GORE Microwave/RF Assemblies have proven performance
in major commercial, military, and space programs for over 30
years. These assemblies are small, exible, and offer the security
of proven reliability. They are easy to handle, allow a variety of
interconnect options, facilitate routing, permit easy servicing, and
are extremely robust. That’s why Gore is the preferred choice of
major original equipment manufacturers when high performance
and high reliability are needed.
Cost Effective Flexibility
A single, exible GORE Microwave Assembly can replace several
semi-rigid assemblies of equal or shorter lengths. This means
fewer designs and no costly 3-D drawings or bending machines
are required. Installation time is reduced with “user friendly”
exibility while risk of damage during installation is virtually
eliminated. Risk-free, quick installation makes these cables cost
High Reliability Equals Long-Term Savings
GORE Microwave Cable Assemblies are manufactured to
the same high standards that differentiate all Gore products
worldwide. These assemblies offer proven solutions for low-
loss, high-density, wide-bandwidth interconnect needs. Gore’s
manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 certied.
Gore’s reliability reduces downtime, increases installation
efciency, and decreases troubleshooting requirements due
to interconnect failure. A wide variety of standard cable and
connector options are available to satisfy the interconnect needs
of most RF applications from DC to 65 GHz.
Typical Applications:
ATE Systems
Evaluation Test Boards
Antenna Arrays
Backplane Interconnects
Beam Forming Networks
Clock Distribution
General Test Networks
LMDS Systems
OC192/OC768 Standard Interconnects
DWDM Systems
Features and Benets
Features Benets
Various standard connector
options (push-on/blindmate
and threaded)
Simple, reliable, proven
solutions for most applications
Broad frequency range
(DC to 65 GHz)
Single cable solution
Consistent products Reliable performance
Flexible Ease of installation
Low loss Longer distance, higher
Consistent frequency
Low group delay
Small bend radius Ease of routing in tight spaces
Shielding effectiveness
greater than 90 dB/ft
Low crosstalk/noise pickup
Small diameter cables
(as small as 0.047” nominal)
Higher density options
Reliably maximize exibility and performance
GORE Microwave/RF
Advantages of Flexibility
GORE Microwave Cable Assemblies are exible, yet durable
enough to withstand the rigors of installation. With an inherently
exible cable design, installation time is greatly reduced.
GORE Microwave Cables are more practical than semi-rigid
cables. Semi-rigid cables can be formed, but are not exible.
Manufacturers of semi-rigid cables typically recommend
limitations on the number of rebends. While semi-rigid cables
offer good stability, their mechanical properties make the cable
impractical or difcult to use for many applications. In the end,
the manufacturer’s recommendations are usually ignored at
installation, stability is degraded, and service life is greatly
GORE Microwave Cables outperform other exible cables.
Traditionally-designed exible cables require a large bend radius
to yield acceptable stability. The large bend radius and overall
cable stiffness make them difcult to use especially in small or
lightweight devices. When the cable is forced into a smaller bend
radius, performance degrades appreciably, service life is greatly
shortened, and devices may be damaged.
GORE Microwave Cable Assemblies provide all the benets of
exibility without sacricing performance. Fewer designs and no
costly 3-D drawings make installation cost effective.
Advantages of Tape-Wrapped ePTFE
Gore originated the use of microporous expanded polytetra-
uoroethylene (ePTFE) for microwave cables. Through our deep
scientic understanding of uoropolymers, the variability of
the ePTFE dielectric is reduced so our cables provide consistent
performance. Our tape wrapping process and quality control
eliminates concentricity concerns and ensures constant impedance
through the assembly.
Gore's ePTFE insulation with a low dielectric constant of 1.4
Lower relative losses
Higher velocity of propagation (85% speed of light)
Lower capacitive loading
Higher cutoff frequencies (DC to 65 GHz)
Advantages of Helically-Wrapped Foil Shielding
Other traditionally-designed assemblies, such as RG-type, semi-
rigid, or solder-dipped round wire braid constructions, have some
pitfalls. For many years, RG-type cables served the industry as a
viable low-cost interconnect option. As modules become smaller
and more densely packed and frequencies continue to increase,
shielding effectiveness becomes more critical. RG constructions
rely on round wire braid as an outer conductor. At only 1 GHz, a
single braid layer can obtain shielding effectiveness of 40 dB.
