5SNR 10H2501
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA1580-03 May. 07 page 2 of 4
IGBT Characteristic Values3)
Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit
Tvj = 25°C 2.20 2.60 V
Collector-emitter saturation
voltage VCEsat IC = 1000 A,
VGE = 15 V Tvj = 125°C 2.70 3.00 V
Collector cut-off current ICES VCE = 2500 V, VGE = 0 V, Tvj = 125 °C 18 50 mA
Gate leakage current IGES VCE = 0 V, VGE = ±20 V, Tvj = 125 °C ±500 nA
Gate-emitter threshold voltage VGE(TO) IC = 180 mA, VCE = VGE, Tvj = 25 °C 5 7 8.5 V
Tvj = 25°C 1 J
Turn-on energy Eon
VCC = 1250 V,
IC = 1000 A,
RG = 3.9 Ω,
VGE = ±15 V,
Lσ = 200 nH
inductive load
Tvj = 125°C 1.5 J
Tvj = 25°C 1.4 J
Turn-off energy Eoff
VCC = 1250 V,
IC = 1000 A,
RG = 5.6 Ω,
VGE = ±15 V,
Lσ = 200 nH
inductive load
Tvj = 125°C 1.8 J
3)Characteristic values according to IEC 60747-9
Diode Characteristic Values4)
Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit
Tvj = 25°C 1.95 2.20 V
Forward voltage VFIF = 1000 A Tvj = 125°C 1.90 2.20 V
Tvj = 25°C 760 A
Reverse recovery current Irr Tvj = 125°C 950 A
Tvj = 25°C 560 µC
Reverse recovery charge Qrr Tvj = 125°C 950 µC
Tvj = 25°C 1.3 µs
Reverse recovery time trr Tvj = 125°C 1.8 µs
Tvj = 25°C 0.52 J
Reverse recovery energy Erec
VCC = 1250 V,
IF = 1000 A,
RG = 3.9 Ω,
VGE = ±15 V,
Lσ = 200 nH
inductive load
Tvj = 125°C 0.86 J
4)Characteristic values according to IEC 60747-2
Thermal Properties
Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit
IGBT thermal resistance
junction to case Rth(j-c)
IGBT 11 K/kW
Diode thermal resistance
junction to case Rth(j-c)
Diode 22 K/kW
IGBT thermal resistance case
to heatsink Rth(c-h)
Diode thermal resistance
case to heatsink Rth(c-h)
Heatsink flatness :
Complete module area < 100 µm
Each submodule area < 20 µm
Roughness : < 1.6 µm 4 K/kW
Operating junction
temperature Tvjop 5 125 °C