Transfer Efficiency (Notes 2, 3) CTE − 0.99999 −
Horizontal CCD Frequency (Note 4) fH− − 30 MHz
Image Lag (Note 5) IL − − 100 e−
Blooming Margin (Notes 6, 8) XAB − 100 −
Vertical Smear (Note 7) Smr − 0.01 − %
1. VSAT is the green pixel mean value at saturation as measured at the output of the device with XAB = 1. VSAT can be varied by adjusting VSUB.
2. Measured at sensor output.
3. With stray output load capacitance of CL = 10 pF between the output and AC ground.
4. Using maximum CCD frequency and/or minimum CCD transfer times may compromise performance.
5. This is the first field decay lag measured by strobe illuminating the device at (HSAT,VSAT), and by then measuring the subsequent frame’s
average pixel output in the dark.
6. XAB represents the increase above the saturation-irradiance level (HSAT) that the device can be exposed to before blooming of the vertical
shift register will occur. It should also be noted that VOUT rises above VSAT for irradiance levels above HSAT, as shown in Figure 8.
7. Measured under 10% (~100 lines) image height illumination with white light source and without electronic shutter operation and below V SAT.
8. It should be noted that there is tradeoff between XAB and VSAT.