Additional layers may provide better shielding but the cable
becomes increasingly more difcult to terminate and bend and
still permits signicant energy leakage at higher frequencies.
Semi-rigid constructions theoretically offer better shielding
effectiveness, but any benets are offset by the difculties
encountered during installation. To t in a 3-D setting or route
through a panel or deck, pre-bent assemblies often need to
be partially unbent. Tie-downs are necessary on longer runs to
prevent vibration stress and insulating sleeving may be required
to prevent shorting out exposed circuitry. During alignment,
connectors can be subjected to high stress resulting in poor
mating or damage.
Interconnect solutions include GORE RF Jumper Cable Assemblies and
High-Density Assemblies
Helically-wrapped foil is used as an outer conductor on all GORE
Microwave Coaxial Assemblies and provides consistent shielding
effectiveness even when exed. The helically-wrapped foil “gives”
when the cable is exed, thus avoiding the potentially damaging
translation of differential stresses that occur in semi-rigid and
solder-dipped round wire braid constructions. This exibility
minimizes the risk of failure at the connector termination point.
shielding Effectiveness
Test method MIL-STD-1344, Method 3008
The graph shows the typical shielding performance for four dierent coax
cable types. Each type diers only in the construction of the cable’s outer
shield. As shown, a GORE™ Microwave Cable provides signicantly better
shielding than braiding or aluminized mylar approaches because of the
helically-wrapped foil outer shield.
GORE Microwave Cables provide a minimum of 90 dB/ft of
shielding effectiveness across the entire microwave frequency
range through 18 GHz and beyond; by eliminating any openings
for leakage in the cable, assembly shielding effectiveness is
limited only by connector selection and not by the cable.
Digital vs. Microwave
As data rates in sophisticated digital equipment increase, the
worlds of microwave and digital system designers are coming
together. Traditional twisted pair, twin-ax, or tri-axial solutions
cannot support the higher data rates so designers are turning to
RF solutions.
A simple digital on-off keying, a 0-1-0 square wave sequence, can
be modeled as a series of discrete sinusoidal frequencies. These
frequencies are related to pulsewidth and rise and fall times of
the digital signal. Consequently, there is a relationship between
the pulses in the time domain and their resulting spectra in
frequency domain.
The shortest pulse in a data stream is a bit, which represents
one-half of the period of a sine wave when only considering the
fundamental frequency. A full period correlates to half a clock rate
or a full clock rate, depending on the system. From this it can be
stated that the highest sine wave frequency in gigahertz equals
half the data rate in gigabits per second. Lower frequencies will
exist representing the longer bits.
Some bandwidth-limited systems operate in just this fashion. If
greater precision is required, more frequencies are added to the
basic sine wave. A rectangular pulse can be shown to consist of
a series of harmonics of the fundamental. These harmonics add
denition to the rise and fall times of each pulse beyond the
base half-sine wave. Adding just the third harmonic improves the
waveform shape and is generally more than adequate to achieve
the desired power or voltage transmission necessary for accurate
receiver triggering.
GORE Microwave Cables are well-suited for digital signal
transmission. The signal’s velocity of propagation remains
constant over a wide range of frequencies because of the
consistency of the cable dielectric. The series of harmonics
dening the square wave can be transmitted over the cable with
minimum distortion.
GORE Microwave Cables offer:
Lower relative loss for cleaner eye patterns
Low VSWR minimizing reections
Consistent response with frequency for lower group delay
Gore offers standard, reliable assembly solutions from DC through
65 GHz. Various standard push-on/blindmate and threaded
connector options are available to mate with virtually any system.
As the necessity for increased frequency and bandwidth drive
your application needs, Gore’s interconnects provide solutions.
In addition to standard interconnects, Gore offers precision test
assemblies and adapters to meet all of your high data rate digital
and microwave needs.
If you need other congurations, please contact Gore to discuss
your requirements.
GORE RF Jumper Assemblies
GORE RF Jumper Assemblies provide a reliable solution for
microwave interconnect needs and offer several advantages.
