Bridge Diode Single In-line Package OUTLINE D15XB Unit : mm Weight : 7.1g typ. Package5S 800V 15A ControlNo. TypeNo. * SIP * UL E142422 * * IFSM * 4.6 Datecode 30 D15XB 60 0264 20 - + - Feature * * * * * 17.5 Thin-SIP UL E142422 Large Io High VoltageLarge IFSM High Thermal Radiation Web For details of outline dimensions, refer to our web site or the Semiconductor Short Form Catalog. As for the marking, refer to the specification "Marking, Terminal Connection". RATINGS RATINGS Absolute Maximum RatingsTc = 25unlessotherwisespecified Item Storage Temperature Operation Junction Temperature Maximum Reverse Voltage Average Rectified Forward Current Peak Surge Forward Current Current Squared Time Dielectric Strength Mounting Torque Symbol Conditions TypeNo. D15XB60 D15XB80 Unit Tstg -40150 Tj 150 VRM 600 Tc = 100 50Hz With heatsink IO 50Hz sine wave, Resistance load Ta = 25 Without heatsink 50HzTj = 25 IFSM 50Hz sine wave, Non-repetitive 1cycle peak value, Tj=25 1mst10msTj=25 I2t per diode AC Vdis Terminals to Case, AC 1 minute 0.5Nm TOR Recommended torque : 0.5 Nm 800 15 V A 3.2 200 A 110 A2s 2.5 kV 0.8 Nm Electrical CharacteristicsTc = 25unlessotherwisespecified Forward Voltage Reverse Current IF=7.5A, IR VR=VRM, , Pulse measurement, per diode Junction to Case, With heatsink Junction to Lead, Without heatsink Junction to Ambient, Without heatsink jc Thermal Resistance jl ja 98 J534-1 , Pulse measurement, per diode VF 1.1 V 10 A 1.5 MAX MAX MAX MAX 5 22 MAX /W Thin SIP UL Bridge D15XB CHARACTERISTIC DIAGRAMS Sine wave 50Hz 50Hz sine wave is used for measurements. Typical Semiconductor products generally have characterristic variation. Typical is a statistical average of the device's ability. J534-1 99 1. 2. OA AV / 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Notes 1. Ifyouwishtouseanysuchproduct,pleasebesuretorefertothespecificationsissuedbyShindengen. 2. All products described or contained herein are designed with a quality level intended for use in standard applicationsrequiringanordinarylevelofreliability.Iftheseproductsaretobeusedinequipmentordevices forspecialorspecificapplicationsrequiringanextremelyhighgradeofqualityorreliabilityinwhichfailuresor malfunctionsofproductsmaydirectlyaffecthumanlifeorhealth,alocalShindengenofficemustbecontacted inadvancetoconfirmthattheintendeduseoftheproductisappropriate.Shindengenproductsaregrouped intothefollowingthreeapplicationsaccordingthequalitygrade. Standardapplications Computers, office automation and other office equipment, communication terminals, test and measurement equipment, audio/visual equipment, amusement equipment, consumer electronics, machinetools,personalelectronicequipment,industrialequipment,etc. Specialapplications Transportation equipment (vehicles, ships, etc.), trunk-line communication equipment, traffic signal controlsystems,anti-disaster/crimesystems,safetyequipment,medicalequipment,etc. Specificapplications Nuclear reactor control systems, aircraft, aerospace equipment, submarine repeaters, life support equipmentandsystems,etc. 3. AlthoughShindengencontinuouslyendeavorstoenhancethequalityandreliabilityofitsproducts,customers areadvisedtoconsiderandtakesafetymeasuresintheirdesign,suchasredundancy,firecontainmentand anti-failure,sothatpersonalinjury,fires,orsocietaldamagescanbeprevented. 4. Please note that all information described or contained herein is subjectto change without notice dueto product upgrades and other reasons. When buying Shindengen products, please contact the Companys officesordistributorstoobtainthelatestinformation. 5. Shindengenshallnotbearanyresponsibilitywithregardstodamagesorinfringementofanythird-partypatent rightsandotherintellectualpropertyrightsincurredduetotheuseofinformationonthiswebsite. 6. TheinformationandmaterialsonthiswebsiteneitherwarranttheuseofShindengen'soranythirdpartys patentrightsandotherintellectualpropertyrights,norgrantlicensetosuchrights. 7. Intheeventthatanyproductdescribedorcontainedhereinfallsunderthecategoryofstrategicproducts controlledundertheForeignExchangeandForeignTradeControlLawofJapan,exportingofsuchproducts shallrequireanexportlicensefromtheJapanesegovernmentinaccordancewiththeabovelaw. 8. Noreprintingorreproductionofthematerialsonthiswebsite,eitherinwholeorinpart,ispermittedwithout properauthorizationfromShindengen.