ELECTRO-OPT ICAL CHARACTERIST ICS @ 25°C (See also curves, pages 32 & 33)
1. The dark cu rrent is measured with the part totally sh ielded from ambient light. With 21 50 lux (200 from a cool white
fluorescent lamp falling on the part, the typical dark current will be 3 µA f or VTL11DH devices. Equivalent light from an
incandescent lamp will result in significantly greater currents.
2. Th e apertur es us ed for these sl otted switches are .040" (1.02 mm) high.
3. Th e cas e mate rial is polysu lfo ne and shoul d be clean ed wi th alcoho l or f r eon TF on l y. Avoid chl orinated h ydr ocarbons and
solvents such as acetone or toluene, as damage may result.
4. VTL11D7-20H accom m odates mos t app l ic ations. Th e ot her part s i n t his series are av aila ble only for s pecialized, hi gh v olume
mA Min. Test Conditions nA Max. Test Conditions Volts Max. Test Conditions
IF mA VCE Volts IF mA VCE Volt s IF mA IC mA Emitter Detector
VTL11D1H 0.5 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 None None
VTL11D1-20H 0.15 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 .020" Wide None
VTL11D3H 2.0 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 1.8 None None
VTL11D3-20H 0.6 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 1.8 .020" Wide None
VTL11D5-20H 0.15 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 .020" Wide .010" Wide
VTL11D6-20H 0.075 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 .020" Wide .005" Wide
VTL11D7H 0.75 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 None .020" Wide
VTL11D7-20H 0.225 20 5 100 0 10 0.4 20 0.25 .020" Wide .020" Wide
PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, 22001 Dumberry, Vaudreuil, Canada J7V 8P7 Phone: 877-734-6786 Fax: 450-424-3413 www.perkinelmer.com/opto