High density packages require a robust user-friendly microwave
interconnect with consistent performance. GORE RF Jumper
Assemblies are designed utilizing world class engineering and
manufacturing techniques to provide cost effective solutions for
device internal applications. GORE RF Jumper Assemblies use
low prole SMA pins on both ends for compatibility with most
standard systems. The SMA pin connector mates with SMA,
3.5 mm, and 2.92 mm socket connectors.
Features and Benets
Features Benets
Extremely exible cable Ease of installation
Small bend radius Ease of routing
Low springback Ease of installation
Low connector prole Fits easier in tight areas
Shielding effectiveness
greater than 90 dB/ft
Low crosstalk and noise pickup
Consistent connector
Stable connector interface
Built using statistical process
Constant cable-to-cable
SMA-to-SMA conguration Compatible with most devices
High exibility allows shock and vibration to be absorbed and not
transferred. This exible design plus an engineered strain relief
make GORE RF Jumper Assemblies a highly reliable interconnect
GORE RF Jumper Assemblies are available in a variety of lengths
Maximum Insertion Loss (dB)
O.D. Freq. (GHz) 6 in (152.4 mm) 12 in (304.8 mm) 24 in (609.6 mm) 36 in (914.4 mm)
0.145 in
(3.7 mm)
2 0.23 0.33 0.51 0.70
40.28 0.41 0.67 0.93
8 0.38 0.57 0.95 1.33
12 0.47 0.70 1.17 1.64
18 0.59 0.89 1.47 2.05
0.195 in
(4.9 mm)
2 0.19 0.25 0.38 0.50
40.23 0.31 0.48 0.65
8 0.31 0.43 0.68 0.92
12 0.39 0.54 0.84 1.15
18 0.49 0.68 1.06 1.44
The small bend radius makes these assemblies easier to route
in tight spaces and a cable bend radius as small as 0.40 in (10.2
mm) is achieved with no degradation in electrical performance.
Unlike stiff semi-rigid cables, GORE RF Jumper Assemblies allow
connection/disconnection at one end enabling access to system
components; this makes them ideal for sytems with multiple
assemblies and limited space.
High Performance with Low Hassle
Gore's proven shielding techniques provide superior noise
immunity of greater than 90 dB at 18 GHz. The high-performance
ePTFE dielectric provides low attenuation. Typical attenuation at
18 GHz is less than 0.35 dB/ft for 195 cable and 0.52 dB/ft for
145 cable.
Low Prole Connectors Fit Tight
Packaging Constraints
Gore's low prole SMA connectors reduce stress at the cable/
connector junction where most failures occur and, with a cable
bend radius as small as 0.40 in (10.2 mm), are easy to install in
tight areas.
Unique Captivation in a Standard SMA
GORE RF Jumper Assemblies utilize SMA pin connectors for
compatibility with most systems. Engineered contact captivation
features and materials that keep the pin and insulator tolerance
in specication enhance connector performance, even in
demanding environments.
These designs survive temperature cycling from -55°C to 125°C
and can be exed without any movement at the interface.
GORE RF Jumper Assembly Quality Guarantee
Utilizing the latest Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques,
Gore guarantees the stated physical and electrical performance
specications of each GORE RF Jumper Assembly.
Selecting a Part Number
GORE RF Jumper Assembly part numbers consist of seven
numeric characters. The grouping of these characters has a
specic meaning (see illustration below). Follow these guidelines
to determine the part number:
1. Characters 1-3 dene the desired cable diameter. To select
the 0.195” (4.9 mm) O.D. cable, use 195 as the rst three
characters. To select the 0.145” (3.7 mm) O.D. cable, use 145
as the rst three characters.
2. Characters 4-6 dene the cable assembly length in inches.
Lengths which require only one or two digits (e.g., 6 or 24 in)
should be preceded by zeros in the unused positions (e.g.,
006, 024).
Character 7 is used to further dene lengths which are not
whole-inch increments (e.g., 24.5 in). If the length is a whole-
inch increment, Character 7 should be zero.
