Table 13: Electrical Characteristics Of Adjustable Output (IO = 10mA to 1A, TJ = 0 to 125°C,
VI = 4.5V to 7V, CI = 4.7µF, CO1 = CO2 = 4.7µF , otherwise specified)
NOT E 1: Bandwidth of 10 Hz t o 10KHz .
NO TE 2: 120 Hz inpu t ripple.
NOTE 3: CI = 20µF, C1 and CO2 = 10µF. CI, CO1 and CO2 are a l l X7R cera m ic capacitors.
NOT E 4: Guaranteed by de si gn, not tes ted in productio n.
NOT E 5: % undershoot or overshoot of VO.
Like any low-dropout regulator, the ST2L05 requires external capacitors for stability. We suggest
soldering both ca pacitor s as close as possible to the relative pins (1, 4 and 5).
An input capacitor, whose value is, at least , 2.2µF is requir ed; t he amount of the input c apacitance can be
increased wi thout limit if a good qual ity tantalum or aluminium capacitor is used.SMD X7R or Y5V ceramic
mult ilayer c apacitors could not ensure sta bility i n any condition b ecaus e of their varia ble c haracteristics
with Frequency and Temperature; the use of this capacitor is strictly related to the use of the output
capacitors. For more details read the “OUTPUT CAPACITOR SECTION”.The input capacitor must be
located at a dist ance of not more than 0.5" from the input pin of the device and returned to a clean analog
The ST 2L05 is designed specificall y to work with Ceramic and Tantalum capacitors.Special care must be
taken when a Cerami c multilayer capacitor is used.Due to their characteristics they can sometimes hav e
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VOReference Voltage IO = 5mA to 1A, VI = 4.75 to 5.25V,
T = 25°C 1.225 1.25 1.275 V
VOReference Voltage IO = 5mA to 1A, VI = 4.75 to 5.25V 1.212 1.25 1.287 V
∆VO2 Line Regulation 2 VI = 4.75 to 5.25V, IO = 5mA to 1A 0.35 %
∆VO2 Load Regulation 2 VI = 4.75V, IO = 10mA to 1A 0.4 %
VDDropout Voltage ∆VO = -1% IO = 1A 1.3 V
ISCurrent Limit VI = 5.5V 1 A
IADJ Adjustable Current (sinking) 1 µA
I∆ADJ Adjustable Current Change IO = 10mA to 1A 200 nA
IOMIN Min. Output Current for
regulation 2mA
eNRMS Output Noise (1)(4) T = 25°C 0.003 %
SVR Supply Voltage
Rejection (2)(4) VI = 5V 60 dB
∆VO2/∆IO2 Transient Response
Change of VO1 with step
load change(3)(4)
VI = 5V, IO = 1mA to 1A, tr ≥ 1µs 10(5) %
VI = 5V, IO = 1A to 1mA, tf ≥ 1µs 10(5)
∆VO2/∆VITransient Response
Change of VOUT1 with
application of VI (3)(4)
0 to 5V step input, IO= 1mA to 1A,
tr ≥ 1µs 10(5) %
∆VO2/∆IO2 Transient Response Short
Circuit Removal
Response (3)(4)
VI = 5V, IO = short to IO = 10mA 20(5) %
TRThermal Regulation (4) IO = 1A, tPULSE = 30ms 0.1 %/W
STemperature Stability (4) 0.5 %
SLong Term Stability (4)
(1000Hrs) TJ = 125°C 0.3 %