XDS560 Emulator Cable Pod Logic
Target Design Considerations for Using the XDS560 Emulation Pod
3.5 XDS560 Emulator Cable Pod Logic
Figure 3−2 shows a portion of the XDS560 emulator cable pod. The following
items are characteristics of the XDS560 pod:
-Signals TMS, TDI and TRST are series terminated to reduce signal reflec-
-The TCK signal output has a medium-current drive capability of 24 mA
IOL/IOH. The TCK signal is AC termination on the return side of the TCK
(TCK_RET). The termination voltage is set to ½ of the TVD voltage to mini-
mize loading effects.
-The TDO signal from the slave device is terminated at the pod of the cable
with a 10K Ω resistor pulled up to the same voltage as set by TVD voltage.
-The trigger level for high-to-low and low-to-high transition for TDO,
TCK_RET, and EMU0/EMU1 is set to ½ of the TVD signal. For TVD volt-
ages greater than 3.3 V, the trigger level is set to approximately 1.65 V.
-Signals TMS and TDI, by default, are generated on the rising-edge of the
TCK_RET signal, but can be generated from the falling edge of TCK_RET
to be in accordance with the IEEE 1149.1 bus slave device timing rules.
-The pod provides a programmable (TCK) test clock source. The range of
this TCK is 500 KHz to 50 MHz, but the operation is limited by timing of
various signals and the target devices. Note: All timing for the pod and
emulator are from the TCK_RET signal, therefore a user may provide their
own test clock (TCK).
-All output signals from the pod are Hi-Z, whenever the pod power is turned
on or TVD signal is reduced by more than one third of its reset voltage.
-Signals TCK, TMS, TDI, and TRST have a 100K pull-down resistor. This
is to ensure that the target inputs are at a set level given that the outputs
from the XDS560 pod are Hi-Z after a power failure or disconnect.
-Pin 4 of the emulation header is the Target Disconnect (TDIS) signal. This
signal is used to detect if the target pod is connected to a target board. Pin
4 on the user target board must be connected to ground.
-The impedance of the emulation pod cable is 50 Ω.
-Design Note: Pin 6 of the target emulation header is normally connected
to a ground signal on the target board. The target board designer may use
this pin 6 as an optional Host Disconnect (HDIS) signal. This signal could
be used within the target board to detect if the JTAG emulator cable/pod
header is connected.