Example: For a 7.5” assembly using 0.195” diameter cable, the
Gore part number is 195-007.5
123 456 7
Cable Type Assembly Length
in Inches
Cable Specications
Cable Type 145 Cable Type 195
Outer Diameter (nom.) 0.145 in (3.7 mm) 0.195 in (4.9 mm)
Connectors SMA Pin SMA Pin
Connector Interface Per MIL-C-39012 Per MIL-C-39012
Temperature Range -55°C to 125°C -55°C to 125°C
Cable MIL Spec Per MIL-C-17 Per MIL-C-17
Weight 11 g/ft (36.3 g/m) 16 g/ft (52.8 g/m)
Single Bend Radius 0.40 in (10.2 mm) 0.50 in (12.7 mm)
Frequency Range DC to 18 GHz DC to 18 GHz
VSWR < 1.35:1 up to 18 GHz < 1.35:1 up to 18 GHz
Shielding > 90 dB up to 18 GHz > 90 dB up to 18 GHz
Impedance 50 Ohm ±1 Ohm 50 Ohm ±1 Ohm
Vp 85% 85%
Center Conductor (SPC) Solid Solid
High-Density, High-Frequency Flexible
Microwave Coaxial Assemblies
Gore's exible microwave coaxial assemblies stretch the
performance barriers of high-density interconnects. The
combination of low dielectric constant materials, small diameter,
and minimum bend radius allows more signal lines per area
while delivering more consistent electrical performance than
comparable congurations. Gore puts density, exibility,
and reliable electrical performance in a single easy-to-install
Features and Benets
Features Benets
Small diameter cables
(0.047” and up)
High density packaging
Small bend radius Avoids costly right-angle
Shielding effectiveness
> 90 dB/ft through 18 GHz
Low crosstalk and noise pickup
Flexible Ease of installation
Low springback Ease of installation
Broad frequency range
(DC to 65 GHz)
Single cable solution
Phase/time delay matching
Minimizes skew and timing
Semi-Rigid Replacement
Gore’s high-density microwave assemblies are an excellent
alternative to stiff semi-rigid assemblies. Because semi-rigid
assemblies are difcult to install and repair in tight spaces, costly
conguration drawings and precision pre-bending are often
required. For longer runs of semi-rigid, cable clamps are necessary
to prevent vibration stress but with the low mass and high
exibility of GORE Microwave Assemblies, there is usually no need
for vibration proong.
Shielding Effectiveness
With helically-wrapped foil shields and proven termination
methods, these assemblies provide shielding effectiveness in
excess of 90 dB/ft through 18 GHz (using the stirred mode method
per MIL-STD-1344, Method 3008).
Cable Selection
Cable selection is always a compromise between loss, size,
and frequency requirements. For instance, a larger cable size
will result in lower attenuation, but it will also mode at a lower
High-density cable assemblies are available with a variety of connector
options for frequencies ranging from DC to 65 GHz
frequency. Gore’s cable construction provides the best balance of
all three characteristics due to the benets of our low dielectric
constant ePTFE.
Since actual assembly performance is limited by cable
manufacturing techniques, connector designs, and assembly
techniques, GORE Microwave Assemblies include standard
connectors specically designed to complement the performance
of our cables and our manufacturing processes, minimizing
losses and reections.
Maximum Theoretical Frequency1
20 30 40 50 60 70
1Based on TE11 mode frequency.
@40 GHz
1.40 dB
1.83 dB
2.22 dB
2.79 dB
Frequency (GHz)
Connector Options
Gore offers a variety of threaded and blindmate/push-on
connectors including: SMA, 2.92 mm (K style), 2.4 mm, 1.85 mm
(V style), SMP, and SMPM. Standard assemblies are available with
performance through 65 GHz.
Matching Options
Matched electrical characteristics are generally specied by:
Phase or time delay matching
Insertion loss (amplitude) matching
With extensive engineering and test resources, Gore has state-of-
the-art capability for providing assemblies (or sets of assemblies)
with matching electrical characteristics.
“Absolute” Matched Assemblies
“Absolute” matched assemblies (and sets) have electrical
parameters which are set to a specied value, with dened
tolerances. Every assembly must meet the specied criteria.
This type of specication ensures the availability of individual
spares at a later date. For this reason, “absolute” matched
assemblies are sometimes referred to as “innite” matched.
“Relative” Matched Assembly Sets
“Relative” matched sets differ from “absolute” matched sets in
that only relative, not absolute, electrical values are specied.
Each assembly in a particular delivered set is within a certain
tolerance with respect to any other assembly in that set. However,
there is no guarantee that one set will match a second set.
