Rev. 0.4 /January 2009 61
0.1 Jitter Notes
Specific Note a When the device is operated with input clock jitter, this p ar ameter needs to b e derated by
the actual tERR (mper), act of the input clock, where 2 <= m <=12.(output deratings are
relative to the SDRAM input clock.) For example, if the measured jitter into a DDR-800
SDRAM has tERR (mper), act, min = -1 72 p s and tERR (mper), a ct, max =+ 193 p s, th en
t DQSCK, min (derated) = tDQSCK, min - tERR (mper), act, max = -400 ps - 193 ps = -
593 ps and tDQSCK, max (derated) = tDQSCK, max - tERR (mper), act, min = 400 ps+
172 ps = + 572 p s. Similarly, tLZ (DQ) for DDR3-800 derates to tLZ (DQ), m in (derated) =
- 800 ps - 193 ps = - 993 ps and tLZ (DQ), max (derated) = 400 ps + 172 ps = + 572 ps.
(Caution on the min/max usage!) Note that tERR (mper), act, min is the minimum mea-
sured value of tERR (nper) where 2 <= n <=12, and tERR (mper), act, max is the maxi-
mum measured value of tERR (nper) where 2 <= n <= 12
Specific Note b When the device is operated with input clock jitter, this p ar ameter needs to b e derated by
the actual tJIT (per), act of the input clock. (output deratings are relative to the SDRAM
input clock.) For example, if the measured jitter into a DDR3-800 SDRAM has tCK (avg),
act = 2500 ps, tJIT (per), act, min = - 72 ps and tJIT (per), act, max = + 93 ps, then
tRPRE, min (derated) = tRPRE, min + tJIT (per), act, min = 0.9 x tCK (avg), act + tJIT
(per), act, min (derated) = tRPRE, min + tJIT (per), act, min = 0.9 x tCK (avg), act + tJIT
(per), act, min = 0.9 x 2500 ps - 72 ps =+ 2178 ps. Similarly, tQH, min (derated ) = tQH,
min + tJIT (per), act, min = 0.38 x tCK (avg), act + tJIT (per), act, min = 0.38 x 2500 ps -
72 ps = + 878 ps. (Caution on the min/max usage!)
Specific Note c These parameters are measured from a data strobe signal (DQS(L/U), DQS(L/U)) cross-
ing to its respective clock signal (CK, CK) crossing. The spec values are not affected by
the amount of clock jitter applied (i.e. tJIT (per), tJIT (cc), etc.), as these are relati ve to the
clock signal crossing. That is, these parameters should be met whether clock jitter is
present or not.
S pecific Note d These parameters are measured from a data signal (DM(L/U), DQ(L/U)0, DQ(L/U)1, etc.)
transition edge to its respective data strobe signal (DQS(L/U), DQS(L/U)) crossing.
Specific Note e For these pa rameters, the DDR3 SDRAM device supports tnPARAM [nCK] = RU
{tPARAM [ns] / tCK (avg) [ns]}, which is in clock cycles, assuming all input clock jitter
specifications are satisfied.For example, the device will support tnRP = RU {tRP / tCK
(avg)}, which is in clock cycles, if all input clock jitter specifications are met. This means:
For DDR3-800 6-6-6, of which tRP = 15ns, the device will support tnRP = RU {tRP / tCK
(avg)} = 6, as long as the input clock jitter specifications are met, i.e. Precharge command
at Tm and Active command at Tm+6 is valid even if (Tm+6 - Tm) is less than 15ns due to
input clock jitter.
Specific Note f These parameters are specified per their average values, however it is understood that
the following relationsh ip between the averag e timing and the absolute inst ant aneous tim-
ing holds at all times. (Min and max of SPEC values are to be used for calculations in
Table .