Generally, it is easier to obtain a closer match within relative sets
than is possible with an absolute standard.
Differential Signal Transmission Time
Delay Matching
An individual cable assembly can be purchased which meets
specied values. Sets of assemblies can consist of individually
absolute matched units or relatively matched sets at the time of
Input Output
Line 1
Line 2
Cable pairs used in parallel data transmission. Gore is capable
of minimizing skew through time delay matching to better than
< 1 picosecond.
Typical Insertion Loss
O.D.2 in.
Weight2 g/ft
Bend Radius3
in. (mm)
Insertion Loss Formula1
IL (dB) = A + B • ƒ + C • sqrt(ƒ) + L[D + E • ƒ + F•sqrt(ƒ)]
4L 0.047 (1.2) 1.7 (5.6) 0.125 (3.2) 0.02000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00184 0.35150 18
53 0.070 (1.8) 3.5 (11.6) 0.25 (6.4) 0.02000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00339 0.24680 18
89 0.085 (2.2) 4.0 (13.2) 0.25 (6.4) 0.02000 0.00400 0.01000 -0.00251 0.00412 0.18925 18
G4 0.120 (3.1) 9.0 (29.7) 0.30 (7.6) 0.02314 0.00904 -0.01663 0.00353 0.00270 0.13664 18
54 0.070 (1.8) 3.5 (11.6) 0.25 (6.4) 0.02000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00339 0.24680 40
55 0.070 (1.8) 3.5 (11.6) 0.25 (6.4) 0.02000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00339 0.24680 65
1 f=frequency in GHz; L=assembly length in feet
For non-straight connectors, add the following lengths per connector for calculation only: 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) for 4L, 53, 89, 54, 55 cable; 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) for G4 cable.
Contact Gore for maximum insertion loss for assemblies smaller than 12 in. (304.8 mm).
2 All dimensions and properties are for PFA-jacketed constructions with solid silver-plated copper center conductors.
3 Minimum bend radius is for a single bend. For information about minimum bend radius for multiple bends, please contact Gore.
For tighter specications or higher frequency needs, please contact Gore.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
North America
1 (800) 445-GORE (4673)
+49 9144 6010
+44 1382 561511
1 (302) 292-5100
China: Beijing
+86 10 6408 8060
China: Shanghai
+86 21 6247 1999
China: Shenzhen
+86 755 8359 8262 More international phone
numbers can be found at
+81 3 3570 8712
+82 2 393-3411
+886 2 8771 7799
+65 6 733 2882
JK060719-01 Rev. 04-22-09
GORE and designs are trademarks of W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. ©2009 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
GPO and GPPO are trademarks of Gilbert Engineering. OSP is a trademark of Tyco Electronics/M/A-Com.
MMCX and MCX are trademarks of Huber and Suhner. MSSS is a trademark of Micro-Made Products.
Cable Types
Connector Type
Max Freq.
18 GHz
18 GHz
18 GHz
18 GHz
40 GHz
65 GHz
MMCXStraight Pin 6 ZH3
MCXStraight Pin 6ZK2
SMP2Straight Pin - Full Detent 18/401ZS5 ZS5 ZS5 ZS5 ZS5
SMP2Straight Pin - Smooth Bore 18/401ZLH ZLH ZLH ZLH ZLH
SMP2Straight Socket 18/401ZEM ZEM ZEM ZEM ZEM ZEM
SMP2Right-Angle Socket 20 ZF6 ZF6 ZF6 ZF6 ZF6
SMPM2Straight Socket 18/651ZST ZST ZST ZST
SMPM2Straight Pin 18/651ZNQ ZNQ ZNQ ZNQ
MSSSStraight Pin 20 ZMS
MSSSStraight Pin - Limited Detent 22 ZNF
MSSSStraight Pin - Full Detent 22 ZNH
MSSSStraight Socket 20 ZMM ZNG
BMA (OSP)Straight D-Mount Socket 18 Z79 Z79
#12 Pin Contact 18 ZG6 ZG6
#12 Socket Contact 18 ZG5 ZG5
SMA Straight Pin 18/26.51S01 S01 S01 S01 S01 S01
SMA Straight Socket 18 S02 S02
SMA Right-Angle Pin 18 R71 R71
SMA D-Mount Socket 18 R42 R42
SSMA Straight Pin 18 301
2.92 mm (K) Straight Pin 40 0CX 0CX
2.4 mm Straight Pin 50 0CY
1.85 mm (V) Straight Pin 65 0CZ
• Gore also supports: TNC, 7-16, Precision N, 7 mm, and 3.5 mm. Contact Gore for other congurations or higher frequency needs.
• Gore also offers additional blindmate solutions.
1 Maximum assembly frequency depends on cable and component selection. Please specify requirements when ordering.
2 SMP and SMPM connectors are compatible and intermateable with GPO™ and GPPO™ connectors, respectively.
Selecting A Part Number
Gore part numbers consist of 12 alphanumeric characters.
The grouping of these characters has a specic meaning (see
illustration below). Follow these guidelines to determine the part
1. Select the cable type. Characters 1 and 2 dene the cable type.
2. Select the connectors to use on both ends (refer to the
Connector Options table below).
Characters 3-5 dene connector “A” used on one end of the
assembly. Characters 6-8 dene connector “B” used on the
second end of the assembly.
3. Select the length of the cable assembly. Characters 9-11
dene the assembly length in inches. Lengths which require
only one or two digits (e.g., 6 or 24 inches) should be
preceded by zeros in the unused positions (e.g., 006, 024).
Character 12 is used to further dene lengths which are not
whole-inch increments (e.g., 24.5 inches). If the length is a
whole-inch increment, Character 12 should be zero.
6 7 8 9 1011 12
1 2
Assembly Length
in Inches
Connector Options
Threaded Coupling Blindmate/Push-On
GORE Microwave/RF Assemblies
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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G3Q01Q01012.0 G7D01D02024.0 G4S01S01048.0 G6C01C71060.0 G2Q01Q01012.0 G2D01D01036.0
G3Q01Q01024.0 G2D01D01012.0 4YR01R71024.0 G6Q01Q01060.0 G6Q01Q01012.0 4YR01R71036.0
G5R01R71012.0 G2D01D01048.0 G4S01S01024.0 G6C01C01036.0 G5Q01Q01060.0 G5N01N01060.0
G1R01R01012.0 G2R01R71048.0 G2R01R01060.0 G5B01B01048.0 G5D01D01024.0 G9D01D02048.0
4YR01R71060.0 G5D01D01036.0 4Y0CK0CQ036.0 4Y0CPZQA036.0 G3C01C01036.0 G2R01R71012.0
4Y0CK0CQ048.0 G4R01R01048.0 G6C01C01060.0 4Y0CPZQA048.0 G7D01D02060.0 G3Q01Q01060.0
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4Y0CK0CQ060.0 G6Q01Q01036.0 G5N01N01036.0 4Y0CQ0CQ060.0 G6R01R01012.0 4Y0CPZQA060.0
G6C01C71048.0 4Y0CQZQA048.0 G5B01B01060.0 G3Q01Q01036.0 G2R01R71036.0 G3C01C01060.0
G4R01R01024.0 4Y0CJ0CQ024.0 G3R01R01060.0 4Y0CQ0CQ036.0 G5D01D01012.0 4Y0CK0CQ024.0
G5Q01Q01012.0 4Y0CP0CQ012.0 G9D01D01048.0 4YR01R71048.0 G6R01R01024.0 G9D01D11024.0
G1R01R01036.0 G9D01D01060.0 G6R01R71012.0 4Y0CQZQA060.0 4YR01R71012.0 G5R01R71036.0
G9D01D02060.0 G9D01D02012.0 4Y0CPZQA012.0 G7D01D01036.0 4Y0CQZQA024.0 G2Q01Q01036.0
G1R01R01024.0 G7D01D01012.0 G3R01R01024.0 4Y0CJ0CQ048.0 4Y0CQ0CQ012.0 G2Q01Q01060.0
G9D01D11060.0 G5D01D01060.0 G1R01R01060.0 G9D01D02024.0 4Y0CJ0CQ012.0 4Y0CP0CQ036.0
G9D01D02036.0 4Y0CJ0CQ036.0 G1R01R01048.0 G5N01N01048.0 4YR01R01024.0 G9D01D11036.0
G3C01C01012.0 G4S01S01036.0 G4S01S01012.0 G3R01R01012.0